Dream 797 – The Convergence of Many Holy Days

Received on Sunday, March 24, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Everything outside today is white with a very thick blanket of snow.  My older son’s favorite bird is the grackle.  We had not seen any since the day before he left in October of 2023.  Well, there were now two in our yard.  It made me cry because he missed seeing them.  Then yesterday, late afternoon, I had just hung up the phone after speaking to him, and suddenly an entire flock of grackles came to our yard.

The snowstorm was continuing, so my texts weren’t sending and my photos weren’t covering the entire event.  They are jumpy birds and shift around quickly, so it was not easy to capture a good photo.  The snowstorm left at least 12” here, with a layer of ice in between.  The grackles have decided to hang around another day as they are perched in the tree by my devotional chair.

I am praying that the turkeys are okay.  There has been one lone turkey all week coming to feed alone.  Last night during the snowstorm, three turkeys ran through the trees to the trays to eat.  However, they were unusually jumpy.  There are a few maple syrup camps up the road and I am concerned that some of the larger turkeys were an opportunity many off-season hunters couldn’t resist.  I am praying that I am wrong.

Father, please continue to protect our home and property from the enemy.  Things have been scary around here.  The word is out that strangers are coming into people’s farms and properties to invade them.  We have very few periods of time when no one is here.  Even so, we fully rely on You, Father, to protect our home from invaders.  Lord, we are all so grateful for Your protection.

Today, You have brought me back to the pages of Isaiah and so much there is for this time.  My daughter had some more trouble at work and finally, after much prayer, decided to give her two weeks notice.  They had abused her and didn’t value her as a Christian.  Under her contract, she was to have two consecutive days off each week.  However, they did not fulfill this despite numerous requests.

They would not let her have Sundays off either.  In addition, every paid holiday that came was counted as her day off.  They didn’t do this with the other managers.  When scheduled this way, she could never schedule appointments or run errands.  Things like the bank were often closed due to these being holidays.  She had taken them at their word several times that they would improve this for her.  However, she has now finally realized that this will never change.

Their new rule on tardiness was also a ridiculous policy.  Even if there is ice, a snowstorm, a flood, a closed road or even the theft of a vehicle, none of these are considered excuses for being late.  It didn’t matter even if these were well-documented and even in the news.  If late, this was marked against the employee.  If a person had seven lates in a given calendar year, this is grounds for firing and the employee is dishonorably dismissed.

Where we live, sometimes even if you leave hours before the shift, you could still beat the snowplows.  Even though she was never late, this safety rule loomed and brought senseless worry.  The company was essentially putting its needs above the safety and security of its employees.  Employees then began to phone in sick rather than risking being written up for being just three minutes late.  There is even more to this saga.

As for my husband, he has been encountering similar situations at his work.  Many others I know have been experiencing the same.  There is little grace given these days.  Father, this won’t get any better unless You make it better. 

In Isaiah 58, it is difficult to reach out to the poor and offer bread as we no longer are confident that they won’t turn and rob us in return for our kindness. As for the naked, they no longer want to cover themselves.  We can even be condemned for handing them a blanket.  It is difficult as we are now forced to not speak ill about the wicked and their deeds.  When we point a finger at a wicked person and state what we witnessed, we can become charged for our tongues.

Father, we all have burdens now.  We must carry these burdens now and our tongues must remain silent.  We therefore hold out for the day that Your Glory shines upon us and we will be like a watered garden and a spring of water that continuously flows.

In Isaiah 58:12, Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt and You shall raise up the foundations of many generations, You will be called the Repairer of the breach and the Restorer of streets to dwell in.

There are further instructions about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and not going our own ways of self-satisfaction.  If we do this then we will delight You, Father, and You will make us ride on the heights of the Earth.  You will feed us with the heritage of Jacob, our Father.  I take this to mean we will be strengthened like the sons of Jacob.  This means being both changed and strengthened.

I had been sad for our children and many other young Christians who won’t have some of the same rites of passage as we had.  Those who love their children want to see them going to school, enter the workforce, get married, buy a home, have a family and enjoy a safe and prosperous life together under You.  This now just seems like a shut door for many.  Still, You are just and perfect and so worthy of all of our praise.

