Dream 777 – Holding on to His Amazing Grace
Received on Thursday, February 1, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day here! It is early. I went to my knees this morning. I need a miracle. You know what is needed. Oh Father, please help me. I love You. There is too much to do here. Please have mercy on me. Please keep my feet on Your upright path. Please make my steps sure and my way straight. More than this though, be with me. Father, please hold my hand.
We are foreigners and aliens here. I am a citizen of Heaven who lives here on Earth at Your service in these times. Each one of us has a unique assignment or blueprint on how this will come to be, which only you know. Various people are placed here to travel this journey with us. If this were theater, then, ideally, we would be heroes or heroines who serve the Master Superhero… YOU!
In this scenario, we are set up with friends who come and go in waves. There are constant players along with us who are our family members and the main support actors in each scene. Then there are the people who come and aid us during the play sent by either our Master Superhero, You, or the master supervillain, Satan. These people could be bankers, pastors, doctors, teachers, accountants and so on.
These people have important roles to our journey and shape each scene of the play. Heros and villains have a constant push and pull relationship. The MercyMe song titled ‘Flawless’ suddenly came to mind…
“Then like a hero who takes the stage when we’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late.”
However, I also love these next few lines…
”Well let me introduce you to amazing grace. No matter the bumps. No matter the bruises. No matter the scars. Still the truth is… the cross has made… the cross has made you flawless. No matter the hurt or how deep the wound is, no matter the pain, still the truth is, the Cross has made, the Cross has made you flawless.”
I am so grateful for God’s Grace and His amazing unconditional love for us. I am a player in the Lord’s Play and I am thankful. It is like being picked by a captain at a kickball game at recess or selected from a large pool of people for a purpose. It is exciting, shocking and then a bit of panic sets in when you wonder if your abilities as the one chosen will match the expectations of the one who chose you.
The “what ifs” then set in. Hopefully the game begins before the insecurities play out. No matter what, Father, I will love You. There are no conditions…
- I loved You when I had nothing.
- I loved You in poverty.
- I loved You in wealth.
- I loved You when my talents were taken from me.
- I loved You when my training as an artist was no longer applicable.
- I loved You when my hopes and dreams as a professional athlete were taken, even where I can’t just enjoy this recreationally.
- I loved You when I discovered horrible things had happened to my children at the hands of someone I trusted.
- I loved You when I was falsely accused… even when my mental abilities to parent were questioned before a judge & courtroom.
- I loved You when we lost all that I had spent my time working for.
- I loved You when I was falsely accused of bad work.
- I loved You when I was passed over for promotions.
- I loved You when others took awards for all the work I had done and I received no credit.
- I loved You when I received bad news.
- I loved You when my prayers didn’t line up with your will.
- I loved You when I felt unloved.
I still loved You. You have a better way. I loved You through all of this and I will not stop. Since I won’t stop loving You, maybe You can call off the pesky demons on this one. You love me unconditionally. I love You unconditionally. Can You grant my request, Father? Would You consider healing me?
I had a very elaborate dream last night. When I woke up, it was 6:00am and I chased the dream. I lost it except for a few scenes. This too is Your Will, Father, so I will take what remnant You left with me…
Sub-dream 1 “A Mad Young Man in an Amazing Church” begins…
I was with my daughter in a very large church even though no church like this even exists in the Northeast. We were in the Worship Center Wing. There was a recording studio and a choir room. There were also several rehearsal rooms that looked like instrument classrooms in a music college. I could tell that this was a worship-centered church with a very large budget.
My daughter: “Mom, there is an elite group of artists and musicians nearest to God’s Altar. It is a special Army of God who is led by the angels of God.”
It was truly amazing. As we walked through the area, the smell was a smell that I can only define with the label of ‘brand new’!
Me: “So, this is where miracles are orchestrated.”
My daughter: “The miracles are conducted by God. All of us are His instruments. The healing comes in worship and praise. It is okay to dance and sing now!”
Just then, a young man who is a worship leader we know was in one of the recital rooms. He was wearing a woven knit crocheted sweater of many colors with holes in it. He was complaining and knocking over music stands with sheet music. He was cursing God’s Worship Center.
Young man: “This is stupid. They think they are so great. I am so much better. I do it all. So stupid.”
