Dream 835 – Changes are a Difficult Thing

Received on Friday, August 9, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for all we have.  Thank You for every blessing.  Every blessing is a miracle.  Please continue to keep us safe in Your arms and perfectly in Your care.  Each day seems like a battle as we continue to live with upright hearts in the midst of people who hate us.  We are hated because we exist and our presence reminds them that You are near.

While we seem to be easy targets, they do not know who is over us.  They don’t know that You are our God and You reign supreme over all the Earth.  Even though it can be hard sometimes, we do our best when we allow You to carry us.  Please don’t leave us to those who hate us.  Ultimately, we know that You hold us close and You have us in all things.  Blessed by Your works!

I had a detailed dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A Cove full of Otters” begins…

My daughter was driving her compact car through a stormy city at night.  It had been pouring and it was late, around midnight.  We had a difficult time driving through the different streets because there was traffic and some disturbances.  We finally found a street that led us to the waterfront where we could exit by bridge or ferry.  We then noticed that there were three trucks two blocks ahead.  One large semitruck and two box vans had collided at an intersection.

We proceeded to drive around them to the left.  As we began to turn down the street to the left, a small SUV backed up right into us.  This is because he was trying to avoid hitting a truck.  He began to pull ahead and off to the side so he could quickly drive off without stopping.  Fortunately, our car was still drivable.  I could tell I was in a place that I should not get out of the vehicle.

When we got to a safe area, we pulled over to look at the damage.  Even though I heard broken glass and crunching metal, there was no damage at all.  It was a miracle and completely impossible.  We then drove to a small town outside the city where we had a small apartment.  After spending the night there, one of our neighbors knocked on our door.  It was still morning.

Neighbor:  “Come quickly!  The last of the otters and the other sea mammals are down at the cove!”

I grabbed a digital camera and ran down to the cove.  There were several people gathered there to watch.  The otters were playing with each other.  I saw some whales in the distance.  I took some photos.  The otters came into the shallow area of the cove.  They went underwater together.  When they surfaced, they were completely covered in silver mercury or paint of some kind.  I stopped taking pictures when I realized they were dying.  A popup then came onto the screen of my camera…

Warning:  You are being watched and filmed.”

I immediately turned to look at the crowd.  One person was illuminated and I knew they were watching me.  He tried to duck when he saw me looking at him.  I quickly exited out of the crowd without being followed and arrived safely back at my apartment.  I told my daughter all about what had just happened.

Me:  “Well, a man was there taking pictures.  It looks like we need to move again.”

My daughter nodded in agreement.  We both then packed up what little we had.

Sub-dream 1 over…

While this was a detailed dream, it was also quite strange.  It was so specific and with great details.  My dreams lately have been so dark.  There has been so much destruction everywhere.  Whole cities are blacked out.  There are no lights.  Roads are destroyed making passage nearly impossible.

It also seems as if my husband and sons are off on other assignments.  I have the sense that they are not dead, just somewhere else.  I pray all of this is after the Great Harvest of souls.  If it is before, I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to keep the faith in such upheaval.  Lord, great signs, wonders and miracles before all of this would be greatly appreciated.

You instructed my husband and me about several ways You are at work recently.  It was to show us that, when You are behind a project, every detail is seamless and smooth.  All things fall into place.  When You are not behind a project, everything takes twists, turns, stalls and complete dead ends.  It then becomes an effort instead of easy.  Thank You, Father, for keeping us focused on Your way.  Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.  We have only a few small paint projects and minor repairs to complete.

As for my stepson, he recently received a job offer out west.  He will be leaving soon with a friend who is also in forestry.  This leaves just me, my husband, my younger son and my daughter to finish up here.  As for my older son in the Tri-Cities, he begins a new job on Monday.  I pray for all of their continued protection.

I received a phone call yesterday from my surgeon’s office in Portland ME.  My surgery has now been scheduled for November 1, 2024.  This is All-Saints Day.  Father, I know these rescheduled surgeries have been done by You because it doesn’t make any sense as to why the cancellations.  You obviously don’t want me to have my kidney removed or at least not yet.  I am certainly praying for a complete healing instead.

I saw an exciting thing outside this morning.  My female hummingbird came back to our home to feed.  She has two young hummingbirds with her.  She must have been nesting here all along.  I was so excited to see this miracle.  I am grateful!  Thank You, Father, for hummingbirds.  While I often try to take pictures of them, they are usually not great pictures because they are just so quick.

Father, we are almost ready to go to where You have planned for us.  However, this seems impossible on our own.  On our own strength, this is simply impossible.  If You would, Father, please begin to present that door for us to step through.  I am exhausted and not feeling the best.  Even so, we surrender to You in all things.  You are then free to work in our midst.  Thank You for being our Omni-Awesome God!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know you are faced with many things right now.  However, I have always been with you and I will not stop.  I will carry you.”

Me:  “Lord, darkness is coming quickly.  It is like a tsunami.  How do we navigate a tsunami?”

Jesus:  “You don’t!  Can you outrun a sweeping wave, a swift tide, a torrent of destruction?”

Me:  “No, Lord, we can’t.”

Jesus:  “I am your Higher Ground.  I am your Rock that weathers all storms.  As the days move forward, you are witnessing the Great Separation of those who are Mine vs those who are of this world.  Those who are of this world serve the god of destruction.  Now, more than at any other time, press into Me and pray.  I am with you.  My Will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven.

“The plans of the wicked are numerous against the righteous.  However, I will expose them.  I am over all things on Earth and My Father in Heaven is with Me in this.  Now, do not worry.  Keep your focus on Me and the things of Heaven and your joy will be complete.  Erin, My promises are true and I have never forgotten one of them.  While I will never withhold even one from you, you do not understand the timing of God.  These do not end here on Earth.  They are in light of Eternal Plans.

“Now, do not say when someone passes, ‘God never fulfilled His promises because it did not manifest here.’  This is a false statement.  A fool speaks on behalf of only what they see here in this time.  Do not believe foolish talk.  In all things, know that My Promises are true!  Erin, all of My Promises are true.”

Me:  “We are so limited in knowledge, Lord.  We speak in our own understanding.  I realize now that You have shown me my place in Heaven and on the New Earth.  Over the years, I can take comfort knowing You consider me enough to make a place for me, my children, my husband, my friends and even our pets.  Those who suffer here and bear witness to the enduring love of our God who saves us… well, of course You would have a beautiful place prepared for us.  Lord, You do this because You are so good!”

Jesus:  “Erin, remember that changes are a difficult thing for your children.  This is especially true with your sons.  These are big things to them.  Have patience and remember how hard this is on all of you.”

Me:  “I will, Lord.  In the meantime, could You please heal us?  Could You please strengthen us so that we are able to endure all that soon comes?”

Jesus:  “I will.  I will.”

Me:  “Lord, please bless our projects and let us find joy in doing good, all for Your sake.  Lord, please protect all of us!”

Jesus:  “I will.  I am with you.  Do not worry.  I will send you all you need and even what you didn’t ask for.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-836/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-834/

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