Dream 772 – I have been at this for Thousands of Years

Received on Saturday, January 27, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for a new day here!  Thank You for another day of life.  It snowed all day yesterday.  I arrived home at noon and it began to snow shortly after.  It didn’t stop until 3:00am.  This morning was so beautiful to see.  Fresh powder and sparkles of diamond light reflected in the sun.

It was too wonderful not to step outside for fresh air.  I brought a fresh seed tray and I could hear birds communicating in the trees.  Maybe they were saying, ‘She’s here!  We will now eat a great breakfast of dry seeds!’  While I don’t know what they say, I would like to think it is a thank you.  I just don’t know.

Father, I have been silent lately.  I have been staying busy so that I have no extra time to think.  Anything I say to my kids about the situation upsets them, so I stay silent.  There really isn’t anything to say.  My stepdad had two favorite quotes; ‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride’ and ‘Silence is golden’.  Well, I agree that silence is golden when nothing good can be said.

We dropped off little Zoey at the vets for her surgery yesterday.  I signed all of the required forms.  She was shaking.  Amber was with me, so we went out for breakfast afterwards.  I hadn’t done that in a while.  After this, we went to the Christian bookstore.  I prayed that maybe there would be some books on miracles.  I picked up a book titled, ‘How to hear from God when He is silent.’  I heard the Voice of the Lord…

Jesus:  “Erin, this is ridiculous!  I am here with you.  To hear from Me, just speak and I will answer.  There is not one book here, other than My Word which I authored, that will tell you greater things than I can.  It is a chasing.  No books, only My Word.  Now, about this book you just chose on wanting to hear from Me.  Really?  Has it really come to this?”

I laughed so hard that my daughter asked me what was so funny.  I told her what the Lord had just said and we both laughed.  As we were walking toward the movie section, I caught a glimpse of the title of a book.  It was about keeping a ‘Cancer Diary’ while battling cancer.  I heard the Lord’s Voice again.

Jesus:  “No, Erin!  Don’t even think about it.  I am all you need.  I am your book.  My Word is your Lamp.  I am God.”

Well, this was certainly settled now.  I left the book where it was and walked away.  We then found a movie to watch and the Lord didn’t protest.  I then received a phone call from Zoey’s veterinarian as we moved to the check out.

Vet:  “Hi, Erin.  Regretfully, we are not moving ahead with Zoey’s surgery.  Her bloodwork showed a new issue with her kidneys.  Her levels are so high that we are not comfortable putting her through surgery.  Her liver values are also 200 points higher than when we last tested.  We are sorry.”

Me:  “How much longer does she have?”

Vet:  “I am not comfortable giving a time because animals are different than humans.  Our estimates can be off.  However, we did notice that Zoey is so happy and energetic right now.  I will send you home with antibiotics for if she flares up and of course pain medication.  She is 15 now and could have more years.  We just don’t know.  However, I will say this… she had bloodwork six months ago and both her liver and kidney panels are 200 points above where they were.  You can come to pick her up anytime.”

We drove to pick her up and arrived home shortly before the snow fell.  Zoey seemed both happy and energetic.  This was such a relief!

As for my dreams, they have been quite strange this week.  I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Great America closes permanently” begins…

I was in a massive amusement park.  It was Marriott’s Great America.  This park is normally open all year round.  However, the park was now closing permanently.  There was an announcement that rides will stop operating at 5:00pm and exiting the park must be completed by 6:00pm.

There were young people in their teens and 20s hurrying to the wild rides and rollercoasters.  Families were waiting in line at the family rides.  People were not excited though.  Many of them were crying.  I heard one parent talking to another parent…

Parent:  “I came here with my parents and they came here with theirs.  Now what will happen?  Look, even the workers are crying.  They will now have no income.”

(I had personally attended the very first opening of the Santa Clara, California on May 20, 1976 for my 8th grade class trip).

After hearing this, I went back to my room at a nearby hotel to pack my things to leave.  I was younger in my dream.  Since I had so many garments with me, I decided to leave the majority of them for anyone who wanted them.  I proceeded to check out with only a small bag and one change of clothes.  I went up to the front counter…

Me:  “I am checking out.”

