Dream 784 – Great Miracles will come from your suffering

Received on Thursday, February 15, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  It is beautiful outside with some fresh snow.  However, it is also extremely cold and windy.  I was up a bit late this morning and saw six turkeys in our yard.  Their gobbling prompted me to feed them corn.  They came right up to me.  We have established a connection.  It is like the groundhogs.  It was so fun when the groundhogs would see me and come running.

You reminded me of Your delight when Your children run to You and seek a relationship with You.  With me, You feed me and I need You.  I am excited to commune with You daily.  With the turkeys, I feed them corn.  However, with You, You feed me with faithfulness and great variety.  I am so blessed by You, Father.  I am running to You today to ask for another miracle.

Thank You for clarifying that my cancer is renal cell carcinoma and has not spread to my bladder as per my cystoscopy.  That was such a blessing.  I had a CT scan of my chest yesterday and the results made it in time for my appointment in the afternoon.  Everything looked good until the part about my shoulders and the possibility that the kidney cancer has moved to my bones.

I am now waiting to hear from the surgeons if a bone scan prior to surgery needs to be performed.  This has put me in a type of holding pattern today.  Scarily, of the 15 signs of bone cancer, I have 14 of them.  I had just dismissed these because I thought it was related to either my neck, my shoes or the weather.

Anyway, I am praying for some God-sized miracles and soon.  Oh Father, only You can heal me.  Please consider me for one of Your awesome miracles.  I also pray for my general doctor, my surgeon, my urologist and the entire team of people that You have assembled so quickly.  My daughter then placed a song on my music playlist by Brandon Lake titled, ‘Count ‘Em’.  It is very uplifting for the time I am in right now.

As I was writing this dream, I received a few medical calls to try to set up my appointment for my new test.  The doctor does not want to delay the kidney removal to wait on the findings of the bone test.  Oh Father, I have kept things together here, but this one?  This coming possibility of bone cancer frames my remaining days and even numbers them.

I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “An Old Friend / Enemy Dances” begins…

I had a dream of an old friend / enemy and her husband dancing in my hospital room.  They were in elegant formal clothing.  The entire room had been set up by them to put the focus completely on them.  It was a Christmas theme with these fuzzy green and red garlands with lights.  They then asked me how I was.  However, I could tell they really didn’t care about my answer as they didn’t even wait to hear it.

They instead continued to laugh and dance.  When I told them loudly so as to be heard above their dance music that I had cancer, they didn’t even acknowledge me.  They instead continued to dance.  They had now transitioned into doing a ballroom dance of sorts around my bed.  They laughed as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Oh Lord, this dream was so strange.  As for these people, I would not be surprised at all if they would do just this and dance at the news that I have cancer.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I have you here for people like them.  You being sick garners no sympathy because the world has grown colder.  Now, no matter what news comes your way, remember who I am in the midst of this.  Look at what I have done for you so far, along with all of the evidence that I am with you.  Keep your eyes focused on Me.

“Do not look at those who seem to have physical health and envy them as they have a terminal condition worse than cancer.  They do not even know Me to consider Me.  Remember that darkness and the gods and princes of this world have spread a plague of evil that should have caused man to turn from the effects of this condition to a cure. I am the One Remedy that waits for man, the only cure for their heart of stone, their Healer, Savior, Comforter and Friend!

“However, instead of relying on Me, they rely on their own comfort from their self-edifying behaviors.  Erin, miracles are coming and there will soon be no choice but turn to face God and see that I am fair, just and do all things for the good of those I pursue.  Your dream is about them, not you.  Erin, I have you and I am with you.  It is by My hand that I will use you for My purposes.  Can you trust Me a bit longer?”

Me:  “Of course, Lord.  However, I am in a great deal of pain.  I have good days and bad days.  I can’t always do what I hope to do.  Can You strengthen me, Lord?”

Jesus:  “I will.  However, you will first need to endure some personal storms while I work on My ‘Full Spectrum Rainbow’.  Can you do this for Me?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  While I don’t like it, I can do this.”

Jesus:  “When you see the great miracles that will come from your suffering, you will then have great peace and joy.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I will strengthen you today.  Remember that, when you are tired, you are to rest.  Finish your fun project.  I am with you.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  I will.”

Dream over…

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