Dream 796 – Even more about the New Earth
Received on Thursday, March 21, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! Thank You for time, a grand mystery. Thank You for answering my questions while I sleep. This world is filling up so quickly with things occurring now that we could have never imagined just five years ago. I can’t even speak about certain things as they are so horrific and awful. Father, while I know You are in control of all things all of the time, this stuff is beyond wicked.
The reports of evil and the intensity or magnitude of evil just increases faster than I am able to comprehend it all. You showed me Your Clock and Calendar and clearly this is ‘the time of great speed’. It is truly traumatic to be a part of this. Even so, this will become even worse over time as explained in Scripture…
Matthew 24:21-22: “21For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. 22And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.”
Father, squatters are taking peoples’ homes now. These illegal aliens are calling for displacing homeowners and taking their properties. This is right after all of the car thefts. In Toronto, the police are calling on its citizens to leave their key fobs on the front porch nightly to avoid armed intruders. This is happening and it is scary. The government will soon call on all of us to hand our house keys to foreign invaders.
This is all so horrific a thing. While I can’t imagine it, this is the beginning of mass displacement, destruction and death. This is the globalists desire to depopulate the planet by several billion people as soon as possible. It seems as if all this scary stuff seriously increased with the sneak attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023.
There is a lunar eclipse of the moon on Monday, March 25, 2024. The moon is also turning red from rust from the composition Hematite. Hematite means blood in the Greek language. This means that the moon is literally turning blood red as we speak. It soon won’t even require a lunar eclipse as You are changing the moon’s color to blood!
I had an uplifting dream last night…
Sub-dream 1 “Even more about the New Earth” begins…
I was loading groceries from my car into the house. My dogs bolted past me to our lawn. Zoey is going blind, so I knew it could be dangerous. I put the groceries down and went after the dogs. I called out to them. As I turned toward our small creek, there was an angel of the Lord and my two dogs at his feet. I then saw the bridge appear.
I believe that this angel was somehow related to Raphael. However, I could not tell for sure. The light was so bright all around us. My dogs turned and ran across the bridge. They both instantly disappeared. Th angel could tell that I was a touch concerned when he addressed me…
Angel: “Erin, do not be afraid as both of your dogs are well. They have crossed over to be strengthened.”
Me: “Are you taking them Home, angel?”
Angel: “They are at your home here and safe. While the increase of evil has come to this Earth, the Lord has created a place of peace for you. As for this…” He pointed across the bridge into a beautiful, lush, forested area. “…no evil can enter here. The Lord will walk amongst you and you will find rest.”
Me: “I thought this was for Heaven, not for the New Earth.”
Angel: “This is the place where the two will be joined for a thousand years. The valley in which you live, the vineyards and the lake… all of this is here. However, so too are your small companions. You have cared for many animals over the years and they are all here waiting. Come, I will show you.”
The angel reached for my hand. In an instant, we were in a beautiful field of flowers. There was a clearing up ahead with incredible trees. In the center and cutting through this was a channel of water with cut pavers on either side lined with stones. The channel was lined with what looked like gold metal. The base of the channel under the water were gemstones of all colors.
The light of the sun created the most incredible sight. I saw fish in the water jumping up and swimming. They were alive and jumped out of the water as if it were a salmon run. I then stopped suddenly when I saw all of my dogs I have ever had right there. They were playing with each other. They were playfully tackling each other as they came over to see us. I then saw all of my cats. I bent down and cried so hard at the sight.
I realized that I missed each of them so much. However, they were now healthy, young and playful here. I looked over to the angel. He had an owl on his left shoulder and a kestrel on his right shoulder. The kestrel came up to me on my shoulder and nuzzled my cheek. The owl came up and did the same. I had rehabilitated these two at the Birds of Prey Rehab Center in PA. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks.
Angel: “Erin, look over to the trees and to the orchard floors.”
I saw all of the birds I had fed over the years, as well as all of the wild animals from our property. They ran up to me as well. None of the animals or birds were attacking each other. I somehow also knew what each was saying to me.
Me: Addressing all of the birds and animals at one time. “I can’t wait to come and spend more time with you.”
Angel: “You will have plenty of time to catch up.”
Me: “Is my Home here loaded with animals?”
Angel: “They care for themselves because God provides for them. However, they are here because they all have you in common. With you, they have found their Home here. They will communicate with you. They also have their own places around your property. Do not worry as you don’t spend eternity cleaning up after them. Just note that they are all here.”
Me: “Wow, Heaven must be crowded with pets.”
Angel: “This is Earth as it is in Heaven and there is plenty of space. They love you, Erin. They chose you. They are here waiting.”
Me: “So, Zoey and Snigglet are now gone?”
Angel: “There will be a time of gathering soon where they will come. Do not worry as this is good. The animals, birds and other creatures God has called will be gathered and will then enter into the Promised Land here.”
Me: “All of the dreams I thought were of Heaven… maybe they were actually about the New Earth. The pools. The flowers. The forests. Even the beautiful villages. The Golden City of God. It must be here then?”
