Dream 811 – God’s Plans will Trump the Enemy’s Plans

Received on Sunday, May 5, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for my family and friends.  Thank You for Your Words of Truth, encouragement and love in such a dark and ominous world.

Father, please grant me clarification of my dreams and their timing.  I am not fully understanding what I am seeing.  I only know that I want none of us here to endure it as we are now.  If we are not strengthened by Your hands, Father, then we will meet destruction here and the enemy will be successful.

I had a couple of vivid dreams last night…

Sub-dream 1 “The Deadly Lion consumes all in his path” begins…

I saw a large, white lion.  However, the white was grayish and not pure white.  The eyes of the lion were yellow and red and were terrifying.  Its teeth were like iron and deadly to its prey.  Its mouth dripped with the blood of its prey.  I saw the lion pacing and circling throughout the land.  It then laid in wait for an opportunity.  It was patient.  It then roared and called out to the animals nearby…

Deadly Lion:  “If you want to live, you must fashion a crown for me.  You must then come daily to worship me and to sacrifice yourselves to me.”

He then laid there at the edge of the Great Wilderness.  I saw adorable, little animals fashioning a crown for him.  When they went to worship and present their works to him, the lion seemed unimpressed and bored.  When they bowed before him, he would reach down to lick them in approval, like a kiss.

As the little animals then celebrated the kiss from the lion, he quietly consumed them as the others observed in shock and horror.  Finally, after the animals completed the crown, the lion again addressed the animals around him…

Deadly Lion:  “I declare a Coronation Day where all of you will bow to me.  Those who don’t bow to me will be pursued and consumed.”

Many of the animals then decided not to participate even though they knew they would be devoured.  When the Coronation Day came, there were very few there.  In anger, the lion consumed all who were there.  He then went out to find those who were hiding.  However, the little animals hid in areas the lion couldn’t find.

Deadly Lion:  Addressing the other animals.  “Find the little animals and report back to me of their hiding places.  If you don’t do this, you will be consumed.”

This resulted in even more death.  However, the lion still couldn’t find those who had hidden.  He then went out to search for new areas to conquer.  He then went out to all of the Seven Kingdoms to conquer them and to consume all who were opposed to worshipping him.

He then gathered up five other lions with him.  However, he soon became hungry and consumed them, resulting in their fall.  Everywhere the lion went, he was feared and he left a path of destruction.  He had no morals.  While he had great discipline, he consumed all who served him.

I woke up suddenly with an upset stomach.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I then went back to sleep and had another dream.

Sub-dream 2 “Six Pillars with a Base of Clay” begins…

In front of me was a massive valley with barren hills surrounding the area.  Around this valley were seven hills.  On the top of these barren hills were seven thrones.  Each throne was in a different style.

While some were decorated in gold and jewels, all were captivating.  Some were carved.  One was alabaster and another carved in cedar.  One of them seemed digital or like a hologram.  Each of the seven thrones faced the valley.

In this valley were six large columns or pillars made of iron, but with a base of clay.  They were elaborate and they all stood in one line.

I then heard a call.  It was haunting.  I suddenly realized that it was ‘a call to prayer’.  I then saw these mourners dressed in black from head to toe.  They flooded the valley floor and laid their heads to the ground at the foot of these columns to worship them.  As they worshipped, I saw the heavens part open.

Four angels of the Lord and one of God’s chief angels then came down to the valley.  Each of the four angels had large hammers.  God’s chief angel looked like Michael, but I wasn’t 100% sure.  This chief angel then gave a shout and each of the four angels took their hammers to the bases of the pillars at its foundations.

The pillars then toppled and the mourners screamed in horror.  The ground then shook and split open and all the worshippers of the pillars were consumed into the Earth.  After the Earth closed, the angels went to the seven thrones and destroyed all but one of them.  The only throne not destroyed was the one carved in white marble.  It was the only one that remained.

