Dream 828 – The Sixth Seal, a Great Earthquake

Received on Sunday, July 21, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all we have.  I feel blessed by my family and friends.  Please bless them abundantly, Father.  Please bless Your children today and every day.  I had dreams of fighting against attackers last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A Demoniac with a Machete” begins…

A crazy demoniac came at me with a machete.  I was near a pile of sticks outside of our home.  He was coming at me in full force.  He was a big, angry foreigner.  He was cursing me in a language I didn’t know.  I reached down to pick up a stick.  However, the stick suddenly turned into something like a cross between a crowbar and a sword.  Even though I was very small, this somehow stopped him.  He turned to run.  I then pursued him and he was terrified.  I could run with great speed.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “A Madman Attacker” begins…

I was in a train car with my husband having dinner.  A madman came into the train car of diners and began slashing people.  My husband and I rushed the attacker.  We threw the attacker off the train while we were travelling next to a steep cliff.  As the attacker fell to his death, he screamed out, ‘Allahu Akbar’.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Sub-dream 3 “The Grill Master & Trinket Changer” begins…

I was at someone’s very large mansion.  They were having a big party for some famous guests.  While there was a group of us who were invited to the party, we were not allowed to enter the mansion.  At one point, the host sent a worker with a few chickens for us to prepare to barbeque.

The host then handed these chickens to me.  I could only get eight chicken breasts out of them, along with some thighs and wings.  I prepared them with some special sauces and rubs.  I placed them on the grill they had given to me for my group.  The chicken smelled good to those inside.  The host then came up to me…

Host:  “Could I exchange our caviar for your group’s chicken dinner?”

Me:  My group was uninterested in this trade.  “No, thank you.  We are not interested.”

Host:  Pulling me aside.  “Look, it is only because of my charity that you and your group are even allowed to be here at all.  Do the right thing.”

As the host said this, his guests poured out of the mansion with the intention of eating our grilled chicken.  Since my group was quite hungry, we prayed to the Lord for help to also feed the host’s guests so we could eat as well.  God promptly answered our prayers by expanding both the grill size and the number of pieces of chicken.  There was now enough to feed everyone.  However, one of the host’s guests then came over.

Host’s Guest:  “I know witchcraft when I see it.  You are a witch.”

Me:  “No.  Witches can’t expand a barbeque, they can only increase the flames.  Witches can’t multiply meat for the grill, they can only kill chickens.”

My group all cheered for me as they knew I didn’t use illusion or magic, only the powers of God.  As for the host and his guests, they looked downcast at me as they were hoping that I was a witch.

Host’s Guest:  “No!  Don’t believe her!  We have a witch here!”

Because the host and his guests were taking this guest’s side in calling me a witch, their chicken was changed to be uncooked and cold.  In the meantime, my group had their fill of perfectly cooked and delicious chicken.  We were now happy and full.  After about a half an hour had passed, the host’s guests confronted the host.  The host’s guests were murmuring in unison…

One:  “When will our grilled chicken be finished?”

Another:  “We are hungry!”

Still another:  “Why is this taking so long?”

The host then went to the grill and noticed that the chicken was still raw and only smoke and a cold grill remained.  He wasted no time rushing up to me.

Host:  “Uh, excuse me, but what did you do?”

Me:  “Nothing.  We ate and that is all there is to it.”

Host:  “Look, I know you are behind this.”  He was angry.  He then turned to his guests and shouted out.  “Do we have any witches in the crowd to cook our chicken?”

Host’s guest (the same man as before):  “Yes, we do.”  Pointing to me.  “She’s a witch!”

Me:  “I am not a witch.  God granted our prayers.  I did nothing in my own power.”

Host:  “Well then, in that case, you will ask Him for some fire in my grill… and I mean now!  I will NOT ask again!”

He was very angry at me.  I gathered my group together and we prayed to the Lord.  The entire grill was then suddenly engulfed in flames.  The host was then able to put the roaring flames out with an extinguisher.  The host immediately marched over to us and was storming mad at what had just transpired.

Host:  “Not that much fire, you moron!”

I got up and walked over to the grill.  The chicken had shrunk up and was a black and smoldering mess.  Even though the host and his guests were furious, I prayed to the Lord on their behalf.

Me:  Chuckling.  “Lord, please have mercy on these angry people and make this chicken perfect for them to eat.”

I took the tongs and flipped the chicken over.  It was now perfect and no longer shriveled up.  The chicken looked like a magazine cover, complete with grill lines.

Me:  Addressing the host’s guests.  “Time for grill!”

The host stormed over to me.  He looked shocked.

Host:  “Everyone… dinner is served.”