Clerk:  “Oh, you can’t check out.  Everyone’s bill is no charge.  We are closing.  I will no longer be paid in just fifteen minutes she pointed to the clock overhead.  New people are coming in to take over.”

Me:  “New?”

Clerk:  “Yes.  Great America is closing permanently.”

Me:  “Do you mean the park or the park along with all of America?”

Clerk:  “Look, we were all warned.  However, no one did anything to stop the enemy.  This hotel will now house the new army that is taking over.  You had better leave while you can.  We are all leaving now.”

I could see that she was panicking.  I left the lobby and began to walk away from the area.  I then ran into an old acquaintance.

Acquaintance:  “Erin, come and see some of your family that are still around here.  Some of them still live in the same old home.”

Me:  “Okay, I will.”

She then proceeded to take me to a place that I had not been to in around twenty years or more.  I saw my brothers and their families there.  They seemed oblivious to what was happening all around them.  They were in the process of relocating their household to another area.

Me:  “Where are you moving to?”

My Older Brother:  “Away from the coastline.  We are heading up to the mountains.  Since we have the room there, why don’t you come along with us?  We will have enough power, sewer and supplies there until all of this blows over.”

Me: “Okay, we will go.”

We then heard a very loud announcement on the park’s speaker system…

Park Announcement:  “The Marriott’s Great America is now permanently closed.”

There was a bright light in the sky followed by some fireworks.  All of the horizon then went dark.  I woke up suddenly.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I then had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “An Exam for thee, an Exam not for thee” begins…

I was late for a final exam at a prestigious university.  I was in my car, but having a hard time finding a parking spot.  I then realized that almost all of the cars were abandoned and hollowed out.  They had been stripped of all value.

I decided not to park in the lot.  I found a utility vehicle road and parked there.  After I parked, I rushed off to my exam room.  When I arrived at the door of the exam, the door was already locked.  I looked at the time.  I had missed the exam window by just one minute.  Before I could leave, I saw the proctor rush over to unlock the door…

Me:  “Please let me finish the test.  I studied.”

Proctor:  “Okay.  However, you must promise to complete the exam at the appointed time.  Do you have a pencil?”

Me:  “No, I only have a pen.”

Proctor:  “Well, then, that says confidence.  Come on in.  Do not disturb the others.”

I nodded in agreement.  I was surprised to see only half of our class there.  There were about forty people there taking the exam.  I sat down and began the test.  The questions were extremely easy and really dumb.  They even had one question that asked what 1 plus 2 was.  I went to turn in my completed exam after only twenty minutes.

Proctor:  “Wow, impressive.”

I then turned to leave the room.

Proctor:  “Hey, wait a minute… I accidentally gave you the test meant only for certain members of the class, a different demographic than you.  In other words, I gave you the wrong test.”

Me:  I sighed in discouragement.  “Okay, but I will now have twenty minutes less time to complete this exam.”

Proctor:  “I will give you extra time.”

She had a smug look on her face as she knew I would struggle with this different exam.  I took the test and walked back to my seat to begin.  I flipped over the page.  When I scanned the questions, my mouth opened in shock.  There were questions there impossible for me to know.  This wasn’t even class material being tested.  I knew I was in big trouble here. (Like quantum physics)

I took some deep breaths and prayed.  Suddenly, the answers were now written in light, a type of illuminated script.  This light was on the paper, yet floated above it at the same time.  Hard to describe.  When I ran my fingers over the answers as I read them, the illuminated answers turned to ink and in my handwriting.  I finished the entire test in around ten minutes.  I went over to the proctor to turn it in.

Proctor:  In complete shock.  “Oh, wow!  Please… wait just a minute…”

She got up and went out into the hallway.  I could overhear her speaking to a couple of security guards.

Proctor:  “Okay, she’s one of them.  We got her.”

I then saw them turn to come back in the room.  Before they could see me, a bright light flashed.  I was suddenly in my car outside leaving the campus.  I was safe.

Sub-dream 2 over…

The other dreams I have had have a consistent theme.  I am doing normal business with store owners who fail to see that half of their businesses has been blown up.  They are then in a state of shock when I point this out and they still refuse to see it.  The stores I have seen in these dreams include grocery stores, gas stations and other retail places.  It is always so sad to see.

