Dream 841 – The Lord helps us with our soon move

Received on Sunday, September 1, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Without You in my life, my void would be vast.  You are my Gift every day.  I am grateful for all You have done for me, my children and our friends.  All that truly matters here is You and those we love.

I am broken today.  I am overwhelmed with grief.  This is because I know great changes are coming.  However, I don’t know beyond today what anything looks like.  Father, Your promises are true.  Please help me not to doubt or have unbelief today.  As for right now, the reality is simple and the math just doesn’t lie… without Your miracles straight from Heaven and by Your hands, all is impossible, including moving.

I just don’t want to lose out on the experience of miracles because I woke up this morning with the realization that we personally have no options without great struggles if we do this on our own.  However, I also know that You are the God of the miraculous and that You are my Best Friend.  Please help me, Lord.  Please forgive me for my doubts.  Please do not let me limit You.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I have you.  Do not worry.  My promises are true.  I will not withhold My goodness from you.  I love you.”

Me:  “I sometimes feel I disobey You and go my own way.  Despite Your Voice calling me back, I sometimes run away and try things my way.  I am sorry, Lord!”

Jesus:  “I know, I know.  However, I still chase you down.  You are My lamb and I am your Shepherd.  I will not allow you to fall off a cliff, get lost in the wilderness or fall victim to wolves.  I love you and it is I who finds you, gathers you up and carries you back to Me.”

Me:  “I sometimes have great fear and anxiety when I face an uncertain future, such as my cancer or our move to Bend OR.  I worry about many things even though I know that You are with me.  I then ask myself, ‘What if I have fallen into madness or an alternate reality?  What if God is angry at me?’  I fear missing out on the miracles of God.”

Jesus:  “It is difficult following Me in greater wonders and signs.  When you write down what I tell you and recount your dreams and visions, these things are great mysteries to those who only come to know Me in the way they prefer.  Some want a comfortable and predictable God who doesn’t speak, who doesn’t condemn and  who doesn’t rebuke.  Some want Me relegated as mere words on a page of a history book.

“That can’t be as I have said that I speak through My prophets and scribes.  This was ignored.  By My own Words, I declared, ‘In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophecy; your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.  The prophet Joel spoke of this (Joel 2:28-29).

“Erin, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.  Was not the very Voice of God written in the pages of Joel?  Erin, you are thirsty and parched where you are.  You see the landscape changing and you ask, ‘Lord, I am now old and infirm… have You forgotten me?’  No, Erin.  I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.

“Since My Voice is in you, why do you fear?  Why is your heart downtrodden?  While you are like a beacon of hope in the wilderness, your lamp is fading.  Be anxious for nothing.  Instead, understand what I have done here from the beginning.  Do not let your eyes deceive you.

“Now, I removed you from the desert place for good reasons.  The enemy was closing in on you quickly.  The enemy longed to have you chained permanently as punishment for speaking truth.  However, even more and more evil was planned, so I removed you quickly.  I even had your enemy draft the papers himself.  This is impossible.

“However, and more than this, I built the perfect home for you (in the land of the trees).  This home has made your heart glad.  It made you feel safe and secure with your family in the battles that did come.  I thought of everything you would like and things you never even knew you needed.

“All of this was so you would have peace and healing.  This was so you would have time with your children, family and friends.  However, and more than anything, this was so you would have time alone with Me.  You heard My Voice.  You dreamed dreams at night.  I sent you signs all around you and even on this property.  I instructed you and cared for you in your pain.

“Now, I did not honor complaints or any curses.  I instead corrected you and called you to write with honesty.  I had you write about your failures and your missed moments as even these were still used for My Glory.  Do you see this?  Erin, do you see the wonders of all of this in your wilderness place?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I am so sorry for missing anything.  I am grateful to You.  You have made this place Holy Ground.  My husband, my children and I, along with Your angels, care for this place.  We are all so grateful for this beautiful place.  Lord, this is truly a miracle and I thank You deeply.”

Jesus:  “Then understand this… if I gave this to you and you have dedicated all of this to Me, then have I now given this to another?”

