Dream 795 – The Old Earth is Remodeled

Received on Sunday, March 17, 2024

Note:  I wrote the following on Friday morning, March 15, 2024.  This was meant to be my personal ‘rant’.  I was not planning to share this with the Nest.  However, when writing down today’s dream on Sunday, March 17, 2024, I felt pressed by God to include my ‘rant’ as a prelude.


Dear Father,

I am so thankful for You!  I am so sorry for crying so much for the last 12 hours, if not more.  I just can’t seem to stop.  All the anxiety over everything has reached a sad place.  Father, You know the days I have here.  I have grown tired from all of the legal stress and medical issues that I have had for at least thirty years now.  This is basically half of my life.  If I wasn’t being attacked financially through my enemies, I was being attacked physically with my health.

Something snapped yesterday and it made me not feel like doing anything.  I didn’t feel like having any more surgeries or tests.  Father, I love You and I believe in Your miracles.  You have always cared for me.  Right now, I feel like I need to keep things together and be strong as I have several people who call me an inspirational Christian.  While they see me as brave, I am really terrified right now.  I feel like I can’t tell people I am terrified because I preach faith and courage.

While I love You and I have faith in Your miracles, I am clearly panicking and under attack.  Father, please help me.  I am lost, scared and hurting.  You dwell in me and I have given You my Temple, one that is in need of a great remodel.  My heart grieves.  I am so sorry for being so weak.  You have given me the life of a princess.  I love our dwelling and my husband, children and Nest family.  Still, I feel as if I have missed out on so many aspects of life.

Is my heart good?  Did I do everything I could in this life?  I want to be here for all that You have promised.  I don’t want to miss one moment.  Lord, You wept in the Garden of Gethsemane.  You saw what was coming and your heart was grieved.  Well, I am now so grieved by this world.   I am so saddened by it.  My tears and suffering do not honor all You have done for me.  I am so sorry.  I love You, Jesus.  Sigh… sometimes I even forget what You look like.

Now, back to today’s dream…


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for holding me close and wiping my tears.  I have experienced the great anxiety of the major surgery that didn’t even happen.  Father, You are saying, ‘Not right now!’  I am thankful and grateful for this time.  My Spirit in me, Your Spirit, is grieving.  One day last week, Thursday into Friday, I didn’t stop and couldn’t stop crying.

Everything came to this moment in time in terms of the buildup, the prayers and the preparations.  This was all to get my house in order for what might come.  Well, it has been rough.  While I have had medical setbacks over the years, including well-documented injuries, all of this has come at a time when I was focused on other things, not the state of my existence here.

Father, I am thankful for all things.  I am grateful for a journal and a pen.  I am grateful for my dreams that instruct me at night and Your Words that guide me at daybreak.  I wish I could go back a few years ago and make changes.  At the least, I would like to deal with the issues that plague me the most, especially my C-Spine neck injury.  In so many ways, this was an easier injury to deal with than this new internal issue.

I have been grieving and bargaining with You.  My saving grace is the example of Jesus in Hebrews 5:7.  While Jesus was here on Earth, He offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry and tears, to the One who could rescue Him from death.  God heard His prayers because of His deep reverence for God.  Jesus knew what He would be facing in advance.

Or this… Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, You, Father, and he said, ‘Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory.  Let Your hand be with me and keep me from harm so I will be free from pain.’  You, Father, then granted his request.

First, I had to come to grips with crying.  Over the years, I have had a few tears on my pages.  However, these were next level tears, the kind of crying where I can barely breathe.  My vision then becomes blurred with tears and I am inconsolable.  I can’t be comforted when I am like this.  My children then text my husband behind the scenes to find out how to handle me.  In some ways, it is kind of amusing.

However, this is between me and you God, the only One who knows every part of me because you created me.  I have struggled with coming to you the last several days.  It is as if I had stopped hearing from You.  You then stepped in, Father.  You sent me help.  Then Lord you did something I never thought you would… You spoke to me through my younger son.

I knew it was truly from You because I recognized Your mannerisms.  Since my son knows very little about these dreams or the Bible, I knew the things he was telling me were impossible for him to personally replicate.

