Dream 829 – Michael and the Valley of Decision

Received on Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for my family and friends.  Thank You for every breath I am given in this life. You have given all of your children a Great Purpose.

I woke up from a disturbing dream this morning and I heard Your Voice.  Your Voice was very clear…

Voice of the Lord:  “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, pray and seek My face, turning from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from Heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal the land.  You will sing a new song in your land!”

I had two very distinct and unique dreams last night.  While I usually write these dreams down in the order received, I was directed to start with the second dream today…

Sub-dream 1 “Michael and the Valley of Decision” begins…

I was standing in a Great Valley.  This valley was called “Decision”.  I was wearing a white robe and standing in tall wheat grass.  I was young and healthy.  The valley was surrounded by mountains with clefts in the rock overlooking the valley.  I noticed that several of these clefts had distinct cave entrances.  As for the mountains, they were void of vegetation and their color was grey.

Even though this was quite a grey area and the mountains had cloud coverings overhead, the Lord God sent the sun to illuminate just the valley floor of the green young wheat.  However, I could see that this wheat was just starting to turn gold.  The Valley of Decision was soon ready for the Great Harvest.

A mighty angel of the Lord then appeared.  He was mightier than any of the other angels I had previously seen.  I just knew that he had to be the Archangel Michael.  He was strong and had armor like I have never seen before.  While his armor was either made of Damascus-like steel because there was a pattern in the metal or a high-tech bronze, I was not sure which.  His appearance was like a flame in brightness and clarity.  His body features were chiseled.

Michael’s facial features were also chiseled and deepened by the fact that he had no beard or mustache.  His eyes were blue and bright against his tanned skin.  He was on a war horse from Heaven.  His horse was similar to the Lord’s horse in Heaven.

The horse was large and frightening, yet still stunningly beautiful.  While the luster of the horse’s hair was like that of a pearl, I could tell that it could also supernaturally turn into mighty armor.  I could see the definition of every muscle in the horse.

This war horse’s appearance was a perfect match to Michael’s appearance.  I was stunned at the sight of them and gasped.  My heart was now racing in a mixture of fear and awe.  Michael’s sword was so long and sharp that it could cut anything or anyone into two clean parts with barely any effort.

Michael:  “Peace be with you.  Erin, I am the angel over the armies of God. We are at war against the enemies of His children and it is an epic battle.”

At first, I was stunned that Michael was talking to me.  I listened intently.

Michael:  “Very soon, the field you stand on will be harvested and this grass and the wheat within it will all be burned up over all the Earth.  There will then be a great battle here unlike anything the Earth, the heavens and Heaven above have ever seen.  Do not fear what is about to occur.  This must be in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Lord.  I must now go back to where I came from.”

Michael began to turn with his horse.  As he did, his horse stood up on its hind legs.  It was chilling in the best of ways.  Michael turned back towards me…

Michael:  “Your prayers for Israel, God’s people and the lost avail much.  Continue with an increase and do not cease.”

He turned and, in a flash of light, he ascended on his horse and then into the heavens.  I could hear thunder.  It was particularly gripping as the thunder in this dream perfectly coordinated with the thunder that was happening in my immediate area as I wrote this down.

I became afraid.  I sat on a rock in the field and wept.  As I prayed the Lord’s Prayer, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I turned and there was Uriel.  I hadn’t seen him in a while.  He was also in armor.  His horse was grazing in the distance.

Uriel:  “Do not be afraid, Erin.  I was sent by the Lord to show you the plans of the wicked.  Now, come with me.”

He reached for my hand and brought me to the first cleft in the mountain.  There was a cave.  We entered into it.

Cave #1 Timeline:  Based on discussions at the below meeting, this meeting would have happened sometime on Saturday, July 6, 2024.  This is exactly, one week before the assassination attempt on Trump at his rally on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

Uriel:  “Erin, you are to write what the Lord God Almighty shows you.  When you are about to write down a detail that He wants to reserve for a later time, you will remember this detail, but will not record this until the Lord grants you understanding at this later time.”

