Dream 813 – I will first pour out My Spirit

Received on Sunday, May 12, 2024 (Mother’s Day)


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for being our God in all things.  I thank You for our home, our Nest, our family and our friends.  Thank You for Your Goodness, Father!

Lord, I am deeply troubled by a dream I had last night…

Sub-dream 1 “An Invading Army of Complete Evil” begins…

There was a specific alert transmitted on phones, radios, satellites and all forms of digital tech.  The alert had a readout as follows…

“Special Alert!  Urgent!  Special Alert!  Urgent!  Retreat to your homes and await further instructions!  <<  Unreadable Threat (see below) >>”

This alert then repeated itself a few times.

Note:  While a dire threat was written out and included in this ‘Special Alert’, I was unable to recall it.  Perhaps I was able to read it at the time, but I could not now recall it… at least for this dream.  Perhaps the Lord doesn’t want me to disclose this threat as of this time.

Whatever threat was in this text, it then created great fear.  However, there was very little other information other than this Special Alert.  With the peoples now locked inside, I saw rubber boat rafts with men of foreign origin flooding the beaches of Europe (including the United Kingdom & Ireland), Australia & New Zealand, the USA & Canada.  Each of these boat rafts carried thirty men each.

There were vast swarms of these boat rafts.  Once the men made it to the shores, there were large trucks with canvas tops loaded with automatic weapons.  Each man was then given light blue helmets and maps with lists.  They then broke this large group of men into one leader for each group of ten men.  This leader held a clipboard with instructions.  Each of these groups then entered into these trucks for transport.

These trucks then pulled up to the entrances of the cities, both major cities and many minor cities.  All entry and exit points to the major cities and some of the minor cities now had checkpoints set up.  Some of the other minor cities were completely fenced in.  It was frightening.  For seven days, the people were held until all was in place.  A former President of the USA (not Trump) then appeared at a press conference.

Former President of the USA and the New Global Leader:  “You all know me as the former leader of the USA.  However, please allow me to now reintroduce myself as the new leader of the ‘New Global Health Initiative’ (or something similar to this).  Since the world population is unable to take care of the planet and themselves, it is now the role of this organization to right all the wrongs of humanity.

“Unfortunately, the actions of a few have caused the destruction and further imminent destruction of those who are soon to lose their lives.  There have been lies circulating to cause fear.  Today, our global peacekeepers will be going door-to-door to take a census, to hear your concerns and to give you an aid box with further instructions.  Each household must follow the instructions contained in these aid boxes.

“Failure to follow these instructions will cut off further necessities for your household.  Any attempt to obstruct, harass or demean our workers will subject your household to arrest.  Any failure to obey our workers will also subject your household to arrest.  These measures are not of my doing.  Instead, this is an emergency measure to uphold the safety and sanctity for all.  To ensure the safety of all citizens, each household must relinquish all weapons and failure to do so will result in arrest.

“Many of those who are your neighbors are not your friends and certainly unable to protect our planet from harm.  They might look just like you, but they are filled with hate.  We have set up a call center and ask all of you to report anyone opposed to the betterment of the body as a whole.  Peacekeepers will then be sent out to restore order.  Those who report these will be given a digital score card able to be redeemed for access to medical care, pharmaceuticals and other amenities.

“Now, I know that changes are not easy, but we are making this as simple as possible as many of you are not as knowledgeable as we are.  There is a New World Order now.  This is the way moving forward.  I am the leader and I am ‘the way’ here.  Since you already know me, I can be trusted.  Now, your aid boxes will be arriving over the next three days.  Thank you for believing so you can be the change.”

I then saw these armies of ‘peacekeepers’.  There were thousands… no, millions… going door-to-door.  This was a great army of pure evil.  People were trying to flee.  Many were killed immediately.  The fear was so great that many complied.  I saw a few peacekeepers really like a certain home, so they had the owners arrested.

I saw many people give them all their valuables in exchange for their lives.  Then in other areas, the people who were native to the land were just killed.  I had never seen such horror.  What was happening was the same type of barbarism as what occurred in Israel on October 7, 2023.  My stomach was sick when I woke up.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, this is a difficult time to be alive.  My memories of the beaches in Sandpoint ID when I was a teenager seem so distant now.  I remember driving around and doing normal activities like shopping for the prom or walking on the bridge.  I remember boating on the lake.  We loved camping and picking berries.

As for now, I just can’t imagine not experiencing these activities ever again.  All of this now seems like another lifetime ago.  It is gone if You don’t come against all of this evil.  What is coming is horrifying.  It is coming and I pray that You don’t allow this.

After a while, I fell back to sleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “I will first pour out My Spirit ” begins…

In my dream, I heard a loud knock outside.  I thought it was real because my sapsucker bird has been knocking at our gutters and it has been quite loud at times.  However, this knock was not stopping.  In my dream, I got out of bed and went to the front door.  There was Uriel at the door.  He smiled as I opened the door.  He was in full armor.

Uriel:  “Miss Erin, God requests your presence.  Come.”

He reached for my hand and I took his hand.  We were instantly at God’s Door where he has brought me so many times before.  He faced me and brought his thumbs across my eyes with salve so that I could see.