I then received a Word from someone I don’t know in Africa.  I did not recognize his name nor did I personally even want to open up my Facebook page.  However, the Lord told me to open my Facebook for a Word He had sent from this person from Africa to me.  This is the Word You said was for me…

“For someone… I restored Your Spirit, soul and body to the person I created and said, ‘This is good’, and restored to you all the enemy had stolen killed and destroyed.  And then, I placed you in high places, seated you with kings, brought you into the presence of the Great and laid a table before you in the presence of your enemies.  When it seemed like it was over, you were just beginning!

I am the Author and Finisher of your story and I promise you this is how your story will end.  Isaiah 46:10:  Only I can tell you the future before it even happens.  Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.  You are in the process now.  Don’t give up.  This will be your testimony to the world.  Look up.  Your salvation is near!  I am coming suddenly!  I will help and strengthen you.

Isaiah 60:14… the descendants of your tormentors will come and bow before you, those who despised you will kiss your feet, they will call you the city of the Lord, and lion of the Holy One of Israel.  Though you were once despised and hated, with no one travelling through, I will make you beautiful forever, a joy to all generations.

Jeremiah 30:17… ‘I will give you back your health and heal your wounds’, says the Lord, ‘For you are called an outcast – for whom no one cares.’

1 Corinthians 1:25-29… This plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.  And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.  God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.  As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.

Your Beloved who loves you deeply – Jesus”

I just knew this was from You, Lord!  You then confirmed that it was.

Last night, we watched a movie about a woman who became blind after a tragic accident.  She could only see distorted images.  They were disorienting.  I became sleepy during the show, so we ended it for a good night’s sleep ahead.  My husband prayed for me and I barely recall what he said.  I then had an incredible dream…

Sub-dream 1 “The Darkness Arrives” begins…

I woke up to a beautiful spring day.  The sun was warm and the grass was green.  The sun shined in the late morning sky.  I looked outside and could see hundreds of birds in my yard acting strangely.  Even though there were so many different kinds of birds there, they were all huddling together on our front yard on the grass not in the trees.  I then decided to get my camera in order to capture this moment in time.

This was not to be!  As I turned to go back in, all around me was plunged into complete darkness.  I could see nothing.  There was only blackness.  When I held my hand out a few inches from my eyes, I couldn’t even see my hand.  However, I still had no problem hearing and what I heard was disturbing.  I heard everything with such clarity…

  • The Birds: I could hear the birds crying out together in their massive huddle.  Since I couldn’t hear any flapping of wings, I knew that none were flying.  All remained together there on the ground.
  • My Children: I could hear my children calling out to me.  I then yelled out to them, ‘Stay where you are.  God will soon bring us His Light.’
  • Our Neighborhood: I could hear crying and wailing coming from all over our neighborhood.  It was unsettling as I could hear the sheer terror in their voices.
  • My husband: I could hear my husband’s voice call out to me, ‘Erin, it’s here!  The darkness is here!  This is even scarier than I thought it would be!’  I then replied to him, ‘Yes, this is frightening!’
  • Our dogs: I could hear our dogs whining and yelping.

We then saw a light like an orb come down upon our house.  We all could then see again.  However, this was not the case for our neighborhood as we continued to hear people crying and screaming in terror in the distance.  We huddled together in our main room and prayed.  While no one else in our neighborhood could see us or anything at all, we somehow could tell that we were now in the middle of the day.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up suddenly when I began to cough.  I got up and walked to the bathroom for some water.  I was amazed at how easily I could see in the dark under normal conditions.  However, to have total blackness, as if struck by blindness… well, this would be frightening.  I decided to test this out by walking back with my eyes completely shut.  Because I knew the route, I was able.

Even so, areas I had been confident in avoiding, I was way short or long in steps.  When I finally arrived at my bed and opened my eyes, I was short of where I thought I should be.  I hadn’t measured my steps properly.  I then turned on a night light and laid my head down.  After a while, I fell back asleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “The Old Earth is Remodeled” begins…

I woke up in a room with high ceilings and windows.  It was not here, but somewhere else.  It was beautiful.  It was breathtakingly beautiful and very much like my dreams of Heaven itself.  While this felt like Heaven, it somehow still felt different.  I walked out the large windowed wall through the French doors of glass onto a type of veranda overlooking a small lake.  The landscape was lush with flowering vines and the sounds of birds singing.

