Dream 755 – Water, Water, Water Everywhere

Received on Saturday, December 2, 2023


Dear Father,

Who is like You?  Thank You for another day!  Thank You for a life of dreams while I sleep at night.  Thank You for miracles, signs and wonders in my waking hours!

  • Blessed be Your Name in all of the Earth.
  • Blessed are You who never sleeps and Your love abounds upon us.
  • Blessed are the Sparrows, for even though they are the least of the birds, Your eye is still on them always.
  • Blessed are Your children who remember, that when we are chastised in life, it is because of our Father’s love that we should lack no good thing.
  • Blessed are those who believe in You, Father, as when troubles of this world come, we know that all of this will soon pass away.

I have had a really awful last 2.5 months.  Our trip to Bend OR was the last time we had peace.  When we arrived home, the attacks began and have not stopped even for a moment.  They have cost us so much and even to the point of spiritual exhaustion.  As a parent, I can struggle with answering spiritual questions my grown children now sometimes ask…

  • Why is all of this happening to me (or us)?
  • Where is God?
  • Now that I have repented, when does He actually forgive me?
  • When does the pain stop?
  • Even though I have prayed and I know God hears me, is He still mad at me?

Well, I have been the sounding board to our children for a few weeks now…

  • My daughter’s faith is strong and doesn’t waver much.
  • My older son’s faith is building and he is learning to hear from God in Scripture and in signs in his walk.
  • My younger son just rededicated his life to God and what a spiritual battle has come against him. The enemy has sent the proverbial dark rain down upon him.
  • My stepdaughter doesn’t see God right now and is happy to go into the world without Him by her side… at least for now.
  • My stepson explains away with logic troubles and blessings as random chance. I am not sure if he hates God and is angry with Him or if he doesn’t believe at all.

Everyone sees God through their parents.  It is through our faith and testimony that we display the awesome miracle of the love of You.  A life of believing that everything is a miracle is a beautiful way to love. It is so wonderful in comparison to believing that nothing is a miracle and that we are not special to our Father.

I love You, Lord.  I knew about miracles from an early age.  As for my mom, she thought with incorrect logic because of her schooling at Berkeley that Jesus was merely a prophet and that the Bible was written by oppressive men who hated women.  Even so, there was one small portion of my mom’s life that contained miracles.  She said this consistently up until the time she left this Earth.  Here is a typical conversation…

Mom:  “Strange!  No matter what happens, a check in the mail or a bonus or a large tip at work comes in every time we are about to fail financially.  I can’t explain it.  There is some force that sees and provides for us no matter what.  We have never gone hungry.  We have never had the lights or gas cut off.  We have always had a home and all that we need.”

I clung to these words of hers.  She knew.  She knew.  This is God.  This is You, Father.  While You don’t give us everything we hope and pray for, You give us even better.  You know all of the parties concerned.  You give us what is best for us.  You have great plans for us.  Even so, troubles suck…

Illnesses… attacks… dark brown water… then no water at all… no heat… sick pets… invaders… family arguments… division… hurtful words… unanswered prayers… financial hardships…

The list goes on and on (sigh).  Now there are questions that I have, not the children.  However, the overall question remains… Father, what is going on here?  The week began with a sick dog… she now has pancreas troubles.  This is exactly what I have been trying to keep from being full blown in my own body.  Since I hadn’t been feeling well, I had been staying home to try to rest.

My younger son, who had rededicated his life to Jesus, has been struggling.  Something had happened and it triggered him.  He then began to workout in the middle of the night with weights.  This triggered my stepson, kept up by the loud workouts, and words were exchanged.  Tensions then escalated.  I found out what had happened the next morning.  I then needed to deescalate tensions to restore peace.

There were many absolutes spoken.  It hurt.  There were two days of battles.  I had a fever one night.  I prayed and You removed my fever.  Thank you.  My body is trying to fight infections.  Then after a seemingly good day on Thursday, it began to take a turn for the worse.  We got home at 4:30pm, but didn’t discover until 5:30pm when I began to work in the kitchen that we had big problems.

The tap water was brown and cloudy, like muddy river water.  I fumbled after that.  I didn’t know what to do.  I prayed and nothing.  We prayed.  Nothing.  Then the water stopped.  No water!  My younger son called me downstairs and we killed a spider on the way.  My daughter killed a spider at the exact same time.  Enemy attacks!  I went to pray for my younger son.

He then went to apologize to all those he had hurt with his words.  This felt like a huge breakthrough.  Dinner was difficult to clean up without water.  There is no way I would have chosen spaghetti if I had known.  We then went to bed after I had to make the noodles twice.  This is because, when I was straining the water, my hand gave way and all the noodles spilled into a dirty sink.  Not good. Not usable!

My stomach was now not doing very well.  I was so disheartened over all of the events.  My husband had fallen asleep when I received a text from my younger son that there was a loud mouse in the ceiling.  I then went down to hear it.  What I heard was no mouse.  It sounded much larger, like a squirrel or a bat.  My younger son then joked around that it was three demons stuck in the ceiling tormenting him from getting sleep.

