Dream 845 – A Shift from One Way to a Higher One

Received on Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  I appreciate You, Father, as no matter what happens to us daily, You are Sovereign.  You love us, You dry our tears and You lift our heads.

Lord, I was brought low and humbled yesterday.  I am empty now.  I have no plans anymore.  I have no agenda.  There is only today, another day given to me here.  So much has happened to bring me to where I am today and how I got here.

It all started on Sunday evening.  My daughter came to my husband and me at around 9:30pm and needed our help.  It was another door issue for her.  This time, her closet door wouldn’t open.  Having never heard of such a thing before, we went to her room to see for ourselves.  It is a small closet with a wooden door.  It has a passage handle that doesn’t lock.  The door wouldn’t budge no matter how hard we pulled.  I had never seen anything like it.

To make matters worse, the screws to remove the handles were on the inside of the closet.  We prayed and prayed and spent an hour working on it before a miracle happened.  It opened.  The catch to the door had been jammed.  We then determined that the entire handle needed to be replaced.  We were happy as we were able to save the door.  We had several ideas to try in the morning, but none of them were great solutions.  Thank You, Father, for opening this impossible door.

I then woke up at 3:30am Monday morning to three knocks on our door.  While I tried to wake up my husband, he was sound asleep.  When I went to see who was at the door, there was no one.  Nobody else in the house was even up.  This shook me up because there was no mistaking the knocking sound.  (As I wrote this, a total of four eagles circled our house.)  When I went back to bed, I prayed, ‘Father, please watch over us!  This seems like a series of warnings from You!’

When I woke up, I had several plans for the day.  However, I had to first drive Snigglet to our vet for a well check and have her vaccine records updated.  While it went smoothly, Snigglet was depressed and wouldn’t look at me in the car.  My stepson had left just a week ago, so maybe she saw this trip as if I was getting rid of her or something.

After this, I drove back home to drop Snigglet off and pick up my husband.  As I drove, I lamented about our auto theft in December 2023.  After this happened, we have been so watchful over our replacement car.  I then thanked the Lord for a safe car and prayed to keep it safe for us.  I then heard You reply…

The Voice of the Lord:  “I am sorry you were a victim of thieves.  However, understand that I allowed this in your lives for the greater good of all who were involved.  Erin, you pray to the Father in Heaven that His Will be done.  Why then are you sad at your station when God’s Will is done?”

Even though I knew He was right, I didn’t answer.  What I do know is that He has a much greater perspective than we do.  However, to complain when things go wrong is human nature and something I am definitely still working on.

I soon arrived home.  I had a list of several things we needed to do in town.  We could do this by either going a route to the north or a route to the south.  My husband and I then decided to take the southern route.  As we drove, it was a beautiful sunny day.  We were laughing and I was sharing about God’s wise words.

Then out of nowhere and to our left, a deer leaped over a guard rail into the driver side front of our car.  Boom!  We then carried the deer until the car slowed to a stop off to the side of the road.  I jumped out immediately to see it was a young deer.  He was still alive and struggling.  I bent down over the deer who had been thrown off to the opposite side of the road.  He looked at me and he was scared.

I could see that his hind legs were twisted.  As I looked over him, I knew he was not long for this world.  I placed my hand on him and stroked his side.  I prayed out loud and told him that Jesus would take him to Heaven today and that we will see him there one day.  Just then, it began to struggle.  I could tell that blood had filled its lungs.

He continued to look at me as if he understood my prayers.  His eyes then glazed over as he crossed over from this life.  Since he was struggling, I was so grateful that Jesus carried him home.  I then turned back to inspect our car.  There was so much damage.  We then phoned the police and the insurance company.  We were stuck there as we waited for all of the different agencies that needed to be contacted.

The shock then truly hit us when we discovered that most of the body shops were at full capacity and couldn’t take us.  When one finally did, it could take up to a month for the quote to even get approval to repair it.  We could be looking at no car for easily over a month.  While the insurance company arranged for a rental vehicle, the stipend provided for in our insurance would only cover a certain amount.

To make matters worse, the local car rental company has no availability for a vehicle until this Thursday or Friday.  We then phoned my younger son at the house to come and get us.  We then waited for a tow truck.  While we waited, a game warden pulled up in a pickup truck and pulled the deer into his truck.  I walked over to him…

Me:  “Thank you so much for stopping.  We just feel awful for this little deer.”