In my dream, I spoke out “Jesus, King Jesus!” and then woke up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Father, the world is turning to Islam in an alarming rate.  The universities in our country and in other countries have been taken over by antisemitic and antichristian protesters chanting death to America.  They are being emboldened.  What is happening?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  My Voice is in you.  There is a greater plan in place of all of this.  Remember I am God over all things and I cannot be shaken.  While I can shake the Earth and its inhabitants, I cannot be shaken.  My foundations of truth are unshakable.  My truth is a solid rock and it cannot be shaken.  Nothing can succeed against Me.  Be clear and know this.  I am God.

“Now, these protests are a distraction away from something.  The wars and rumors of wars are a distraction away from something.  Right now, there has been one enemy of the world and his system and these have several heads.  In five days time, there will be a meeting of countries.  Their objective will be to destroy by injection the balance of the population over the next few years.”

Me:  “Lord, this lands on Friday, May 10, 2024.  Who is meeting?  Where is this meeting?”

Jesus:  “This is a lofty goal of mass genocide of the peoples of the Earth.  I have warned you of this as this is their objective.  Now, there is something else… as if this weren’t enough… in order for this to occur within the enemy’s timeline, America must be destroyed, as well as Israel and Canada.  The leaders have allowed the entry of the enemy through their gates.”

Me:  “Lord, all of this is happening so quickly.  It is horrible.  Please stop this.”

Jesus:  “Erin, do not worry as I know their lofty plans.  Pray.  This is all unfolding now.  However, I have a Great Plan.”

Me:  “How can we prepare?  Is there anything we can do?”

Jesus:  “Wait!  Stand!  Pray!  Watch Me deliver My people!”

Me:  “Lord, they are even more wicked than I had originally thought.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but I am God and I am good.  The enemy has a roadmap and blueprints, a schedule and a clock for himself.  He is also full of hate…

  • He hates Israel (the New Judah).
  • He hates America (the New Israel).
  • He hates Jews and Christians.
  • He hates women and children.
  • He hates animals and birds.
  • He hates plants and forests.
  • He hates fresh water, clean air and joy.
  • He hates freedom, laws and fair and balanced justice.
  • He even hates his own sons and daughters of perdition.

“Most of all, he hates Me and all of My angel army.  He knows the times.  He knows his 6000 years is now coming to a close.  In his rage, he now destroys.  He wants to burn up all of God’s Creation and see it destroyed by his hand.  However, I am God.

“Now, remember to pray that the enemy’s plans come to nothing because My Plans are Greater.  Even though you now see the enemy and his plans coming into view, you are not to worry.  Seeing his plans coming into view does not mean that they will succeed.”

Me:  “Lord, the global leaders are calling for just one plane trip per person every three years.  They are calling for only three articles of clothing per person per year.  They are calling for a 95% reduction in private car ownership.  They don’t want us to drive or fly.  They also want to completely remove all meat consumption.  They want to eliminate all of our freedoms and choices.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  They also want to remove the possessions of all those in certain age brackets (I had it impressed upon me that this was for the wealth of those aged 55 and over, but did not have this confirmed).  The leader in Canada just declared his plans.  However, you are to remember that their plans are lofty and unrealistic.  Their plans are lofty and unrealistic because I am God and I stand in their way.

“Now, only ten years ago, you asked Me, ‘How could this ever come to be?’  Well, it is now here and as I told you it would be.  Do you remember when I told you that it is like a boulder travelling down a slope?  This begins slowly then picks up speed rapidly as it reaches the bottom.  This shouldn’t be surprising to you as you have now seen it unfold exactly as I told you it would.”

Me:  “Yes, but it is just so horrible.  However, I already know that You have prepared a Great Place for us in all of this.”

Jesus:  “I have.  Now, remember to press into Me and pray.  Worship Me in full as I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if I told you.  Rejoice, Erin, and do not worry.  You are Mine.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-812/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-810/

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