Angel: “Some were in the Training Ground, some were in Heaven and some were in this Kingdom. Now, there are so many things to look forward here…
- This is where Jesus walks among you.
- This is the place where you find peace and rest from your enemies.
- This is where you have joy in contrast to your sorrow.
- This is the place that the Lod has prepared for all of those who love Him.
- This is where you will have an abundant life.
- The air is clean here and the water is living here as all will be made new.
- There are gatherings, festivals and great celebrations.
- This is where the pages of the prophets come to life.
Me: “So, do things become much worse then?”
Angel: “Yes. However, you are not to be afraid as God is with you. He has sent angels concerning you to guard you in all of your ways.”
Me: “I don’t want to leave all that is happening here on Earth right now. I want to stay and be part of God’s Army.”
Angel: “This is good. This is because you don’t want to miss what the Lord has planned here. Do not worry though as He is always with you.”
Me: “I read Jeremiah 30-31 recently and it seems like this was meant for this time.”
Angel: “A mystery for now. God has prepared this beautiful land for those who love Him. All will reign with Him here. Each will be given their own portion… His recompense and His reward.”
Me: “So, who is here together?”
Angel: “The Remnant, the Saints and His Bride.”
Me: “Oh, so three groups.”
Angel: “It is written…
- Those who are gathered up.
- Those who are raised.
- And those who are with the Lord in His service.
Me: “I still don’t know who all of these are.”
Angel: “This is good then. It takes the Glory of God to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to search it out.”
Me: “I can think of hundreds of dreams about this New Earth now. I am in awe and excited.”
Angel: “Not much is written on this. However, this is a Great Gift from God. Even the angels will find rest in this beautiful land that the Lord has prepared for all those who love Him.
“Now, you are here in this time and this is important. Keep your heart set on Him and He will grant you the desires of your heart. Your dogs, animals and birds are all here. Erin, rejoice, for all that was lost will be found here.
“Look at the Word of the Lord now with deeper understanding. You will be joined here with those who scribed and served God. Now rejoice, Erin, as this timing of the close of this age is visible. Do not worry as those who lost children will see them here and all will be reconciled. Erin, rejoice.”
There was a flash of light and I was instantly back in my yard. I called out for my dogs. They were barking at the front door. I turned back to the area again and it was muddy and brown. It was lackluster as Spring hadn’t sprung greenery here yet. I woke up suddenly!
Sub-dream 1 over…
Father, I am so thankful for these dreams. I am so grateful.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. My Voice is in you. There is much to tell you and much to show you about what is to come. This is your reward for remaining with Me when things did not look good around you. This keeps your eyes fixed on Me and the Works of My hands instead of the works of the wicked. You know this time has come because all of the nations have now turned against Israel.
“All of the nations have now also come against America. Evil leaders have allowed foreigners to invade the good lands. Because this nation has called for the division of My Land of Israel, I have then called for the division of America. While these nations are God’s, their leaders have abandoned Me and removed My Name. For the sake of those who pray to Me continuously day and night, I will turn My face back and have pity on those who had no part in this.”
Me: “But, Lord, most of Your people who stood for You are being removed from having a voice at all.”
Jesus: “I hear, I see and I know the truth. Evil is increasing quickly. The lies are so prevalent now that no one can keep up with them. The wicked shadow leader will rise, along with his great army. His plans are lofty. He plans to kill by violent methods all of those opposed to him.
“He has called all invaders to take, seize and occupy by force all the people have. This includes removing their homes, properties, cars, horses, livestock and money. He wants these invaders to remove them to prison, great torture and/or death. What was done to Israel (on October 7, 2023) was only a small test in comparison.”
Me: “Please stop this, Lord!”
Jesus: “Erin, remember that I am God. The land is Mine and the children of God are Mine. It is I who determines a man’s days. The evil leader knows who I am, so he strikes out against the people and longs to defile the people and God’s land. A call will be given to kill all with a certain skin color (Caucasians), Christians, all of those who support the opposing government of old (Republicans and true Democrats) and all of those who support the original laws (the Constitution).
“Little does he understand that when he made the gesture of the speaking device falling at the end of the term that he was gesturing that his loud voice would now be in the shadows and he was finished with the stats quo. However, this was only a half-truth because he continues to love to speak. However, his dropping of his device was significant of his fall and his restrictions God imposed upon him.
“He has now become angry as things are not going at the speed he had hoped. As a result of this delay, he has begun a great war unlike any other before. This is not being fought on battlefields, but instead using lies and words. Remember that the tongue is a force of mass destruction. He is a liar with a sharp instrument. However, very soon, his plans will be cut down by truth.
“My Truth is the Truth. My Word is the Truth. My promises are true and he will soon ‘enjoy’ his new place at the lake that I have prepared for him (the Lake of Fire). Now, take courage, Erin. Do not be afraid as I am with you. I know the plots of the wicked. These will come back upon them. Now, rejoice, and I will continue to show you the place that I have prepared for all of those who love Me.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-795/
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