Dream 817 – Our Fields are Ready for the Great Harvest

Received on Sunday, June 9, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for my life.  Thank You for my family and their lives and my friends and their lives.

While June is the month for weddings, it is also the month that the enemy mocks marriage and You.  Father, the world is filled with broken people now.  Shattered souls with no hope are everywhere.  No one turns to You because unbelief has spread like wildfire and has burned up hope.  Our own children are losing hope.  There is no skip in their step.

There is no partner selected for our sons or daughter.  Every plan is placed on hold now as promises in this life based on the generations before them have never come into focus in their eyes.  Father, please don’t forget this generation.  While my children’s hopes are in You, their lanterns, once burning brightly, are now fading.

I had an amazing dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Our Fields are Ready for the Great Harvest” begins…

I was now healed and changed.  Even though the public pool was closed due to it being past its closing time, the pool lights remained on.  I was somehow still here in this pool and dove into the deep end.  I treaded water for a while.  It was peaceful and I was all alone.  Since it was late in the nighttime, most everyone else was asleep.

However, it then became lonely after some time had passed as there was no one to swim with.  I swam over to the pool’s edge.  I then heard a Voice.  It was Jesus!

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here with you in the deep end.  You are never alone.  Should we swim together or are you tired of Me?”

Me:  Crying.  “Lord, I could never tire of You!  I can’t imagine my life without You.  I feel I can’t do anything apart from You.  I would be lost.”

Jesus:  “I know things have not been easy.  I know you feel alone in your thoughts.  However, I know your thoughts.  I am here with you in the deep end.  When you are tired and weary, I will lift you up.  You will not drown.  You will not go underwater.  I am with you.”

Me:  “Lord, I am ready for the time of great joy now, the time we are able to serve You in greater capacity.  I am swimming in uncertainty.  I am losing the battle of answers with those closest to us.”

Jesus:  “I understand, Erin, as I am with you.  I hear it and I see it.  However, you no longer ask Me questions.”

Me:  “Lord, I still pester You and so much so that I exhaust myself.  This is the season of casting myself aside and interceding for others and their miracles.  I love You with a great love.  I trust You that Your timing is the Perfect Timing.  Lord, I get excited and then my hope is deferred with the passing days.  My body, like so many others, is failing now.  My vessel is wearing out.  Even our special grandfather clock You gave me now only strikes one bell every hour.  It no longer counts the bell count properly.  Every hour is now ‘one o’clock’.  Even our clock has grown tired and is finally wearing out.”

Jesus:  “Let us stop treading water and swim over to the edge.”

We swam to the edge of the deep end of the pool.  I dipped my head below water for just a few seconds.  When I came up, dawn was breaking.  I turned to the Lord, but He was gone.  I climbed out of the pool, dried off and began the walk home.  As I approached my home, I saw a massive field of crops to my left and a beautiful orchard to my right.  As I walked, I was then approached by a worker (angel) from this field.

Worker:  “We have checked the crops.  This will be a record harvest for you.”

Me:  “For me?  How?  I don’t even own a field!”

Worker:  “Well, all of this is yours, including the orchard.”

Me:  “But I know nothing about farming or harvesting.  When did I buy a field?”

The worker was laughing and whistled to all of the other workers in the fields.  He spoke in a language that I did not recognize.  The workers laughed good-naturedly and then proceeded to go back to work.

Me:  “You whistle like an angel I know named Breakthrough.  What did you say when you whistled to them?”

Worker:  “That you don’t have any fields or orchards.  Erin, even though God has given you all of this, you cannot even see it.  You don’t recognize any of this as yours, but it is.  We are angels sent by God Himself to work in your fields to prepare for what is coming.”

Me:  “What is coming?”

Worker:  “A harvest unlike any upon the Earth!  It will yield a record return.  All of this is part of the first fruits of what you will offer the Lord.”

Me:  Crying.  “I have no offerings to give the Lord.  While I can offer myself, this is not in great condition.”

Worker:  “Erin, start recognizing that you are a Bride.  You are His Bride.  You are perfect in His sight and He honors you.  Because of this, you are hated by the world as you are now and your work hasn’t even begun.  The hate you will experience will come with the shock and awe of your enemies who surround you.  They will know they wronged you.  All of us here were appointed by the King to watch over you and your house and to prepare your fields.  Do you not see it?  God raised you up to be who you are.”

Me:  “But I am no one and I have done nothing.  I have failed in my accomplishments.  I have had my hopes dashed.  My enemies scoffed at me.  They have spread rumors about me.  They have destroyed me.  They said false things about me and even wanted me to die.  I never had great success in this life.”

Worker:  “Hmm…”

He whistled out to the others again and they started laughing and clapping.  While I didn’t fully understand this, I knew they were doing this in support of me.

Me:  “Why are they laughing and clapping?”

Worker:  “Because you have been used as a measure of judgment against others.  You have been serving God without realizing this.  Books and books have been filled in God’s Courts against your enemies and their acts against you and your children, your friends and your friends’ children and your husband.  God has been using this to make His case and it is solid.  So, what comes next after the charges have been recorded?  Any thoughts on this?”

Me:  “Hmm… judgments?”

Worker:  “Very good.”

Me:  “What will that look like?”