After praying for him, I went to bed.  Well, my sleep was brutal.  I tossed and turned.  I didn’t feel well.  Everyone went to work Friday morning and I waited for the well workers to come to help us.  While they said they would be here at 11:00am, they didn’t come until around 12:45pm.

However, at 10:00am, a miracle happened.  I had been praying and worshiping then without thinking I turned on the faucet.  The water started and it was clear.  I was so excited.  I began to clean the toilets.  I kept checking the water.  While the water then went back to a trickle, at least the water was still clear.

The workers then had several items they had never experienced before on any other residential job.  The water meter was giving out sounds that they had never heard before.  They then found no water above 44 feet.  As they were talking about it, I knew in my heart that this was a spiritual warfare issue.  The main worker & supervisor remembered our system because he had installed it when the home was built.  It has two spillways for overflow and the area is like an octopus with tentacles at the point of the pump underground.

They decided to pull up the pump and check where the failure was.  They had hoped to repair it and put it back down again to complete the job for us.  However, the pump would not come up.  They became worried that it would break apart.  We would then have no water at all and even our trickle would be gone.  They broke it to me that they would need to bring in a boom truck to pull it out.  I then became depressed.

Supervisor:  “I am sorry to say that we will not be able to come back until next week.  It could be as early as Tuesday, but even as late as Friday.”

Me:  “How much will all of this be?”

Supervisor:  “I don’t like to ballpark these things anymore as everything is 40% more than it used to be before Covid.  How much did it cost you for the pump last time?”

Me:  “For everything, it was about $3,000.  That was six years ago.”

Supervisor:  “That is too bad that it wasn’t five years or less.  If it had been less than five years, it would have been under the five-year warranty.  You just missed it.”

Me:  “It sounds like we are looking at a hefty bill?”

Supervisor:  “Adding increased labor, the boom truck and the 40% increase, we are looking at around $5K altogether depending.  I am sorry that this is happening on a Friday.”

Me:  My stomach now feeling ill.  “Yes, it always happens when nothing can be done.”

Supervisor:  “And you are now at the mercy of the boom truck availability.”

Me:  “Thank you for coming out to see us.”

Supervisor:  “We will see you next week.”

After they left, I went inside, sat down and cried.  I cried so loud that even my dogs laid next to me and sulked.  I began reviewing my week and all of the troubles.  I felt out of options.

Just the day before, my husband and I went to an auctioneer who sold some of our junk after Jeff went into forced retirement a few years back.  We thought that, with kids moving away, this was a good time to do this again.

When we arrived, he didn’t greet us with his normal kindness.  I approached him to ask if we could get on his schedule.  He was so mean and sarcastic with his response.  I was in shock.  He was very mean to me.  My husband stuck up for me, but it was too late.  I was hurt.  When we got back in the car, my husband told me that we would not be going back to him again.  I agreed.  This man spoke like Satan to me.

As I reviewed all the events while crying at our dining table.  I went to the Lord in my sorrow, brokenness and sickness and pleaded -pouring my heart out before him.

Me:  “Father, You’re my Best Friend.  I love You.  Why are You allowing all of this?  What if I can’t physically recover?  What if this pump… well, Father, I bargained with You.  I asked for it to be healed.  We can’t do this right now.  Why are You allowing this?  Why?  When I pray for someone else, You answer their prayers.  Lord, we need help here and right now!”

I am crying even as I write this.  It is so disheartening.  I had to drive to town to purchase water and groceries.  I had to stop in to pay for snow tires.  By the time I was driving home, I was at the end of my prayers and still feeling so sad.  My older son then phoned.  I try to talk to him once a day.  While his dad has been acting really strangely, that’s a different rant for a different day.

My older son then told me of an incident that happened to him.  He felt as if he was awake in his bed when he was attacked by three demons in the form of black Dobermans or a hybrid with Rottweilers .  He finally called on Jesus and they disappeared.  However, he had never experienced anything like that.  I then realized that both my sons spoke about ‘three demons’ on the very same day.

All of us have now had attacks.  This is classic spiritual warfare!  I then had two separate dreams last night that seemed to reflect my recent troubles…

Sub-dream 1 “Bitter Water vs Living Water” begins…

I was walking in a city at night.  There had been a flashflood from a downpour after a time of very little rain… a drought.  There was brown water rushing into sewage drains.  The drains from the building’s rooftops added to the high water in the drains.  Some spouts then began to run out into the sidewalks.

The rain came faster and faster and with great volume.  It was flooding the water sources with brown water.  All the water taps of the people of the city were filled with brown opaque water.  The water was undrinkable as a result.  The rain kept going.  Some people came up to me.

Woman:  “Hey, where is this God of yours?  How about clearing this water up for us?  We are thirsty.  We were told that you contained water.  Since you have it, you are going to give it to us.  Come on now, out with it.”

Me:  “I don’t have any water.  It’s not like that.  I only have the Living Water that God would fill me with to pour out.  I don’t have what you are seeking.”

Man:  “Then you are useless to us.  Come, let us drink the brown water instead.  We are better off doing this then relying on God and His kind for drinking water.”

