Dream 844 – A Great Shift has come!

Received on Sunday, September 8, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for hope.  Thank You for each moment we are given.  Let every breath I take, even my labored ones, be a symphony of praise to You.

I woke up this morning from another dark dream.  All I care to write about it is that the enemy has many plans against the children of God and none are good.

I had a difficult day yesterday.  You have given me promises that I cling to.  However, when I am having a tough day, Your near promises then seem light years away.  They can sometimes even feel like they are another universe away.

Father, please reach down and help us!  Please help Your people.  Lift our heads.  I love You so much.  I heard You say something significant to me this morning.  It was exceedingly clear…

“A Great Shift has come!”

Note:  By the end of this dream, the word ‘shift’ will have been used 14 times.

I now know why You don’t tell us things too far in advance.  This is because we watch for the things we believe it might be instead of the God who sends it.  Events keep us in the natural and focused on the daily stuff instead of focusing on You, the Eternal One.

As for yesterday, I experienced an unpleasant part of humanity.  While I wasn’t feeling well to begin with, I drove to the store with my younger son.  When I arrived, parking spots were limited.  When I finally found a spot and was turning into it, a man in a pickup truck pulled up next to me and began to reverse into the spot.  I decided to offer him the spot, but he became angry instead and offered it back to me.

I could tell he was furious.  I then decided to pull in as per his sarcastic gesture to do so.  Just as I was about to pull in, a small car whipped into the space out of nowhere.  While the truck then drove off, I sat there stunned.  Why would this woman do such an evil thing?  Even though I had now pulled in front of her, she chose to ignore me as if I didn’t even exist.  I just knew that she knew that both of us were intent on taking this spot.

Son:  “Mom, it’s not worth it.  People like her are not even worth your curses.”

As I began to pull away, my stomach became sick.  I became dizzy, pale and sweaty.  A wave came over me and my son could see it.  A parking spot further out came up and I pulled into it.  Two lesbians then came into view as they walked in front of our car.  They were wearing crosses and their skin was pierced all over.

Me:  “None of these people know what is coming.  None.  God help them.”

Son:  “Mom, they love their lives.  They like misery.”

Me:  “I am dizzy right now.  Let’s pray.”

After we prayed, I indicated that I wanted to make our trip quick.

Son:  “What’s wrong, mom?”

Me:  “I don’t know.  However, I do know that the Lord stopped me from sending a curse upon that evil woman who took our spot.”

Son:  “That’s good.  God said no.”

While I felt a bit better after praying, I still didn’t feel like myself until we arrived home.  Father, please forgive me for wanting the woman to be harmed.  I wanted her to know what she did was wrong.  It caused me to lose my strength as clearly I was wrong to respond in the way that I did.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I want you to understand something right now… I am in you and I saw what happened.  She is a thief and has no sense of right or wrong.  This means she doesn’t care.  Had she done this to the man in the pickup, there would have been real trouble for her.  Now, have you noticed that I have been working through you more and more each day?”

Me:  “Well, yes, You are certainly answering prayers.  For example, I was wondering if I should take down the hummingbird feeder and then one would show up within minutes.  I would then wonder about something else and it then immediately appeared.  When I pray for someone, I then hear a good report.”

Jesus:  “Are you the one doing this?”

Me:  “No!  Only You, Lord, not me.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I am working through you more and more on the ways you should go.”

Me:  “Something else happened yesterday.  I was on the phone with my older son when I felt prompted to speak about Your parable of the talents to him.”

Jesus:  “Why did you and how did it go?”

Me:  “My (older) son is needy.  He is frozen and does nothing on his own.  While he was once strong and independent with goals, he would now be dependent on someone the rest of his life as he is today.  He whines and seems to blame me because he hasn’t been healed yet.  It’s exhausting.  I then told that him he was literally just like the one who received one talent from his master.  With this as the backdrop, here is the version of the parable of the talents as I communicated it to him…

You are like the servant who received one talent from his master.  He then dug a hole to place it in and waited, hiding his master’s money.  The master then returned to settle his accounts.  He was pleased with the first two servants as they had multiplied the talents that he had given them.

The master then praised them accordingly, ‘Well done, good and faithful servants.  Since you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over even more.  Your master is overjoyed with your results.’

