Dream 786 – Seven Hebrew Words every Christian should know

Received on Sunday, February 18, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  It is sunny with a beautiful bright blue sky.  Despite the bitter cold, buds have formed.  The buds are still closed though and I assume they will stay this way until the freezing cold finally ends.  I have been watching a small very plump female finch on one of the branches.  She has been there for a while.

I guess my eyes were focused on just one little bird when I soon realized there were quite a few blending into the tree branches.  I am doing the same thing with this cancer stuff.  I am focused on it while so much is happening all around us now.  Oh Father, I can’t do anything on my own strength.

My days are unpredictable as I don’t know how I will physically be.  My body is under attack and can do nothing.  Father, my body is Yours.  I come against this foreign invader, this thing that is coming to destroy all that is good in my physical being.  I come against this in Your Name, in Jesus’ Name, and ask for a healing miracle and reversal.

My body wasn’t at peace last night.  I was sweating and I don’t sweat.  At 1:40am, I woke up as in my dream a mighty wind gust opened our front door.  I woke up suddenly and the wind was blowing outside.  I was unsure if it was a dream or real, so I got up to check on our front door.  I could see that the front door was locked and shut.  I went back to sleep and woke up again at 4:30am from a very clear and frightening dream…

Sub-dream 1 “The Foreign Armies are already here” begins…

I was in the USA watching the rise of two foreign armies.  They were both already here.    One was a militia army from Africa and the Middle East.  They were dressed in dark green uniforms with berets.  Some were blue and some were green.  What seemed to stand out to me was that they wore bright white T-Shirts underneath.  This was occurring near the northern border of the USA and it seemed like summer.

They had assault rifles that were so high tech and I had never seen anything like them before.  Some of them had flamethrowers.  They were speaking a language that I did not recognize.  They were transporting munition boxes.  They were large black metal boxes.  They were hiding some of them in culverts and bridge locations on several highways.  While they had clearance badges, I didn’t know how they got them.

I then saw an army being formed originating from the Land of the Red Dragon.  They had been sent in advance into the USA through the southern borders.  They were training in either the California or Nevada deserts.  I saw a command center in communication with the leader of the Land of the Red Dragon.

His army planned to destroy the power grid and poison the water supplies.  The command center said they would take hold of the satellites to blame this on another foreign country.  The leader of the Land of the Red Dragon would then announce that the USA had fallen to him.  One soldier then asked about the army to the north.

Leader:  “We will easily overcome them.  We will force them to dig graves.”

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up at 6:40am.  I then went back to sleep and had another disturbing dream…

Sub-dream 2 “A Slaughter is planned at Red Rock” begins…

I was in a building with polished concrete floors and dim lighting.  A young executive was panicking because he had no one to look after his five-year-old son while he was away at a conference.  I went up to him…

Me:  “I will watch over your son while you are away.”

Father:  “Oh, thank you!  However, here is the issue… he needs to be at Red Rock for his camp with the others from his church.  It is a day camp on Saturday.”

Me:  “No worries.  I will take him there.”

The boy was so adorable and well behaved.  The father was very thankful.  I took the little boy home and we had a lot of fun.  On Saturday, I drove to Red Rock to his church camp.  When I arrived early, I saw some very scary people setting things up.  I approached one of the workers there…

Me:  “Excuse me.  I am here to…”

Woman:  “Ah, he just couldn’t come here on his own.  He has you doing his dirty work.(Referring to the boy’s father)  Well, then, come with me.”

The boy then became nervous.  While I wanted to leave, I was now surrounded by these people.  They took me to an amphitheater.  At the base was an altar of red rock, a top slab and two supporting heavy base legs.  It was high and had deep channels framing the surface.

Me:  “Where are all the other camp children?”

Woman:  “You are early.  They are coming.  There is a great concert.  The festivities will then begin.”

Me:  “Okay.  However, I would like to stay with him.”

Woman:  “Hmm, are you a Christian?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Woman:  “Great.  We would like as many as possible to pack this venue.  Suit yourself.”

The woman walked off.  The boy remained with me.  He stuck close to me.

Little boy:  “Ms. Erin, please don’t leave me.”

Me:  “No matter what, I will not leave you.”

He gripped my hand tighter.  At the base of the altar was a small black indented hole.  I could see some movement in the shadows of this hole.

Me:  “Come on, let’s see what is living there.  Let’s explore.”

I knelt down to take a look.  I saw two birds and a baby bird.

Me:  “Come on out.”

The little birds came out.  They had light grey wings, white breasts and yellow beaks.  I had never seen anything quite like this.  The little boy laughed in delight.  The birds came up to us and began to talk to us.  While the little boy could only hear chirping and singing, I heard a voice of the bird speak to me in clear English.

