Dream 783 – Are we merely the sum of our body parts?
Received on Monday, February 12, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! Yesterday was a difficult day. I was not well. I had a broken sleep that night and did not do well during the day. Father, I went to bed last night thinking about the magnitude of things here left undone. I think of the labels I need to place on various items, things that might have greater value than one would think possible. I want to be a blessing to my house, not a burden.
I then realized that I needed to stop this self-talk now, as in immediately. This is because the more I stressed, the worse I became. I had no peace. Well, Father, I come before You today. You healed my heart. No act of man was able to make my physical heart healed, only You. Of course, this applies to my spiritual heart as well. All of this makes me realize even more that I am here to serve You at Your pleasure.
If I were to serve myself… well, I can only dread how that might look. I surrender my body, my heart, my mind, my kidneys and all that I am grateful to have to You. However, I don’t just surrender my body to You, I surrender all You have given me. I surrender everything because there is nothing of value on this Earth unless You assign value to it. Nothing is certain here.
I spent time in 2 Chronicles this morning. I read about the kings of Israel and the prophets whom You sent to come alongside the kings in truth and wisdom. In 2 Chronicles 26:4-5, in reference to Uzziah who reigned over Judah, “and he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, according to all that his father, Amaziah had done. He set himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah who instructed him in the fear of God, and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.”
Then in the days of Hezekiah was the prophet Isaiah to minister and pray with him. He had restored the House of the Lord. I love this small nugget in 2 Chronicles 29:36: “and Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced because God had provided for the people, for the thing came about suddenly.”
Then there was an issue during Passover. Many of the people had not consecrated themselves and were not considered cleansed. Hezekiah then prayed to the Lord in 2 Chronicles 30:18-20: “…may the good Lord pardon everyone who sets his heart to seek God, the Lord, the God of his fathers, even though not according to the sanctuary’s rules of cleanness. And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people.”
The life of Hezekiah and all he had accomplished to restore Israel was truly a miracle. His success came because he had yielded his heart to God and sought wise counsel from Isaiah. The Lord delivered Jerusalem in 2 Chronicles 20 to 23 in an amazing miracle involving the king of Assyria.
When Hezekiah later allowed pride to overtake him during his illness, he recognized this and humbled himself before the Lord. He recognized the pride of his heart and God had mercy upon him. However, God continued to test his heart and to know all his inner thoughts as in 2 Chronicles 32:31.
Father, I surrender all that I am to You. I give You all that I have in sacrifice to You. I even give You my burdens and the things I have store housed. Lord, please use all of this for Your Glory. Bless my mess and I give all of this to You. I give You these dreams and ask You to bless them. I ask that You spread these dreams as seed so they are sown. Let all that I am be as seed to sow.
Please make all of my troubles, all of my tests and trials and all that I have written be a blessing. Please let every journal page be evidence of Your hands, Lord. Let You Will be done, not Mine. Since You have now healed my heart both physically and spiritually, then I know You can do anything. You even use my nightmares as seeds to plant for Your Glory. The Book of Job has so much wisdom…Job 7:13-14,4…
“When I say, ‘My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint.’ Then You O Lord affright me with dreams and with visions terrify me. In bed I say, ‘When shall I arise?’ But the night drags on; and I am filled with restlessness until the dawn.”
Father, it is not my heart that causes a restless night, but my kidneys. You have used them to wake me from one dream to the next. So, You have blessed them. You have made my heart pliable. You have molded and shaped me. You gave me a new heart.
In Psalm 18:33 and Habakkuk 3:19, You are my Strength. You make my feet like the deer so that I can climb these difficult heights. These are seeds sewn as evidence of Your Story sewn into our hearts.
I had a dream last night…
Sub-dream 1 “A Room Full of Doors & Windows” begins…
I was in a home with many rooms. In the center of the home was a sunken family room with windows. In the middle of the family room was a soft bed with white sheets. Above the bed was a ceiling of glass. I laid down on the bed and I could see up to heaven. The glass windows surrounding the bed to the south were blackened and I could not see out.
The windows to the east were filled with the light of dawn in pinks and purples. All around the family room were doors. I then realized that these doors were ‘memory doors’, like bridges. I got up out of the bed and walked past several doors. They no longer held me captive.
These doors had no lure or intrigue. These doors no longer had any hold on me. Just then, I realized I had circled the room on a landing. Finding nothing, I then returned to my bed just as the sun rose to the east. The windows to the south and above me were now all shining from the light of the sun. I could now see clearly.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. Your life is a gift to Me. I have sewn seeds in you and these have been planted in My House. I have made you for My purposes under Heaven. As a child, you asked the God you thought might hear several questions, such as… Why did You create me? Why are You punishing me? Why are You not letting me see breakthroughs?”
Me: “Yes. I even asked, ‘Why am I me?’ I was inside me looking out. I also asked, ‘Why am I not someone else outside of me? What do they see when they look at me?’”
Jesus: “These are all good questions to ask when you don’t have understanding.”
Me: “Well, I am still asking these questions now, Lord. I also ask why this kidney cancer is even happening right now. The cancer is perfectly round and right in the center of my kidney. Forgive me, Lord, for all of my sins… every one of them. I was ignorant even when I knew that I was sinning. In hindsight, I tried to rationalize these sins by saying these sins are so small compared to the immense love of Jesus.