Oh Father, I have been quiet lately.  I don’t have much to say right now.  Things are not going well for me.  I have done everything You have instructed me to do.  I am so very sad.  I feel like my candle is burning out.  We are struggling here, Father.  We are not just struggling financially, but also in other ways.

I am waiting for something that still has not come.  Even so, everything You have instructed me to do has come in full faith.  These times now are so scary.  I won’t make it as I am right now.  Oh Father, we won’t make it without You.  Please grant us not just a trimmed wick, but a new wick with a fresh flame.  All of our hopes are in You alone.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Then this is all you need.  I am all you need, Erin.  I am with you.  I love you.”

Me:  “Lord, America is about to fall.  Please help us.  Please stop all of this.”

Jesus:  “I have allowed this visible corruption for all to see.  Evil now advances out in the open.  An army of men who hate America now advances.  These men were taught to hate America and the people there from the beginning.  The enemy has plans to destroy all things.  Hate has increased and so too has all evil in full display.  There is no good news reported on because this is a war strategy.  Now, think about this… ‘The Audacity of Hope’.”

Me:  “This was the title of a book written by a former President.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  However, he seeks to increase audacity and remove all hope.  It was based on a lie and also a dig to God.  Audacity is a double-minded word.  Now, you have lost hope in your plans or what you thought My plans are.”

Definition of Audacity:  1. A willingness to take bold risks.  2.  Rude or disrespectful behavior; impudence.

Me:  “Yes, Lord, I have.  I just want to be here to be a part of everything. I have come so far.  This is an impossible part of my journey unless you take it.”

Jesus:  “So, are you giving this to Me?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  We are in trouble here, Lord.  Unless You step in, we will have limited choices.  How will I afford the medical bills?  They bankrupted me in 2012.”

Jesus:  “You will not be bankrupt.  I will care for you.  I offer you great benefits, vacation and a full medical and dental plan.  I have not pulled My favor from you.  I will not stop now.  Can you hang in there with Me a little longer here?  You have acted on full faith.  You have pursued Me and have given your plans to Me.

“However, you are now sad because of the unknown.  You are sad because you have ‘hope deferred’.  However, My blessings for you and your house are not deferred.  Have you thought about each thing, each event, though tragic to many, has benefited you and is for your good?  Will you be patient a little longer?”

Me:  “From our perspective, all of this is taking such a very long time.  We are all growing older.  My child-like ways are disappearing.  My joyful skip and delight in little things seem to have left me.”

Jesus:  “Erin, how long have you been at this with Me?”

Me:  “Well, I am going on 12 years.”

Jesus:  “Hmm… I have been at this for thousands of years.  You are here at the time of the end, the time when you are witnessing all that is good now fading fast.  However, this is different.  Why?  Because I am here with you.  All that you are going through is so that My glory will be visible through you.

“Erin, not your will be done, but My Will be done in you.  Just because you don’t see Me working doesn’t mean I have stopped.  I have not stopped nor will I stop.  I will continue to bless you.  Erin, you are Mine.  Now, remember this… I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if you were told.”

Me:  “That is happening now with the evil.”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin, but I have not yet moved in My miracles in the ways you all are waiting for.  I am not dead.  Erin, I live.  Now, I know you have few words right now.  However, I will send you signs, wonders and miracles that cannot be refuted.  Your joy will soon return.  Allow Me to carry you on this portion of your journey.  Erin, I promise to keep you close to My heart and under My care.  Now, will you surrender yourself to My arms?”

Me:  “Oh yes, Lord.  I miss when I was in toddler form in the beginning of these dreams,  I would lay my head on Your shoulder.  This was in a heavenly place, a place where the sun was warm and the atmosphere was clear like crystal and vibrant with intensity.  I smelled Your garments and touched Your curls.  I then slept in the safety of You, my Savior.  I was at peace.  Oh Lord, there is truly no other place that I would rather be.”

Jesus:  “Well, then this is settled.  I love you, Erin.  I am with you and you are with Me.  You are loved.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-773/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-771/

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