Dream 812 – A Home too beautiful to comprehend

Received on Thursday, May 9, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You!  Thank You for another day!

Yesterday marked the 10-year anniversary of my fall on Thursday, May 8, 2014.  This was the day that my life changed.  While I had thought that this was one of my worst days, You eventually made it one of my best.  With this, You closed one door, the end of my design career, and You opened another door, the start of my career in serving You fulltime.  When I say serving You fulltime, I mean spiritually, not physically.

While You knew in advance that You had a different purpose for me, my design career had allowed for very little down time.  At first, I mourned my loss.  I knew in that moment when I fell that I was in trouble.  You just know when something major is wrong with your body.  I couldn’t just get up and shake it off as I had been able to at other times in my past.

I then found myself wanting to reverse time just to give back even just five minutes so I could make changes to avoid the accident that morning.  However, it was too late.  Wave after wave of troubles then began as I tried to navigate this new state of being.  I worried about my job, my income, my surgeries, my battles and so on.  I had just come through an epic custody battle that took all I had.

I didn’t know how I could keep my children.  The what-ifs then set in.  Father, You then told me to be still and see that You are good and to trust You.  You reminded me that, what the enemy planned for my destruction, You would use to deliver me to the land of the trees and far away from harm.  You then added that my children would all be released by my enemy on Saturday, August 23, 2014.

We were in complete shock that You would give me such a specific date.  In an extreme miracle, You then did everything You said You would and on the exact timeline You had promised.  I still can’t believe You did this against all of the odds stacked against us.  In just three months, You set us all free in a miraculous way.  Only You, Father, could do such amazing things.  Only by Your hand.  Nothing is impossible for You.

This has been a difficult last few days for me.  My health has really declined.  My blood pressure has been high and I have been sick.  All the signs of kidney troubles are here and even adding a fever and bleeding to the mix.  I have been sad.  I have had a hopeless feeling knowing that something has taken over my normal functions.

I must still be going through the five stages of grief.  The depression and denial portions seemed to have lingered.  I guess these things are common with cancer.  I have isolated myself a bit these days as I just don’t feel very hopeful when I am in the thick of my battles.  Forgive me, Father, for all the times I said the wrong things to friends at their time of greatest need.

Just spending time with You is all I need.  All of this is between You and me.  I can’t always be honest with others, even my family, about what I am experiencing.  My children sometimes get mad at me if they can tell I am feeling down or in pain.  It is easier to just say nothing and put on a happy face than to bring my house down.

This feels like a spiritual battle more than anything.  I either believe in Your promises or I don’t.  I believe, Father.  It is just that I had hoped that You would do everything according to my plans and by my timeline – that is, being already healed.  Even though I had a picture and an idea, You are still and always will be the Master Painter.  When You take over and we allow You to work, all is perfect.  Lord, You are absolutely perfect.

You speak in signs and wonders to me in order to confirm that You are with me in the natural.  You never disappoint me.  I had a difficult Monday and Tuesday.  Then on Monday night, You sent a beautiful double rainbow right over our home.  I was so excited that I even went out in the rain to take photos.

I was then excited to discover on Tuesday that I have trillium flowers on our property.  These take eight to nine years to cultivate and grow.  Their blooms then last only three weeks.  I took photos of these flowers as well.  As we sat down later on for dinner, my daughter then spotted a hummingbird.  I was so excited that I put the feeder out about ten days ago because the active migration map showed a sighting in Bangor ME.

The next morning, there was a new baby chipmunk, a baby ground hog and a baby turkey.  They were all eating corn at the tray in our yard.  Thank You, Father!  Thank You for lifting my head.  This week, my hands have been swollen and aching.  Writing and technology have been mostly off of the table.  I have also taken a break from the news on the television as it is all so depressing and one-sided right now.

It is so disturbing to see the world turn against Israel and to see these battles in our own country too.  It makes my blood pressure high.  Oh Father, You are surely going to help us soon, right?  It is so hard to watch evil rise like this.  Despite all of the turmoil, I decided to take a good portion of yesterday to thank You for Your goodness.

I was alone yesterday and sang Katy Nicole’s and Cain’s song, “Jesus, Thank You”.  The lyrics to the song never left my thoughts – It was a good day!

I had a couple of vivid dreams last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Three Builders Treat Me like Garbage” begins…

All of my current family were now living in the tiny home I grew up in back in Albany, California.  We were living in one of the bedrooms, the bathroom, the living room and the kitchen.  The other two bedrooms were occupied by my old builders I had worked with who had treated me like garbage.  There were three sets of these old builders living in the back of this tiny home with us.