“Oh Lord, who even does this? At times, I feel like my illness is due to my failures. I have failed to trust You. I failed to keep hope alive. I failed to be at peace. I failed to turn two of our children to You because I called them out. Maybe I needed to do my own self-examination. I occasionally snacked at night when You told me it is best for me that I not do this.
“I kept saying, ‘Okay, just tonight I will eat these Twizzlers, maybe two, maybe three and tomorrow I won’t. This just gives me something to chew on.’ So, why would I need to do this? Because of my anxious thoughts. While not every night, there were many nights like this. I do this even though I know what is best for my body.
“While I am glad to be talking about all of this with You, I already know that there will be many who will judge me based on me admitting that I ate some Twizzlers. I will then get emails about how harmful these are to the blood sugar levels and so on. The thing is, Lord, is that I already know all of this. This leads to an obvious question… why then did I still do it?”
Jesus: “Your kidney issue was not caused by these red rubber sticks. Now, tell Me what you recently discovered with your animals?”
Me: “I have been feeding my dogs healthy food these days. Although it costs more, I have been using food as medicine. Their energy has since come back. It is a miracle. All of this happened very quickly.”
Jesus: “So think of this… all that you consume with your lips also has a path, a course, that it takes in your body. Your body was created to handle many different battles. However, if your mouth receives weapons of destruction, then certain parts of your internal army become wounded from these weapons and are attacked.
“Now, the enemy of this world is clever. He has introduced things to destroy man through various means that, over time, effects your inner most army and its ability to fight back against invasion. This is why there are increases in cancer. While there are other factors as well, these are your essentials for living right and these I give you…
- Clean water to drink.
- Fresh air to breathe.
- A body with functioning parts able to move.
- Food grown on trees, bushes and from the fields.
- Pastures filled with animals for food, milk and other products related to these.
- Fresh poultry.
- Bread, seeds and nuts.
- Olives and their oils.
- So many other good foods.
Me: “Well, Lord, I have something to confess… I love sugar.”
Jesus: “There are other ways to sweeten. Consider honey. Can man produce honey?”
Me: “No. He can only mimic it.”
Jesus: “Then remember this… don’t eat anything you can’t pronounce. If it is not good for your dogs, then it isn’t good for you. The enemy has destroyed man through hunger for things that do not serve as good for the body. To make matters worse, illness causes a need for medicine to cure it, understand? This is cyclical and shortens the life. Erin, you knew all of this before, correct?”
Me: “Yes. I was very fit. I avoided eating any bad stuff.”
Jesus: “So, somehow, now that you are older, wiser and full of years, you somehow decided that the bad is now good?”
Me: “Well, I guess it is more convenient. Quicker. Oh Lord, I will make changes!”
Jesus: “This is good. I will bless these, Erin. Now, let us go to your kidneys. Kidneys can cause restless sleep. Your heart is a muscle and your kidney is a filter of the blood. It purifies your blood by removing the waste and sending the blood back into your body. It is an important function and two (kidneys) are given.
“Now, My Word speaks of kidneys often because the function is so vital to the body. When you sleep under duress, your kidneys are under pressure to maintain their purpose to filter the bad from the good. More stress can cause more waste more often and the need to get up during the night more in number.”
Me: “I never used to have this, Lord. What happened?”
Jesus: “How often do I tell you to remember to breathe?”
Me: “All of the time.”
Jesus: “You were not taking in enough clean air. Your blood was not getting enough oxygen. The enemy was able to choke off your functions.”
Me: “So, can I still save my kidney?”
Jesus: “Can you save yourself?”
Me: “No. No, I can’t. However, You can.”
Jesus: “I will tell you what… let Me be God over all of this. I am glad you came to Me over all of this today. This is good. Just so you know… I allowed this in you for My purposes. Now, because you cannot save yourself as you would surely lose that battle, then give Me back your body. In turn, take in that which is good. I will help you. When in doubt, throw it out. Even though the bad is more cost effective at market, don’t buy it. Buy the good and I will strengthen you in the preparations.”
Me: “Oh Lord, I am so sorry.”
Jesus: “You are suffering. Give all of this to Me. I accept your prayers and I will bless you. It is always best to take in what is good with your mouth, your nose, your ears and your sight even though much of what comes now is not good. Give all of this to Me and, like Hezekiah, I will make clean all that is impure.
“However, this does not mean I will make sin holy. I am a filter for sin. By My Blood, you are made Holy, your sins removed like kidney waste. I make all things new. When changes come, all markings (tattoos) and piercings will be removed and fall away as these are impure to the body. All desires for spirits and lusts of the flesh will also fall away. Since I am God, I will not share My Temple with an idol.”
Me: “I will work harder to stay on track.”
Jesus: “Erin, make your yes ‘yes’ and your no ‘no’. Now, your dream was your current state of your dreams. However, even though you are ill, soon your morning will shine like the dawn and all will be made brand new. Remember that God is within you (Psalm 46:5). You will not fall. I will help you at the break of dawn. I love you.”
Me: “I love You too, Lord. Take the seeds of my story, which are really yours, Lord, and plant them to be sewn for Your purposes under Heaven.”
Jesus: “Do not worry, Erin, as you are Mine!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-782/
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