Me:  “Okay.”

Suddenly, we were in some sort of planning room or a situation room.  The people at this table were only to take orders from the leaders behind them.  I could not see these leaders.  There was a screen on the wall with a silhouette of the main controlling leader over all of the government of the USA.  He was a vital part of the Black Dragon and a former President of the USA.  I heard a person at the table speak…

Person:  “We will now call this meeting to order.”

Main Leader and former President of the USA:  Speaking on the screen.  “Israel is soon to be dealt the final blow.  We will, for the greater good, remove Jerusalem.  Unfortunately, the Dome of the Rock will have to be sacrificed with Jerusalem.  Remember that this is for the greater good.”

While I could then hear cheers, I noticed that some were sitting quietly at the table.

Main Leader:  “Now, we also have a problem here.  I need a report on the progress of removing our threat.”

A security representative then replied.  While this person was possibly the head of the Secret Service, he or she could have also been the head of Homeland Security or of another similar department.  I was not sure as this was all made blurry to my sight and distorted to my hearing.  I didn’t even know, by either sight or voice, if this person was a male or a female.

Security Rep:  “We have an assassin.  He is a gamer who our operatives have formed a close relationship with.  We will set the stage. It will be easy.  It will be televised for all the world to see and they will know that he (Trump) is finished.  There will then be a stonewall to the evidence and accounts.  However, even this should not be an issue.”

Main Leader:  “Very good.  I can finally get rid of that threat and we can all finish what we started.  By this time next week, this will be finished.  Oh yes… what of the venue’s security?”

Security Rep:  “Sir, we have pulled off the majority of his detail.  We did this by coordinating efforts with speaking engagements with the First Lady and the VP on the same day.  This means we will have ‘limited resources’ on the ground.  We have left no details unturned.  The family of the asset (the gamer / assassin) will cooperate with us so that there is no footprint that would lead back to any of us.”

A second representative then replied.  However, this person seemed to be part of the Public Relations (PR) team.  Again, both sight and sound were made blurry to me.

PR Rep:  “We can then spin the narrative that Trump caused this (the media have often accused Trump of being ‘like Hitler’).  We will then delay all information until after the election (on Tuesday, November 5, 2024).”

Main Leader:  “Good.  That is what I like to hear.  It is a wrap on this.  Now, where are we on Operation #2?”

A third representative then replied.  This person seemed to be part of either the CIA or the FBI.  Again, both sight and sound were made blurry to me.

Agency Rep:  “Well, ultimately, this is your choice.  There are various scenarios we can create.  As you know, sir, we have another ‘asset’.  This person is someone known to have a widespread affiliation with the MAGA movement.  We already know this person will want to seek revenge when Operation #1 (the assassination of Trump) has been successfully completed.  We can either do this right after Operation #1 goes through or we can wait.  It is a matter of your timing, sir.

“As for my opinion, I say we should do this immediately following Operation #1.  This will create a drop in the republican’s popularity polls and will subdue the mourning and sympathy for ‘the former mark’ (Trump).  All media attention will then shift over to the now deceased President.  Sir, this will make him a martyr for democracy.  We can then drag this on as we celebrate the VP becoming the President.  This would be the cleanest and most expedient way.”

Main Leader:  “Very well then.  As you all know, I also have back-up plans in place.  This ‘American Experiment’ will end with a ‘Red Wedding’ in Washington by September.  Okay, let’s reconvene after these events.”

Uriel then took me to the next cleft and cave.

Cave #2 Timeline:  Based on the below circumstances, these events would have happened during and just after the assassination attempt on Trump at his rally on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

I saw Trump at the podium.  There were no agents surrounding him.  I saw that the area was surrounded by angels of the Lord.  I saw things from an overhead vantage point.  I could see the agents clearing away.  While I then saw security snipers taking sights on the boy / assassin, they were standing down (that is, not acting to neutralize the threat).