These three treated me like garbage and used me horribly.  I am not sure why they were living in this house.  They would come and go at all times of the day.  They were not grateful for anything I had done.  I had worked hard and left them valuable resources.  In return, they chased me and tried to smear my reputation in the industry.  This was a horrible nightmare.  I then woke up from this dream suddenly.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I then went and searched for these guys on the internet.  My stomach turned.  It was horrible.  I then fell asleep again and had my second dream…

Sub-dream 2 “A Home too beautiful to comprehend” begins…

The Lord was building a new home for us.  It was so amazing and beyond anything any of these wicked men had stolen from me.  I was walking through this home.  As I walked, every room turned into the very best and even better than anything I had ever worked on or even the best I had ever seen.  It was as if the Lord had extracted every lovely thing that I had ever seen and had incorporated this in the design.  There were things I had never even spoken of.  It was all here.

I then walked outside and the area turned into a landscape that I had never even seen on Earth before.  It was unfolding and constructed as I stood there speechless.  Within about 45 minutes, this entire place was finished.  All of it was complete.  The plants, bushes and trees then supernaturally matured.  Tears ran down my cheeks as I thanked God for letting me witness such fun events.  The Lord then spoke to me.

Voice of the Lord:  “Erin, this is for you.  This is yours.  All of this is yours!”

When I woke up from this dream, I was a bit startled.

Sub-dream 2 over…

This must have been a Heavenly Home?  I felt thankful.  I promise that I really do not covet homes here.  I am happy.  I just want to live in Bend OR again.  I wouldn’t even be picky on what I lived in.  I am not spending my days imagining dream homes and their associated mortgages and taxes.

Me:  “Father, what is all of this about?  Surely the hour is late!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Now, about the first dream… this dream was of the home you experienced great trauma in.  All of that is unresolved.  No one acknowledged it or apologized for it.  All of those who were entrusted to watch over you and care for you are gone now.  As for the builders there, they are all still living.”

Me:  “Lord, I thought I had forgiven all of them.  I thought I had moved forward.”

Jesus:  “You have.  However, instead try to think of this former house as portions of your head.”

Me:  “My brain?”

Jesus:  “These are like rooms which are occupied in which you live – like chambers.  You have very few good memories at this house.  This means that being back in this house would be your personal nightmare.  When you then add these three wicked builders who robbed you, justice and closure for you were never served.

“While all of them remember what they did to you, they all see themselves as higher than you and much smarter.  However, there are many more people in your past like this.  You were robbed of much more than you even realize.  Once a shark detects blood in the water, all who swim with him, the other sharks, then attack their prey.

“They all attack together in a feeding frenzy.  The enemy has followed you for years and has never forgotten the betrayal of you now following Me.  Because of this, what you had hoped for in life didn’t come into fruition.

“Now, your tree in this building industry never produced good fruit in due season.  As a result, yes, I cut down this tree and kept you with Me.  With Me, your tree produces fruit of many varieties all throughout the year.  This is what I have done, Erin.  I remember.  I do not forget any details.

“Erin, I do not forget even one detail of what your enemies have done to you.  One day, your enemies will be forced to remember and see.  All of those who handed you over and said false things will be handed over before the Throne of God and will be forced to confess.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  However, I feel like I am so far from this right now.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but this is not far from Me ever.”

Me:  “But why now?  Why bring this now?”

Jesus:  “The hour is late and much is about to rise up.  The generals from the depths have been given permission to rise.  These are demonic spirits who have armies.”

Me:  “Lord, are these not already here?  Baal, Jezebel, Molech, Lilith and/or Ishtar?  I am not sure who, but it sure seems that these are already here!”

Jesus:  “I am only telling you this so that you are aware of their presence, not for you to personally know them.  Since you have seen them work, I have called you to pray.”

Me:  “Lord, this is so difficult.  These ‘gods’ are so wicked.  Please help us.”

Jesus:  “Do not worry as I am here.  My number of angel armies of Heaven are greater than these.  However, the call has not been given yet.  This is the Great Time of Testing.”

Me:  “Lord, please… Your people who love You are wearing down now.  Please don’t delay!  Lord, please…”

Jesus:  “I tell you all of this so that you understand what you see in the natural has a spiritual unseen root.  There is a Great War that you cannot see now.  However, this is only the beginning.  All is about to change.  Now take courage.  Be strong and take courage.  All you are to do right now is to stand and pray.  Wait on Me.  Watch Me deliver you to a beautiful land.”

Me:  “Lord, what about the Great Harvest?”

Jesus:  “It comes.  It is the greatest and it comes.  Do not worry.”

Me:  “Lord, I am scared.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  However, do not be as I am with you.  Do not worry!  Rejoice, Erin, as nothing will be lost and all is to be gained.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-813/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-811/

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