Dream 816 – The Lord will make a path to Bend OR

Received on Sunday, June 2, 2024

Note:  The below dream is based on a mostly personal dream that I received earlier this morning.  I am incredibly exhausted right now and this must have been what the Lord knew I needed for this moment.  While some may be disappointed that He is not discussing Trump’s conviction that occurred on Thursday, May 30, 2024, just know that even this is part of God’s Great Plan and that He has all of this fully under His complete control.


Dear Father,

Thank You from the depths of my heart!  Thank You for another day.  I have been so sick, Father.  I am exhausted.  I have swelling in my hands and feet.  It has taken a toll on my overall abilities to do anything.  All I know is that I am nothing without You.  I have nothing to offer You, my King, except my heart.  I pray that I am contrite.  There are so many days when I am reminded by You of Your promises to me.

However, lately, and because I am deteriorating faster than I thought I would, I return to ‘maybe these are for a different time and another place’.  Lord, what does it matter if we gain the world or even the places You told me I would go if I don’t have my strength in You.  I long for home (Bend OR) and Home (Heaven).  I long for the places You have prepared for me.  I belong with You, Father.  Wherever You are, I long to be in Your presence.  However, I have nothing to offer You except my heart.

As for the world, it is in an uproar now.  My friends, Your children, whose hope is in You, are growing weaker by the day.  None of us will survive without You, Lord.  You are our only Savior.  Let us be here when You finish writing our stories.  Let us be part of Your beautiful story.

Father, You are beautiful.  We have been waiting for Your Open Door.  Do we stay here or do we go.  Since we are not changed yet, what can we do on our own?  If we sell our current home, I can’t even imagine a physical move anymore in the state I am currently in.  I am coming to You for guidance in this.  You are our only hope in this.  Please make known to us what is impossible for us.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am in you.  My Voice is where you are.  With your daughter, all things worked together in a day, really a few hours.  I opened doors and, because one came after the next, you did not question any of this.  You instead prayed.  There was a few hours’ delay then while one miracle was answered and you celebrated.  Then the next came and the next and then two more after that.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord, there were several miracles in a row that could have only come from You.  It was You, Father.  You did the unexpected.”

Jesus:  “So then, if I can do all of this for your daughter with supernatural speed, then think about what I can do with you and your husband.  Oh wait… I have already done this before many times.  Am I no longer able to do even more?”

Me:  “Proverbs 13:12-14.  Lord, hope deferred makes the heart sick.  However, a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.  My heart is sick, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Look, in all your situations, even the miracle on your door, you acted in your ability first.  When it then seemed all hope was lost, what then happened?”

Note:  ‘The miracle on your door’ Jesus is referring to is an envelope I received that showed up just in time with provision for our power bill and more.  Our power was about to be shut off.  This envelope came just in time.  This happened prior to these dreams even starting.  My daughter discovered the envelope at the front door and was so excited when she told me it was there.  It was at Christmas time.

Me:  “Yes, You showed up.  You made a Divine Way.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I own everything.  You have kept your dreams alive knowing I am with you.  Now, I am about to move on behalf of your prayers and your hope and dreams.  I have taken care of You in all things.  I will not stop.”

Me:  “I am tired, Lord.  Things physically have been very difficult.  Grant us a bright spark.”

Jesus:  “I love you, Erin.  I delight in you.  I am answering your prayers.  I don’t do things halfway.  I know you are sick and weary.  As you show kindness and My goodness to the least of these, I will give you infinitely more.  As you were kind and generous with what I have done for you, so now I will show My generosity to you.

“Miracles are coming your way.  Do not worry.  Rest today.  In your rest, you will find supernatural peace.  Be still and know I am God.  Be at peace knowing that I have you and I have your children and their hearts, your husband and his heart.  All that you care about matters to Me too.  I love you.

“Years ago, the door was shut to you in Bend OR.  These doors are now open.  This was two bridges – one into the desert place and I removed you early, the other into the wilderness and the land of the trees.  Erin, I give life.  My Spirit is with you.  Now, do not worry.  Give all of this to Me.  I will provide for you in this.  Rest.”

Me:  “I will give this to You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Remember that I will never map a course and then not provide the path.  Nor do I provide the destination without the way or the means for the journey.”

Me:  “This is more than we deserve.  Thank You.”

Jesus:  “With your daughter, I opened up a great path and even widened it and added more to this, expanding her blessing as she took My Way.  However, I am not finished yet.  There is more coming.  She will soon be free from all her debts.  Understand that, when you see Me moving in miracles, then allow them to continue.  This is extreme ‘Faith Building 101 in God University’.

“The same is true for your younger son.  He prayed for a miracle.  You had very little hope that this miracle would happen and then it did.  The rest is history… My Story!  Now rejoice as more is coming for him.  As for your husband, I haven’t even started his story.  Rejoice, Erin, as it is coming.  All of it.  I am here with you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-817/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-815/

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