I then saw an angel of the Lord turning Trump’s head at the very last moment in order to avoid the full impact force of the bullet to his head.  I then saw several people marked by a blue light as if God had them in his sights.  These were evil workers.  They were there to film the events undercover.  The boy, the would-be assassin, was then killed.

I then looked over at the now-deceased man the boy had shot and killed.  This man was an off-duty firefighter named Corey Comperatore that was attending the rally with his family.  I watched as an angel of the Lord bent down and carried Corey’s Spirit home.  I then saw the agents take Trump off the stage into a waiting vehicle.  I then saw one of the agents at the venue reluctantly take a call.

Agent:  “Yes, sir.”

Main Leader:  “What the hell just happened?  I thought we had a foolproof plan!  This f***ing p***es me off!”

Agent:  “Sorry, sir.  We had…”

The phone clicked into a dial tone before the agent could finish his sentence as the Main Leader had already hung up in rage.

Uriel then took me to the next cleft and cave.

Cave #3 Timeline:  The below happened during and right after the Republican National Convention (the RNC) that took place in Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Monday, July 15, 2024 to Thursday, July 18, 2024.  The conversations below happened on Thursday night, July 18, 2024, right after the Convention was over.  This was just five days after the failed assassination attempt on Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

I was overlooking the 2024 RNC.  There was great momentum.  The right side was unifying.  Many hearts had changed and were now sympathetic to Trump.  The angelic presence over the area was massive.  It was clear that God was with them.

Right after the Convention ended, I listened into a small meeting of insiders and the Main Leader.  They were all on speaker phones.

Main Leader:  “I have consulted my team and this is what we will do.  We are going to isolate him (Biden) and just push him out.  It will be cleaner this way.  We will then have no unnecessary conspiracies.  Remember that everything must be coordinated as we are operating for the good of the free world.  All of your freedoms are at stake.  Folks, you are the change!  Be the change!  Once he is isolated, we will mount our squeeze campaign.  Let’s just say that he will then step down on National Ice Cream Day (which Biden did on Sunday, July 21, 2024).  Game Over!”

A PR team member:  “Sir, what about his family?  What about the First Lady, his son, his brother and others?”

Main Leader:  “Oh, she (Jill) will put up a fight.  She has no idea what the other plan was (that is, the Operation #2 assassination).  I know she hates the VP.  Well, she will either shut up or find herself looking at prison time, along with Hunter and the others we have kept silent on.  Draft the letter and force Joe to concede to Kamala.”

Another PR team member:  “So, sir, do you want this done immediately?”

Main Leader:  “I already told you to do it during this coming weekend.  I want you to then direct all attention towards Kamala.  While the (campaign) funds will then transfer, I also have another group of donors who will bring in millions to combat Musk.  That guy picks my a**.  Look, you know what needs to be done here.”

A member of the DOJ:  “Sir, what of the director being before the committee (this is referring to the Oversight Committee on the Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump interviewing the Director of Secret Services Kimberly Cheatle)?

Main Leader:  “She knows to repeat nothing.  She will stonewall and say nothing.  It is easy as they have no power.  They never do.  They can get angry, but who can do anything?  Let them spin their collective wheels.  Give it no coverage or thought.”

Another member of the DOJ:  “Okay, but it will be a busy week, sir.  One other thing… this is technically a coup, sir.  With all due respect, how do we combat this?”

Main Leader:  Nodding.  “Great question.  You can start by never repeating the f***ing term ‘coup’ again, understand?  His family will get behind this or their futures are finished.  I have so much on them to destroy them that they will continue to play ball.”

The room was thick with evil.  I could see demonic heads over all of these people.  They appeared as transparent ghosts.  They had armor on.  Disturbingly, they also had a fowl stench that I can’t even describe.  The stench was terrible.

Main Leader:  “Guys, just to be clear and transparent… I have many plans in place and I hope that the nuclear option isn’t needed.  However, I have others on standby if any of you fail in your efforts to protect this New Way.  Are we clear here?  Yes, even if it means an untimely expiration of various players.”

All of those in attendance wholeheartedly agreed with him.  However, I knew that every one of them was in great fear of the Main Leader.