The host’s guests were happy.  However, they all now realized for sure that the provision of this grilled chicken was supernaturally from God, not from a witch.  After a while, the host came over to me and my group with two of his female guests.

Host:  “I see that you have abilities.  Well, we are now having a contest and you will participate.”  Pointing to me.  “Well, come on, chicken flipper griller person.”

Even though I didn’t want to go, I followed him.  He took me over to a table with three chairs in front of the crowd of guests.  We faced the crowd.  The two young women from the guest list that were following the host were now seated there next to me.

Host:  “Everyone, I have a gold bowl filled with trinkets.  I will now allow these three attendees to reach in and pick out one trinket each.”

The host passed the gold bowl with trinkets to the first female attendee, then to the second female attendee.  Each woman took out a trinket.  The host then passed the gold bowl to me next.  I took a moment before I pulled out a small handblown Tiffany art glass.  It was a type of shot glass made of green iridescent glass with a sterling silver skirt base and rim.  It was so small that it almost looked like part of a children’s tea set.

Host:  “Now, place the object in your right hand and transform it.”

I was deeply disturbed by his request as I felt doing this in ‘my will’ may not necessarily be in God’s Will.  The other two women seated with me tried first, but neither could change their object.  I prayed and offered my trinket up to the Lord and asked for His Will to be done here.  My hand suddenly felt very warm, if not hot.  However, it was not uncomfortable.

As the crowd watched, my little cup turned into an image of a small white dead man.  The crowd gasped.  My trinket then spun and turned into a horse that was void of color.  My trinket then spun again and turned into a small bathtub with red water and brown water coming from its faucet.  The crowd was now mortified.  My trinket then turned back into the small cup.  The woman next to me grabbed my trinket from my hand.

Female guest sitting next to me:  “This is a trick of witchcraft!  This is evil!  I will take this cup from you.”

The crowd was in shock and in fear.

Host:  “What does it mean?”

Me:  “I am not sure.  However, I know it can’t be good.  This was a message from God!”

Host:  “Get out now!”

I proceeded to leave the table.  My group then joined me and walked away from the area.  The host was furious at me.

Host:  Throwing the little cup at the back of my head.  “Take your stupid cup with you!”

Just as the cup was about to hit my head, it stopped and floated in the air.  I turned and took it.  Just then, there was a flash of light.  My group and I did not look back.  We were quiet and kept walking.  After a while, one of our group spoke:

Group member:  “Well, that was both a dinner and a show.”

I woke up suddenly as we all started to laugh.

Sub-dream 3 over…

Father, these dreams were so strange.  Please strengthen Your people for what is coming.  None of us can prepare for this.  Please help us to remain children of God in Heaven so that, when troubles come, we are able to endure these troubles.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Even though you do not fully understand what comes to the Earth in this late hour, know that the God over all the Earth will equip you for it.  I am with you.  It is not an easy time in the world to be a child of God.  Stay with Me.  Do not become discouraged.  I have a Great Plan and all will know I am God.”

Me:  “At times, it is difficult to separate lies from truth.”

Jesus:  “This is why you must pray to Me.  Go to My Word and understand that even My disciples struggled against counterfeits.  In your days and when you read Revelation, what do you believe is coming?”

Me:  “So much, Lord.  So, where exactly are we in the Book of Revelation?  It seems as if we are already in the Seven Seals.  I believe we are either in between the Black Horse and the Pale Horse or in between the Pale Horse and a Great Earthquake (Revelation 6:12:  When He opened the Sixth Seal, I looked, and behold, there was a Great Earthquake).”

Jesus:  “Why do you say this?”

Me:  “Well, inflation and poverty are rising.  The Red Horse represents death by sword, blood and chaos.  This is occurring now.  I now believe that the Seals are overlapping events.  This means that, as the Pale Hore arrives, he rides alongside the other horses.”

Jesus:  “What do you believe the White Horse represents?”

Me:  “Conquerors.  Invaders backed by wealthy kings.  I don’t know, Lord.  It just seems like I picture someone on that White Horse bankrolling the events and Seals to follow.  There was no arrow present with the bow, so this represents conquering by another way.  It seems like the people of Islam who are spreading out throughout the world.  As a result of this, peace has been taken from the Earth.

“In the midst of this, the Black Horse comes to make everything expensive and to cause starvation.  The Pale Horse has come.  Covid killed many and then the vaccines added to this.  I believe the combination of these caused great increases in cancer and heart issues.  Then they are literally beheading Christians in Africa and other countries.