Me:  Crying.  “I can’t bear it, Lord.  However, our children are leaving.  My stepson leaves early tomorrow morning.  How will all of this be done?”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, I will not leave you lonely.  I won’t.  I know that none of this makes sense today and you have questions.  I brought you to this place, yet I am calling you out to another.  If I do such a lofty thing, then would I not also care for you there too?  Where you are is remote and not easily accessible.  There are many who are lost and detest the things of Heaven. Your area is void of Me and in an enemy stronghold.

“Now, I know you have grown as much as you are able to in the area you are now in.  I have also closed the doors around you there.  I do this when I prepare hearts for leaving.  I know that you and your children are not growing spiritually.  Think of this like your blossoming tree…

  • It is healthy and happy.
  • It is well watered.
  • It receives nourishment and sunlight.
  • It then begins to bud.
  • Overnight, it then blossoms into a beautiful flower.
  • However, this flower then begins to coil and its beauty fades, then soon it drops off the branch.

“This is because it has reached its peak, understand?  I used your children to bring you out to where I plan to use you.  I know you feel sick and are weary.  You no longer think of things you once enjoyed.  You ask, ‘Maybe He meant in Heaven, not here?’  Well, Erin, how about here as it is in Heaven?  It is not over.  You are not finished.  You have been in a place of respite.”

Me:  “Thank You for reminding me of all of this.  Lord, I am so grateful for You.  Without You, I am nothing.  Take us where You would have us go in this next season.  If I am not to be healed yet, please have my surgery performed out west instead.  Please open this door.  Of course, I would prefer healing and no surgery.  Please show us where You want us and what we can do.”

Jesus:  “I have already shown you.  However, you need My help and I will provide for you in all things.  I have given you instructions.  Complete these and then bring yourself, your husband and your children to Me.  I will then give you your next steps.”

Me:  “Why did You have us get a realtor to evaluate our home if we are not selling it?”

Jesus:  “So you know what all you hard work has gained you.  I am your Landlord.  You worship Me and care for the house I have given you.  I will therefore bless you and multiply this.  Remember that things of this world hold little value and even little worth because these are not eternal.  However, I have increased your blessings because you have great worth to Me.  I then make what you have increase in value.

“Now, it is a difficult thing to serve Me in this world.  While the world ensnares the children of God, you are free with Me.  Nothing you have done makes sense to anyone who is in this world.  This is because they do not know Me.  However, soon, very soon, I will be known.  Right now, I am preparing the hearts of the children of God to serve Me in a greater capacity.  I am drawing all of you out to the places I call you.

“Like soldiers who go into battle, you will be fully equipped.  You will be so greatly equipped that those who come against you will shudder and be in great fear.  Fully equipping you means that you have Me in you and working through you.  No weapons then formed against you shall prosper.  None!

“Now, I will display mighty things through each of you.  I will heal and strengthen you.  I will call you out to the places I call you.  Nothing shall be impossible for you.  My Voice will be made clear and you will know things impossible for you to know.  I will administer justice through you.  Erin, the Kingdom of Heaven is upon you.”

Me:  “Lord, I believe You!  I am excited!”

Jesus:  “Good!  Be excited!  Now, I want you to remember this… you are My Sheep and I am your Shepherd.  I don’t give wolves the keys to the shepherd’s gate to watch over them.  I do not trust wolves and many come in sheep’s clothing.  Right now, the land, the nations, are overrun with wolves.  These wolves aren’t even disguised then now operated in full display.  They then claim to keep the sheep and their best interests because they lack a shepherd.

“Their idea is to let in even more wolves to overrun the sheep and slaughter every last one.  They can then say, ‘Stupid sheep with no shepherd!’  However, here lies the problem… I hear the bleating of the sheep and I am in the midst of them.  I will now rise up in My Sheep and grant them the strength of iron, teeth to devour, tongues of truth and the ability to leap over the Sheep Gate and chase down the wolves to their caves.

“When I come again, I come in judgment and truth. The wicked by their own lies will be judged. Justice will strike down the wicked.  Erin, do not worry as I have you.  I will take you to the place of your heart (Bend OR) and there your sons and daughter will baptize many in the beautiful river in My service.  One day, you will then come back to the place you are and do this in the water there.  Many will say, ‘Whose are these sons and daughter?’  Do you understand, Erin?”

Me:  “Yes, I think so.”

Jesus:  “Now, I have been preparing you to go out.  Do not worry as it is I who has called you.  Rejoice, Erin, as I am with you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-842/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-840/

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