Dream 810 – The Judgement of Those Persecuting God’s People

Received on Thursday, May 2, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  It is officially spring here.  Winter has moved to early summer really.  Please keep our home cool.  Thank You for my sleep where You speak to me in dreams.

I had a couple of dreams last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Preparing Moving Boxes” begins…

There were moving boxes around me.  I was young, strong and so happy.  I was preparing the flat pieces of cardboard by folding them and taping up three sides.  I was singing and happy as I performed this task.  This was a surprise as I normally would completely hate the moving process.  There was also an urgency and excitement over my task of packing our stuff.

Sub-dream 1 over…

When I woke up from this dream and was back in my current state, I felt dread.  I hate moving.  I mean I really hate it.  I then fell asleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “A Young Woman in a Sapphire Dress” begins…

I was preparing for a Spring Formal Dance.  All of my friends were young.  We went dress shopping together.  We went to a dress shop for formals and weddings.  While I helped my friends find their dresses, I was having trouble finding one for myself.

Friend 1:  “Erin, look at this sapphire dress.  It is so beautiful.”

The dress was long and stunning.  It actually looked like the sapphires were encrusted on the fabric.

Friend 2:  “Try it on!”

I agreed.  I then went into the dressing room and put it on.  There was no mirror, so I didn’t know how the dress looked on me yet.  After zipping the dress up in the back, I walked out to my friends.  They were left speechless, but I was still not sure why.

I could then see a beautiful young woman in a dress just like mine across the room.  I waved at her at the same time she waved back at me.  She had long curly hair.  I then decided to walk towards her.  I suddenly realized that this was actually a mirror in the distance, not a young woman with my dress on. It was me!!

After I woke up, I got out of bed to look at myself.  I was not that girl… smiles.

Sub-dream 2 over…

And then the night before last, I had another dream…

Sub-dream 3 “A Massive Tornado Hits Hartford” begins…

I was visiting Hartford, Connecticut.  I was with my daughter.  We were in a small home with friends in the suburbs of Hartford.  We stepped out on the porch and saw what looked like a massive storm coming our way.  We quickly realized it was a tornado.  This tornado was the likes and size of which I have never seen or heard of.

It was so large that it ate up the horizon.  It was miles across.  It consumed everything in its path.  It split the land in half.  Since there was no warning system in place, I knew that a massive number of deaths would be inevitable.  We went outside to the street to warn people…

Me:  Yelling out to them.  “Go into your bathroom tubs or basements.”

We could tell that very few people were listening to us.  We then prayed for their safety.

Me:  “It is headed for Old Saybrook.  Let’s ask the Lord to shrink it and confine it to the main roads enroute.”

My daughter agreed and we prayed for this together.  The tornado immediately shrank and was now moving down the paved road to Old Saybrook.  Even so, the destruction it had already caused was unbelievably bad.

Sub-dream 3 over…

Father, this dream was so real and terrifying.  However, since we do not know anyone that lives in Hartford, it seemed more symbolic of something greater soon to come.  All of this was so real.

Me:  “Thank You for sleep.  Please have mercy and heal me soon.  My nights are restless and I am up a lot.  I am tired for no reason and my hands are swollen.  My steps are labored and my breathing heavy.  I am tired, Father.  I am also anxious.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I haven’t forgotten you.  Your promised day comes so do not worry.  These days are troubling in the world and I see them.  Do not worry.  Remember that, even though times change, the patterns of the enemy are the same.  These are predictable and you can forecast what their next moves are or where they would like this to be.

“Now, this evil leader over the land knows what his instructions are (President JB).  He knows right from wrong.  However, he has been given over to those who hate the countries of North America, Europe, but, most of all, Israel.  Erin, it is written (with the following based on 1 Samuel 15:23)…

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.  And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because he has rejected My Word, I will reject him as king.”

“Erin, his days are numbered and I have sent writing upon his wall.”

Me:  “Lord, please step in.  The evil has spread and riots have broken out.  Please stop this and appear.”

Jesus:  “Even if I would appear for all to see, they would not recognize Me.  Instead, it is better for them to stumble in the dark and cry out.  They will cry out first to their false god who never appears and then to the One who is present even in the darkness.”

Me:  “I just never thought calling for the death of the Jewish people would ever happen  in my lifetime.  However, it is now here and so quickly spreading.”

Jesus:  “To know who is behind this and guilty, then look to who is quiet (ex-Pres O).  Look to what leader, past or present, has others doing his work.  I see it and I want you to understand what is happening here.  Foreigners and the rebellious are being allowed this opportunity to discredit Israel and the West.”

Me:  “We are all being labeled as Colonizers now.”

Jesus:  “From the days of Noah, when his family left the ark, they colonized.  Every single person alive on this Earth is colonizing on God’s land.  Right now, there are invaders in My land that I will wipe away from the Earth.  Their memory or even evidence they existed will be gone.  They will go to the Outer Darkness reserved for judgment.  I hate those who strike out against the innocent, those who birth lies and accusations.  The very thing they accuse you of is the very thing they are doing.”

Me:  “Lord, You seem upset today as You rarely address the Outer Darkness.”

Jesus:  “Pray, Erin, as you are witnessing those who will be bound hand and foot and cast out into the Outer Darkness, the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Me:  “Is there anything else we can do?  I ask this with urgency as all of us are next!”

Jesus:  “Pray and understand this… My Word is Truth.  For those who search for Me, I will illuminate the Words on the Pages I have written.  To those who do not seek Me, all of My Words are just this… words on a page some person typed.  These will then receive nothing from Me.  Many Christians are turning away from My Word.  They have believed the lies of those who know My Word is true.

“This is why the witnesses, My disciples, have written eyewitness accounts of events during My time there on Earth.  This is a wicked generation who comes against those who are faithful and remain in Me… for I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if you were told.”

Me:  “The enemy has done this, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Understand this… watch who fact checks truth and then inserts lies instead.  There has been a plan in place to imprison the Voice of Truth… all those who love Me and the things of Heaven.  The enemy is sending a message of fear to all those who oppose them that they are now in power.  However, they are not.”

Me:  “Lord, please make Yourself known!”

Jesus:  “I am known and I am soon to be revealed.  Do not worry.  I love you and My favor is upon you.  Do not worry.  Stand and take courage!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-811/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-809/

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