Dream 815 – His Good Fruit will prosper on His Tree

Received on Sunday, May 26, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for giving me breath.  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit.  Thank You for my hidden language, my speech in tongues.  This is a mystery of all mysteries, so thank You.  I experienced breakthroughs last week.  I believe You activated angels concerning these episodes of my Holy Spirit communing with You.  Thank You, Father.

It has been a difficult last few weeks.  Our kids have been under attacks at work.  My husband has experienced great attacks against his sales.  He has had a massive drought in closing contacts.  With me, I have been experiencing swelling in my hands and feet and troubles with asthma and exhaustion.  I have been extremely tired and I believe that a lot of this is from my cancer.

We have had some miracles in the midst of all this too.  This is such a blessing.  When you are going through these battles, it is nice to see victories, especially with answers to prayers.  As for my daughter, she has been written up twice in the last two weeks for being just one minute late at work due to road construction.  There was no grace given to her even though she has stayed late numerous times whenever management asked.

Not only that, but she is the top leader in this store for sales and performance overall.  However, instead of being rewarded, there is a constant culture of fear of punishment as an over-arching theme.  Needless to say, my daughter has her resume prepared and is searching for new opportunities.

She then had some breakthroughs this week, all within a 12-hour period.  All of it was great news.  One was a phone call and the other was received as an email.  More and more good news then followed.  We were celebrating for her.  After such disappointments, breakthroughs occurred.  Miracles visibly happened.

Thank You, Father.  I needed to witness this.  It lifted up our home and was a reminder to all of us that, when You move, we must move with You.  We later discovered with one of these answered prayers that there was something catastrophic that You had saved my daughter from.  I am so thankful, Father.  Bless You, Lord, in all Your works.

In just a few short days, all of the leaves on our trees have come out.  We no longer see our neighbor’s home.  A short mild winter has made for a beautiful spring here in lush display.  Praise You, Father, for spring.  Praise You also for the promise of summer.

While my journey has been tiring, it has also been so rewarding.  The wait has been long and I often pray to You that You would please hurry and not delay.  All around us, the enemy seems to be winning.  Narratives of great lies remove truth or cause great doubts in what we know to be truth.  Father, we need You.  Please come quickly and do not delay.  I am becoming tired of asking over and over because the wait is so long.

I was about to get out of my chair as I was struggling when I heard the Voice of God say, “Erin, I have something for you!”  I then went back to my chair.  I felt called to open up my Bible.  I prayed over it and opened it straight to Isaiah 61.  I then heard the Lord say, “Read this with new eyes again.  This is for My Army!”  Well, here it is, but with His Army fully in sight (that is, using ‘us’ instead of ‘me’).  Lord, thank You for this…

Isaiah 61:  1The Lord God has put His Spirit in us, because the Lord has appointed us to tell the Good News to the poor.  He has sent us to comfort those whose hearts are broken, to tell the captives they are free, and to tell the prisoners they are released.  2He has sent us to announce the time when the Lord will show His kindness and the time when our God will punish evil people.  He has sent us to comfort all those who are sad 3and to help the sorrowing people of Jerusalem.  We will give them a Crown to replace their ashes, and the oil of gladness to replace their sorrow, and clothes of praise to replace their spirit of sadness.  We will then be called trees of goodness, trees planted by the Lord to show His greatness.

4We will rebuild the old ruins and restore the places destroyed long ago.  We will repair the ruined cities that were destroyed for so long.  5Foreigners will come to tend our sheep.  People from other countries will tend our fields and vineyards.  6We will be called priests of the Lord; we will be named the servants of our God.  We will have riches from all the nations on Earth and we will take pride in them.  7Instead of being ashamed, we will receive twice as much wealth.  Instead of being disgraced, we will be happy because of what we receive.  We will receive a double share of the land so our happiness will continue forever.  8“I, the Lord, love justice.  I hate stealing and everything that is wrong.  I will be fair and give My people what they should have, and I will make an agreement with them that will continue forever.

9Everyone in all nations will know the children of My people, and their children will be known among the nations.  Anyone who sees them will know that they are people the Lord has blessed.”  10The Lord makes us very happy; all that we are rejoices in our God.  He has covered us with clothes of salvation and wrapped us with a coat of goodness, like a Bridegroom dressed for his wedding, like a Bride dressed in jewels.  11The Earth causes plants to grow, and a garden causes the seeds planted in it to grow.  In the same way the Lord God will make goodness and praise come from all the nations.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know the wait has been long.  I know you are tired and weary.  Now, you have a Scripture on your heart.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  A whole chapter.  John 15.  I have a ginkgo tree.  While one branch has leaves, the rest show no signs of bearing leaves.  I need to prune it.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I am the Vine and you are the branches.  I continue to prune your branches so you bear even more fruit.  If no branches were pruned, then there would be only a modest production of fruit on your branch.  Now is the time to prune so your branches produce the most fruit.

