Dream 778 – Only God can stop the End-Time ‘Migration’

Received on Saturday, February 3, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!

I had a disturbing dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Carving up a Dead Eagle Carcass” begins…

In my dream, I was asleep in my bed when an angel of the Lord that I recognized was over me.

Angel:  “Arise, Erin.  I have been sent to show you the plans of the evil leaders so you can pray.”

He reached for my hand.  I was now in a conference room observing men.  There were no women.  They had just finished an exotic meal consisting of roasted eagle on a silver platter.  There was one chief leader who was remote and spoke from a black screen monitor.  The room was extremely high tech and the furnishings were custom.  It was unlike anything that I had ever seen.

A server came to begin the clearing of the plates.  A crew of personal servers then came into the room.  They were all men.  They wore black suits, white gloves and a white linen tea towel draped across their forearms.  These were formally trained butlers.  The main butler addressed the darkened screen…

Main butler:  “Shall I commence, sir?”

Head leader:  “Yes.  And have this sent to me after the preparations.”

Main butler:  “Of course, sir.”

He then proceeded to take a large heavy cleaver out from under his towel.  The cleaver was so heavy and sharp that it was unlike anything I had ever seen.  It had a Damascus design.  He proceeded to take this cleaver and sever off the head of the bald eagle carcass.  It was so fresh that the head looked alive.  The head was not cooked or harmed, only the body was cooked.

The butler placed the head of the very large eagle on a repousse silver platter.  It was small and ornate.  I could not tell the pattern.  Each butler then took the plates from each of the attendees in precise order and timing.  It looked perfectly choreographed and executed.  It was so perfect that one would need to have a flaw specifically pointed out to notice it.  To me, there were no flaws.

I then noticed that two of the walls of this room were all glass windows from floor to ceiling.  However, I couldn’t tell where they were.  I then saw each of the attendees had some type of virtual screen agenda that was from the conference table.  The agenda was lengthy.  The table leader began the meeting…

Table leader:  “Europe is close to collapse.  Canada is simple and on track to fall shortly.  Mexico has been easy.  The Crown Jewel is being consumed as we speak.”

Attendee:  “How quickly can we expect the USA to fall?”

Table leader:  Addressing the dark screen.  “Sir, what should we expect?”

Head leader:  “While there have been minor issues, timing has been critical.  Rome did not fall in a day.  Geographically, the USA has not been easy.  I have almost all of my army prepared.”  Now addressing a different man.  “What are the logistics?”

Man 1:  “As you know, we have been able to infiltrate every aspect of concern and have armies unlike any war ever fought.  While we had hoped the pandemic would have led to a more widespread civil war, this didn’t happen as quickly.  We are now nearing our three-year marker to finish our work.

“We have been able to manipulate information and channel this for what the reporters believe to be the greater good and that is to defeat Trump.  We have had to silence any dissent and remove information that is not in sync.  Now, as you know, we had hoped that civil war would have broken out and been more attention grabbing.

“Because this did not occur as we had hoped, we increased our strikes against the majority of the population to remove their power and raise up the minority groups.  This still hasn’t worked as quickly as we had hoped.

“To make matters worse, many minority groups have now become sympathetic to the majority and have joined their party.  As a result, we have increased the invasions to the borders from crime ridden countries and increased the recruitment incentives.”

Head leader:  “Where are we with the UN?”

Man 2:  “We have incentivized recruitment from Africa, South America and the Middle East.  As you know, the (black dragon) Holy Book requires that mass migration will result in their promised land.  All of the lands are for the followers of the prophet.  All Christians must be removed and their places of worship destroyed.  To them, Christians are easily removed.  Once this army is called into action, we will take the nation.  Once it starts, this should be easy.”

Man 3:  “Using the plausible deniability and gaslighting techniques, we have been able to change and confuse the narrative.  We have armies of influencers across all platforms.  We are powerful.  Look how easy it was to manipulate the Israel situation.  We have Palestinian sympathizers everywhere similar to the antifa support.  We have weaponized legal systems and the population is becoming scared.  Fear is setting in.  It won’t be long.  Any narrative can be changed.  We can blackout any uprisings or dissent.  We are even calling in our specialists to ‘X-Out’ issues.”

They all laughed together.  The angel then reached for my hand again and we were instantly over several USA cities.  They were now unrecognizable.

Me:  “Oh my, this is horrifying.”

The angel then brought me home.

Angel:  “Erin, what appears to be incompetence is actually being done with great precision.  This is coercive engineered migration.  It is an act of war.  You are in a war.  These people are voluntarily leaving their countries to invade and coerce the people of God and the inhabitants of the land.  They are forcing and overrunning the governments to replace them.  If it isn’t seen, you cannot know.  Their goal is to force submission.”

Me:  “What about my dream of the mall in the Tri-Cities WA and the horrible conditions that are coming?”

