Dream 825 – Surrender this Season to Me

Received on Sunday, July 7, 2024


Dear Father,

Today is 7/7 on the Gregorian calendar.  Today is also Tamuz 1 on the Hebrew calendar.  Tamuz 1 is the first day of summer on the Hebrew calendar.

Thank You for another day!  You care for me and my house, Father.  I am grateful.  I am also overwhelmed with the many decisions we will soon need to make.  There are so many things to figure out as deadlines loom.  While I had clear dreams last night, they were odd dreams that left me unsettled this morning.  When I prayed, my stomach turned.  I had no peace.  I still don’t.  I picked up my Bible, closed my eyes and opened Your Word to the following…

Ecclesiastes 11:1-6:  1Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.  2Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you know not what disaster may happen on Earth.  3If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves on the Earth, and if a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie.  4He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.  5As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.  6In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.

I then heard Your Voice say…

“Cast your bread, Erin!”

What does this mean, Father?

I have been quiet lately.  Sad actually.  I have done all that I was called to do.  Even so, no doors have opened yet.  These last few days, I have been wrestling with You on the ground at ground level.  We have experienced some difficult battles.  It appears that we are about to make major changes.  You are crafting this, Father.  However, I am not capable to do anything other than cast bread on the water.

I cast this not knowing what will come of it or if it will even come back one day to feed me.  However, it is not about the image of me placing a load of bread on the water in the natural.  The bread will not be separated from the water.  It will instead be consumed by it or saturated with it and it will sink or float away.  It will be food for waterfowl if they see it.  Again, I am seeing all of this in the natural.

However, I know You mean all of this in the supernatural.  Father, I am not a physician.  I am unable to heal myself.  By faith, I know You can.  I am not a mover.  I am not young.  I cannot move myself.  I cannot create opportunities out of thin air.  Only You can do this, Father.  Only You!  Your daughter is weary.  In my current condition, I simply want to stay.  However, I also want to live and be a part of all of this.

Even so, what good am I as I am now?  We are a hurting family of seven.  My oldest son and my stepdaughter have already left.  As for my oldest son, he is now isolated and has no hope.  Father, I continue on every day.  You instruct me in the ways I should go.  I do this or that.  While on some days I can do nothing, each day is a day that You have made.  I look at each day as a mystery.

While I wake up at dawn and each day is the same, I am not.  I am not.  I walk down the stairs and pray that Zoey is there to greet me one more day.  I am relieved every time that I see her.  I then wonder if she feels the same way when seeing me.  I don’t know any outcomes.  Father, I only know that we are Your children.  Even though You call us Your Warriors, all of us are now damaged.  We are incapable to do much as we are.

I then heard Your Voice speaking to me:

“Don’t fight the battle on playgrounds of the devil and his army.  Come up here and go over it with Me.  Examine it and then battle with Me against it.  Come higher.”

In reply, I then asked, ‘How?’  I then remembered that I was in a very similar situation just ten years ago.  I was caught between the boat and the shore on rough seas.  It was impossible.  However, the cost is now greater as we are going from a place of relative security, the place You built for us, to a place that is beyond my capabilities to move to.  So, do we move now?  If yes, for what purposes do we go?

Our children want to follow us.  My surgery is now only 18 days away.  I am wrestling with things at ground level.  It then hit me yesterday.  I look at my parent’s lives and, without Your intervention, they will have lived longer than me.  I then complained as I felt angry and sorry for myself.  Here I have worked to live upright and they didn’t, yet I am soon to die (again, without Your soon intervention).

I then had a series of dreams that, at times, left me with more questions than answers…

Sub-dream 1 “The Bride is gone!  The Bride is gone!” begins…

I was travelling to a distant city by car.  After I finished my business, I looked at my watch and it was 9:00pm.  It was still light out.  I now had a four- or five-hour drive home through the night to get home.  As I stood by my car, the sky turned dark.  However, this was not because the sun set, but something else.  I then saw a group of young girls dancing in the street.  They were dancing in a circle and celebrating.

One of the girls:  Screaming.  “The Bride is gone!  The Bride is gone!”