“Do not have fear when your branches are being trimmed and cleared away.  Instead, realize that the Master Vine Dresser sees the fruit in advance that your branch will bear.  He then tends to you and carefully prunes what is not beneficial to bearing fruit.  Do you understand?”

Me:  “I understand, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Do you?  Now, let’s say that the tree is left untouched.  It then either produces no fruit or nothing but bad fruit.  The Orchard Owner then calls for the tree to be cut down and burned in the fire.”

Me:  “Does this mean that this tree is a waste of space in the orchard?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  Since it takes the place of a young tree that would bear fruit, then yes.  Orchards are for fruit, not for show.”

Me:  “Could it be ‘show fruit’?”

Jesus:  “That is not a thing.  Well then, even more than this… if the tree can show no fruit, then it is not beneficial for the orchard.  It takes up space.  A fruit tree was created to bear fruit, understand?  Now, I know in your life that your tree has been pruned this year.  Your branches here have been trimmed and spruced up.  You have witnessed this completely in your home.

“Two branches were cut down and removed because they were not beneficial for fruit bearing in this season.  One is being replanted and is beginning to grow.  The other is growing apart, but one day will be reunited.  However, Erin, where they were, they were taking the life out of the branches of the tree.  They were draining the vital nutrients for the branches to bear fruit.”

Me:  “Lord, are You talking about vines or trees?”

Jesus:  “It matters not as we are speaking about fruit.  While you are fruitful, this season has been a difficult one.  This is because your branch can’t bear fruit by itself.  It must remain in the Vine.  You can’t bear fruit unless you remain in Me.  I am the Vine.  I am also the Tree.  You are the branches.  When you remain in Me, you bear much fruit.

“Apart from the Vine or Tree, the branch doesn’t produce fruit.  You were beginning to wither, so I trimmed you, cared for you, filled you with good things and even sun and Living Water were given to you.  Since you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.  This is for God’s Glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My branches and part of Me.”

Me:  “Lord, what about our two children that are away from us?”

Jesus:  “They have been removed to bear fruit where I have taken them.  Do not worry as they are not thrown into the fire.  They are bearing fruit where they are.”

Me:  “So, Lord, I will ask… please heal Your branches and grow a record yield of fruit so all the world knows we are all branches of the same Tree… Your Tree!  In Jesus’ Mighty Name!”

Jesus:  “Give Me your burdens.  I will take them.”

Me:  “Take my branch, Lord, and use it for Your Glory.  A branch doesn’t stand out on its own unless it is dead.  Only the Tree or Vine stands out.  People know a tree by its fruits.  All the branches on Your Tree produce good fruit.  We are equal and we are there to edify the Tree or Vine as a whole.”

Jesus:  “Very good, Erin.  Now, you had an invader come to steal your fruit.  I will now remove this.  Do not worry.  Now, tell Me about your dream…

Me:  “Yes.  It was horrifying…

Sub-dream 1 “Widespread Fear and Panic” begins…

People in the country were having their homes destroyed by enemy attacks.  Beams of light produced widespread fires.  People who fled had no place to go.  It was awful.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Jesus:  “Remember that I spoke to you about the enemy’s desires to be omni-present and to mimic God?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Jesus:  “All of technology is his version of trying to be God.  The enemy tries to use your phones as a type of ‘unholy spirit’.  As you know, this phone follows you wherever you go.  This phone is always with you.  What was once meant for good is now used more for evil.  It is a tracer and you cannot prevent the ability of this to be an enemy beacon in the dark.  You must therefore rely on Me!  I AM GOD and My Word is true.  This is why I warned you to read the hard copy of My Word versus the online version.”

Me:  “I surrender all we have to You, Lord, as we know it is only a matter of time before they try to control us by force.”

Jesus:  “Their plans are more evil and lofty than you can imagine.  Take heart, Erin, and do not worry as I have a Great Plan.  Remember also that I make a way where there seems to be no way.  I am The Way.  Press into Me in all you do and I will make way a Clear Path.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-816/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-814/

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