I was amazed at how beautiful it was.  I could now breathe so deeply.  I felt fully alive.  I had peace.  I looked back through the doorway at this bed I had been on.  It was the most comfortable bed I had ever slept on.  It wasn’t from this world.  My feet were stepping on stones cut from onyx or translucent marble.  It was cut and installed with perfection… again, out of this world.  The beauty here was amazing.

I then heard a knock on the door.  I bounded for the door.  I then realized that I was now in a different form.  I was young again and changed.  When I opened the door, Jesus was there.  I reached over and hugged Him.

Me:  “Did I die, Lord?”

Jesus:  “No, Erin, you were just sleeping.  Come, I have much to show you.”  I turned to look for my shoes.  He stopped me.  “Come as you are.”

He reached out His hand.  When I took His hand, my clothing changed.  He took me to a horse stable that I am quite sure would never exist like this on Earth.  The horse’s quarters were better than most humans.  There were no doors to the stalls.  All was open.  Each horse had a soft area to rest.

At the end of the stable area were two horses.  These two horses came out to greet us.  I recognized the one as Jesus’ horse and the other was a foal or offspring of His horse.  The horses bowed to receive us as there were no saddles.  After mounting the horses, Jesus went first through the doors of the stable and I then followed.

The horse I was riding on was in step with me and followed Jesus.  We rode through the most beautiful terrain I had ever seen.  He then stopped at an overlook with a beautiful tree.  There was fruit in the tree and fresh grass underneath.  There under the tree was a small table with settings.

Me:  “Oh, are we having a picnic, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Well, yes, but it is still morning.  As such, we are partaking in ‘Break-Fast’ instead.”  He motioned for me to sit at the table across from Him.  “Erin, look at this view.  Do you know where we are?”

Me:  “Heaven?  Lord, this seems like Heaven.”

Jesus:  “Look at your hands, Erin.”

I looked at them.  They were my hands, but there were no longer any aging signs.  My forearms were solid.  The nailbeds on my fingers shined like pearls.

Me:  “Lord, I am healed.  Are You sure I am not in Heaven, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Erin, this is the New Earth!  I remodeled it.  Do you like it?”

Me:  “It is amazing!  Incredible!”

Jesus:  “This is only a fraction of what I have planned for those who love Me.  Now, enjoy some of your favorites…”

He pointed to the table.  In front of us were the most incredible looking pastries, fruits and other things like sausages and eggs that I had ever seen.

Me:  “Lord, is this pork sausage?”

Jesus:  “No, but equally satisfying.  Take a bite.”

Me:  “It tastes just like it, but…”

Jesus:  “Better… and much better for you.  Now, enjoy breakfast.  I then have places to show you.”

We ate and laughed.  I think I cried too.  We spoke about the horses.  The horses then turned to look at us and then appeared to converse with each other.  They then laughed together about us.

Jesus:  “Hey, you two… I can hear you.”

The horses turned to Jesus.  He laughed.  I had never seen anything like this before.

Me:  “Wait!  You knew what the horses were saying to each other?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  You will all be as one and like it was in the beginning.  You will converse with the animals and birds.  They will converse with you.  Erin, My Kingdom for My people is like that of the Garden of Eden.  However, this is even better.  I walk amongst you and I am visible to you.  You will be as one with Me, the King.  You will be in step with all that I give you, each according to their portion.

“You will have your heart’s desire here.  All that you were robbed of from the enemy will be as a recompense from Me here for you.  All the promises I gave you will be realized here with Me.  This is important.  Be encouraged because you have so much to look forward to.  There is no need to worry about how God can possible do this or that within this timeframe.

“You mourn for your children and become sad that they will have lost all that time to be able to do things that you were able.  You become sad for your sons and daughter and wonder how they will ever be married or have children.  You yourself mourn for the grandchildren you never had.

