Dream 830 – An Aerial View of the Lake of Fire

Received on Thursday, July 25, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  There is no God like You.  You are our one, true and only God over all things.  I am so grateful to have You as my Father.  Everything we have is Yours.  Let us pray great honor to You in all things.

Father, please stop the enemies who are now surrounding Your people.  Please protect the nations as all of them are under You.  You own Earth and all that is in it.  Thank You for dreams, Father.  You are our God who grants us knowledge and wisdom to understand what comes to us in our sleeping hours.

My first dream has an obvious meaning on the surface of the dreams.  However, the second dream was intimidating to me.  This is because I know very little about the gods of other cultures and religions.  I have never taken an interest.  This dream about the gods seem to show a very dark path for our country if the demonic realm over these deities is released upon our nation of America.

I also realize by Your Word that these gods have no power over man except by deception and possession.  This is because of the demonic permissions behind them.  Once someone opens the door to the demoniacs and entertains them, You move aside and let them have their way (but still within Your parameters, of course).  This is because You are jealous for us.

So, Father, instead of backing out and turning away from us, please step up against this evil and show the world what we know to be true… ‘that You are God and You do not share Your land with any other god.’  Father, You are sovereign in providence…

  • You control all that is in the world (Daniel 4:35).
  • You control the forces of nature (Psalm 147:15-18).
  • You control all people, including kings and presidents (Isaiah 40:15-17, 22, 23).
  • You control Satan and his evil agents (Job 1).
  • You control all of the events and circumstances in our lives (Romans 8:28).

Father, I plea and beg that You have mercy on our land.

Just as I wrote this, I looked up out of my window and four eagles were flying together over our yard.  I tried to take photos, but I only got one of the eagles.

Father, I praise You for eagles, miracles, signs and wonders.  Thank You for my dreams, including the two dreams I had last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Cutting the  Flowers off of the Flowers” begins…

I was at an outdoor farmer’s market in a city I didn’t know.  It was outside of one of the last department stores, either a Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue.  The store was closing for good.  The display windows had been ransacked.  The inside had been plundered.  There was a market area outside.  What was strange is that this market area was still clean and orderly.

In one area of the market was a floral grower’s booth.  There was a beautiful display of flowers there.  However, one grouping of flowers had all of their heads cut off.  The only thing remaining on them were stems and leaves.  I walked up to them in sadness.  A woman soon approached me.  She had darker skin and very short white hair.

Woman:  “May I help you?”

Me:  “Yes.  Can you tell me what happened to these flowers?”

Woman:  “These are what we have left from Israel.  The shoppers prefer their flower heads cut off.  They find them more valuable with no blossoms and no fragrance.”

Me:  “People are buying these?”

Woman:  “Yes.  These are my most popular.”

Me:  “But they even cost more than the others.”

Woman:  “Yes.  It is our victory bouquet.”

Me:  “Well, I find it disgusting.”

Woman:  “If you protest these instead of finding great satisfaction in them, then it is time for you to go too.  The flowers from Europe, the tulips and others, will soon be the same.  We will then turn to the roses and peonies, but not the Rose of Sharon.  They too will soon have their heads cutoff.”

Note:  What this woman meant when she said, ‘but not the Rose of Sharon’, is that the Rose of Sharon represents Israel and that this rose already had its flower ‘cut off’ when they attacked Israel on Saturday, October 7, 2023.

Me:  Now thinking to myself.  “First Israel, then Europe and then the USA.  Hmm, I am still not 100% sure of the order.”

The woman then turned to help other customers.  She was arranging flowers for them.  They would pay first and then they would cut the flower heads off and cheer together in glee.  The woman suddenly turned back to me.  She was still holding her massive pruning shears.  She lunged at my neck with them.  I woke up suddenly.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “An Aerial View of the Lake of Fire” begins…

I was back in the Valley of Decision.  Uriel was right there in front of me.

Uriel:  “Erin, I have been called by God to show you another cleft.”

Uriel reached for my hand and we were on a cleft with a cave.

Uriel:  “This is what angers God, Erin.  Even though He loves His children, they do not stand for Him.  The enemy has taken many inroads and their troops advance.  There is a veil of ignorance that falls over the leaders and people of this land.”

