Dream 839 – The Dead Sea and the Euphrates River

Received on Sunday, August 25, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for Your love and care.  Thank You for Your daily provision and miracles.  We are grateful.

This is a mysterious day.  Several times when I went to write today’s date, I kept writing June 25, 2024 (which was a Tuesday) instead.  There must be a reason that You have brought me back to this date.  However, as of right now, I am still not sure as to why.

When I woke up last night at 2:45am, I heard You say, ‘Erin, I make streams in a desert land.  I dry up the cursed lands and nothing will thrive in a desert I do not bless.’  While I laid on my pillow, I then thought about the Garden of Eden and how beautiful it must have been.  I then remembered when God sent fire down on Sodom and Gomorrah and how everything then changed in a single hour.

I then thought about Noah and the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-40 and Luke 17:26-27).  People were living their lives, their normal state of affairs, sins and daily events, when, suddenly and without warning, the floods came and swept them all away.  So will it be at the end of age.

After praying on this for a while, I then fell asleep and had an epic dream…

Sub-dream 1 “The Dead Sea and the Euphrates River” begins…

I saw a vast desert.  It had a mix of sand and caked dirt with rocks.  Nothing lived there.  I stood on the west side of what must have been the banks of a wide river.  I could tell that it pooled there when the rains would come.  While the sun was still below the horizon, it was starting to rise in the east.

Me:  “Father, what is this place?  Where am I and why have You brought me here in my sleep?”

God:  “Erin, lift your hands to Me over this river and I will bring fresh springs to a parched land.  This long-forgotten river will then spring with new life.”

I raised my hands to the Lord God and prayed for Him to make the way for a beautiful river and fresh springs.  I prayed in my spirit language.  As I prayed, God began to open the ground with fresh springs.  A wall of water then came from the north and flowed through it.

Me:  “Father, could You bring new life here too?  Plants, grass and trees make this beautiful like places in Heaven.  How about just bringing some of Your Garden here?”

God:  “Pray for this with outstretched arms.”

I started to pray with outstretched arms.  As I did, I saw the skies open and four angels of the Lord descend.  These four angels were carrying various items with them…

  • The first angel had olive branches and fruit branches.
  • The second angel had fish.
  • The third angel had fragrant flowers and spices.
  • The fourth angels had priceless gems and gold.

Two of the angels planted their olive branches, fruit branches, flowers and spices in the soil.  The other two angels planted their fish, gems and gold in the river.  It was an amazing sight to take in.  I then saw the heavens offer up a gentle rain.  After this, the sun rose in the east.

God:  “Now, Erin, offer up this land to Me as this is a good land.”

Me:  “Father, only You could make springs in the desert, flowing rivers on dry beds and lush greenery.  Not only this, but You also place fish and precious stones in the river.  Bless the works of Your hands, Father, as there is no God like You who can bring life in death.  Who can make places on Earth as they are in Heaven?  Thank You for this beautiful place dedicated to You for Your purposes.”

Just then, an angel of the Lord appeared on the banks of this beautiful river.  I dropped to my knees out of fright (not in prayer) as this angel came in a flash of bright white light.

Angel:  “Erin, rise to your feet.  I have been sent by God to take you to a cursed river.”

The angel reached for my hand and we were suddenly at another river.  This river was drying up and had a putrid smell.

Me:  “What river is this?”

Angel:  “The Euphrates.  This is the cursed river.  Come!”

He reached for my hand and took me below the surface.  This was quite unusual as we had no water around us.  He pointed to something.

Angel:  “There was a cave there.  In here are the (evil) angels who were imprisoned by God to await judgment.  The people surrounding this area are always thirsty and never satisfied.  They wait for the river to dry up as they have prophets who say there are mountains of gold stored here.  Instead, here lies the angels who will one day be released upon them and these angels will not be bringing gold.”

Me:  “Who exactly are these angels?”

Angel:  “Erin, it is written.  Now, look and see the late hour we are in!”

Me:  “Is this cave going to be revealed soon?”

Angel:  “Yes, but all is according to God and His timing.  At any time, He can stall this river from drying or He can hasten it.  All glory be to God who is over all things.  Now come!”

He reached for my hand and we were instantly at the banks of a large lake.  The lake was beautiful and completely still.

Angel:  “This is the Dead Sea.  The prophet of the Lord, Ezekiel, prophesied that this dead sea will show signs of life in it at the end of days.  This vast area was once where Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.  After this, no life has been here.  This was a sign from God that the land you see was cursed.  Over here is Israel and on this side (to the east) is Jordan (Ezekiel 47:8-10).  Erin, one day, many will be baptized and swim in this dead sea after God brings this to life.  The Temple of God will water this from His Throne with Living Water.

“Now, God’s judgment comes to nations who remove God and worship idols.  He sends angels to bring calamities.  He floods deserts even named for cursed peoples, Moabites for one, and God removed them never to remain again.  Moab vanished.”

Me:  “Ruth was a Moabite and she was in the lineage of David.”

Angel:  “Yes, but she denounced her people to follow Naomi and her God.  She became a child of God and forsook her heritage.  She was loyal and had a great heart for God.  Remember that you are grafted in also and you are no longer a worshipper of demons.”

Me:  “I didn’t worship demons, did I?”

Angel:  “Erin, you practiced witchcraft and the things that pagans chased decades ago.  However, you are now a child of the Most High God and you no longer follow the doctrines of demons.  You long ago destroyed all that you used to practice this with.”

Me:  “I now understand.”

Angel:  “Now, God has sent me to show you the revelation of the lateness of the hour.”

Me:  “I just looked up Moabites and Moab.  There was a severe flood in Moab, Utah in June.”