Bird:  “They are building holes for mass graves.  The boy is to be sacrificed on this altar.  The Christians will all be killed.  You must warn everyone now.”

Me:  Nodding.  “Thank you.”

The bird nodded back.  It was odd.  I have never had a talking bird dream before.  I took the little boy’s hand and knelt to pray.

Me:  “Come on, I am going to take you for ice cream.  What do you think of that?”

Little boy:  “Yes, please.”

I took his hand to walk back to my car.  We were stopped by the woman.

Woman:  “Uh, excuse me, but where do you think you are going?”

Me:  “I thought I would get us some ice cream.”

Woman:  “Well, you do have some time before the event begins.  However, I really can’t let you leave with the boy.”

Me:  “Why not?”

A man then nodded at her and she nodded back.

Woman:  “Okay, the two of you can go, but can you be back in half an hour?”

Me:  “Oh, sure!  I can’t wait for it to begin!”

Woman:  “You will want to get here early for front row seats.”

Me:  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

I hadn’t noticed until now, but the birds had followed us.  We let them in our car.  I drove out of the gate.

Little boy:  “I don’t want to go back there.  Can we leave for your home?”

Me:  “Yes.  However, I have something to do first.”

As we drove down the winding road out, I got out of my car and prayed to God.

Me:  “Lord, please have this mountain come upon the area so that their evil plans fail.”

I heard a rumble and several rocks fell.  The mountain then fell over the entire area.  All of the graves that had been dug were now filled with the bodies of those who were digging them.  I then went back into my car.  That seemed to be the easiest solution.  I was still not sure who was all in on this.

Me:  “Oh Lord, thank You for calling down this mountain.”

As we drove, a billboard read ‘Thank You for Visiting Red Rock!  Isaiah 32:1-2!’

Sub-dream 2 over…

I then woke up for the day.  I went to my devotional chair and prayed.  I thought about the Scripture referenced in this dream…

Isaiah 32:1-2:  “1Behold, a King will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.  2Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a great rock in a weary land.”

Me:  “Father, I am sick to my stomach.  These dreams were so real.  Please take my pen and write plainly through me.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Many are the plots of the enemy.  His armies have invaded this once great land.  They are training in hidden areas and their plans are to destroy this nation.  The people fail to believe it because this has never happened in its history.”

Me:  “Lord, no one will survive this.  Christians are already hated.”

Jesus:  “In this dream, you were different.  Certainly, you were changed from your current condition.”

Me:  “Lord, why Red Rock and Isaiah 32:1-2?”

Jesus:  “For it is written by the prophet Isaiah ‘Behold, a King will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.’  Well, I am the King and you are a princess.  Along with other princes and princesses, you will rule in justice against the wicked of the land.  Because I am in you, My Voice speaks clearly through you and My Power is upon you than ‘each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a great rock in a weary land.’

“Erin, in your dream, the enemy planned to kill all the Christians who came to be refreshed with hope and to worship in truth.  The enemy also planned to sacrifice the boy in front of all who were there and then kill them all.”

Me:  “Is this planned?  Is this a real plan?  The big Christian Concert is set for August 5th, 6th and 7th this year.  That is in the summer.”

Jesus:  “Erin, many are the plans of the wicked this year.  Christians are the target all over the world as evil increased.  Now, be encouraged about your role there in the dream.  Isaiah had no idea he was prophesying to a time such as this.

“Now, the nations are currently turning away from Israel.  They quickly forget through false narratives what truly happened there (the slaughter on October 7, 2023).  The leader I allowed into power in your nation is not of sound mind.  While this is similar to Nebuchadnezzar, this man will not be humbled.  He is a prop of a leader, a front man.  However, the strings are being pulled in the shadows.

“The people have been silenced and fear grips the nations as the once great nation is being broken apart by its enemies.  However, I am God of ALL the Earth.  They will not triumph.  I am exposing their positions.  I will raise up an army unlike any the world has ever seen.  They will not be touched.”

Me:  “Lord, I am scared.  What if I have written any of Your Words or dreams wrong?”

Jesus:  “I would tell you.  I would stop you.  I would correct the wrong.  Do not worry.”

Me:  “While I know this isn’t speaking of these dreams, Revelation 22:18-19 speaks of terrible consequences if Your Words are purposely added or subtracted from what You have to say.  I pray that I haven’t done this here in these dreams with You.  You are everything to us and we do not want to disappoint You in any way!”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, hell is not for the Children of God.  I love you, Erin.  I have called you.  Now, I know your illness is terminal according to man.  You will receive a number to your days and your hope will be diminished.  If you could trust Me with your life, I will keep you.”

Me:  “I do, Lord, I do.  However, I sometimes feel I will fail You with my lack.”

