Dream 834 – Massive Attack Planned Against Israel

Received on Saturday, August 3, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Bless You, Father, in all of the Earth.  Bless You from the depths of the sea to the highest mountain upon the earth.  Bless You in Your Great Works in the heavens, the stars, the moon, the sun and all of the Universe.  Bless You in Heaven and for all of the beauty You have created for us.  Your Splendor is above all things.  You cannot be matched, mocked or replaced.  I am so grateful for You.

While I was somewhere between asleep and restlessness earlier this morning, either a vision or a dream (I am not sure which) came to me…

Sub-dream 1 “Massive Attack Planned Against Israel” begins…

I saw the enemies of Israel plotting their revenge ‘From the River to the Sea’.  I saw vile plans being hatched in their wickedness…

  • In their anger, I saw them planning an attack by air, by land and by sea.
  • There were several nations with leaders who vowed to remove all of Israel in a single hour by a coordinated mass attack.
  • The weapons, missiles and bombs of all types were to be launched simultaneously to overcome Israel’s defenses.
  • After Israel was weakened by this, a ground invasion from the north, south and east would then enter her borders.
  • They would first kill those in the outer areas.
  • They would then move in to surround the cities.
  • They would cut off all communications and power.
  • They would then move swiftly door to door to hunt down, humiliate and destroy all of the Jews.

I saw all of this playing out in what looked like real time.  I then heard two of the evil leaders speak to each other about their demonic plans.

Leader 1:  “We will go into their Temples and ‘defile the dogs’.  We will destroy all they claim as holy and burn them with hellfire.  We will take their spoils.  The Nation of Islam will then be free from their oppression.”

Leader 2:  “The news reports can be that their own weapons destroyed them.  We will celebrate and mark this as a great day for all of Islam and Allah.”

After this group of leaders finished coordinating their wicked plans against Israel, I saw them go back to their respective nations.  I then heard Your Voice speak to me…

Voice of the Lord:  “They plan to hunt down every Jew and, after this, in the USA also.  They plan to do this to the ends of the Earth, as well as those who support them.”

I knew that He was referring mainly to Christians as ‘those who support them’.  I then kept seeing Jeremiah 6:13:  “For from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for unjust gain; and from prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely.”

The number 613 then flashed and kept flashing.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I was so disturbed by this dream that I immediately went to my devotional chair and prayed.  Father, while I am not sure of Your timing, I am troubled by what I am seeing.  The traitorous leadership of the USA is mainly responsible for financing the enemies that surround Israel.  However, the overall will of the people to help Israel has been dismissed by evil.

How many here even want this?  There are so many lies occurring that it is difficult to discern what is real or fake.  A normal person watching the news these days would be easily deceived.  We are being blatantly lied to by the New World Order-controlled media.  Father, please help Israel and the USA.  Please protect Your people all over the world from harm.

As for the number 613, does this number signify Jewish laws, bombs or maybe even hours?  I am not sure about this.  Maybe it signifies some combination of things?

Something else that is odd has been happening to me recently.  The date of August 28th keeps popping up to me.  In 2024, August 28th is both the 24th day of the Hebrew month of Av (Av 24) and a Wednesday.

I have never really looked at the meaning of August.  This word means consecrated or venerable.  Consecrated in the Bible means set apart from others; blessed and a saint of God.  Maybe this is the time You will consecrate us for Your purposes, Father?  However, I really do not know.

I then found another definition of consecration that means to set apart a person or building or even an object for God.  Apparently, with some Christian denominations, there is a service of ‘deconsecration’ that is used to remove a consecrated place of its sacred character in preparation for either demolition or sale for secular use.

I was then reminded of Joshua 3:5:  Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

There is so much to this Scripture.  After wandering for 40 years in the wilderness, the children of Israel were about to cross over the Jordan River into the Promised Land.  They were then given the command to consecrate themselves (that is, to purify, clean and make holy unto the Lord).

They then knew that the Lord would do amazing things amongst them the next day.  This would have been so exciting!  Father, how about doing this again for the times we are in now?  This would be the perfect moment for You to kick off the Great Harvest, the Great Revival, of hearts!

