Dream 840 – The Enemy’s Plans for the Election

Received on Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Everyday is brand new.  Everyday is a new day and another day closer to Your Glory in all the Earth.  Thank You for caring for us.  We are grateful for all we have.  In all things, I either have great faith in Your promises for us or I have ‘chutzpah’.  Even so, I still have ‘The Audacity to Believe’.

I am sick now almost every morning.  Maybe it is the content of my dreams during the night that makes my stomach turn or maybe it is this cancer.  I don’t know.  I only know that it reminds me of pregnancy morning sickness.

I was online looking at my medical records and chart schedule the other day.  I then noticed that I am scheduled for all my pre-op visits in October, but not my surgery.  My kidney removal surgery was scheduled for November 1, 2024, but it has not been posted as being scheduled.  Father, would You please just heal me instead?  I am concerned about all of these problems with this surgery.

Clearly, You are not making a way at this point.  My doctor told me this surgery is not rocket science and he can do these removals in his sleep.  Father, I believe You are either closing the door on surgery in Maine for surgery in Oregon or You are planning something else.  Either way, I will place my trust in Your plans.  I really have no other plans here.  Father, I am at the mercy of You, my God.

I had a restless sleep again last night.  I woke up from my sleep with the song ‘Worthy is the Lamb’.  A haunting image of a young girl kept flashing before me.  She is Muslim and works at a local store.  She wears a hijab and has the most sweet face and way about her.  I heard Your Voice, Father, say to me ‘she is Mine’.  I then realized that there are those in the Muslim community who God has called.  This should be interesting.

After praying for her, I fell back to sleep and had a dream…

Sub-dream 1 “The Enemy’s Plans for the Election” begins…

A knock on our front door woke me up.  I went to see who it was.  It was an angel of the Lord that I did not recognize.  As I opened the door, I could tell it was right before dawn.  The angel was fully illuminated and in something like light armor.  His breastplate was patterned like Damascus steel and burnished to a very high sheen.  He wore a type of white tunic over white linen pants.  He wore boots of steel with Damascus shin guards.

He was handsome (as all angels are).  He had darker skin and green eyes.  He had a kind face with perfect features.  He was muscular and I knew he could take out a human with a single swing.  His hair was shoulder length, brown and thick.  As he smiled, I noticed his teeth were white and perfect.

Angel:  “Miss Erin, I was sent by God to take you to a dark place where plots are hatched in secret.  We are at war over the area.  I will take you.”

As he reached for my hand, I placed my arm around his arm.  We were instantly over a dark and barren land.

Angel:  “This was once Persia or Parsa – Babylon – and where the Chaldeans originated.  However, God has not sent me to give you a history lesson today.  I am to instead show you what is being planned today against God’s people.  We are at war over the area with the Prince of Persia.  The Prince of Persia is over his vast army.  Michael is over Israel and we fight against this dark prince day in and day out.  We have now fought him for thousands of years.

“There are two chief princes who serve Satan.  All wars and invasions have the same patterns as they are without new inspiration.  The only ‘new’ that comes is from divine inspiration and illumination under Heaven.  These three make up the evil version of the Trinity here.  The Prince of Persia is over this entire territory of the east and the other is over the west.  In other words, even though there was a change in labels, there is nothing new under Heaven, understand?”

Me:  “I believe I do.”

Angel:  “So, this is the Babylon region of old.  At one point, this was the territory of the Garden (of Eden).”

Me:  “Oh, this is the area from my dream a few nights ago.  Is this now Iran?”

Angel:  “Well, yes.  However, this area once encompassed a vast area not limited to the current area of Iran.  The western prince is now in control of his army over the new Babylon territory.”

A map suddenly appeared before us.  It was cut into two regions.  The prince to the west was over new Babylon.  The prince to the east was over current and ancient Babylon.  I then saw a type of demonic king over all of the areas.

Me:  “Hmm, I guess that I am not that surprised.”

Angel:  “Although these two are on the same side, they are in competition… as in a race.  Both princes control the leaders over these areas.  However, God and His angel armies have held them back from destroying Israel and the western and northern regions.  Now, a great war began several years ago.  It was a false war to cause the great migration of the enemies of God’s people throughout the nations.  The goal was to flood these nations.”