Me:  “Uriel, are you at war in the heavens with the others?”

Uriel:  “Right now, I am here with you at the request of God.  We are always at war with the enemies of God and man until one day we are not.  Come.”

He brought me into God’s Court.  I could hear the choirs of angels singing, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy!’  My body became very weak and I could not remain on my feet.  Uriel then brought me to an area still far from the Throne.  There I bowed before God and wept.  I could breathe freely.  I wept loudly.  I began to confess how I have been lately…

Me:  “I am so sorry, Father.  The hour is late and I am so sorry.  I am struggling.  I need Your strength.  I am not sure I have asked for that, but I need You.”

I then heard a Voice with a tone like a rumbling bass that made my entire being quake from within.  I shook.

God:  “Erin, I am here.  Do not be afraid.  I am God.  I know the plans of the wicked.  I see it.  A war has been waged upon all flesh.  This is not a normal war fought on battlefields.  Instead, this is against the senses… what is heard… what is witnessed… what is digested.  All of this is meant to confuse and destroy all flesh.  The gateway that the enemy desires is to lie, deceive and control the people.”

Me:  “Father, we can’t survive without You.”

God:  “No one can.”

Me:  “We have removed You out of everything… not those who love You, but those who hate You.”

God:  “I am blamed for all trouble, but not praised in the good.  All that you are experiencing must occur in order to fulfill My promises.  It is not easy to see this and live through it.  I have a Great Plan and all will know that I am God and that My Ways are higher than any plan you can conceive.  Now, remember to ask Me and I will deliver you from the hands of evil.”

Me:  “I am asking.  Please, Father, do not forget us.  Our hopes are on You.”

God:  “The hour is late.  I have promised you good things.  I will do as I promised I would.”

Me:  “Father, I am sick.  Some dates have now come and gone.  Please deliver us to Bend OR as You have promised.  If not, then perhaps I am a ‘madwoman’?  However, as I stand… well, as we stand… I am discouraged and not sure what to do.”

God:  “Can you do anything concerning this?”

Me:  “No.  I am completely reliant on You, Father.”

God:  “Good then.  I can do anything I choose.  If I give vast amounts of resources to those who never turn to Me, then can I not do even more for those who love Me?  Erin, I love you, your family and your friends.  You show your love to Me  If I choose to, I can grant the wealth of kings.”

Me:  “I don’t need that.”

God:  “How about you let Me be God and you remain in your body of flesh.  Now, I have a Great Plan.  You are in this Great Plan.  As for the evil leaders, they have a plan to go door-to-door to slaughter the people.  Even those who comply will be given injections meant to accelerate their deaths.  Those still alive after this will need to take the mark or die by beheading.

“But… and there is a but… I will first pour out My Spirit on the people.  There will be a Great Change and there will be a period of hearts turning back to God.  This is the Year of Changes!

Me:  “It is also an election year in the USA (on Tuesday, November 5, 2024).”

God:  “They are plotting to destroy the election as they know that the people see.  Now, I know these dates you watch for have come and gone.  I know you are discouraged.”

Me:  “Father, our children are losing hope.”

God:  “Do not worry as this will change.  The enemy will not succeed in his plans to wipe away all living flesh.  Remember… all of these things must occur before…”

God then paused to allow me to guess what reply would be fitting.

Me:  “…the Great and Terrible Day?”

God:  “Yes!  I am with you.  This is enough for today, Erin.”

Uriel brought me up to standing.

Me:  “I love You, Father.”

God:  “I love you.”

I turned and Uriel led me outside and faced me.

Uriel:  “It is a difficult thing to keep hope when you are faced with attack after attack.  We do not live in flesh, but you do.  Therefore, remember to remain in the Word of God, His Promises and His Great Plan.  The future Glory of His Kingdom comes on Earth as it is in Heaven.  We are here… even at the door!  God has sent angels concerning you.

“Now, one other thing… you are soon to receive a Gift unlike any other before this one.  It is from God.  Take this and rejoice as God is with you and His Favor is upon you in the seasons to come.”

Then there was a flash of light and I was back in my entry (in my dream).  I heard the sapsucker knocking loudly on the gutter.  I woke up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Lord, are You here?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.”

Me:  “Lord, You are my Best Friend.  I am under physical attacks and so are many of my Nest friends.”

Jesus:  “The enemy attacks with full force when he knows something is coming his way.  He has been successful in destroying the people.  Even many whose hopes were openly on God and the things of Heaven have been tricked to believe that all of this is a lie.  Well, it isn’t and the enemy knows this.  His days are numbered.”

Me:  “Lord, spring is now in full force and we are no closer to moving (to Bend OR).  When will this be?”

Jesus:  “I haven’t changed, Erin.  Do not worry as this is the time of Great Changes and you are a part of this.”

Me:  “But I have been praying that we would be going west during the spring season?”

Jesus:  “Trust Me and My Promises and let Me fulfill these.  Now, I know your whole house is looking to Me.  I know you are worried.  Don’t be.  Don’t!  I have you.  Enjoy this beautiful day that I have made!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-814/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-812/

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