Uriel then took me to the next cleft and cave.

Cave #4 Timeline:  Future events starting at some date in the future.

I saw the deaths of many key people involved in the Main Leader’s plots / coup.  The means of these deaths were then blamed on several theories.  In fear, those surrounding the President remained in grief and silence.  The new President was then sworn in.  I then saw enemy armies forming inside the USA.  They looked like foreigners.  They were all under the direction of the Main Leader (meaning they were followers of the Black Dragon).

Great fear over the subsequent multiple attacks then went out.  I could hear other leaders in other nations proclaim that America the Great Harlot had fallen.  The financial markets fell and people lost their investments.  I saw a drop of 30,000 points (for context, the DOW Index is currently just over 40,000 points right now, meaning this would be extremely cataclysmic).

Uriel then took me to the next cleft and cave.

Cave #5 Timeline:  Future events starting at some date in the future.

I saw the aftermath of something so destructive.  I was not sure if this was caused by nuclear attacks or a Great Earthquake.  Major cities were up earthed.  Some were leveled with nothing left other than smoldering dirt.  I began to cry at the horrifying sight.

Uriel:  “Erin, God hates corruption and evil of every kind.”

Me:  “Uriel, I didn’t see anything good here.  Nothing.”

Uriel:  “Your directives from Michael came from God.  Pray!  Pray for the nation.  The evil leader invited Israel today, but no one, no President or Vice President, was there to greet him.  The vile leader (the former President) hates Israel and plots for her destruction so that he can one day take dominion over all of it.  However, he is not in control.  His best plans cannot defeat God’s Will.”

Me:  “Uriel, why are you showing me this?”

Uriel:  “So that you understand the times.  You have been shown only a few.  However, look around you.  We have almost encircled the Valley of Decision.  Only God can intervene.  Come.”

Uriel then took me to the next cleft and cave.

Cave #6 Timeline:  Future events starting at some date in the future.

I saw the angels of the Lord and the children of God sweep the land.  No weapon was formed against them, no scheme of wicked leaders.  I saw cities rise up in a day.  I saw churches rise up from ashes.  I saw hopeless people who were sick and dying and in need being healed and given back more than before.

I saw evil people confessing to all they had done to hurt others as they ran to hide from the wrath of God, His people and His angels.  There was great joy and celebrations and praises to our God as the people turned and repented and God healed them and their lands.  The other nations also followed suit.  As this was occurring, I saw plots in secret caves and underground bunkers where the evil leaders remained.

Uriel then drew my attention to the valley floor.  I turned and saw thousands of harvesters singing praises to the Lord in great joy.  I then heard an angel…

Angel of the Lord:  “Leave the outer edges for those who will remain.”

As instructed, the harvesters left the outer edges.  I then heard the trumpet sound and I saw the heavens pulled back and the wheat turned into souls.  I saw millions ascending into Heaven.  However, many of the harvesters remained to finish the work of the Lord.

Uriel:  “This is enough for today.  Remember, Erin, that God is in charge!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

I am now going to write Sub-dream 2, which really was my first dream of the night.  However, the following dream will pale in comparison to Sub-dream 1.  Even so, the ending is still quite exciting!

Sub-dream 2 “Pills, pills, pills!” begins…

I was at a large supermarket.  Lining all of the shelves and bins were various bottles and boxes of prescription pills.  They were untouched.  There was a clerk doing inventory around the corner.

Me:  “Excuse me, but what is all of this?  Why are there no groceries?”

Clerk:  “These are the new groceries.  Take a look.”

I saw that some of the pill containers were labelled orange, another one watermelon, another one rice and so on.

Me:  “I am confused.  Why not just carry the real stuff?”

Clerk:  “This is cheaper and easier.  It fills you up and provides the exact taste and nutrients without all the cooking and other stuff.”

Me:  Sighing.  “Oh, this is sad.  I miss real food.”

Clerk:  “Oh, I have a pill for that.”

Me:  “No, I am good.  So, who owns all of this?  Like, what pharmaceutical companies?”