Warden:  “I pick up one a day on this road.  It is no surprise.”

Me:  “Wow, one a day!  Was this a male or a female?”

Warden:  “A male.  A yearling.”

Me:  “It still had some spots.”

Warden:  “This is the time when mom stops mothering them and forces them to be independent.  They then become confused and disoriented as they try to find their own way.  This little guy was not familiar with the road and its dangers.”

Me:  “He took a leap and…”

Warden:  “It happens.  You didn’t hit it, it hit you.  Well, I have to run.  Take care, folks.”

Me:  “Thank you!”

He waved as he drove off.  As we looked at the damage again, both of us were in shock at how one small deer created so much damage to our car.  It was undrivable.  My son then arrived on the scene and the towing truck shortly after.  We knew the tow truck driver from some of our previous tows over the years and really liked her.

Driver:  “I remember you.  I don’t recognize this car.  What happened to your other car?”

Me:  “It was stolen in December of last year.”

Driver:  “I witnessed a carjacking just up the road not that long ago.  Three young men pulled a woman right from her car and stole it.  I knew two of them because I was their bus driver when I used to work for the school district.  I remembered two of these boys from when they were little.  Since I knew them, I was able to testify against them in court.  Now, don’t worry about your car as it is in good hands.”

After running a few errands with my son, he drove us to the body shop to sign forms.  I was now really tired.  We finally finished our errands and arrived home.  When I was alone, I began to cry.  In my hopes and prayers, I imagined we would all be leaving out west this month.  It sure seemed as if You had been preparing us to go.

I was confident about this, Father.  However, as of now, a series of miracles would have to line up perfectly for any of this to happen.  This means that You must have a different way.  I have never felt so prepared for leaving and relocating as we do now.  However, we now have three main issues:

  • No place!
  • No ride!
  • No Way!

Well, Lord, this is all on You now.  Really, it always has been.  This is not a change.  I will not reschedule my surgery on November 1, 2024.  I view this as a type of a personal deadline for healing as I just don’t want to have this performed on me.

Barring some miracles coming soon, we are officially a discouraged house.  We give everything to You, Father.  I do not understand any of this right now.  Please help me to understand!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know you are discouraged.  I see your tears.  I count and hold each one.  I know you are sad and feel low.  Remember how many have been in the position you are in now with more questions and no answers.  You wonder about many things.  However, when you are struck by troubles, you are to instead ask Me, ‘What are You doing in the midst of this?’”

Me:  “Okay, Lord.  Did this all happen as I have more personal growth that I must endure first?  We are sad because neither of us understand.  Troubles, tests and trials turn us back inward to inventory our actions.  Have we sinned?  Are we prideful?  Are we too casual with our Holy Relationship with You?  Do we not treat You well?

“Lord, are there any other ways we can improve ourselves?  I feel in my heart that something is coming in the following days ahead that will affect the entire world.  If so, and barring a miracle from You, we might never get our car back.  Oh Lord, how will this all work?  A rider needs a horse!”

Jesus:  “Erin, I know what you need even before you ask it.  Remember that everything is Mine, even your car.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord.  It is only a car.  We killed a deer.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I was there.  However, you prayed and I carried him Home.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  We forgot to pray before we left the house yesterday.  We usually pray for safe passage in our travels, but we forgot to do this yesterday.  Was this the reason You allowed us to strike the deer?”

Jesus:  “You should always pray no matter when you go out, but also throughout your day.  Again though, this is not why this was allowed to happen.  You immediately assume anything bad that occurs is because of your own actions.  Did it ever occur to you that when you pray that My Will be done on Earth that maybe, just maybe, I am working through you for the sake of many others and their salvation?  So, do you really mean your will be done or My Will be done?”

Me:  “I am so sorry, Lord.  Perhaps my true prayer is (laughing)… Your Will be done on Earth, but only as long as it doesn’t make trouble for me because clearly I am a princess and I hate all of that messy inconvenient trouble stuff.”

Jesus:  “You are funny!  However, do you now understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  It’s just… well… I just finished expressing a few days ago that all of us are weary from this world.  I then prayed for healing and strengthening and certainly not for more troubles.  I have been crying off and on for the last several hours.  I am so down, Lord.  I see no way here and I am afraid that, if I speak honestly with You here, You will grow tired of me and leave me.

