Dream 842 – Nine Pens needed for this Message

Received on Thursday, September 5, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for this beautiful summer day in September!  Thank You for the great blessing of another day.  You say, ‘In worship and praise is your strength!’  Lord, please help me to honor You in all I do.  Please help me to remember that I am a child of the Most High God and to walk in this.  You are amazing in Your works.  (Pen 1 runs out, now on Pen 2.)

I recently purchased a few plants that were on an end of season extreme closeout sale.  Since live plants are less expensive than fake ones, I had purchased a few to dress the outside and inside for when the appraiser came.  While I had placed one little vine plant in a planter box, I soon realized that the sun was scorching it there.  I then moved it to a shady spot thinking I would later have it planted.

A week then went by when I noticed an incredible flower growing from this vine.  At first, I thought it was hops.  I then brought it inside and into my devotional area.  Today, it is blossoming with one flower today and another soon to open.  There are also others in various budding stages.  I then used the ‘Seek App’ to search out what this plant really was.  It is called ‘The Passionflower’!

When I looked this up on Wikipedia, I discovered that the Passionflower refers to the passion of Jesus.  The various parts of the Passionflower symbolize the last days of Jesus and His Crucifixion.  In Israel, it is instead called ‘The Clock Flower’!  Everything about the plant, the vine, the flowers and the leaves, is so beautiful.  Father, thank You for this beautiful gift.

Things I think I am responsible in finding are really You giving these to me.  I am doing nothing on my own, but only the calling You have for me every day.  (Pen 2 runs out, now on Pen 3.)  When I am depressed and my stomach is sick in the morning, please help me to remember that today is a great day because I have You in it.  I love You so much!  Thank You for the peace and clarity You have been sending to our home.

There are only four of us now and there is a lightness in the air where there was once something else  Forgive me, Father, but when one person in a setting, be it at church, work, school or really anywhere, is in strong opposition, then there is tension.  Anything opposed to believing in You is unbelief and influences the whole group.

This also pertains to the operation of the human body.  If only one thing, a finger, a toe, a hand, a foot, a leg or anything else, is not functioning properly, then the whole body works at a lower capacity.  We were spiritually running low as to not offend or make uncomfortable that which was opposed.

In some ways, we were accommodating their position instead of being strong in ours.  Personally, I had very little contact daily.  Father, You know this was not Your Will and that the enemy had a stronghold.  We just didn’t fully realize it until it was gone.  What a hold it was.  As for my younger son, he is feeling better and gaining his strength back.  Thank You, Lord.

I just received texts from my daughter that she is locked out of the backroom at her work.  The office door just shut and somehow it is now locked (she didn’t even know this was a door that could be locked).  She now can’t get to her purse, car keys, the store laptop and any diamonds for sale.  Her manager has the key and she can’t get a hold of her.  Father, please help her.

Note:  This situation was resolved prior to the posting of this dream.  The building owner came over and opened the lock to the office.

Well, Father, please help all of us.  You do so much and so extravagant is Your Love.  I am grateful for everything.  However, I am also scared.  This cancer grows every day and I am filled with so much uncertainty.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you!  Now, with your daughter, the office door at her work shut and is now locked.  Erin, I am closing a door and even locking it behind her.  This is an example of her needing to leave things behind and not going back to the former way.  When I shut doors, no one can open them.  When I open doors, no one can shut them.  (Pen 3 runs out, now on Pen 4.)

Me:  “Lord, I have now gone through three new pens.  All of them have been drained of ink.  I barely even used them.”

Note:  By the time I got to the end of this dream, I would be on my 9th pen.  Since I have gone through at most a pen or two when writing past dreams, this is so exceptional that it just had to be to make a supernatural statement (which the Lord did).  For fun, I will note each time my pen ran out of ink.

Jesus:  “This is because pens aren’t used for their purpose of writing or scribing as they once were.  They now only have to contain enough ink to initial pages and sign documents.  Erin, nothing in this life is as it once was.  Have you not seen this already?  A free fall of this world is in motion as God has allowed this.”

Me:  “Lord, how long before You reach down and save us?  Things have turned so evil so quickly.  It is painful to watch this and be in it.  Please begin Your Revival soon.  There are still millions of believers, children of God, on the Earth.  (Pen 4 runs out, now on Pen 5.)  Don’t allow those whose hope are in You to be lost.  Please!  Without You, Lord, we are as toddlers running down a highway barefoot and in diapers.  Life is so short here and there is so much pain.”

