Dream 787 – God’s Plans will Trump the Enemy’s Plans

Received on Monday, February 26, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You do.  Please help me with how best to spend my days before the surgery.  It has been difficult.  I want to honor You in all I do.  I want to care for my family also.  Please help me.  I am scared.  I don’t care what anyone says as they are not me.  I am scared.  In my heart, I want You to do everything a different way.

What if I cancel this surgery, Father?  I don’t want it.  However, what if the cancer has spread or will spread?  Then how will this be for my family?  All I know is I am suspended in time.  I want to spend each day well.  I have no interest in the things that seemed mindless before.  I now just want to experience what You have for me.  I am trying not to worry about what is coming, only what is here now.

I haven’t responded to emails in well over a week.  I have been so focused on preparing for what is coming.  I went through my 32,000 photos.  These are moments in time over the last twelve years.  Every photo has a memory, a story or a dream.  These are records of my life that coincide with my journal pages.

I also found a letter from my Great Grandma Jeanes from August 8, 1970.  In this little note, she wrote a thank you to me after I had sent her a small card with a bird.  She spoke of how she loved birds.  There is very little that I know of her and her life at all.  My mom held onto information because Jeanes was her grandmother and she didn’t feel I needed the information.  When my grandmother died, I was given a jewelry box with all of the items Great Grandma Jeanes wanted me to have.

My mom was hurt that she was not given these items.  Since I was only eight, I didn’t fully understand any of this.  Well, over the years, all that was in that box had been removed little by little by someone and all that remained was the box.  When my Great Grandma died, so too did her story.  The story of her life was now gone as well.  I have this letter.  I have photos of her.  I remember her home even though I was very little.

Her father even named a street after her.  It is Olive Street and this memorializes her in this little town of Varna IL.  It is so sad to think of so many generations we know nothing about.  Maybe some leave a legacy or some monument other than a tombstone.  However, most of us know very little about our history.  All we have is what remains… a tombstone with our name and a beginning date and an ending.

The story is in the dash and our stories, God’s story, is written in the tablets of our hearts, but now six feet under in the grave. While we are here, did we make an impact for good?  How long will anyone care?  History is erased.  Thank You, Father, for knowing all things.  You know each of us and You keep us.  You hold us.  Because we are children of God, we are not orphans.

I have spent so much of my life in lawfare.  This includes legal battles, health wars and personal wars.  All of these events have taken a great toll on my physical wellbeing.

When I was young, I was competitive and a perfectionist.  I had expectations of myself that were impossible to meet.  I had expectations of myself that were impossible to meet.  I had goals that, to most, would be unattainable.  However, to me, they were probable goals.  I worked hard and I was dedicated.

‘NO’ was not an option, even if it meant I would work several jobs to afford the equipment or the training.  When a door would slam shut, I would go another way.  When I would stop, I would then turn my attention to a new goal.  I was healthy physically until the car accident in 1997 when I realized that I was breakable.

When I realized that I needed God to take over all of me, my story changed.  My journey to bring me closer to God began at my breaking.  While my accomplishments and awards sound impressive, the true miracles and the real stories are found in my failures.  My quiet time of humility is when all that I am is laid before God.  When I was first a Christian, I was in the midst of legal battles.

This was how the enemy created anxiety and personal wealth drain.  I noticed that every time one case was settled, the settlement money would go to the next legal battle.  In some of these, I had no choice but to be the pursuer in the cause of justice.  However, and as with my health, the drain on my finances and my will became an issue and I had to let go of some of these.  I even had someone steal my designs.

I also had an employee embezzle $30,000 while I was in the hospital.  It was as if the gates of hell opened and unleashed lawfare against me.  It was an ugly time and not one I would ever want to repeat.  These continued to come at me for many years.  These finally officially ended in 2022.  While my health issues continued, my legal battles finally ended.  When I think back, the anxiety comes.

At times, I fought hard in hindsight.  It was a chasing and, at time, I had a clear-cut case and should have fought.  I didn’t.  I disengaged and it wasn’t easy.  Even so, my children were worth the fight and I was willing to remove child support so we could live in peace.  This is how I chose it.  I knew that if he paid a dime towards the children’s care, he would want control.  I removed his ability to do this.

Looking back, I think I could have done everything differently.  It was foolish, young and naïve.  When God didn’t answer fast enough, I would then ‘step in for Him’.  What a fool I had been!  He has always been here.  I am a shining example of God showing up for me in my darkest of moments.  He has met every one of my needs.  He has stepped in and provided for us.  He covered for me.

I now realize that He allowed some of the troubles so that He could be seen visibly to Me in these times of darkness.  Father, I need You now.  I am scared.  If I do nothing, I have less than two years.  If I go forward, I could avoid an even worse fate of this spreading to my lungs or bones.  This Wednesday, we will know for certain if the cancer has spread.  It has been grieving me.

I know the promises You have given to me.  These are good.  I just thought… well, we have come through this great obstacle course and such difficulty only to see all of this ahead of us.  The financial burdens are more than we are able to endure without You sending a miracle.  Oh Father, I need a miracle!  I don’t want another surgery.  It is here in ten days.  Just ten more days.  In two days, I find out how bad this is.