I had a couple of interesting dreams last night…

Sub-dream 1 “The Government seizes property” begins…

My daughter was to marry a kind and handsome Christian young man.  She already had her wedding dress.  I went with her to find a gown for her rehearsal.  This seemed odd as most shopping venues were closed for the day.  After successfully finding her a rehearsal gown, we had to stop by her fiancé’s family estate to finalize one detail.  We arrived at around 9:00pm.  We looked across a massive parcel of land to his house.

Since I had never been there, I was surprised to see this large beautifully maintained green and white house completely lit up with lighting inside and out.  It was very prominent and clear that the home was occupied.  As we drove near, my daughter told me that his family once owned all of the land we could see.  However, the government had now decided that they didn’t need so much land.

The government then began to seize parcels of land bit-by-bit.  While the government was still allowing them to use their driveway and road, they felt it was only a matter of time before this ‘privilege’ was removed.  As we approached the home, I saw a horrible chain-link fence surrounding their home allowing them just ten feet of grass and landscaping around their home.

I then saw a swimming pool in the back filled with black sludge. The government had seized the pool area. This, along with so much of this property, had now been designated for an open graveyard.  Other parts were to become an open city dump.  They were literally building open pits of trash.  All of this was just so disgusting.

Me:  “Why do they stay?”

My daughter:  “Mom, don’t you see it?  Come on in and I will show you.”

As we approached the front door, all of a sudden from my view, all we could see was a beautiful parcel of grassy land and a wonderful fragrance.  It had changed.

My daughter:  “You need to see what all God has done and will do.  Mom, it is incredible!  Their house now has a hedge of protection like our house has.”

We went up to the front door.  Just as my daughter knocked on the door, I woke up.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “Witnessing to a Jewish Synagogue” begins…

I was in a place that I wasn’t welcome.  There was a Torah reading.  The Rabbi conducting the Torah reading had a left hand that was a golden yad.  He had this instead of a hand of flesh.  He had a prosthetic limb of silver but had this golden yad at the end of it for reading the Torah.  They had pulled out a massive scroll and opened it.

However, when the Rabbi’s hand went over the script, it began to disintegrate.  His golden yad hand was also melting.  While his hand pointed at one script, his tongue was saying something completely different.  It was a false reading about our Lord.  I went up to the Rabbi.  I was young again, a gentile and a female.  I placed his Torah aside.  The Rabbi was shocked into stunned silence.

I then proceeded to take out three ancient Torahs and read from them to the congregation.  All three Torahs matched up.  I then pulled out the fourth Torah again, the original one that the Rabbi was reading.  Much had been removed from it.  The Rabbi called on his guards to have me removed.  Just then, an angel of the Lord appeared.  He spoke as one of them.

Then in front of the entire synagogue, the angel showed all of them how the enemy of the Jewish people had robbed them of God’s Promise.  A giant screen then appeared that showed all of them the real historical events as they had actually taken place.  Many of the congregation became angry and left the building.  They didn’t want to hear what was being shown or told to them.  However, some stayed and heard.

Angel:  “It is time for the Witnesses to testify in the streets.”

The Rabbi with the golden yad hand stood motionless.  He then began to confess that Yeshua is Lord.  As he did, his arm and hand grew back.  He was made whole.  There were gasps in the congregation as his arm and hand were completely healed.

Angel:  “Now go and witness to the people about the power of Yeshua as He will soon take His seat here.”

Rabbi:  “Many will not listen.  They are stiff-necked.”

Angel:  Addressing the Rabbi.  “Then you will prepare them for the good or for the evil that they will face.  It is simple.”  Then addressing me.  “Erin, you must go.”

I nodded.  As soon as I nodded, I was in a whole different place.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, these dreams seemed so real.  You remind me in Isaiah 59 that society has begun a fast descent into darkness.  Isaiah 59:10:  “We grope for the wall like the blind; we grope like those who have no eyes; we stumble at noon as in twilight, among those in full vigor we are like dead men.”

This Word then continues about injustice and then judgment and then redemption.  It is about how the Lord will repay us according to our deeds.  This feels like the times we are in right now.

