Dream 791 – My Surgery is Cancelled by the Lord’s Authority

Received on Saturday, March 9, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another beautiful day here!  Thank You for home.  I am glad to be home.  I am not sure how to feel today.  While I had now prepared for such a big event as best as I could, this simply came and went.  I am still in shock about my Thursday, March 7, 2024 surgery being cancelled literally in the last minute.  We drove down to Portland ME the day before (March 6, 2024) for my pre-op meeting.

While things seemed to go well at my pre-op meeting, something in my Spirit was off.  I became hyperaware of our surroundings.  That night, the night before the surgery, we had to run to pick up some toothbrushes as I had forgotten to pack them.  The place we went to for this was filled with the strangest of men.  It was around 5:00pm and the place was filled with demonic activity.  My hair was standing on end.

One man with a shaved head had tattoos on his neck and face.  I saw him look at two other men.  They nodded at each other as they separated down two different aisles.  This man was parked next to us in the parking lot and was watching us.  It seemed off.  We were only at this store for about fifteen minutes and then we left.  While they could have been stealing together, I am not sure.  Regardless, I was glad to leave.

We then encountered some other odd strangers at our hotel.  I worried about our car.  My husband then reminded me that God was in complete control.  I then had a difficult time sleeping that night, the night before my surgery.  I had stopped taking my pain medication (Excedrin) last week, so I was particularly sore.  Sleeping was not easy.

To make matters worse, I was up every 90 minutes and had no peace.  I was preparing for the surgery and all that might or might not occur because of this.  I just wasn’t prepared for what another surgery would bring.  I prayed continuously to You, Father, and, as I did, I had a couple of vivid dreams…

Sub-dream 1 “Commanding the Seas” begins…

I was sailing into unchartered waters and a storm was coming.  I saw rough seas and a massive storm ahead with lightning.  I drifted off toward the storm in the small dingy I was in.  This dingy had no motor or oars.  It was being pulled into the storm.  I sat helplessly as the storm drew closer and closer.  I could do nothing.  I prayed to God for help.  I heard His Voice call out to me…

Voice of the Lord:  “Erin, command the seas to be at peace.  Quell them by My Authority in you.”

Using my Authority in Jesus, I put my hands out in front of me in a blocking motion similar to what an offensive lineman in football might use.  I prayed in my Spirit.  I then faced my palms downward as if I was smoothing out sheets in a bed.  I saw the seas in front of me calm down immediately.

Voice of the Lord:  “This is the Authority I have given you.  Now go out and go forth!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up and then began to pray with Authority for You to heal my cancer and calm my body to sleep.  I fell asleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “Spiders in a Bathtub” begins…

I saw a massive porcelain bathtub.  It had not been used in some time.  I decided to clean it, remove the dust and then take a bath in it.  I then saw some slight movement in the dust.  It was an almost transparent spider.  It was barely alive.  It looked like a Cellar Spider.  As I moved to wash it down the drain, I noticed an even larger Cellar Spider on the side of the tub.  I killed both of them instantly and sent them down the drain.

While I then went to hunt for more spiders, there were none to be found.  I finished washing the tub and filled it with warm clear water.  I added some bubbles before stepping into the tub.  It felt healing, like a warm rush, from my feet to my head.  I then woke up.  However, this dream was so real, I was worried that I had actually fallen asleep while taking a bath.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Morning had now arrived and I was to be at the hospital by 7:00am.  It didn’t take long to get ready and we left shortly after.  They were ready for us when we arrived.  While I then prayed with my husband, something still felt off compared to all of my other surgeries.  The staff was happy and confident as they continued to process me.  My husband was with me for the pre-op routine.  I reminded the crew about my neck to make sure they stabilized it with a pillow.

The anesthesiologist was confident this would not be a problem.  I was now dressed in a surgical gown with an IV started in my hand.  I was then given a shot to my torso.  The nurse then wrote a note there for the doctors.  All was moving forward quickly.  My surgeon then came in and was ready and confident.

Me:  “While I am not worried, I just wanted to remind you to keep my neck stabilized for the entire surgery.”

Surgeon:  Now hesitating.  “What is wrong with your neck?”

He was searching his computer and his chart on me for any notes he may have on this.

Me:  “I have an injury at C8-T1, but opted out of any neck surgery.”

Surgeon:  “Hmm, I will need to talk to our team here before we proceed.  As an option, my plan was to take your kidney out, cut it open, possibly remove the tumor and then retransplant it.  I had booked you for a six-hour procedure just in case.  You will be on your side and tilted for a long time.  I normally would need a sign off from your neurosurgeon.  I could contact him.  It says here that he is based in Seattle?”

Me:  “Well, he was.  However, he has since transferred to San Francisco.”

Surgeon:  Suddenly looking even less confident.  “I’ll be back.  Sit tight.”

Me:  “It’s okay.  I am not worried.  I know that I need to have this surgery.  Maybe you can just proceed with a pillow?”

Surgeon:  “I will confer with my team.”

He left, but then soon returned with the anesthesiologist.

Surgeon:  “We are not going forward with the surgery today.  I am sorry.”

Anesthesiologist:  “Yeah, sorry… I thought you would be on your back for this one.”

