Dream 849 – A Treacherous Journey with God’s Protection

Received on Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  The beauty of the last summer days is amazing.  Thank You, Father, for change.  Thank You for seasons.  When I was younger, I cried at the end of summer because school had to begin.  At the end of spring, I would cry because another school year had to end.  Christmas came too slowly and so did spring break.

Well, I am now old and time goes so fast that I can barely wrap my memories around it.  Nothing lasts here.  Life is so short.  It is only by Your good graces that we live.  Thank You, Father, for life.  Please remember us today and bless our way.  Please keep us on the straight and narrow road that leads to life in eternity with You!  I am grateful today for You!  Every day, I am more grateful than the last that You reached out to save me.

I had two very vivid dreams last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Various Objects fall from the Sky” begins…

We lived in a country area like we do now.  It was a sunny day and some children were playing outside.  Our neighbors had young children and had invited friends over.  As for our home, all three of my children were here with my husband and me.  When I looked out the window, I saw that my daughter’s car was parked on the road parallel to the house.  We then suddenly heard something screeching from the sky.

This was followed by a loud boom.  We heard something crackling through the trees.  There were then several more loud booms and the ground seemed to shake.  When I looked toward where the children had been playing, I realized they had avoided catastrophe as they had now gone into their home for lunch.  We were also inside our home having brunch.

It was now in the 11th hour of the day just before noon.  We went outside to make sure all of the children were safe.  There off to the side of our neighbor’s home was a massive crater in the ground.  This crater was filled with black thick oil or tar.  The kids had now run outside again and wanted to play in the tar.  For good reason, the parents  ordered all of the children back inside.

Neighbor:  In a sarcastic tone.  “Well, I had always wanted a pool, but not this way.”

My husband:  “It is a miracle that it didn’t hit your home.”

The neighbor’s home had white siding and a wraparound deck.  However, there were no splatters of the gooey black tar on them at all.  This just had to be a miracle.

Neighbor:  “How about your property?”

Me:  “We don’t know yet.  We will walk around and see.”

Just then, one of my sons yelled out to us:  “Mom, over here!”

We walked around to the front and somehow it had missed my daughter’s car and our home.  We then noticed there were four objects laying on the ground:

  • Object 1: A large chunk of about 18” x 18” of obsidian / black glass.
  • Object 2: A massive starburst crystal star tetrahedron.  However, some spikes were larger than others.  It was perfectly clear and solid.  It would be virtually impossible to create this in one piece with no seams.  It spanned almost three feet and was extremely heavy.  The fall somehow didn’t fracture it.
  • Object 3: Then there was a bronze half of a type of capsule with ridges.  It had a gold cast to it.  While it had broken away from something, I couldn’t tell from what.  This was about 30” long and about 14” in diameter.
  • Object 4: The last object looked like mica.  It was white and layered thick with small red crystals that looked like rubies in the layers.  This was also massive, about 24” in diameter and about 24” high.

These were all very beautiful.  My two sons then helped us put them in our garage.  We then noticed various men and women pulling up in cars.  They were curious about what had just happened.  One man saw us carrying the bronze capsule into our garage.

Man:  “Hey, I will give you $25 for it.  I need it.”

Me:  “No thanks.  It is not for sale.”

He was really creepy and so were the others.  They were not able to see the crystals though as my daughter and younger son had now placed a tarp over them.  We closed the garage door and walked over to our neighbors.  The parents of the children that were there on play dates had now arrived and were frantic to find their children.

After the parents left with their children, military vehicles pulled up.  They were very focused on the tar oil pit.  In the meantime, some of the crazy people had gone for a quick dip in the oil pit.  Within just a few minutes, the substance had completely decomposed them.  We decided to remain silent as the military personnel went about their business of investigating the pit.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “Bicycling from Whistler BC to Bend OR” begins…

I had to attend a wedding in Bend OR.  However, for a reason I cannot remember, I was stuck in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.

Individual cars were no longer allowed on the roads.  While they still allowed trucks and public transport, all of the buses were already booked.  Because of this, I decided that my only option to get to Bend OR was to take my Trek 10-speed racing bicycle.  This didn’t seem ideal to me as this was going to be a treacherous journey of around 600 miles or so (~1,000 kms).