He pointed to Eurupe, then to Canada, then to the USA and then to South America.

Angel:  “These areas were once strong in their faith.  However, great evil has now breached these areas, resulting in a ground war in the natural.  God is about to deploy more troops.  His ground army will cause the enemy’s plans to pause and the invaders to scatter.  Since they are aware that God has a Great Plan here, they hurry.

“However, understand that your leaders here…”  He pointed first to Europe.  “Here…”  He pointed second to Canada.  “Here…”  He pointed third to the USA.  He then pointed to Venezuela, Brazil and several other South American nations.  He then pointed to Mexico and said, ‘And, of course, here!”

“Now, God allowed the veil to go over the people, even when clues were clear in the name, as well as in the alliances made.  This is what occurred to get to this point.”

Me:  Smiling.  “Hmm, I thought this wasn’t supposed to be a history lesson?”

Angel:  “Well, not an ancient history lesson.  However, it is a pattern the enemy has used throughout history to destroy a nation under God and dishearten the people.  An evil ruler was raised up here.”  The angel pointed to Washington DC.  “He came from the sea here.”  He pointed to Hawaii.  “The people were fooled.  He then rose to power.  He has so much hate for the people that he wants their complete destruction.

“He then worked to destroy the nation from within.  He ordered policies to drain all monetary power.  He attacked industry and turned the nation who was under God to a nation of slaves.  He then worked to discourage pro-creation.  He destroyed oil and food supplies.  He took away all the blessings given to the people in this beautiful land and moved it overseas.

“The enemy of his enemy then became his friend even though he burns with hatred toward them.  He called on ways to poison the people and destroy their dreams.  He even said to one leader, ‘Unleash this plague lest this bull gains more power and our position be exposed.’  He called upon countries to empty their prisons and asylums and send them through the borders to the south.

“This man has removed God out of the courts of the land, courts that displayed His Commandments.  He even caused churches to shutter during this plague.  With things still not progressing fast enough for him, he made deals to send poison to kill the young fighting men.  Thousands then fell, but not by sword.  He has now changed the election rules so his leader will win.  The Prince of Persia is assisting in this.”

Me:  “None of this is fair.  Can’t God relent?  There are crowds and crowds of those who praise Him.  There are many who still love Jesus and support Israel.  Can we do anything?”

Angel:  “I am sent by God to show you what has occurred and what is planned against the people.  It will happen quickly.  The woman rising to her seat is more wicked than you can imagine.  Her sole purpose is to be a figurehead while evil advances behind her.  The invading army has already appointed her in exchange for money and the fulfillment of the promise to take what they want with no punishment.  All you see occurring is a war against the children of God.”

Me:  “Then is it hopeless to pray for a new government for the people if this corruption continues?  This will take a miracle of God.”

Angel:  “I am here to show you what has occurred and to confirm your suspicions.  I am to then reveal to you what they still have planned.  However, they are still discussing the order of these events amongst themselves:

  • Erase by destruction the Temple Mount as this has the most evidence of God’s sovereignty. They will then rebuild their dome and seat of evil.
  • They will defile all of Israel’s sacred sites. While doing this, they will hunt and cut down all Jews and kill them.
  • Remember that their evil trinity remembers the destruction by the hand of God via Israel of many of their now-removed nations. Because of this, they have vowed to destroy God’s land and defile it, wiping it off the face of the Earth.
  • Then there is Europe. The order of evil struck out against this region (he pointed to the UK).  This is because they were responsible for the Balfour Agreement of 1917.  When they were pressured to back out, God’s favor lifted from them and they lost their kingdom.  They have now been invaded.
  • Then over here (he pointed to Canada). This leader has risen by deceit.  He works for the hidden leader to the south (he pointed to DC).  He is also controlled by the leader here (he pointed to China).  This weak leader has allowed a mass immigration under the darkness of night.  The confusion of information, lies and great deception has caused the invasion to the north.  The people there are like these here (he pointed to the UK).  The native born citizens are in the dark and do not rise up out of fear.
  • Their Crown Jewel is Israel and then here (he pointed to the USA).