Me:  Praying.  “Oh Lord, please clear up this water and stop this torrential rain.”

Jesus:  “In this particular circumstance… no.”

I became so sad as I had wanted God to show His power to these people.  I saw them all fighting around me.  My very presence made the crowd grow angry.  They soon came after me and I was scared.

Me:  “Ah, Lord, a little help here please!”

A bottle of clear water instantly appeared in my hand.

Jesus:  “Drink this in the open.”

The crowd became really angry when they saw me drink this water.  They were then struck down before they could reach me.  Once on the ground, they started vomiting out the brown water that they had drank.  Out of this vomit came an army of demons.  They appeared as brown figures and they left.  The rain then stopped and the ground dried up.  A large fountain then appeared with Living Water.

Jesus:  “Instruct them to get up and drink.”

Me:  To the crowd.  “Get up and drink.  You are thirsty and this fountain will bring life.”

Most of the people got up to drink.  They were then healed of their illnesses and were changed.  Those who didn’t drink became even angrier at me, but more so at God for allowing them to suffer.  They would not turn to drink the good water.  I then saw black entities, perhaps ten per person, come and enter those who were bitter.

Me: I spoke over them  “Into your bitter hearts bitter demons enter.  Bitter water ingested leads to death.”

I then looked over at those who had drank the Living Water.  They looked healthy and were splashing in the fountain.  This brought a smile to my face!

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “As in the Days of Noah” begins…

I was walking on a dimly lit path after a storm.  Large flat stones lined the path.  Since I was looking for a key, I was turning over each stone.  While I could see clearly, I became frustrated with the process of turning over these stones.  As I turned one over after the other and soon more than I can even remember, I found the key I had been looking for.  Before me was a bright light on this path.  There was an angel of the Lord right there in front of me…

Angel:  “Erin, God is not angry at you.  The enemy is striking out against the children of God.  These are perilous times as in the Days of Noah.  Concerning your well, the enemy had no permission to enter your home.  They instead attacked you from below to cut off your water and steal what provision you have.”

Me:  “Why would God allow this?  He is my Best Friend.  Why?”

Angel:  “There is a great war.  If you knew what had been planned against you and your house, you would think that this water issue was small in comparison.  Now, I have a message for you from God… ‘Be patient.  Ride out these storms even when the world tells you there is no hope.  Continue on your course in doing My Will in all things.  All of this will come to nothing and your blessings will be multiplied.’

“Now, I was there with Noah.  He was ridiculed, scoffed at and his very life threatened.  He was disheartened.  His own family were concerned for their very lives.  Evil men plotted in town to dismantle his ark and use it for firewood.  They called for vile things against him and his family for no reason other than they existed.  God then sent angels to confuse their evil plans.

“He then made them drunk with wine as the animals came over the course of days and filled God’s Holy Ark.  Now you can imagine what it was like when the storm came.  Waters came from above and below.  The scoffers’ voices then became like those of beggars.  They were then drowned out by the rising waters.  Now, think again about Noah.  He followed the instructions and the Will of God.

“He built a boat on dry land, not having an understanding as to why or for what purpose.  However, he knew, because he was building a boat for Him, that he believed it was for the purposes of God, understand?  Now, you see the times of evil expanding quickly as a flood rising and overcoming all that was good.  It has been a plot of evil, the reverse, if you will.  The promise of a rainbow in the sky was taken for evil means and purpose.

“The evil then made a vow to flood the lands and peoples to defile it and remove all that is lovely, hopeful good and truthful, until there is no more on this Earth. (To flood not with water but instead with evil). Then those who remain will do the will of the fallen angels who seek revenge against God.  However, there is an Ark here, a promise and covenant made by God that there is shelter, a place He has prepared for all those who love Him.  As you look to the skies, where does your help come from?  It comes from the Maker of Heaven and Earth!”

Me:  “Oh… so… Heaven is the Ark?”

Angel:  “Well, yes, but there is dry ground here.  There are fields and these need harvesting.  The Temple of God is with His people and there He will take His seat.  However, He has also planned a Great Wedding Feast.  You are gathering as a Worker and Bride – a List Bearer and Witness to bring those to the Great Celebration.  What God has planned will be celebrated here as it is in Heaven.

“There is still a battle here, Erin.  When these attacks come, it is not because God is angry at you.  It is because the enemy has come against you with all its resources and because of who you are to the King.  Now, rejoice, as this is a good thing!  Now, soon all will change.  God has placed a plan on your heart.  Now bring these into God’s presence and before Him, He will bless them.

“God planned the Ark and gave Noah the heart to build it and the faith and fortitude to see it through to completion.  He then believed God for the rest.  In God, you must trust.  Now, all of what the prophets have written and spoken of for this time is now here.  Watch and see the Power of our God!”

Sub-dream 2 over…

Jesus:  “`Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Me:  “Father, what was the key I was searching for?”

Jesus:  “Praise in the storms… prayer in the midst of these… faith to believe in Me for the outcome!  Erin, I love you and I will send you all that you need!  I am God and I hold the Key!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-756/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-754/

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