Jesus:  “Erin, you continue to come to Me every day.  This is faith.  You are troubled by things coming that you cannot know.  You have learned in your life that I love you.  I am faithful and I am with you.  My breath of life is in you.”

Me:  “You are still my Hayah, my Great I AM.”

Jesus:  “Yes… and how could you know such a word in Hebrew had I not placed this upon you?”

Me:  “I read an article about seven Hebrew words every Christian should know.  My older son is studying Hebrew right now…

  • SHEMA: Hear, O Israel.  Deuteronomy 6:4.  To hear and obey.  To take action.
  • HESED: God’s unshakable love.  Isaiah 54:10.  It means undeserved love and generosity.  Love in action.  Covenantal love.
  • EMUNAH: The assurance of things hoped for.  Hebrews 11:1.  Emunah is faith that results in faithfulness.  Amen also shares the root.  Amen means ‘so be it’ or ‘may it be so’.  Faith in action = Faithfulness.
  • RUACH: God’s holy rushing tide.  Isaiah 59:19.  This verse Hebrew word ‘breath’ is Ruach, which means ‘Spirit’.  I love this… Isaiah is saying that, when God shows up in a situation, it is with an unstoppable power of the Spirit with Him.
  • NEPHESH: The breath of life.  Genesis 2:7.  ‘And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living (Soul) Nephesh.’  Nephesh = Soul.
  • YIRAH: Beginning of all wisdom.  Proverbs 9:10.  The awe of God.  Awe = Yirah.  Reverence and worship.  However, it can also mean fear.
  • TESHUVA: Returning to God.  Joel 2:12.  The Hebrew word for repentance.  Guilt or regret feeling.  Enough to return to God with your whole heart.

“So, Lord, here is my prayer to You…

“You Hesed me, love me, every day by Your Spirit, Your breath, in me, Your Ruach.  I pray and come to You.  I come with Emunah, faithfulness, daily and You give me Your Words and I hear You, Shema, and write as well as practice what I hear.  I am in awe of You, Lord.  In Yirah, I submit myself to You and worship You in reverence.  When I complain or, in sorrow, I avoid You, even when I sin, I Teshuva and turn back to You with my whole heart.  With You, Lord, my Soul, my Nephesh, is at peace.  Let my prayers be pleasing to You, Lord!  Amen!”

Jesus:  “This is a good prayer and one that I accept.  These words here have even deeper meanings.  More than this though, we are as one, you and Me.  I am in you with My Spirit and I refresh Your Soul with Living Water.  My Breath of Life is in you.  I intend to keep it with you.”

Me:  “Please, Lord.  Oh, please do!”

Jesus:  “This is very good.  A Scripture that is commonly misunderstood and weaponized is this one… ‘Without faith, it is impossible to please God.’  Study Hebrews.  Faithfulness pleases God.  Faithfulness and obedience require the faith to believe in something that, by My Voice, I am telling you, a promise.  You listen and hear Me.  You then come to Me.  You come to seek Me daily and it is here that I am found by you.  Erin, you remind Me of Elijah at times and Enoch at other times.”

Me:  “Do You mean that I have similar struggles as Enoch and Elijah?”

Jesus:  “Well, yes!  While they had doubts in their circumstances, they never doubted My Voice.  Enoch came to the Mountain of God and there he was found by Me. He was afraid.  Could you imagine Enoch being approached by these fallen angels powerful enough to physically harm him if he didn’t give them the right answer?

“Elijah went to the broom tree and the cave to hide. He was afraid.  Think of Elijah before the prophets of Baal.  He did all that I instructed him to do.  This is faithfulness.  It is an action.  With you, you do something for Me even when you don’t want to.  However, you still do it because you love and fear Me more than the things I tell you to do.  This is faith in action.  I gave you the examples of Enoch and Elijah because they make your heart glad.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, I could never be as holy as them or really anyone You have called in the Bible.”

Jesus:  “Remember… do not use the word ‘never’ here.  Now, who makes a person holy?  Is it the person or God?”

Me:  “You do, Lord!”

Jesus:  “Okay, so, again, let Me be God.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, I just fail You on so many accounts.  I don’t feel holy.”

Jesus:  “Holiness does not come from your failures.  Holiness comes from your desire to love Me with your whole heart, your righteousness and your desire to make My Heart glad by your personal faithfulness and acts of love, your desire to keep upright in your walk.  Holiness does not mean perfection!  Now, Erin, you are holy and set apart from sin.  However, this does not mean you are without sin or sinless, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I am with you.  Do not be afraid.  Man has given you a bad prognosis and numbered your days.  However, I am God.  With Me, your prognosis is good.  I have been given the true number of your days.  You are with Me in eternity.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-787/

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