I decided to leave right away.  On my first day, I made it through the USA – Canada border and then to Seattle WA.  I stayed in a safety checkpoint area because traveling was now very dangerous.  I then noticed that I was very small in stature and in around my early twenties.  I slept with my bike and left before dawn.

The ground was fairly level, so traveling on this part of the journey was easier.  However, there were some scary parts.  For example, so many of the semitrucks came so close to me that my bicycle would begin to be sucked into them.  When they finally passed, I would then right my bike on the deep shoulder.  This was tricky.

When I then arrived in Vancouver WA, I had three options for the way I could go after crossing the bridge over to Oregon, none of them ideal…

  • Option 1: South and over the steep Santiam Pass.
  • Option 2: East over the Mount Hood Pass.  This would be steep, but I could rest at Government Camp for the night.
  • Option 3: East on the Gorge and drop down at the Dalles to Maupin.

While all three options were going to be rough, Option 3, the Gorge, was the most level.  This is the route I decided to take.  I went east along the Columbia River.  It was treacherous.  When I got to the Dalles, I spent the night at another safety checkpoint.  When some of the people there found out how far I had traveled and how fast, they became ‘a little too interested’ in me.  As a result, I left very early before dawn.

As I traveled this road, it was scary.  There was no one on the road.  I soon came to some steep inclining switchbacks.  For some reason, I was able to move up these switchbacks rapidly despite still being in darkness.  I saw coyotes and other animals running around.  The coyotes followed me until I finished the switchbacks.

I then sailed quickly down the highway again.  I made it to Maupin in less than an hour.  This is impossible, especially when I was doing this in mostly dark conditions.  I crossed the bridge over the Deschutes River and continued on to Madras.

When I arrived at Madras, I praised God that I was now only about 45 miles to Bend OR.  However, I knew this would still be a difficult part of the trip as there would be so many semitrucks.  It was two lanes and very dangerous.  I prayed.  When I prayed, I was instantly in Bend OR.  When I woke up suddenly, I was not sure what caused me to wake up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, these are odd dreams.  I believe that the last dream I had with a bicycle was from years ago.  In this previous bicycle dream, I recall that I was carrying a very heavy load.  It was stupid, really.  In this dream, I didn’t journey on my own strength.  I instead cycled in Your strength.  I used to love cycling.  Even when I was in my best shape and riding ten to twenty miles a few days a week, it was nothing like this dream.

I could not travel around 600 miles (~1,000 kms) without an occasional tear in a tire or some other mishap.  My mom used to ride her bike to work every day.  This was a 10-mile journey and she had many horrific stories of close calls.  Only with God’s grace did she live through these.  While I am not sure what the meaning of this dream was, I pray that I will never have to travel apart from You!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  In your bicycle dream, some of your journey was in your own strength.  However, when you clearly knew your journey was supernatural, you prayed and were then where you needed to be within seconds.  While it was a perilous journey, you went with confidence.  This is because I was with you at all times and you knew this.”

Me:  “Lord, I am sorry that I was still traveling in my own strength at various times.”

Jesus:  “Maybe you wanted to see how capable you were on you own.  However, you then learned that, even with all of your new strength and knowledge, you needed Me.  When the threat was great, I then delivered you out of there in an instant.”

Me:  “Am I still doing things apart from You now, Lord?”

Jesus:  “While your worry takes you away from Me, I then gently bring you back.  You need not worry.  Now, this dream was a very good one.  Do not worry.

“As for your first dream, nothing harmed your neighbors, their children or the children that were visiting.  In normal circumstances, fire and brimstone falling from the heavens would burn everything around it.  However, in this instance, nothing, not even their wood deck, burned at all.

“Erin, this was the hand of God over them.  Then what was sent your way were special gifts from Heaven.  These were to show you that I can send anything to you at any time.  When it is I that sends treasures to you, no one can touch them.”

Me:  “You are such a mystery, Lord.  Thank You for sending these dreams.  While the journey is long and often difficult, You are there with us on our journey.  Lord, please always be with all of us!”

Jesus:  “I am and I will.  Do not worry.  No one can take you from Me.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-850/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-848/

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