Father, I am sorry.  I confess that, at times, I become crabby.  It is not like me.  Crabby attitudes and pain from ill-health leads to bitterness.  I confess that sometimes when I am like this that I act like someone I don’t like or even recognize.  I become weary.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Take courage and do not worry.”

Me:  “Lord, all of these events are converging…

  • Purim: Today is Purim.  I learned that Purim comes from the word ‘Pur’ and means a lot or lots, a method of choosing or deciding by chance.  In the Persian culture, the Pur (a lot) was used to seek guidance from pagan gods or drawing lots.  Haman drew a lot that fell on Adar 13.  The edict was then issued that the Jews should be annihilated on the 13th day of the 12th month (Esther 3:7,12-13).
  • Palm Sunday: Today is also the day celebrated by many as the day in which You rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.  The people recognized You as their Messiah.  The Jewish leaders then plotted Your death.
  • Lunar Eclipse: Tomorrow is the lunar eclipse.  This is Monday, March 25, 2024.
  • Good Friday: This coming Friday is Good Friday.  This is March 29, 2024.
  • Easter: This coming Sunday is Easter.  This is March 31, 2024.
  • Easter Monday and April Fool’s Day: Easter and April Fool’s Day both happen on the same day of Monday, April 1, 2024.
  • Total Solar Eclipse: The Total Solar Eclipse is on the afternoon of Monday, April 8, 2024.  This completes the X over the USA when combined with the Total Solar Eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017.  The Path of Totality will pass over two of the eight places in the USA called Nineveh:  One in Indiana and one in Ohio.  The other six Ninevehs will experience only a Partial Solar Eclipse.
  • New Year for Kings and Festivals: While Nisan 1 is the beginning of summer on the Hebrew Calendar, it is also the start of the New Year for Kings and Festivals.  Nisan 1 starts on the sunset of Monday, April 8, 2024 (right after the Total Solar Eclipse ends) and continues to the sunset of Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
  • Last day of Ramadan: The last day of Ramadan is on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 and will officially end at the sighting of the New Moon.

“So many Holy Days are converging now.  This is very interesting.  Not only that but my children and my husband are all having dreams.  There are so many signs of something coming now.  Lord, I pray for the Jewish people.  Send a hedge of protection around them.  Send one around all of Your people.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I told you a while back that when you see the following signs that the something you are waiting for is soon to come…

  • When you hear the wicked calling for the death of billions of people.
  • When you see young leaders eroding the foundations of the nations’ cornerstones against their own people.
  • When you see punishing laws and taxation for you, but not for those who come as foreign invaders.

“Erin, you will derive more information from old warning books published decades ago than from any of your sources now.  Why?  This is because the older books require the checking and vetting of their source information.  This had to be given.”

Me:  “One of my mom’s favorite sayings was, ‘Site your sources.’”

Jesus:  “Now is the time of black water and muddy truth.  You must only use Me for your truth.  If you read something, pray and ask Me and I will verify what you are reading as truth.  Now pay attention to ‘Three Days’ as this is important.”

Me:  “Lord, for the first time, and I have said nothing to my children about it, all of them have been having dreams about The Three Days of Darkness coming soon.  They have never been interested in this type of stuff before, but they all are now.”

Jesus:  “Understandably.  This will be a scary event for most of the Earth.  However, it will be a necessary tool to divide the goats from the sheep and to soften the hearts of stone to begin to question their position and turn to Me.  The wicked will just become more defiant like Pharaoh.  I don’t want you to be afraid as I will be with you.

“Years ago, you had the dream of lights across the nations.  Some were bright and some were dim.  At that time, you asked Me what could cause some lights to go dim.  This is because the land has become so dark that when the darkness falls so too does their hope deferred.  Erin, I am God over all of the Earth.  I am in control of all things.

“The wicked enjoy their new power.  However, make no mistake, this is short-lived.  Now continue on your course as I am with you.  Also, when I give you a dream or vision, write this down plainly and make time for Me.  Now more than any other time, this hour is the most important.  Rejoice and take heart as I am with you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-798/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-796/

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