I saw a vile god of some sort with red skin, four heads and four arms.  I saw him with an egg or something like it.  He gave birth to a daughter out of this egg.  His daughter’s skin was pale red.  I then saw this four headed god give his daughter a name that is represented by the lotus flower (Kamala).  I saw this god care for her and declare that, through her, he would finally be worshipped.

He saw her building a rightful temple for him so that he could be worshipped properly.  He befriended the spirits of the Black Dragon and they formed an alliance together.  If he got his way, the son of the Black Dragon would be protected and the daughter of this god would be raised up to lead the sons of perdition to destroy the children of God.

Me:  “Uriel, please help me to understand what I am seeing.  I truly know very little about other gods or the demons behind them.  What am I seeing?”

Uriel:  “That a plan has been in place to destroy Israel, Europe and America, but really all of the Earth, so that the Black Dragon will reign.  However, the other gods have no idea that the leader of the Black Dragon is the great deceiver.  Now, the male god you are seeing is a liar called Brahma.  However, even he is not prepared for what comes.”

Me:  “So, who is the wife of this god?”

Uriel:  “I know this is hard to understand, but his wife is also his daughter.  Together, they gave birth to a leader, a woman.  She is to declare the dominion of their deities apart from God.  They sent a prayer (to a Hindu god during the RNC Convention) that opened doors in the unseen realm.  It was like a birth from a pregnancy for all of the world to see and hear.  This enraged God.”

Me:  “But, Uriel, the people are ignorant!  The USA is still ‘one nation under God’!”

Uriel:  “Well, God is angry.”

Me:  “Please stop this.”

Uriel:  “The nation is falling away from the one true God over all things, the One who created the Earth, the sea, the stars, the waters, animals, plants, birds and man.  He created the sun and the moon.  Erin, who is like Him?”

Me:  “Nobody even comes close to Him!”

Uriel:  “Permissions were granted.  This is the result of this.  Now this…”  Uriel directed my attention to a spirit more wicked than I have ever seen before.  “…this rose up in the daughter of these foreign gods.  However, God will scramble her words and her tongue will declare vile things.  She will be despised by the people.  The Black Dragon will call upon his sons to rise up and strike down her power.

“Erin, God has declared this… The sons of perdition have struck against my land, my appointed leader over Israel and the people in Israel and the USA.  I will therefore strike out against them.  I will send great fear to humble the nations of the Earth.  They will then turn their faces from doing evil and pray.”

Me:  “When, Uriel?  When will God humble the Earth?  Please tell Him to heal us and strengthen us for what comes.  If He doesn’t do this, we will not be able to endure.”

As I wrote this, two eagles flew by my window.

Uriel:  “Come!”

He took me to a massive overlook in a distant area.  Above us were black clouds of smoke with a stench like sulfur.  The area was thick with an atmosphere containing no oxygen.  My stomach turned at the sight of this.  Below was the incredibly massive ‘Lake of Fire’.  It was bubbling up with what seemed like molten lava.

Some Scriptural Background on the Lake of Fire in Revelation 19:20b, 20:14-15:  19:20bThese two (the beast and the false prophet) were thrown alive into the Lake of Fire that burns with sulfur.  20:14Then Death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death, the Lake of Fire.  20:15And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the Lake of Fire.

I saw two men being thrown down into the Lake of Fire (from Revelation, I believe these two were the Beast/Antichrist and the False Prophet).  I then saw angels of the Lord throwing down demonic princes in various forms.  They shot down from the heavens and there was horrible screeching.  I saw Michael throwing down the chief angels of darkness into the Lake.

I saw Brahma and his four heads being thrown into the Lake.  He screamed in anguish (they all did).  I saw a man in white with blood stains who had been false in his testimony.  I then saw what looked like a heavenly version of a massive ‘dumpster’.  I saw a massive angel blow a horn.  This horn sound then seemed to blend in with the sound of a construction vehicle beeping.

It then opened and out dropped so many sons of perdition and their demons that I couldn’t count them.  There were billions.  Their screams were horrifying.  I reached for Uriel’s hand with one of my hands and covered my eyes with the other hand.  I was now weeping as I listened to their screams and cries of anguish.