“I am scared.  I am not healed.  My head and neck now hurt after the accident.  I am sad and I am sorry.  One would think by now that I would have gained spiritual maturity.  I instead feel like a failure.  I could not even heal the deer.  If only I had changed my mind and we went the northern route instead.  So many ifs.”

Jesus:  “Since you both were meant to have this happen to you today, then a yearling would have hit you while you went the northern way.  Now, when you prayed over the deer and you examined it, you knew something.”

Me:  “Yes.  I knew that this deer would be passing within a few minutes at most.  There was no doubt.  While I felt You tell me, I also knew.”

Jesus:  “So, you then made a shift from one way to a higher one.  Your focus went from prayer in the natural to one in the supernatural.  You let Me take the deer and carry him home knowing I would and you did not doubt.”

Me:  “Yes.”

Jesus:  “You assessed what you could do on your own strength and then shifted to My Strength, correct?”

Me:  “I think so.”

Jesus:  “Now, there is nothing you can do right now… not one thing on your own.  You have exhausted your options.  This means you are to now shift to God in you… Me in you.  Surrender all to Me and let Me give you the victory.

“Now, when you pray for your nation, you see that an evil army has invaded.  Wicked leaders, and one in particular, rose to power with the sole purpose of striking down every part of what was fair, just and righteous within your borders.  This was like a cancer within or an invader in secret that you cannot see.  Slowly and over time, every portion of this nation that was dedicated to Me was stolen from the citizens –this cancer spread into every portion of the nation and it’s terminal aside from Me!.

“The nations surrounding her are now losing all of the good within.  This cannot be stopped unless a shift takes place.  Erin, I am that Shift!  Now, when you were in your car going your way, your expected plans shifted within seconds.  This happened without warning and so suddenly that you both were in shock.

“This sudden shift also happened to Israel on the Feast of Shelters (October 7, 2023).  At first, there were horrible reports and an outpouring of truth.  This was then stopped when the great liar and his army of liars began their campaign to strike further against Israel and destroy it.  Well, the same destruction is planned for the USA.  While you can feel in your heart that a Great Shift is coming, you just don’t when.”

Me:  “Lord, please change the direction of everything.  Please turn all of these invaders back to their own countries immediately.  Please don’t allow the USA, but really all of North America, to be destroyed.  Shift everything tonight.  Rise up and shake the nations for Your Glory.  Let us have joy in our hearts again.  Please let us feel safe again.  Please let us be free again.”

Jesus:  “Is this your prayer?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  However, please also rise up and fill Your Chosen Vessels with Springs of Living Water.  Please heal us.  Please grant us hope and a future.  Let us all rejoice. This is the 23rd year from 9-11 and the enemy has punished our nation ever since!  Please strike down the wicked who plot evil and then call their evil actions ‘democracy’.  It is more like ‘demolition’, ‘demonic evolution’ or ‘devil-ution’!”

Jesus:  “That is a good one.  Now, I have a Great Plan.  When the shift comes, it will be from Me and all of the Earth will be in shock and awe.  Blow the trumpets as I am coming!  Do not worry, Erin, as I am with you.  Just know that I am not punishing you.”

Me:  “Lord, please make evil confess to their evil.  Please stop all of the lies and thefts!”

Jesus:  “Do not worry as I am here.  Confession is good for the soul of a nation.  It is My land… MINE!  No one steals anything I give them.  While this was allowed, it is now over.  Be strong and courageous.

“Erin, I have a Great Plan concerning you.  Please don’t worry as I am with you.  I will bless you.  I have promised.  Those who bless you in My Name, I will bless.  Those you bless in My Name, I will bless.  This is a Great Day that I have made!  Rejoice and be glad in this.

“Also, tell your (older) son not to be downcast.  Tell him that I am with him, I love him and I will transform him.  I will not forget him.  He is to be encouraged, not troubled.”

Me:  “Lord, my husband and I flew to Oregon last year to explore the area and we had so much fun.  However, I am now wondering if…”

Jesus:  “Erin, I have promised you that you will return to the place of your heart.  You will return with your husband, your children and your pets.  Calm down and let Me bless you and deliver you.  I love you and I am not a liar.  There is a place I have for you.  Do not worry.  Do not cry.”

Me:  “Lord, if you don’t do this, I am going to start thinking I am crazy.”

Jesus:  “I promise you that I am ‘not with crazy’.  Crazy is not where I dwell.  I dwell with you, Erin.  My promises are true.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-846/

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