The one who had hidden his master’s money then came forward, ‘Master, I knew you were a tough man to please, taking that which you did not personally earn and reaping the rewards.  I then became afraid and frozen and hid your talent in the ground.’  He then pulled out the one talent and handed it back to his master, ‘Here, you have back what is yours.’

The master became angry and answered him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant!  You knew I reap where I have not sown and where I scatter no seed.  You should have at least placed it in a bank to draw interest and realize a small gain.’

“Well, this didn’t sit well with my (older) son and he then became angry.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but the point was taken.  He knows Me.  He worships Me.  His heart is Mine.  However, he remains stagnant.  He does not see that his prison cell is actually unlocked and he is free to go.  He can come and go even if he needs the nurturing of an earthly cell.”

Me:  “Lord, what You are saying is profound.”

Jesus:  “Erin, your son knows his place.  He understands his great lack according to the world.  He is comfortable for now where I have placed him.  It is his choice to be free or remain in a self-proclaimed locked cell.  I removed him because your enemy worked many years afflicting him with the belief that your enemy held the only key to your son’s cell.  However, your enemy has no idea that it is I who holds the key.  A man can say one thing with his lips and do another with his body, understand?”

Me:  “Could you heal my (older) son soon and grant him understanding?  Lord, he has waited so long and believed.  He then finally began to feel hopeless.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  I will do all I promised.  Now, it was I who welled up inside you to tell your son this parable.  I did this to wake him from his slumber so he would finally realize he is free.  He can use his talents for My calling or he can remain in that cell until I call him out physically.

“Do not worry, Erin, as I am not sending him into the outer darkness (as the lazy servant was in the original parable).  Do not worry he is mine.  Continue to pray for him.  His own father no longer wants anything to do with him.  This is good this way as evil can’t then influence eager itchy ears.  Do not worry as this generational curse will soon be lifted off of your son and he will be free.”

Me:  “I still feel responsible for this.”

Jesus:  “No, Erin.  You gave everything, all you had, and the stress was not to be at this time.  This is a heavy burden to carry while I am working with you on other things.  I allowed this.  You are not to blame.  It has been allowed by Me for now.”

Me:  “Lord, I was sad today until I viewed a pastor giving a sermon on how all of the universe worships you.  He spoke on the significance of Psalm 148.  The recorded sounds stars make from thousands of light years away is one of worship.  Even whales sing praises to You from the depths of the sea.  It truly made me cry.  Well, I have been crying a lot these last few days.  After sharing this with my daughter, both of us were even more amazed by You than we already were.

“Even the rocks cry out for the Living God.  The mountains sway back and forth and even shift.  The tide moves back and forth.  You then say to the waves, ‘You can only come so far.’  You are amazing, Lord.  However, and more than all of this, I am so honored to be carried in Your arms and allowed to rest on Your shoulder.  I love You.  While all of what I see will disappear one day, You remain.  Never leave me, Lord!”

Jesus:  “Since I am God, I can promise you that I will never leave you.”

Me:  “I have a question, Lord.  Please forgive me if this is something You have already answered before.  If the Great Harvest isn’t very soon and thrones of evil aren’t struck down, then the darkness of the world will consume all good.  There is an invading army, maybe millions strong, now within our borders.  They are being financed by our adversaries.  The army consists of young fighting men, all foreigners.  You showed me that they are trained and given money, accommodation and weapons.

“This invading army is allowed to be here in order to stop the election, enforce the party of evil, kill or imprison all opposition and then plunder and destroy the USA.  The world will then fall under one evil government.  You have shown me that they will seize all assets and control each one who remains.  So wicked is their evil that they will kill all those who have the audacity to hope in Your promises.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I gave you the word shift.  You must pray for God’s Seismic Shift!

Me:  “Like colliding tectonic plates on a fault line?”

Jesus:  “A war in the heavenlies is over you.  My angel army is over you.  I showed you at one point the arm of God shoving the Earth off its axis and even kicking it over an embankment.  Either method results in a great falling away from all that is Holy.  You have seen the results of this.  It is as if the people have been possessed of demons and all you have come to know that was good has been inverted and labeled bad.

“All that was evil and bad is now declared good.  This is in every aspect of life now.  There is a great war of evil vs good.  It is not a war of black vs white as in skin.  This is a lie and only a catalyst for more evil.  The enemy has plans to kill, publicly destroy and humiliate and plunder all those opposed to their throne of Beelzebub.  So evil is their plans and so widespread that nothing would survive if God does not step in.