They continued to dance.  I then realized they were wicked.  While I saw people wailing and crying, others were celebrating.  I was now an observer looking over the area.

Me:  Repeating to myself.  “What happened?  What happened?”

Person:  Screaming.  “First Israel, then Jerusalem.  Oh no!  Jerusalem… it is in ruins!”

I then saw the hand of God go over all of the Earth in a dark cover.  I heard people wailing.  Just before I woke up, I went above the darkness.  I could see clear sky and others like me.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “Pies Everywhere!” begins…

I was at a massive table of pies.  They were beautiful.  I should note that I am more of a cake lover than a pie lover.  My daughter had prepared these pies.  I was confused as to why she made so many of these and what we should now do with them.

My daughter:  “Mom, try one.”

I could tell it was her freshest pie.  I cut a small slice.  It was a chocolate mint cream pie with a cookie crust.  It was amazing.

Me:  “This is fantastic!  Do you have any black bottom pies anywhere?  It is my favorite.”

I then looked over at around twenty to thirty different pies.  However, I could not tell which one was a black bottom pie.  I then became aware that we had no place to store them safely.  Since we couldn’t eat all of them, we set out to find takers for these pies.

Sub-dream 2 over…

I cannot remember having a dream about pies in the past.  There were so many pies that I was having anxiety over them rather than just enjoying them.

Sub-dream 3 “A Coming Attack on Jerusalem” begins…

I was in anguish over Jerusalem.  I felt the deep anguish of those who knew that this was really an attack on You.  Father, it was so real.  There were people celebrating this attack on Jerusalem.  It made my stomach sick.

Sub-dream 3 over…

Father, my heart is sick right now.  My Spirit in me is in great upheaval.  You keep reminding me of a dream I had.  I then wondered if I had ever written down a dream similar to this one in the past.

Sub-dream 4 “Taking the Least Appealing Road” begins…

I was on a path.  I was with friends and family.  My path led to three roads.  It was a literal three-pronged fork in the road:

  • The Left Fork: The road to the left was bright and sunny.  This would be the easiest way of the three forks.
  • The Middle Fork: The middle road cut between two hills.  It wasn’t an interesting way.  It felt wrong, like it would lead us into slumber, a sleepy way, where nothing would be good or bad.
  • The Right Fork: The road to the right was the lower road.  There was chaos and great uncertainty on that road.

After discussing it, we then decided to pick the right fork, the chaotic and uncertain road, the lower road.  We knew that God was with us no matter what we chose.  When deciding, we purposely chose the road where we could make the biggest difference.  In this dream, we were now young.  This was both exciting and promising to all of us.  We were fearless.  Our adventures were now just beginning!

Sub-dream 4 over…

Father, the season of summer is here.  The crops have been cultivated and are growing.  The promise of a harvest is only a few short months away.  The trees around us are greener and lusher than we have ever seen before.  It is really stunning.  This makes it a bit harder to up and leave this place, this land of the trees.

Father, am I losing You?  My heart is still in love with You.  I just never want You to grow tired of me and turn Your face from me.  These days all seem to be the same and my light is growing dimmer.  Please revive me, oh Lord, and grant me a heart of joy in such a time of uncertainty and sorrow.

Please let me not forget all that You have promised.  Please do not let the enemy gain a foothold over me at all.  I will walk to the waters and cast my bread.  Father, I will trust You for all the days in between when I cast it and when it returns… or even if it doesn’t.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not worry here.  What is it you believe I am requiring of you?”

Me:  “I don’t know, Lord.  I am not sure.  The cancer continues to grow in me.  I now have more problems.  My body is fighting harder than I am.  I have advice coming from everywhere.  I am going for more tests next week.  The news from the bank is not great for purchasing a new home. They require us to sell this home, move and my husband to find work, then revisit them.  We don’t have a lot of options on our own.”

Jesus:  “Erin, what have I always told you?”

Me:  “You are with me.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  This circumstance for you is impossible.  Allow Me to carry you in this.  Let us now look at casting your bread on many waters.  What do you believe this means?”

Me:  “The commentary says to invest your grain in seven to eight areas to eventually see a return.  With me, I think about my ‘giving’ perhaps being an issue.”