Lord, please protect Israel.  Please grant special strength for Your angel army over the princes of darkness in that area of the world and others.  Please let all of their evil plans be thwarted by You.  Show miracles, signs and wonders that cannot be replicated or explained away.  Father, please protect Your children and Your land.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I do not want you to be afraid.  Instead, remain diligent in your prayers.  While these are tumultuous times, this should come as no surprise to you.  Over the years, I have shown you troubles coming.  I also gave you warnings that you should pray when you begin to see the overlapping of prophecies being revealed in this time.  Even so, you still seem surprised by all of this.”

Me:  “Lord, I am sorry.  It is difficult to see evil expanding into every walk of life now and with such speed it is shocking.  I thought the Book of Revelation would be drawn out over the course of many years.  Instead, I now believe it is possible that all of the horses of Revelation are riding swiftly together right now.

“As for another possible plague, You sent word to me a few years ago that Covid was just a small test run.  You then warned me that a greater plague than this is coming, at least as it is currently planned by the enemy.  Well, I must admit that I thought we would be raptured up before troubles!”

Jesus:  “Where is that written?  While I understand it is difficult to know when this event should follow that one or when does the tribulation begin, these things and troubles must occur so that hearts are turned to God and not to man for salvation.  I would instead look to My Words as sent by the prophets and place these together.

“What was once mysterious and metaphorical will soon become reality, but perhaps not in the way you thought it would be.  However, because these things have been revealed to you, you will then be at peace knowing that this or that has now passed and that this was important for the Great Revival of hearts to their Father.

“Now, there is Good News here.  We win!  Remember this always!  While many lives will be lost here, souls will be saved as a result, understand?”

Me:  “Yes.  However, I was taught that…”

Jesus:  “Erin, remember to chew on the meat and spit out the fat.  These are the same ones who are motivated by greed and like to see themselves on screens.  They love to proclaim things that I never said.  They separate themselves by loudly declaring they must have a month retreat to pray, but they instead then travel with donors and dine with fools.

“Well, Erin, do not be deceived here.  Those whom I have called are careful with their tongues not to speak evil or curse the children of God.  I am able to do abundantly more with those I have called because they trust Me to deliver truth through them.  Well, here is the truth, Erin… troubles have come, are here and are here to come.  Yes, this is the truth!

“Sadly, these things had to come so that the people would know Me through these troubles.  They will then know it is false preaching that ‘God would never allow troubles to come to your house.’  Well, this is not so.  Troubles come because they can be used by Me for My purposes and these are good.  This is so you lack no good thing.

“Now, the tribulation that comes is coming.  However, because the order of events ‘won’t seem to have common understanding’ (that is, other than the commonly preached order of events), then pray for this because I have a Great Plan and the enemy cannot thwart My Plan.”

Me:  “Lord, can You protect Jerusalem and Israel?  Can You protect New York City, Washington DC and the USA?  Lord, can You please protect all of these people?”

Jesus:  “What should be done to those who remove Me from their sight and allow the Holy Spirit to be mocked and refuted so that they know that I am God?  Could this not happen by Me using humbling events?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  However, when remembering Your promises, could You instead just strike out against wicked individuals rather than whole cities or nations?”

Jesus:  “Yes, I could.  However, you would then be leaving out some of the amazing miracles I am about to do that you will be a part of.  So, can you trust Me to do a Good Work here?  Here is what I mean, Erin… can the work of the God who loves you and created you be worse than your enemies who declare your death?”

Me:  “Of course not, Lord.  I just ask that You protect Your people and Your leaders.  Please start that Great Harvest right now.  Expose the enemy.  Let them flee and be subdued while we heal the land and turn the people’s hearts to You.

“Please change and heal us for ‘a time and times’ (around three years) of joy before the Black Dragon and Red Dragon invade and overcome the Earth.  Please!  You have the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, Lord.

“You have the Keys to Life and Death.  Return people to the places You would call them.  Reconcile hearts back to You.  Please then remove those who love You before the end of 2027.”

Jesus:  “Hmm, this is quite specific.  Erin, I have a Great Plan.  When this unfolds, there will be no stone unturned.  Hearts will be exposed.  Truth will be known and great healing, restoration and joy will break out.  I am God and I am in control over all of the Earth.  I see all things hidden.  I see all of the plots hatched in secret, whether in backrooms, boardrooms or anywhere else.  Nothing is beyond My reach.

“Now, continue on your course.  Even though the enemy plans to destroy the children of God, they cannot succeed.  Be ready!  Pray!  Greater am I in you.  My angel armies are over you and Heaven is celebrating a Great Victory.  Rejoice, Erin.  Brace for impact… My Impact!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-835/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-833/

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