“The only obstacle they see standing in their way is the people of God.  Their prayers and worship go throughout the nations and their cries are heard on all of the battlefields of the Earth.  Even so, the evil plans of the enemy are so pervasive that many of My people have now lost sight of who I am and that I am over all things.  Erin, I am over the earth, the skies, the sun, the moon, the stars and everything in it.

“It is I who sends angels to stir up the seas, to change the wind and to turn the clouds from white to black and cover the light of the sun.  It is I who calls upon the thunder and the lightning and who opens the storehouses of hail and snow.  Erin, My Shift, My Great Shift, will move mountains for My Glory.  I will lift My harness off of the tides and there will be no rein to hold back the waters.

“With a single clap of My hands, the Earth shall move back and forth and up and down.  The most arrogant of men will then fall to his knees and beg for Me to relent.  However, and more than this, it is like a sailboat floating for days with its sails and mast fixed.  Its sails move neither north nor south.  All who are on that boat pray each day and watch for movement, a sign of wind and My favor, to shift the sail east to west or north to south.

“Erin, all of you are now looking for anything (encouraging).  Well, finally, the first breeze comes and then a mighty wind.  The long wait is then over and the boat finally sets sail.  I tell you the truth, Erin… you have been waiting on the waters for Me to send winds into your sail.  What I am about to shift will send evil running to hide from it!”

Me:  “Just as You finished speaking, I lost hearing in both my ears.  Now just my left ear.  Okay, I can now hear with both ears.  This was odd.  Why did this happen?”

Jesus:  “You are fine.  You can hear.  Now, please describe what happened, Erin.”

Me:  “It was like when a plane has cabin pressure.  Your ears pop.”

Jesus:  “When ascending altitudes or descending?”

Me:  “With me, it is painful descending.”

Jesus:  “Either way, it is a shift in the atmosphere.”

Me:  “The winds of change?”

Jesus:  “Well, yes.  I don’t want you to be afraid, Erin.  These things must occur so all will know that I am God.  I don’t want you to worry.  They want to kill the children of God in order to mock Me.  Well, I will not be mocked.  No one takes the power of life or death from Me.  The length of a man’s life is determined before he is even born.  I know when each person is to enter into rest.

“In the shadow of the valley of death, it is by God’s measure that a man finds comfort.  It is by God’s direction, My Will on Earth as it is in Heaven, that I bring comfort.  The thief, your enemy, comes only to steal, kill and destroy all of those whose hope is in Me (Psalm 25, John 10:10).

“A shift is here with Me.  I have a Great Plan.  Remember in praises, worship, songs and hope is your strength.  This will activate My armies of angels, as well as My miracles, signs and wonders.  I will say this… because the enemy knows I am near and a victory is coming for the Kingdom of Heaven, they have a plan to destroy all those who have hope in justice, truth, mercy and righteousness.

“They claim in news reports that, out of fairness to democracy (not the citizens) and in their great mercy, they will hold off convicting those they consider enemies until right after the election, but just before Thanksgiving Day.  Remember that I showed you an eagle that appeared as a turkey on a platter.  The evil leaders determined that the USA would be served up for Thanksgiving.  However, an eagle also represents Israel.  Their evil plans are to overthrow all freedoms by this Thanksgiving.”

Me:  “That is not even three months away, Lord.  If there is an attack, do I want to be recovering from surgery at that time?”

Jesus:  “Everything will be made known and be clear.  Do not worry.  Remember that everything can shift and change at a moment’s notice.  I am in the Shift, the Change, the Moment and the Notice.  Do not worry.  I tell you all of this so you understand the plans of the wicked and its evil.

“Now, I am about to raise up My army to be over the kingdoms and these kings.  I will use My army to root out corruption and pull them down off of their thrones.  I will destroy their evil.  I will then build up, rebuilding in righteousness, that which is good.  I will plant for My Glory on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Remember, Erin, that good can exist without evil, but evil cannot thrive without good.”

Me:  “Time to uproot the evil and drive it out, Lord.  Please don’t wait!  Please shift things today!”

Jesus:  “Is this your prayer?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “This is good.  Now rejoice, Erin, as I am here.  Rejoice.  One other reminder… keep Psalm 148 close to you and remember this!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-845/

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