Dream 782 – The Incredible Throne of our Great God
Received on Saturday, February 10, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! Thank You for all that You have done. I am grateful for You, Father, for all of the little things. I love You. You have given my life so much value. The things that I thought truly mattered in life before I knew You are now worthless. The days are short and the years are fleeting. My body is older and doesn’t match the age of my being. In my heart, I am still young.
I used to see a mountain and think, ‘I could climb that.’ Based on the forestry trail map, I would then consider things like, ‘Could I finish before lunch or is 2:00pm more realistic?’ As the years went by, I was instead thinking, ‘Do I have all day to climb?’ And now in my current state, I think, ‘Hmm, beautiful mountain!’ and no more. I no longer consider the climb. It is impossible for me now.
There was a time when I was literally glued to a basketball. I was around 16 to 17 years old at the time. While I was good, I had lost my desire for the sport when we lived in California. I was on the Jr. Varsity team in my freshman year and was called to suit up for the Varsity team occasionally. I was a very aggressive point guard. I was fast and was known for my ability to steal the ball from the opposing team.
This also meant that I led in assists and layups. The problem occurred one away game when the other team’s players decided to hurt me on the court. I was targeted and therefore drew fouls. I then drew fouls in retaliation. Then when a technical foul was called against one the players, three girls decided to gang up on me to physically teach me a lesson. They began to punch me. I got up and punched back.
While they were ejected, so was I. I was ejected because I had lifted an elbow to fight back. It was then publicly humiliating. I had to wait in the upper bleachers. I was heckled by fans. The coach then sent me to the bus. I then quit the team. The end. My mom moved us a few months after this. The coaches then decided that I still deserved to ‘letter’, so they mailed me a note, a photo of the team and my letter. A letter is earned, not guaranteed, I didn’t deserve it but they believed I did.
In the fall of 1977, all I remembered was the Varsity coach saying, ‘I could have used you. I considered you a bright star.’ While I was still a good ball handler, my mom and brothers teased me that I was now a girly player who cared more about boys, makeup and hair. Well, the truth is that they were 100% correct. Even so, I spent a great deal of side time trying to do tricks with my basketball.
I soon moved on from basketball. My tomboy years were gone. In my heart, I can still play softball, basketball, golf, dance and play pool. However, other than dance and perhaps golf at one point, my mom and brothers always seemed better than me. Oh Father, sometimes this feels like just yesterday. I was such an angry kid. I displayed unsportsmanlike conduct as a badge of honor until that final day of basketball.
The humiliation I experienced was worthy of a prompt move. To make matters worse at the time, I was not selected for homecoming court. However, my five best friends were. According to the voting results, I finished tied for sixth. I only knew the results because I was the freshman class president. But this was a disaster because during homecoming week, all the class presidents had a pie eating contest. This was a tradition at our school.
On the table were lemon merengue pies, one of my favorites. Unfortunately, mine was not lemon, but actually horseradish. Despite this, I still won the contest. Even so, I promptly made a best friend with a garbage can nearby. They called me a ‘good sport’ and I was awarded tickets to the Star Wars movie. This was a brutal time for me. These moments were cemented in photos in the yearbook. It was a humbling experience.
When we moved, mom said to me, ‘You can now completely change your story and start fresh at the new school.’ I was still mad at her for having to leave my friends. However, in truth, it was a gift from You. It was time to leave the painful path and move from the house of pain to Idaho. Just think, in Heaven, these painful things will be gone. All that will remain will be love and joy.
I have been tired lately. I have been dopey and weak. I told my husband that I felt like the little old lady in the heartbreaking opening montage of the Pixar movie ‘Up!’ All the hopes and dreams fading. I still have faith though. I truly still have faith. I literally have almost 20 to 30 stories throughout my life of moments when I reached my limit.
I would be all in and dedicated, but then, over time, I lost faith in either my abilities or a clear path moving forward, when pride is cast aside. Do I walk away before I fall into prideful humiliation? Even when I wasn’t a Christian, I was smart enough to see when doors were closing and I needed to redirect my focus to something that added greater value to my life.
Father, sometimes You close doors and seal them with concrete and various locks so that I would never go there again. You have done this so I will go to another door that You opened. Why are we so prideful to say never when You say let Me be the God over your ‘nevers’? Humiliation is working for someone who you thought you would never work for but having too anyway. I am referring to my last position.
However, because I obeyed God in the middle of this desert experience… well, He began a miracle and a new work in me. This was the fall of 2012. He got me out of there as He promised He would. He did so much for me and my children.
It was as if I had won ‘The Answered Prayer Game Show Prize’! He has never stopped showing His love to me, the one once called unlovable and despised. To top this off, You healed my heart muscle. So, what is impossible for You, Father? Nothing.
I had a fun dream last night…
Sub-dream 1 “Three Weeks until Thanksgiving” begins…
My daughter was called to Seattle WA for a convention. She asked me to join her for the Hacky Sack Tournament. I was excited to play. We were changed as I was able to dribble that tiny bean sack on my foot and flip it over my head. My daughter was even better than I was at it. My husband was laughing at our antics. However, he couldn’t stay long because he was off to some foreign country for a convention where he was a keynote speaker.