Note:  When some picture the Lake of Fire, perhaps they imagine a ‘calm lake’.  However, from what I saw, there is nothing calm about this Lake at all.  This was more like the sea as shown in the movie about The Perfect Storm.  These waves rose hundreds of feet high and tossed all within this Lake of Fire.  This ‘Lake’ is also so incredibly vast, it seemed to be more like an ‘Ocean of Fire’ than a ‘Lake of Fire’.  Those within the Lake of Fire were tossed and thrown about.  The fiery sea was so tumultuous that there was no ability for its occupants to socialize with each other.  Even when tossed on top of each other, it was a mad scramble just to keep their heads up.  The Lake of Fire was such a horrible sight that I would not wish it for even my worst enemy.

Uriel then took me to the valley floor of wheat.

Me:  “Oh Uriel, I am terrified.  Terrified!  Please keep me from this place (the Lake of Fire).  I never want anyone I know to ever be there.  Ever!”

Uriel:  “I know, Erin.  However, God instructed me to show you the place of the tormentor and his children, his army.  You are a child of God.”

Me:  “I love God and Jesus.  Jesus is God.  I have no ability to endure here without Jesus.  Uriel, I won’t make it unless God helps us.”

Uriel:  “Take comfort, Erin.  Do not worry as you are destined for Heaven, not this Lake.  God loves you.  He sent angels concerning you to guard you in all you do.  The way to remain ready for now is to keep yourself from evil of every kind.  Press into Him.  Thank Him and praise Him for He alone is worthy of praise.  Keep yourself from unclean words and do not speak against Israel or His people.  You are to love one another.”

Me:  “Yes, Uriel.  Bless and you will be blessed.”

Uriel:  “Yes, Erin.  It is important to understand that there is much that you cannot see.  Pray for wisdom from God on high and remember that there is something in a name.  As you now know, your name means peace.  Therefore, be at peace knowing that the favor of God is upon you.”

Me:  “Harvest must come soon.  Please let it be so.”

Uriel:  “I am an angel of the Lord and a part of His Army.  I cannot do what only God can, understand?  You are not to pray to me or even cry out to me, only to God.”

Me:  “Yes, of course.  Always a good reminder though.”

Uriel:  “Now, you are under attack… you and your house.  Do not be afraid.  Pray.  God will fix the broken things and continue to prepare you for what comes.  Rejoice, Erin, and take courage.”

When he reached over and squeezed my hand, I was startled out of my sleep.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, please subdue the plans of the enemy.  Please protect Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jerusalem and the USA.  Please protect all those who stand with You, those within Israel, the USA and the other nations.

We pray this to You alone as we know You are sovereign over all of the Earth.  Please protect us against wicked leaders and their evil plans.  Please bless us and keep us.  Lord, please let Your face shine upon us in all we do, Amen!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you!  Do not be afraid.  This was a busy night of dreams for you.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  These dreams scared me severely.  I woke up with chills running through my body.”

Jesus:  “You saw the heavens open and two hurled down into the lake, then the chief angels and their princes, then every order of the army of darkness.”

Me:  “It was hard to see.”

Jesus:  “I know.  However, remember that God is the God of Justice.  This war has been going on for thousands of years, Erin.  The celebration in Heaven as evil has been cast into the Lake is like none on the Earth.”

Me:  “Has this already happened, Lord?  You speak as if this has.”

Jesus:  “I showed you all of this so that you understand that My promises are true.  The verdict has been handed down and the sentence rendered.  This is the place prepared for those who cause the children of God harm of any magnitude, those who plotted against God to strike out against the people of God.

“They can now swim together in the same ‘pool’ and enjoy each other’s company.   I show you this so that you know that I am over all of this.  I see what the wicked do to defile the Earth.  Understand that they have no place amongst the righteous.  Therefore, speak truth in love so that no man be subject for what was originally reserved for the fallen angels, but now expanded to include others.

“I have a Great Plan already in place.  Be encouraged, Erin.  I love you.  Continue on your course and do all I have instructed in order to ready your houses.  Even though you do not know the time, you know the hour is late.  Continue on as I have shown you.  I am with you and I love you!”

Note:  I was very distressed over this dream even after I wrote this down.  Later on, as I was standing at my window and right there in front of me in our yard, were four adult turkeys and nine baby turkeys.  I was so happy and thankful for this wonderful sight.  I had thought that all of them had already been killed.  Well, there they were and even with little ones! This was yet another miracle from You, Jesus!

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-831/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-829/

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