I then remembered a song by the Beatles… ‘ob-ie-di, ob-ia-da, life goes on’.  This was on their 1968 White Album.  I remembered this from when I was a child.  Things were not so great even when my parents played this album.  Life goes on around us continually.  Unless something makes someone reflect, no one stops to consider each fleeting moment.

I had a dream two nights ago…

Sub-dream 1 “A Message from God via Uriel” begins…

I was walking up the road to see the little horse that stays in the pen that Dusty once occupied.  It was winter still.  The skies were blue and it was cold.  I walked up to the little horse and I stroked the side of its face.  It stared at me and I began to cry.  Just then, the horse stood on its hind legs.  I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I turned and there was Uriel.  I reached over and hugged him.  I could tell that he was uncomfortable with this hug.  I believe it was because it drew attention to him.

Uriel:  “Erin, I have a message for you from God.”

Me:  “It has been a long time since you have visited with a Word from God.”

Uriel:  “God is with you, Erin.  Do not give up hope.  Your miracle is coming.”

Me:  “Uriel, should I go through the surgery?  Is this God’s Will for me?”

Uriel:  “God has placed you in the care of those He has called.  After this coming test, you will know more.  You are stepping out in full faith and God will provide for your every need.  Worry does no good to your body.  Remember that God is not finished with you yet despite reports.”

I felt the horse nudge me.  I turned back to look at Uriel, but he was now gone.  I saw that there were some footprints in the snow, but only where he had stood.  The sheepdogs began to bark and I woke up.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I fell back to sleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “Supernaturally Cleaning Complete Filth” begins…

I was visiting my daughter at work.  In this case, the store where she worked had cleared away.  Only one wicked assistant manager remained.  I was there to help my daughter open the store.  I was wearing an all-silk blouse and wrap.  The color was a light purplish gray with large white magnolias on it.  Some former employees had stolen most of the merchandise and displays, barely leaving a functioning store.

At one point, I checked the restroom.  They were disgusting.  One employee pushed me and my silk scarf wrap fell into an unflushed toilet.  When I pulled the scarf out of the toilet, it was supernaturally cleaned as nice as it was before.  I then walked out and prayed.  The entire store, including the restrooms, became spotless and sanitary.  I then prayed and the entire store was changed and replenished.  I woke up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

I have never had a dream of a silk scarf falling into excrement before.  It was disgusting.  I went to my devotional chair.

Me:  “Father, please show Your grace and mercy to me.  I cry out to You all hours of the day and night.  I will not let You go unless You bless me (Genesis 32:26).  If a widow bothered the unjust judge so much that he granted her request just to keep her from coming to him, then how much more would You grant me, Father?

“I am coming to my Father, the Just Judge, who rules in righteousness and majesty over all mankind.  The Lord said, ‘Will not God grant justice to His chosen ones who cry to Him day and night?  Will He delay long in helping them?  I tell you; He will quickly grant justice to them (Luke 18:1-8).

“My younger son fasted again without water and food.  He drank water last night and remains with water for the balance of this week.  Father, please grant him the desires of his heart.  He has sought You with such zeal that I never had even during my darkest days.  Please do this for me even if…  Wait!

“Oh Father, never mind with that.  You promised to grant us the desires of our heart when we seek Your Will with our whole hearts (Psalm 37:4).  Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord and trust Him and He will act (Psalm 37:5).

“So, Father, I stand on these words from You and I won’t budge.  Please do this for me.  As for my illness, it seems Your Will is for me to continue on as, so far, I have received no word that I am to stop seeking the care of doctors.  Uriel said, ‘God has placed you in the care of those He called.’

“So, these professionals have been called by You, Father.  I am sad though.  My lower back near my kidneys is in great pain.  My sleep is broken up and I am unwell.  Could You please consider healing me soon?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know you are suffering and not just physically.  You are grieving.”

Me:  “It is aging me, Lord.  I don’t know if it is worry about the unknown.  Well, actually, I know what it is.  Did I do something wrong to bring about my illness?  If I did, I repent.  Lord, I am sorry.”

Jesus:  “Hmm, then what kind of Savior would I be if I didn’t tell you to stop.  In fact, would I commune with you daily and not say, ‘Erin, stop what you are doing!’”

Me:  “You have before, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Yes… and what happened?”

Me:  “I stopped immediately… R2B2!”

Jesus:  “Okay.  So, when I told you awhile back that you had a terminal illness, did I say, ‘If you stop this or that’?”

Me:  “No, Lord.  However, I did act on something involving one of our children that had caused so much anguish.  It was ongoing rebellion.”

Jesus:  “Yes, this is true.  However, I moved this situation completely away from you so you would have peace and so would your house.  I sent your needy son out west for a short while to give you peace as well.  I took over the reins of your rebellious son and he now prays, fasts and consults Me first.  A miracle.