Jesus:  “Erin, calm down.  I am God.  Relax.  Breathe and remember who carries you.  It is I who loves you.  It is I who stirs hearts to leave or stay.  When I do this, I will then also provide for this.  The wicked say to the children of God, ‘If God is so good, then why do bad things happen to you?’  Even fellow Christians with limited knowledge say, ‘If she is not being blessed, then God’s favor is not on her.’  Well, I then say…

Fools!  Who can know the ways of God except for Me?  Christians suffer and anyone who says they aren’t blessed by God because of it doesn’t understand that they were just held on account of their tongues for judgment.  Why something is allowed by God that seems painful (Pen 5 runs out, now on Pen 6.) or contrary to My character or what you have come to expect from a loving Father is all in light of the heart.

“Souls are what My Great Harvest is for.  There are those who are called who are ready or willing.  Maybe there are those who have a great need, but no hope.  There are many reasons.  Erin, you know about affliction and what it can produce.  There is a patina about you with depth of perseverance that can only be achieved through punishing heat.  Some can come through troubles quickly and turn to God with no doubts.

“However, there are others who take time to find Me.  There are others who go through countless trials and afflictions because I have called them for a greater purpose.  It doesn’t mean that, if you have never had trials, you can’t be called.  It only means that you will need to stay close to Me for wisdom.  Those who have experienced many troubles have knowledge through pain, memories (Pen 6 runs out, now on Pen 7.) of evil and a keen awareness of trouble.”

Me:  “Are You referring to someone being ‘street smart’?”

Jesus:  “You know your enemies because you came from where they roam.  You know what is evil vs good and you watch for schemes.  When you explain these to your children, they sometimes roll their eyes at you.  However, they also understand by now that you know something about it and they don’t soon forget.  This is good.”

Me:  “Are more troubles coming before revival?  Can revival just start now instead before things become worse?  Things have become scary.  Lord, please show us how we can prepare for what is coming.”

Jesus:  “Evil has multiplied, Erin.  It has quickly spread.  Like a wildfire, it spreads.  Those over the people who know the truth instead lie and publicly proclaim this is false.  People then perish with the lack of a Shepherd.  This is because they are fed to the wolves.  This is a wicked generation.  Remember though that there is a great battle in the unseen realm that you cannot visibly see, but you feel it.

“Your dreams show you that there is an epic battle.  There are demons manifesting visibly in those who are lost and in the sons of perdition who serve the enemy.  Now, I have prepared you for all of these years for these times soon to come.  There is a war occurring now unlike any fought before.  There is a death warrant out for all of the children of God.  The enemy wants them struck down so evil will flourish.

“However, nothing will go as the enemy has planned.  There is still My Kingdom come and My Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  After this, I will then remove My Harvest.  I will then send My portion in bowls of judgment over the nations.  Erin, what is before you, all you see, all you have, is all temporary here.  All that matters is what you do with it that is eternal, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Now, do not worry for anything.  Look to Me in all things (Pen 7 runs out, now on Pen 8.) as I am over all and I see.  I will call you to where I will use you and then over to another place and then another.  You are a worker in the Great Harvest.  I know what you need before you even ask.  All will be provided for you as a stipend (Definition of stipend:  A fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance).  Wherever you are will be covered over as all is Mine.  You will worry for nothing.

“Erin, you will be healed and strengthened.  When people come to you, if they only came for what the world could offer, they will be empty (Pen 8 runs out, now on Pen 9.).  I will instead grant you gifts that even cause the wicked to take flight.  This is because these gifts will be unlike anything the world has ever known.  They will then say, ‘Where have these people come from?  What type of weapon does this?’  This is because I am in you working through you.  Even you will be amazed as I instruct you.”

Me:  “I am ready and excited, Lord!”

Jesus:  “All of Heaven is ready for this too, so pray!  Do all as I have instructed.  I have a plan for you, Erin.  I will send help from My Sanctuary.  Those who have been with you have been a blessing and those I call blessed.  Those who bless Israel will also be blessed, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I am with you.  Rejoice, Erin.  God is in in you.  My Voice speaks over your house.  I will answer your prayers and petitions.  In worship and praise will be your reward.”

Me:  “I love You, Lord!”

Jesus:  “I love you even more.  Be ready to receive that which I send you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-843/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-841/

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