Angel:  “These things are the beginning of woes.  Now, it is not too late for people to turn back to God.  The people must turn back to God as He is the only way.  The plans of the wicked are increasing faster than they can be discovered.  The meeting of men that you saw showed you what happened a while ago.  This is so you would not be surprised when these things come to pass.”

Me:  “So, our vehicle was allowed to be stolen for God’s purposes of revelation?”

Angel:  “Well, yes, but those with eyes to see can see.  Those with ears to hear can hear.  Those with lips to speak are silenced.  The car was taken because this was part of a greater plan at play by the enemy.  You need to understand that a blueprint was engineered and there is a bigger project.

“However, attention is drawn instead to a bad nail in one corner of a small room so that no one notices what is being built here.  There is a war.  The war is against the children of God by the sons of perdition and the armies of perdition.  Their methods are evil and vile, so vile that asking for mercy triggers them to do even worse things.”

Me:  “Can’t the Lord just stop this?  What about…”

Angel:  “I am only here to warn you of the evil planned against the people of the land and the children of God.  However, God has a greater plan to save and redeem.”

I heard a bell and he was gone.  I sat up in bed awhile disturbed about all that the angel had just shown me.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I thought about a part of this dream that I was not to write down and I was so sad.  If they can control the food, the power grid, the water and the medicine, there will then be mass casualties.  If they are allowing the auto thefts and the car jackings, they then stop transportation.  They want to force us into homes in the inner cities.

Years ago, I saw abandoned hospitals with patients left there to die.  They had no care and no medicine and then no food and no water.  They cut their power, water and heat off.  Our family had personally experienced a very mild version of this in December 2023 when our power went out for days.  It was so stressful.

I then fell asleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “A Giant Global Earthquake” begins…

I could see from a bird’s eye view all across the globe.  I then heard several shouts of angels and the sound of a trumpet, or horn, of an epic size.  Just then, the entire globe shook.  Tall buildings fell.  Landmarks cracked.  The ground split.  Ancient buildings fell into the sea.

It lasted eight minutes.  Wave after wave.  Not one area was left unshaken.  Whole mountains were leveled.  I heard another trumpet blast and then it stopped.  I heard a very loud voice shouting…

“Three hours until darkness falls!”

I could hear alarms.  There were fires all over the place.  People looked like zombies or in a catatonic shocked state.  I woke up suddenly when I saw a beautiful Mediterranean  city in white stucco completely fall into the sea.  It happened so fast.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Oh Father, this was so sad.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  The rise in evil has increased quickly by the order of a few wicked leaders against their own people.  In the first dream, you can see they have great influence and money.  When caught individually, they act indignant and offended with false outrage and humility.  This is theater.

“Erin, their goal is to kill the population by using great suffering, shame and humiliation.  While removing God was their first tactic, I can’t be removed by man or anything else.  I am God.  This is an inconvenient problem for the evil leaders, especially when I well up in My people and rise.

“Now, you were sent an angel to show you the plans of the wicked.  However, there is more.  All of the leaders in most of the countries of the world were placed in their positions against the will of the people in order to change the order of things and to remove My Laws, and My Word.  They want to destroy the citizens by enslavement.

“However, I am in control over all things and it is I who rules, not them.  Even so, this is a pivotal year for their great agenda.  These are their goals…

  • They will continue to allow the ‘Great Migration’ to increase foreign influence and decrease those who love their lands.
  • They must then remove the threat of the people voting to throw out the government as it is.
  • They have various plans in place to remove the threat and intimidate the people.
  • They have another illness plague sent to kill and even a way to threaten citizens with this.
  • If they can overwhelm and frighten the people by coercion, they will.

“Erin, these are their plans.  However, you are to remember this… God is the Great Equalizer and it is I who controls all things.”

Me:  “Lord, please don’t allow all of this.  It is painful to be here right now.  My children and all the young adults, teens and children are being robbed of the life we had when we were young and worshipped and honored You.  We played and didn’t worry about all the threats there are today.”

Jesus:  “Each generation has struggles.  However, you are correct… the end of the age is different.”

Me:  “I am sad, Lord.  While I know I should be excited, I am sad instead.”

Jesus:  “I have you, Erin.  Do not worry.”

Me:  “Lord, all has changed.  How will we make it?”

Jesus:  “You will make it because you are Mine.  I have promised to never forsake you.  I will never leave you.  One other thing… the sons of perdition are an army unlike any other and are rising.”

Me:  “You told me not to worry.  These are killers with no morals and no care.”

Jesus:  “I know who they are and where they end up.  Very few are redeemed as their idea of Heaven involves anything but.  They will have their fill of sin and evil.”

Me:  “They have no conscience.  They are like sociopaths.”

Jesus:  “Well, they aren’t social.  Now, I have a plan in place and, in an instant, they will be removed.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord!  I love You!”

Jesus:  “I love you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-779/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-777/

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