“There are food shortages caused by leaders destroying food.  There are increasing shark attacks, as well as other carnivores attacking all over the world.  These attacks have risen dramatically.  Plagues continue to arrive and even the Black Plague is back.  Based on all I am seeing and reading, I believe You will be opening the Sixth Seal (starting with a Great Earthquake) in a very short while.”

Jesus:  “What did you read this morning that I led you to?”

Me:  “It was amazing!  It was 2 Peter 3:8-12…”

2 Peter 3:8-12:  8But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  9The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.  10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the Earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.  11Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, 12waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!

Jesus:  “You must understand that, with Me, there are no delays according to God.  This is so that no man would perish… that is, the ones God calls children.  With the Seals opened comes the Great Divide… that is, God’s children vs the son of perdition and his children.”

Me:  “Yes.  I am seeing this take shape right now.  It is scary, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Do not be afraid as the promise of a New Earth comes first with the utter destruction of the old one.  This is a great promise and gift to the righteous and those I have chosen.”

Me:  “Lord, my dreams are uncomfortable.  Even though it is necessary for Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done, I hate what is coming.”

Jesus:  “I have prepared a beautiful place for you with Me for eternity.  It is easy to lose sight of this when you are in the midst of a battle.”

Me:  “Lord, I have a relative who is speaking things that are so opposite of what You teach.  I hear about this through my older son and it is painful to hear.”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin, and he likely will not change.  I have given him over to his sins and he suffers from the instructions of demons.  A fool and his money are soon departed – but this is only money.  However, when I say, ‘Fool, depart from Me, I do not know you’, well, this is far worse.

“Now, many have been given over to the Black Dragon.  They believe in their words from the false prophet that they are to leave their uncomfortable lands and spread out their message and claim all the Earth as its comfort is rightfully theirs.  They want all Jews, Christians and others to feel as foreigners even in their own homes.”

Me:  “They have a massive directive that, if they see it and like it, they can take it.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  They believe this is truth.  However, what I tell you is you must leave your place of comfort and trust in Me in what I have for you that seems uncomfortable.  I am the God who rewards obedience and blesses a contrite heart and humble spirit.  The Ten Commandments were never replaced by God.  These are to be upheld.  Anyone breaking these is serving the prince of darkness and his army, not God’s.”

Me:  “This is a good reminder, Lord.  My husband told me a story about his place of work.  His sales manager named Mohammad (who no longer works there) was in shock one day because my husband had prepared some items for a new hire by making things ready for him in his spare time.  Mohammad was confused and amazed that my husband would do anything to help someone else when there was nothing in it for him.”

Jesus:  “This is because this is a culture of the sword and by the sword.  They are not taught the Fruits of the Spirit nor are they called to serve man, only their god.  One day, Erin, many will be harvested that you would never expect.”

Me:  “Lord, please help us.”

Jesus:  “I am here.  Continue to prepare your houses like I have instructed.  Serve each other in kindness.  Love others as I have loved you.  Do this as I remember these things and I see the work and love you show to others as children of God.  I promise you that God sees this and rewards you.  Erin, I see things done in secret because I am with you.  This shows yourself to be Mine because your heart is on course to remain right.”

Me:  “I don’t always feel that way, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Everyday when you do something good without announcing it to others, I see this.  It is good to care and to think as if you love without conditions to those around you.  You write in these pages even when you are tired and you wonder if it matters at all to anyone.  Well, give this all to Me.  You have surrendered your life to Me for My purposes.

“I know the wait has been long and the signs, wonders and even miracles are few and far between.  Even so, remember the third trimesters of your pregnancies.  You had joy and fear.  You had contractions, sleepless nights, false labor even and then suddenly your water broke and it was time for the birth of your child (my younger son).

“All the preparations in advance of this were not in vain.  The reasoning you had in preparing things ahead of time finally made sense.  You were relieved and at peace because nothing was lost or wasted.  Do you understand?  You know things are out of your hands for the outcome as so much of what I have called you to do still does not make sense to you.

“However, you have an urgency now to complete what I have placed before you.  I even told you that this surgery would not be taking place this week and this is for a good reason that you must trust Me in.  I am your Divine Healer and the Good Physician.  This was not the time.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  I know that, one day, I will know all that You have done to help me in secret.  I can’t imagine what that will be like to see all You have done for me to save me from the snares of the enemy.  I love You, Lord!”

Jesus:  “I love you too!  Now, when you hear news reports and troubling events on the horizon, do not be dismayed.  Instead, understand that these have been birthed for this time.  Focus on Me as I am the God who loves you.  I have Great Plans for you.  I promise you good things.  Erin, rejoice and remember that I AM God over all the Earth!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-829/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-827/

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