Daughter: “Mom, let’s go in three weeks.”
Me: “Okay.”
Husband: “Wait. That’s Thanksgiving. You can’t go.”
Me: “You are right. We actually can’t go then.”
Daughter: “I agree. I forgot about the timing.”
Just then, my husband’s alarm went off and woke me up.
Sub-dream 1 over…
When I got up, I could hear the turkeys outside gobbling. They were in the yard flapping around and their rear tails were up and fanned out. They had never fanned their tails like this before. I had always wondered what this would look like in real life. Since the seed trays were empty, I went outside to fill the trays with corn.
They came back down the hill and ate. However, two of them were touchy and kept fanning their tails and puffing up. I did not get a photo. I told my husband that I thought it was odd that my dream had Thanksgiving in it and that the turkeys reappeared after me not seeing them all week.
Oh Father, You are a Grand Mystery. I have questions. Yesterday afternoon, I fell asleep in my chair. I had been reading my Bible. I had a dream…
Sub-dream 2 “The Incredible Throne of our Great God” begins…
I saw God’s Courtroom in Heaven. He was on the Throne dressed in the power of the sun. It was so bright that I could not see His image. Below His Throne and down several steps was a clear glass floor ( I had always seen this as deep blue). Behind Him dressed in white robes like judges were several saints. However, I could not see how many. Above the Throne and to God’s left and right, there were winged creatures.
My attention was then drawn to something I had never seen before. There were two large gyro graph wheels that were living. They had wheels within wheels and could move in all directions. The wheels were made of something like a metal alloy. I somehow knew it was stronger than silver, brighter than bronze and with elements like platinum. It breathed! There were eyes on the wheel bands.
These eyes were greenish blue and had eyelids with lashes. While they didn’t speak, they could see. They hovered over the glass floor of the Courtroom. They were a terrifying type of angelic being. I say terrifying only because they had capabilities that made them scary. They recorded everything. Maybe they were like God’s Court reporters or witnesses? The eyes could see everywhere.
I then saw Earth below through the clear crystal glass floor. I could see layers in the heavenlies. I then saw over the area of North America. However, the focus was over the USA. The Lord then focused my attention on these judgment windows and these angelic beings. God then spoke in thunderous tones. Lightning came from His Throne. His Voice went through me in an indescribable way.
God: “My Commandments have been broken and trampled. Even My lesser Laws have been reversed. My Judgment is over the nations and great will be My Wrath. Render the charges.”
I could hear a voice or voices in unison. I thought they could be lessor judges or the 24 elders. Maybe they were over territories. They were behind the Throne. Anyway, they spoke in unison…
The lessor judges: “We find the peoples of the nations under corrupt authority apart from God guilty and in rebellion of all the Laws set forth on Earth in accordance with God’s Laws as given to Abraham and Moses.”
God: “What is the count, the census?”
One of the lessor judges: “We are nearing a quarter, including the unborn who were sacrificed to the gods, those who died by wars, those who died by plagues and those who died by lack. It is close.”
God: “Then prepare the next sentence.”
I then saw angels of God go out from Heaven. There were thousands and thousands of angels. I then heard God speak like thunder…
God: “It is time!”
I woke up suddenly. Sunset was just starting. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.
Sub-dream 2 over…
Me: “Oh Father, I am scared. I am really scared. Please make my hand write clearly and my memory from things of You always be surrendered to You.”
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you.”
Me: Crying. “Lord, I am really scared here. This cancer is a ‘Turbo Cancer’. Please heal me, Lord. Most Stage 4 cancer patients are given at least five years to live. Why was I given less than two years to live?”
Jesus: “Wait! Oh no! I thought I was God? Is this doctor god?”
Me: “No, of course not. I am sorry, Lord.”
Jesus: “Erin, My Will be done in you. Let Me be God. Let Me work. When you are tired, you are to rest and pray. Your blood is off. Your body is tired from fighting an alien invader, this cancer. Now, go out and enjoy your days. When you are sad, then cry. It is okay to grieve in a war.
“Now, this small dream that was more of a long vision… it is based on the enemy reversing all of God’s Laws and Commandments as given to Abraham. It is also based on the enemy reversing all of the lesser laws as given to Moses. The Commandments have been thrown out of the courts of the nation. Corruption is like a plague because of this. When God is removed, something else comes, understand?
“This is the opposite of Law and Order. What then occurs? The Laws set in place for the lands and the peoples are then thrown out because the lands have been given over to sin and hate. My Word is the sword of truth, yet no one wants to be judged by truth. Lies are rampant. Fear increases and evil of every kind.”
Me: “Almost everything in Leviticus 19 is ignored.”
Jesus: “Oh, it is much greater a sin than these. However, the Court of God and the Throne of Judgment is over all men and all is recorded.”
Me: “God’s Judgment?”
Jesus: “Yes. However, something greater comes from this. The hearts of fathers turn to their children and children to their parents. The wicked flee. However, those whose hearts are on God are humbled and turn back to God. There is more. Erin, My Word is true. Evil will flee to hide, but they are found by Me. Nothing is hidden from My sight. Now do not worry. I have you. I am with you.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-781/
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