Clerk:  “(Named a name I can’t recall)… Look, the address is right here.”

I decided to take a trip out to the pharma plant.  After I arrived at the address, I went up to the receptionist at the front lobby of the plant.

Me:  “Hello.  I am here to see the owner.”

Receptionist:  “He doesn’t take visitors, especially ones with no appointment.  However, I will take your name.”

Just then, a town car pulled up with some old man.  He was surrounded by security.  He came up to the receptionist’s desk and gave something to her.  He turned and looked at me.  I could tell by the way the receptionist talked to him that he was the owner.  Since he looked a bit like President Biden, I wonder if he also represented the President in this dream.  I wasn’t sure though.

Owner:  “Do I know you?  You look very familiar.”

Me:  “I am actually here to see you.”

I must have been young and attractive as he leered at me.

Owner:  “Well, you can certainly come and follow me so that we can see each other!”

Receptionist:  Protesting.  “But, sir…”

Owner:  Dismissing her.  “It’s fine, it’s fine.”

Me:  “Don’t you miss food?  Do you not miss chewing?”

Owner:  Chuckling.  “I chew on stuff all of the time.”

We rode up on the elevator to an apartment, but it was really more like a luxury condominium.  His family was there, along with other various people.  They seemed quite angry to see me there.

Woman (perhaps representing Jill Biden):  “Who is this?”

Owner:  Laughing.  “This here is my new girlfriend.  You better get used to her.  She’s with me.”

I chuckled as I extended my hand towards the woman’s hand in order to shake her hand.  The woman did not shake my hand.  All of the people there were so angry.

Woman:  “Do you understand this man’s wealth and power?  No, you don’t.  This is because you are only after his money.”  She then spoke in a bossy tone towards a man who looked like an accountant.  “Write this woman a check so she can leave.”

Owner:  Infuriated.  “Out, all of you!”  He then pointed right at me.  “You, stay!”

The owner really must have been powerful as they all reluctantly left.  The woman then pointed to her eyes then to me as if to signal ‘I am watching you!’  I tried to stifle my laughter, but I couldn’t quite do it.

Me:  “So, they have now left.”

Owner:  “Now, where were we?  Oh yes… we are going to be great together.  Love at first sight, right?”

Me:  “Sir, I am here to tell you to stop what you are doing.  God is with me and he would like you to stop all of this and turn to him.”

Just then, the elevator opened.  There was a man with a delivery.  The owner ran over and took the bag from the delivery man.  The delivery man then left.

Owner:  “Well, I sure hope you like Chinese!  I love Chinese.”

I laughed at the irony of his statement.  He sat down at the table.  I then sat across from him.  He opened the bag and pulled out several bottles.  These bottles were labeled as Sweet & Sour Pork, Ginger Beef, Sesame Chicken and White Rice.  He suddenly frowned as he double checked the bottles.

Owner:  “Hey, I am missing my Egg Rolls.”

Me:  “Stop eating this.  It is killing you.”

I then prayed.  In a flash, a spread of real Chinese dishes was right there in front of us.  He looked terrified.

Owner:  “Wait!  What?  How were you able to do this?”

Me:  “God!  Now, you have one last chance here.”

Owner:  “Can I eat first?”

He was clearly not right in his head.  These pills had been killing him.  His family then came back into the condominium with the police with the intention of arresting me.

Me:  Speaking to the owner.  “Today will be your final day.”

The woman was in front of the crowd of people.  She pointed at me in a threatening manner.

Woman:  “Arrest her!  She’s a threat!”

There was a flash and a door appeared out of nowhere.  I then stepped through and was gone in an instant.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, this sure seemed like this represented President Biden, his family and associates.  However, I am not fully sure.  All I know is that this was a weird dream.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here.  Hmm, this was a big night of dreams!  Pray and do not cease!”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  Please protect my family, my friends and their families.  Please send angels over our homes.  Things seem to be turning quickly.”

Jesus:  “I have done this and will continue to.  Do not worry.  I have you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-830/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-828/

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