Surgeon:  “I am so sorry.  I will make some calls, get the referrals and I’ll have you seen by a neurosurgeon here in our system.  We also need current images.  Maybe you will get that surgery before this too?  Who knows?”

Me:  “Oh, okay.”

Surgeon:  “Yes.  I am so sorry.  I have some calls to make.  We will talk later today.”

My surgeon was visibly upset as he left.  The crew then came into the room and removed my IV.  The nurse seemed stunned that my surgery was cancelled.

Nurse:  “You can get dressed now.”

After getting dressed, the nurse returned and guided us out the back door right to our car.  It was an extremely fast decision, declaration and departure.  My husband and I then sat in the car in complete shock at what had just happened.  I was relieved as the whole thing seemed off.

Since we had already committed to the hotel for a few more nights, we were going to be charged for that night if we left now.  We decided to stay one more night and make a mini holiday out of it.  The surgeon then phoned us later that same day…

Surgeon:  “I spoke to a neurosurgeon and he has flagged you for an expedited appointment and images.  It is even possible they could see you tomorrow (Friday, March 8, 2024).”

My husband and I then spent the day exploring Kennebunk ME.  We drove around and took some photos.  After staying the night in the hotel, my surgeon called me again the next day.

Surgeon:  “I am so sorry that this didn’t work out.  All of this is on me.”

Me:  “It’s okay.  It was just not meant to be.  That’s fine.”

Surgeon:  “Do not worry.  I will fast track all of this.”

Me:  “Thank you for being cautious with my condition.”

My husband and I then drove home.

While I don’t understand all of this, I know You have a Great Plan here.  While I am happy and relieved, I am also physically exhausted.  My neck actually hurt last night and it affected my entire body.  I then had another dream last night…

Sub-dream 3 “Foreigners Thefts Reversed in Time” begins…

I was entering my information at a kiosk before I was able to get my surgery.  The surgery kiosk kept reading out ‘DECLINED’.  I went to a receptionist to discuss this with her.  She looked me up on her system…

Receptionist:  “How many times did you reenter your information after the first decline?”

Me:  “At least five times.”

Receptionist:  “Some foreigners have taken your information, billed your insurance and have taken your place in line.”

Me:  “Wait… what?  Do you mean that they are having their kidney removed?”

Receptionist:  “While one is, there are other procedures too.”

Me:  “But we drove all this way.  How can my information like this be stolen?  How could you even allow this?”

Receptionist:  In a snobby tone.  “Are you upset by this?  You should instead be thankful that you have helped all of these people.  You are being so selfish.”

Me:  “Okay, so, let me get this straight… my information was taken over, my insurance was stolen and now I can’t have my surgery because someone else has taken over my appointment… and I am not to be upset by this?”

Receptionist:  “Are you now surrendering or are you mad enough to fight?”  I could now see that she was very evil.  “Don’t bother to fight as you can’t win.  If I were you, I would submit your defeat now!”

Me:  “God is telling me to submit to His Authority and rise up instead.  You are cursed.”

She then began to walk away.  I prayed and she froze.  I then prayed that all of the stealing be reversed.  I then prayed that the world would have no more wicked invaders and that God would send all of the evil foreigners home to their native lands.  I then felt an odd atmospheric ripple or wave.  While I then felt like time itself was bending, I didn’t know how I could possibly know how this would feel.

I could somehow then feel time bending.  I then saw people moving backwards with supernatural speed.  I saw foreign prisoners back in their old cells in their own native countries.  All of a sudden, I was now in real time and in the current day.  The receptionist greeted me.  She was kind and directed me to my doctor’s appointment.

Me:  “Wait?  Don’t I have surgery?”

Receptionist:  “No.  Just a checkup.”

Me:  “What about my kidney?”

Receptionist:  “What is wrong with your kidney?  I have nothing in your chart.  Maybe eat more kidney beans?”

She walked me down the hall.

Sub-dream 3 over…

Me:  “Father, I love these dreams from You.  While some of them are quite hard to go through, I still thank You for each of them.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Now, worry for nothing as I am in control of all things.  Now, you wonder if this day (of the cancelled surgery) was not a good day for you.  Well, it was certainly not the day your doctor thought it would be.”

Me:  “Lord, You are over all things.  It was Your Will to stop this.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  This was not to be and this is good.  This will remain a mystery for now, but there was a problem.  Since the enemy was afoot, I removed the threat completely.  I have a Great Plan here.  Now, do not worry.  Continue to move forward.  These images are good as evidence presents the case for a Greater Miracle.  Erin, rejoice!  Now, you still have cancer until you don’t.  Be encouraged as this delay is Mine and it is a good one.  Remember to keep up your strength.  When you are tired, rest.”

Me:  “Thank You for these dreams, Lord.  I then had to look up what the word ‘quell’ meant as I never use this word.  The word ‘quell’ is defined as putting an end to a rebellion or other disorder, typically by the use of force or to subdue.”

Jesus:  “Hmm, then you must become quite familiar with this new word because this is part of you now.  I will call you into Greater Authority.  Rejoice, Erin, as the enemy is removed far from you.  As I am in you, My Voice is in you.  Rejoice today.  You are loved!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-792/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-790/

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