Jesus:  “No.  Your heart is generous.  If this were an issue, I would have already told you.  Now, in this instance, think of the act of sending something out in faith and not knowing what the outcome will be.  This is like Noah with the ark or like Peter (then Simon) casting empty nets out in faith not knowing what the outcome will be.  This is like placing a baby in a basket and casting it out into the River Nile.  Erin, what is this?”

Me:  “Well, there are all impossible acts of faith.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but it is more than this.  I have given you instructions.  However, you still have no idea what I am doing in this.  You are struggling as you act on these.  The enemy has created a playground in which your thoughts of doubt are battling the God who loves you.  You are to now remove these doubts.  Send them away.  Erin, cast them away.  Believe in Me, Erin.

“Now, I know that you have written books of dreams and words from Me and that My promises are now etched in the hearts of people over many waters.  Erin, all are with you on this journey and I am carrying all of you.  However, your story is not over yet.  There is still more to do.  Have faith.  Do not let others question your direction.  It is best to do what I say.  I have you on the right course.  I told you many years ago to bloom where you are planted.

“I have placed you in an area where I would keep you safe and speak tenderly to you.  I am preparing you and your family’s hearts for the day that I call you out of this place for service.  In reality, you have already been serving Me the entire time you have been there.  You stopped asking for Me to send out your dreams and share them.  You instead surrendered them all to Me and you trust Me for this return.

“This is like seeds sown in springtime.  While you have been in the wilderness, you have learned new lessons.  Your children have learned about faith and My promises.  The one once most lost (my younger son) is now rising up to great leadership in My Kingdom because of his zeal and faith.  Just a year ago, you would have never believed this possible.  Even so, now here it is and it didn’t come because of you.

“This is the same with your daughter.  However, even more is coming.  Erin, I am gently pushing you out.  Even though you have no idea… well, you know the destination… you just don’t know what the journey brings.  Wisdom is proved right by her actions.  Now, Erin… what is wise?”

Me:  “To obey You, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Well, yes, but even more… surrender this season to Me.  You have no idea what I am about to do with you and for you.  Perhaps it will return to you seven to eight times greater than what you originally expected.  You are My Bride, My friend, and you delight Me.  I don’t sit here and think about all the things you ‘didn’t’ do for Me.  It is I who creates a man’s way.  It is I who makes a way when it is impossible without Me.

“This is so you know that the God who loves you is The Only Way.  This is who I am.  I am the Waymaker, the Promise Keeper and the Miracle Worker.  Now, can you trust in anything other than Me?  Can you trust in chariots, horses, banks, governments or anything else?”

Me:  “No, Lord, we can’t.”

Jesus:  “Then look to Me in all things.  Do not wrestle with Me.  Come up here with Me in higher places.  When you feel anxious, sing praises.  I have got you.  We are together in this.  Remember that you are a citizen here first.”

Me:  “Then open heavens and send down help from Your Sanctuary… on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Please, Lord.”

Jesus:  “What comes next?”

Me:  “Grant us this day our daily bread.”

Jesus:  “This is faith, Erin.  You would have no bread, no faith, if I didn’t feed you daily from My own hand.  Remember to do all things in My Kingdom.  There is a deeper unfolding and deeper meaning to the simplest of constructs.  You found a big one today.”

Me:  “About bread?”

Jesus:  “More than this, Erin.  You have been training all of these years in faith.  This is like a cloud collecting rain in a parched desert.”

Me:  “When does the cloud spill its rain?”

Jesus:  “Elijah was sent instruction and God worked great miracles through him.  Since I can trust you in the small things, I then can certainly trust you in the larger ones.  With Me, nothing is impossible.  You worry like Elijah.  Even so, he still sent his servant seven times to look for the cloud.  Finally, there it was.  Now, how long would have Elijah kept going?”

Me:  “As long as it took.  This is because he believed in Your promises.” (Chapter 18 of 1 Kings is amazing)

Jesus:  “Yet he worried.  This is a good read for you and a reminder of who you are in Me.  Erin, you are now to give Me your circumstances because they are Mine to begin with.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I promise you good things, Erin.  Now rejoice as it is a good day that I have made!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-826/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-824/

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