“Well, Erin, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Here, these are realized on Earth as it is in Heaven.  I have shown you the place I have prepared for you… on Earth as it is in Heaven.  You can go to both here.  Now, look over this wonderful valley.  Erin, look at those mountains.”

Me:  “Lord, is this the Cascade Range?  Is this Bend OR?  Wait, is that a golf course?”

Jesus:  Smiling.  “Yes, Erin.  All of this is yours.”

Me:  “Are You giving me Bend OR?”

Jesus:  “Well, you will need to share this with others.  However, I have a beautiful place for you here, along with your most favorite things you lost.  Here, they accompany the new things you never knew you wanted.  It is not just material items though.  It is the place I restore broken dreams and lost hopes.  It is here, Erin.

“Your children will also be here to raise their own families and have their dreams restored.  All of this is My recompense I give to you.  Now, all that was lost or stolen will be returned.  You will have no sickness here and no loss.  The moment you ask, I will answer.  My Voice is with you and I walk amongst you.”

Me:  “But what happened to our old home?”

Jesus:  “You can visit this also.  It has changed and been upgraded.  What the enemy stole will be returned and better.  Now come with Me and I will take you to the streets of Jerusalem.  The enemy had no hold over My dwelling place.”

I had never been to Jerusalem before.  While I had only seen photos, what I was now seeing was truly the next level.

Me:  “This is massive, Lord.  How?”

Jesus:  “You are part of this here.  All that was stolen from you, they also stole from Me.  Now look at all of God’s Land…

“From beyond the River to the Sea, all of My people are free!”

Me:  “Wait!  Did the enemy destroy Israel?”

Jesus:  “They tried to destroy the whole Earth.  However, I am in control over all things.”

Me:  “I no longer see the Dome of the Rock!”

Jesus:  “It is interesting that the enemy had made this the main focal point for all to see.  What I replace this with is much better and will give a God’s eye view.”

We then walked into an open-air museum of ancient artifacts restored behind clear glass on the route to the Temple Mount.  The greenery and flowering vines were breathtakingly beautiful.  As we approached the steps of the Temple, I saw the Ark of the Covenant to my left and the wooden Cross that Jesus died upon to my right.  I stood still as I was in shock and awe.  The Cross still had Jesus’ bloodstains on it.  At the base were the nails, squared off rectangular heads and about 6” to 8” in length.  Tears streamed down my cheeks.  I was now speechless.

Jesus:  He was smiling as He tried to ‘snap me out of it’.  “Erin… Erin… I am here… I am here…  This is a reminder of Truth.  This is the walk of My story.  The Temple is built here where the Cross ended.  Erin, I am alive.  I am here now with you.  This is My New Kingdom.  All those who come here to worship, and all will come, they will walk past the evidence and remember Me and remember God.  The whole Earth will take part in My Feasts and observe My Holy Days.

“Now, we still have much to do and people to see.  I brought you here to encourage you and to share in My promises for you.  You will wake up and remember what I showed you.  You will write this down plainly and then rejoice.  I love you, Erin.  I never once forgot you.  I haven’t forgotten My promises to you, not one, and I will fulfill all of these… some for now and many more for eternity.

“I am with you.  I am yours and you are Mine.  My Kingdom will consist of My Chosen, My Bride, and the saints of old and those who have come from the Great Tribulation.  All those who are to reign with Me are those whose hearts have been refined through My Refining Fire and been made new.  We will walk together for 1000 years and into eternity together as one.

“Now, I know you will have many questions.  However, all that is occurring is part of a greater plan.  All the wicked, the evil and the vile are being brought out into the open for all to see it.  Those who participate and revere them will follow them.  All of those who are opposed and focus on righteousness will be rewarded with truth and will witness the miracles of God.  Erin, the Great Divide is here  I am with you.  Do not be afraid.  God is over all things!”

Me:  “I choose You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  Now, you will show the lost how to find Me.  Rejoice!  Dry your tears.  I am with you!”

Sub-dream 2 over…

Thank You for these two dreams!  What a great encouragement to all of us showing us that You are working quickly now.  Well, You always are and always have been.  Thank You for all You do for all of us all of the time.

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-796/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-794/

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