“Your daughter has become a helper and a prayer warrior during this great time of need.  Your stepson is apart and bothers no one.  See, I commanded the angels concerning you to do these things… to tie up loose ends, clear out clutter and continue to come to Me in your time of great need.

“Now, this you must know… I have not stopped.  The enemy attacked your household in the 12th month relentlessly hoping the findings of your medical test would be lost in the noise of the battle.  Now, I know what you are about to say, Erin.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord… why not just heal my body?  I finally have the house completely finished and a new oven that actually cooks and now I cannot enjoy this?  I can’t live free from all of these troubles?  Now I must plan in the event You choose a different way?

“Lord, You are my Best Friend.  You know me.  You know the good and the bad, the healthy and the sick.  I feel forsaken.  We are barely sustaining here.  Please, Lord.  How would my… oh, never mind.”

Jesus:  “Death?  Erin, I promised you that I am with you.  While this has a great ending, it is a beginning, not the end.  You do not end.  Now, you have things left to do and I will provide your strength and your means.  I have never stopped my miracles in your life.  When I speak to you, I speak in truth.  Why would I stop now?”

Me:  “Because You have grown tired of me?”

Jesus:  “Wait!  I am God.  I created you.  You are My Bride.  I have spent all of your life to prepare you for My service but now I am tired?  I don’t grow tired of those I call friend.  If I don’t grow tired of my friends, then how much more would I love and long to be with My Bride?  Erin, am I a double-minded God?”

Me:  “Of course not, Lord.  I guess I am tired of being me in my body.  I am tired of these battles.  I am tired of crushed dreams and ongoing attacks.  I am ready for the good stuff in my dreams.  The world is becoming dark so quickly.  Evil repays kindness with horrible deeds.  We have been fooled as a people with a wicked leader whom You have allowed to rise that is destroying the nation, Israel and Europe… but really the world.”

Jesus:  “Yes, these leaders are allowed because people have fallen away from God.  Evil has come in through the open door and evil begats more evil.  The father of lies is here now, Erin, and the people still don’t go to the God of all Truth, the One and Only God of all of Creation.

“Now, as you know, an invasion of the land once called ‘Blessed by God and the Land of the Free’ is now occurring.  I see the wicked behind this and all that evil has planned for those living in the once safe land.  The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at them.

“However, I laugh at the wicked and I see the day that comes against them.  I shall break the arms of the wicked and I shall hold the arms of the righteous.  The very wicked they plan against My people will be the very wicked that befalls those who plot in lofty places.  I see.  I am the God who sees.

“I promise you that they will scatter like roaches at the coming of the dawn and cry out for the darkness to cover them so they will not be exposed and found.  However, I see which cavern they scurry to and which crevice they wedge themselves into.  I am coming and, with Me, tens of thousands of My Saints.  They will work for Me across the land to administer and enforce truth, justice and the Law of God.”

Me:  “Lord, I want to be in this number please!”

Jesus:  “You have already been there.”

Me:  “Past tense, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Appointed from the start.  Now, when you see these evils, understand the nearness of the hour as the increase is swift and comes like a flood across the land.  The father of lies has appointed himself over the government for a purpose.”

Me:  “As the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Czar, right?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  This is so he can rewrite all history and wipe out the laws, the truth and all that is evidence of God.  He plans to burn up libraries and all historical evidence in museums even.  It is a form of control that is outside the Laws of God.  All historical evidence is stored in the Courts of Heaven by angels.  One day, this evidence of truth will be used against evil.

“Now, he also has plans to cheat these elections in favor of his party.  He also plans to hunt down and destroy all in opposition to him, even seizing properties, valuables and children and giving this over to the foreign invaders.  He has plans to remove Christians, offer them up in courts and render them guilty with no fair trial and put into slave camps.  Their children will then be taken from them to either be sold or killed.”

Me:  “This is awful.  Oh Lord, please stop this!”

Jesus:  “These are the plans of the wicked and is not necessarily what will come.  This is all to destroy the nation under God and give her over to the enemy.  They will then destroy Israel as there will be no defense for Israel.

“Even so, they who worship the black rock will soon know who the God of Israel is, as well as the Creator of all mankind.  They will be speechless and their heads dropped in shame.  Just know that all of these who are wicked are on the clock.  Their time is coming and My Judgment will be swift.”

Me:  “You seem angry today.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I see such evil.  I see so many evil things, and not just in secret, but also out in the open.  I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if you were told.  Now, you are to remember that I see.  My angels are recording.  Nothing is hidden.  The evidence of evil is vast.  So too will My Justice be widespread and swift.”

Me:  “What do we do in the meantime?”

Jesus:  “Pray!  Erin, I am with you.  Many of those holding positions of power did not gain power from the people.  These are positions that are ill-gained and ill-gotten.”

Me:  “Oh, by cheating!”

Jesus:  “Yes.  All of them will be exposed.  It will be detailed and graphic.  The people will be in an uproar over all of it.  This was allowed because the times of My Judgment are forthcoming.”

Me:  “Scary!”

Jesus:  “Do not worry, Erin.  This will be a time of shock, awe and great joy!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-788/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-786/

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