Me: “Is that ‘young man’s name’?”
My daughter: “Yes. I guess he wasn’t selected. Now we know why.”
Me: “His thoughts are way out there. He can’t keep them inside.”
My daughter: “I am not surprised. He is jealous and prideful. You can now add angry.”
He kicked a French Horn and this woke me up.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Me: “Father, How many Christians are under demonic strongholds and have selfish ambitions?”
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. There is a mystery soon to be revealed as God’s Army is revealed. As there are orders and ranks in the demonic realm, so too are there greater ranks in the Armies of God. What you saw is the Worship Center in My Holy Temple soon to be.”
Me: “Does this include a recording studio?”
Jesus: “Why not? My music will go with My people and it will be here as it is in Heaven.”
Me: “This is wonderful, Lord! I am excited!”
Jesus: “I have wonderful plans prepared for those who love Me and even for those who didn’t know they could love Me.
“Now, there will be many who believe themselves deserving of these works. However, they never really sought Me. Although Christian, they gave themselves over to the gods of this world. These gods drew their attention away from Me and lured them to self-love and self-edification and to the trappings of darkness that has fallen upon My churches.
“Now, when I am working through a pastor with My Message, there is no reason to edit God from the pulpit. There is no shame in the truth. There is no need for a point and click sermon online to purchase. This is cheating.”
Me: “Point and click sermons?” I then looked this up. “Oh, my goodness… whoa… shocking… Oh Lord in Heaven! How would anyone even know?”
Jesus: “I can still work with a message even though it is cheating.”
Me: “So, this is cheating?”
Jesus: “Well, yes. They are cheating themselves out of a close relationship with Me. If I can write a Word through a man in hour, just think what I could do with a five-day work week. So then, are they surprised when they are not called?
“I would much rather have a broken pastor come before Me in great humility and confess he is burned out and void of Me than one who rises to the pulpit and condemns the sins of those who sit in the pews. He is a good actor and even cries at will while he sells someone else’s words from God. This pastor is on life support.”
Me: “Oh Lord, there are so many churches like this now. It seems many messages are insincere.”
Jesus: “Erin, you remember this in seminary. All the young pastors were more concerned with pop culture than ‘boring old Me’.”
Me: “This is true! The Matrix was all the discussion focus in theology. I wasn’t a fan of the Matrix though. I did my presentation on ‘Veggie Tales: Jonah Movie’ instead. I then received one of the only A grades because I used Biblical characters and related it to believers today. In contrast to my A, I was scoffed at by the young pastors. That was in the spring of 2003.”
Jesus: “Who is more relevant to God… Jonah or… hmm, what was the other thing?” The Lord pretended to be absent-minded, which, of course, He is never. “Here today and relevant and gone tomorrow in the blink of an eye. These are the same ones who grasp onto pagan practices in culture to remain popular from the pulpit. Removing God is the trend these days.”
Me: “This makes me sad.”
Jesus: “A lamb should never have to question whether its shepherd will send it off into the wild to entertain wolves. It should never wonder if its shepherd would abandon it or worse, understand? This is why I hold those who preach My Words to a higher standard. I expect My Words to be Mine and the delivery of My Words to come from the heart of the deliverer, understand?
“So, yes, there will be some angry lazy workers. Another order of demons was then routed to blind them and give them ‘god over all’ complexes. They build up their own pride and self-importance, their power and their trivial humor. Erin, it is difficult to see all that occurs in God’s house at the hands of evil.”
Me: “Oh Lord, please stop this. Please stop this as only You can.”
Jesus: “Erin, in order for people to turn back to God, they must experience evil firsthand and then remember what it was like for them to be under My care as their Shepherd. Wolves can’t shepherd sheep. Wolves run with their pack of wolves and eat sheep, tearing at their flesh. However, I promise you though… I will not ‘observe’ long before administering justice. Soon the wolves will devour their own flesh and drink their own blood.”
Me: “Yuck! Oh Lord, You are so very strong with Your Words today.”
Jesus: “I am the same God over all things. I tell you the truth here… pray for that young man.”
Me: “Thank You, Lord. We will.”
Jesus: “Now, I have you. You are in My capable arms. You are loved.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-776/
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