Me:  “So, this is what the evil leaders have done…

  • Take away the abilities to fight by removing weapons.
  • Create fear, laziness and depression amongst young people.
  • Control media and distribute propaganda as truth.
  • Encourage suicide.
  • Call on parents to give their children sex changes; castrations and masectomies
  • Make illegal drugs legal.
  • Ship jobs overseas.
  • Take away earning power.
  • Remove good food.
  • Poison the food that is cheap and offer less healthy food.
  • Remove simple conveniences
  • Restrict travel.
  • Raise pricing through inflation.
  • Increase taxes and send out an army to collect them.
  • Throw all who support the other side into jail.
  • Increase the killings of babies.
  • Make prayer illegal so as to not offend.
  • Bring in foreigners that are offended by Christians.
  • Force conversions.
  • Control education.
  • While there is still so much more, I can’t recall all of it.

Angel:  “This is a war unlike any ever fought before.  These are not fought on battlefields like before.”

Me:  “Can we stop this?”

Angel:  “God will, Erin.  However, the coming election has been targeted for overthrow against the will of the people.  The enemy would like to first remove this city (he pointed to New York City) as this is the gateway.  This election will then not go forward as a usual one would.  They then have plans to allow the Prince of Persia to attack the Bull and to silence him by death. It is retribution.

“The people throughout the nation will then be struck down with each ringing of the doorbell.  They want what happened last year to Israel (on October 7, 2023) to come here (to the USA). Now, there are enemy armies inside the borders of the once blessed nation. Once the enemy controls all government agencies, the woman (KH) will make a decree that the ‘Evil King’ (BO) should rise again.”

Me:  “This is bad.”

Angel:  “These are their plans, Erin.  However, God and His army of angels are greater.  The Great Harvest and miracles, signs and wonders will be manifest.  Each of the wicked will be forced to speak a confession of truth.  Now you understand the enemy’s plans and they are lofty.  However, he doesn’t prevail.

“Remember that, as these events unfold, to pray to and worship God as He is worthy.  He is Holy and all of this is His (he pointed to the map of the world in general).  I must go now.  It was nice to meet you.”  He smiled.  “Remember that prayers avail much.”

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up instantly in bed.  I got up and went to my devotional chair.  Father God, this world has become horrible.  Please help!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  The enemy plots.  That is what he does.  However, do not forget that God gives rise to kings and also brings them low. Anyone who curses Israel curses the apple of My eye. This is true also of all who have been grafted in. You have seen what happens to those who declare destruction of Israel in the name of their god.”

Me:  “I have.  Recently, an MP of Turkey was immediately struck down by heart attack during his speech because of curses he was making against Israel.”

Jesus:  “You are to remember that I am God and that I care for My sheep against the wolves.  The people of God are uniting, as well as unlikely foes.  There is a great war of lies vs truth and this increases.  All of this was allowed so My people would turn back to Me.  You are now seeing God’s scale of judgment over the Earth.

“Remember that many are the plans of the wicked against the righteous.  However, I know the heart.  Understand that once women had a modest covering, but now the enemy has tried to completely erase them by darkness of cover.  They cover every part of their body so that you have no regard for them.  While they were once free, they are now subject to punishing afflictions.

“This is the plans of the enemy as he hates women.  He remembers Eve in the Garden and he has sought his revenge against this woman who gave birth to these.  However, he now seeks to destroy all women.  He covers them in black sackcloth and gives them no will.  This is his plan for the nations.

“Now, the young woman you met (at the store) is Mine.  One day, because you pray for her, I will meet her where she is and show her the way.  Understand that there are many like her.”

Me:  “Lord, please help us!  Please rise up and bring Your army.  Don’t allow Your people to be weakened and perish.  Encourage our young men.  Grant them hearts like lions and strength to move mountains.  Rise up in Your people so all will know You are a strong God and greater than these princes and evil king.  Please, Lord!”

Jesus:  “Much is coming.  I love you and I have a Great Plan.  Do not worry.  Do not be afraid.  I am with you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-841/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-839/

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