Angel:  “There was also flooding just a short while ago (just yesterday).  There will be another to come as well.  God calls on His people to serve Him only and not turn to the sin of chasing other gods or even have a garden to host them.”

Me:  “Oh, the valley of the gods?”

Angel:  “They are dwelling under valleys and below until the Lord opens their dwelling places where they remain until judgment.”

Me:  “Are they somewhere below the valley of the gods too?”

Angel:  “Do not concern yourself with these mysteries reserved for God and His Will for the angels who have fallen.  You are to instead understand the times you are in and the Good News that you are here as a witness to for this late hour.”

Me:  “When will we be strengthened to endure all of this?”

Angel:  “This I cannot say.  However, instead understand that the prophecies are being revealed now so you can know that Heaven is here and even at the door.  The armies of the destroyer, Chemosh and others, are manifest now in the leaders over the people.  When these leaders removed God and His Statutes, His Commandments and His Laws, then God allowed these evil entities to rise up in them.

“They are now acting empowered by these permissions of God.  They believe that, if they can destroy all opposition, the children of God, Christians and Jews, weaken them, poison them and kill them, then God will leave the world to them as an inheritance.  However, God has never abandoned His people, His Creation or His Land.  His promises are true and He is about to reveal Himself through His workers.

“His Army will usher in the Lord.  Never has there been a time like this in history.  Events are moving as quickly as a flood in the desert.  The evil comes as a deluge and the very flood during the times of Noah swept all of the evil away.  They will be no more and God’s great deluge of miracles will come and the land will heal.

“God will then gather His people and bring them to the place He has prepared for them.  However, with any great move of God comes great opposition, especially at the beginning.  The realm of evil operates in lies, imprisons, persecutes, obstructs, assassinates, kills and destroys.  Anyone who is not with them is a target.”

Me:  “But God could change this.”

Angel:  “Erin, God’s Ways are perfect because He has all of the evidence.  He sees all and knows all their evil.  Therefore, with these, there is no redemption.  They must be removed.  The land will then be laid waste by fire and reshaped by God’s own hand.  The land will then be purified from the defilement of evil.”

Me:  “Purged?”

Angel:  Think of things in this way… God removes His children and the animals to His Great Ark in the sky.  Those who remain will then be subject to His Wrath.  A small remnant will come out of this and this is good.  However, all of this must occur so God can be God over all things and all those who are witnesses to this will serve God in great joy and gratitude for eternity.”

Me:  “Oh, so, this is like the days of Noah now?”

Angel:  “Erin, God’s Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and so too is His Will be done, understand?  While I must go now, you are to rejoice as He is with you.”

Sub-dream 1 over…

My Bible opened to Psalm 97 as I was getting resituated in my devotional chair.  There are no accidents.  Thank You, Lord.

I then prayed as I opened my Bible again.  This time, the 17th chapter of Jeremiah was right in front of me, a chapter titled ‘The Sins of Judah’.

Jeremiah 17:5-8:  5Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord.  6He is like a shrub in the desert and shall not see any good come.  He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.  7Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.  8He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the streams, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought for it does not cease to bare fruit.

Jeremiah 17 then continues to verse 19 and reminds us to keep the Sabbath holy.

I then opened my Bible to page 1144.  Here, Luke 17:20-37 speaks on the Coming of the Kingdom.  I realize many people think of this as a rapture reference, but something I discovered in the last few lines makes me believe something else.  To me, the references there to the corpse and the vultures do not fit in with my vision of what the rapture will be like.

Father, thank You for these dreams and visions!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  You have questions.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I now believe differently about the Scripture in Luke 17.”

Jesus:  “Ah yes… My Words.”

Me:  “Yes.  I first looked at Luke 17, verses 22 to 25…

22And He said to the disciples, “The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it.  23And they will say to you, ‘Look, there!’ or ‘Look, here!’  Do not go out or follow them.  24For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day.  25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

“The first example You give is that we should not be deceived when false sightings of You surface and that, on Your day when You come, You will come so large in the sky that it is from one end to another.  This means You are visible by all and this can’t be questioned.”

Jesus:  “Yes, very good.”

Me:  “However, You then use examples of the days of Noah when he entered the ark.  It was a regular day with eating, drinking, marrying and engagements.  The flood then came and destroyed them all.  This is described in verses 26 and 27…

26Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.  27They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

“You then bring up a comparison to the days of Lot in verses 28 to 33…

28Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, 29but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—30so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.  31On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back.  32Remember Lot’s wife.  33Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.

“You then speak more on who will be taken and who will be left in verses 34 to 37…

34I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed.  One will be taken and the other left.  35There will be two women grinding together.  One will be taken and the other left.”  (Some manuscripts add verse 36: Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.)  37And they said to him, “Where, Lord?”  He said to them, “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”

“Lord, this seems to me to be more like death by something.  To me, ‘taken’ seems to mean ‘by death’ as opposed to ‘by rapture’?”

Jesus:  “Hmm, interesting observation.  What does the prophet Zechariah proclaim?”

After some searching, I found Zechariah 14, the Coming of the Day of the Lord.  I went to Him with this.

Jesus:  “Erin, this is a wicked generation and they are far from Me.”

Me:  “Lord, the events in Luke 17:20-37 seems to me to be more like a plague or even a nuclear blast.”

Jesus:  “Erin, this is not something that any could prepare for other than to pray and keep an upright heart.  These are mysteries until that trouble comes.  Now, focus instead on streams in the desert and springs of Living Water for those who are thirsty.  I am over all things.  You of all people should not worry as I am here in the midst of you!  Rejoice, Erin!  I love you and I am with you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-840/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-838/

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