Worker:  “Fear God and give Him Glory for the hour of His Judgment has come.  Worship Him who made Heaven and Earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

Me:  I decided to pray to the Lord immediately.  “Oh God, please strengthen the people.  Please grant us the ability to stand during this difficult time.  Please heal us.  So many are becoming sick, all of those who love You.  Please let this be the times of Great Changes.  Please bring us signs, wonders and miracles.  Please make it so we can help and partake in this Great Harvest.”

Worker:  “Your prayer is good.  Now, the Lord sent you a great sign just two days ago.”

Me:  “Yes.  A flock of Cedar Waxwings flew into our trees.  Their songs were beautiful.  I have never seen one here or really ever in person.  It is one of my mom’s favorite birds next to the Kingfisher.  The last watercolor I painted for my mom was a Cedar Waxwing.  Then before mom died, she had been on a golf course and, there on the tee box as she looked down, was a Cedar Waxwing’s red-tipped feather.

“She then took this feather home and placed it in the watercolor under the glass on the matte below the painting.  She phoned me and was very excited when it happened and explained that this feather was very rare.  After she passed away, I found the small painting and took this home with me, feather and all.  While the painting wasn’t my best, all that mattered is that mom liked it.”

Worker:  “Yes.  While all of us are aware of this, more importantly God is aware of this.  Now, come over to the orchard.”

We walked across the road to a beautiful orchard.  It was changing from blossoms to fruit.  There on a branch were several Cedar Waxwings.  I watched as one would pluck a berry and pass it to the next bird and on and on.  They were sharing fruit.

Worker:  “Erin, these birds are beautiful and resilient.  They shine with God’s Glory and they sing of His Goodness.  They share their fruits with each other and they give all glory to God.  This is a sign given to you from God that this time has come.  The blossoms have begun to fall away and the fruit is beginning to bear on the branches.  The same is over here in the fields.”  He pointed to the crops.

“It is beautiful here.  The growth is lush and good because all of this is blessed by God and all for His Glory.  The very fruits of the Spirit that God has given you, along with your talents and all God has planted in you, are soon to be manifest in you and His Glory shining upon you.  God is in you and His Living Water will pour out in you.  Those who thirst for righteousness will be quenched with His Glory.”

As he spoke, he turned from a worker into a vibrant angel of the Lord.  He had white hair and wore shiny armor.

Me:  “Who are you?”

Angel:  “I am an angel of the Lord who has been with you from the beginning.  I have witnessed your life and have been called by God to watch over you.  He knows you are tired.  All of the angels have witnessed these things and reported on this in His Courts. Nothing has come against you but to instruct you, by test or by trial, to strengthen you for what comes.  God has sent me today to let you know He has been with you.

“Erin, He is now in you.  You are marked from Heaven as His Bride.  He has sent His angels to have charge over you and watch over your comings and goings so that you are not harmed and your foot does not trip so you fall over a stone.  Not only does the Lord swim with you, but He has also sent us to work your fields and keep your steps.”

Me:  Crying.  “How much longer?”

Angel:  “Changes are coming.  Even though you cannot see the wind, you can know its near or here by the movement of the trees around you.  You can hear it.  The angels around you have increased.  The activities of the enemy have increased.  Many have given themselves over to the possession of multiple spirits.  The Lord of Hosts has therefore removed the guardian angels over these and built-up enforcement over His children.”

Me:  “Whoa!  So, war is coming?”

Angel:  “Where have you been?  It is here.  The hour is late.  Pray and rejoice as you are His Bride in the gold of Ophir.  All will know this.  We are here to assist.”

He whistled and a hundred workers/angels began to cheer and wave.

Angel:  “And these are special forces.  They will assist you in all the purposes of God.  If you knew who they have been assigned to over history, you would be in awe at their service records under God.  Be thankful that God has shown you His Favor is upon you and His Love is everlasting.”

Me:  “I am so honored.  I am grateful.  Thank You, Father in Heaven.  Bless You in all things.”

Angel:  “Now, continue to prepare for what is coming.”

Me:  “How do I prepare for what is coming?”

Angel:  “Really?  Okay, you see how incredible your field over here is, right?  The crops are abundant, healthy and tended to by angels.  So, what kind of harvest are you expecting based on these conditions?”

Me:  “A Record Harvest… the greatest ever!”

Angel:  “Pray, Erin, and believe that 100 angels of the Lord can pull off this assist because we answer to God and He does not fail, understand?  If God is with you and His Voice is in you and He even swims with you in the deep end of the pool, then you cannot drown.  You will not go under.  Be ready.  Prepare as He has instructed you to do and rejoice.  We all are!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

Just as I was about to get up out of my chair, I heard the Lord speak to me.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Read Psalm 44.  The writer is experiencing feeling abandoned by Me.  However, he is not.  Then what comes next is Psalm 45.  There are no accidents in the order of My Word here.”

Me:  “Psalm 45 is one of my favorite chapters and is followed by Psalm 46, another one of my favorite chapters.”

Jesus:  “There are no accidents.  There is a river that makes glad the Heart of God.  I am in her and she will not perish.  I will help her at the Break of Day.  Rejoice!  I love you!  I have never failed you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-818/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-816/

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