Dream 831 – The Mocking of God at the Opening Ceremony

Received on Sunday, July 28, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for every breath.  Thank You for all You do and the amazing ways in which You pursue us.  Father, please never stop pursuing us.  Please do not give up on Your children.  The Earth is taking a plunge faster than I ever imagined.  The Book of Revelation is playing out right before our very eyes.  Events and symbolism are overlapping now.  Please grant us knowledge and wisdom.

Our hearts are troubled by all of the bad news.  At least mine is.  When I see the mocking of You, Father, our Lord and all things Holy, my heart hurts and my stomach is sick.  This must be worse than ‘The Days of Noah’ and ‘The Days of Sodom and Gomorrah’ combined.  Even so, You are greater than this, Father.  You created everything.  I am just so distraught over what is happening now.

While public mockery of Christians is on full display, the Jewish people are being hunted down.  I am not talking about a Middle East country either, but right there in the streets of France.  Europe is about to fall.  The day after this public mockery during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics, You sent a power outage that sent much of the area into darkness.  However, this was only a small rebuke from You to signify that a greater darkness is coming.

Even though I often fear what is coming, I am glad for what the results will eventually be.  As for the election here in the USA on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, this will be stolen unless You rise up and show that You are God over all of the Earth.  We are seeing grand illusions on full display as those controlling what we can see try to convince us that good is evil and evil is good.  Evil is manifesting from the spiritual to the natural world and this is increasing rapidly.

The evil that has moved under the cover of darkness for many years to destroy Europe is really all part of a soft war on all of the Christian nations.  Those who are native to Europe are now outnumbered in so many cases.  Brussels is now 70% foreigners.  All of the rest of the countries are not far behind this.  I then heard that the Seine River is full of E.coli from human waste.  People are swimming in it.  Father, this is horrible.

What of the appearance of the mock version of the Pale Horse of the Book of Revelation in the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Summer Olympics on Friday, July 26, 2024?  Why does the deagal population report claim that the USA will drop in population by 200 million people in 2025?  What will happen to these 200 million people?  Where will they go?

Me:  “Lord, please come!  The public mockery of You was on full display at the Opening Ceremony of the Summer Olympics on Friday.  As for my dreams, these were so dark last night.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not worry.  Do not be afraid.  God is over all things.  I am here and I see.  Pray, Erin, and do not cease.  You have seen what happens to those who lie and deceive in this late hour.  You have seen where those who harm little children go into the sea and await judgment.  You have seen where evil is hurled.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  Even though I love and trust You in all things, these events still hurt.  Lord, it hurts.  You are my Awesome God and I love you so much.  If they can do this to You, they can certainly do this to me.  If they know about what the Nazis did in Germany and they still praise the destruction of the Jewish people, then Christians are next.  Lord, please step in!”

Jesus:  “Erin, do you remember the Clock and Calendar in Heaven?”

Me:  “Yes.  This is in God’s Courtyard and is guarded by angels.”

Jesus:  “The times you were shown, along with the events, are moving quickly at the end.  Erin, this is now the case.  However, be encouraged as I have a great plan.  The Book of Revelation is not as confusing now.  It becomes more and more clear as pictorial images of events play out on screens.  You then ask, ‘Wait, is this not what has been written about in God’s Word?’

“So, when you see these things, pray for wisdom and understanding.  Pray for Revelation that comes from on high.  This is because I know what once was, is and is to come.  If I tell you to not be afraid, then understand that you have no need of fear.  This is because you reign with Me.  However, those who are evil and practice debauchery of every kind are destined for another place.”

Me:  “While I will try to be brave, this is still hard.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  However, I promise you that God’s ‘Closing Ceremony’, My Finishing Act, will leave no eye dry.  Remember that I am the One who saves.  Erin, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  Rejoice as I am with you and I promise that I will never leave you.  Now, you are to take this day to pray and remember Me.  As for those who mock God, they swim in mire and muck.  As for those whom God blesses, they swim in Living Water.”

Me:  “Wait!  Lord, are You not bothered by this evil?”

Jesus:  “It is difficult to witness the wicked dance in their perversion for all of the world to see.  It is difficult to see their secret plots being hatched.  However, I already know this… that the Great Plan of God will prevail.  Together with His angel armies, none of these evil assignments will prevail.  They will instead swim in their own shame and defilement while they cry out to God.

“However, I am no longer turning an ear to their pleadings.  Those practicing evil say, ‘Okay, I will give up one of my sins, but I will continue the other ten sins because I like them and these feel good.’  They will not have understanding over anything because their need for self-soothing sins is greater than their need for a Savior.  These are children of the liar.  You must therefore pray, Erin.  Now, do not worry as I am with you.”

Dream over…

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