Dream 852 – Good wins! Evil loses! Be encouraged!

Received on Sunday, September 29, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  I am grateful.  Yesterday, I spent the entire day choosing to choose joy in all things.  I had never purposely done this for an entire day before and it was a wonderful day.  In everything, joy is our best approach when we feel anything but joyful.  Father, I praised You in everything.  While I had so many things not to be joyful over, I decided to put this aside to be joyful to be alive.  I am happy to still be here.

Thank You so much.  Forgive me when I don’t praise You as I should.  A few days ago, my husband and I had lunch at a beautiful spot as we sat in our car.  For some reason, I inhaled a tomato seed into my airpipe and, for the first time in my life, I wasn’t sure I would breathe again.  While I have choked on things before, it has never been like this.  I prayed and couldn’t speak as I choked.

I then prayed, ‘Forgive me, Lord, for anything I have said or failed to say to others.  Please don’t…’  The seed instantly dislodged and I could breathe again.  I was humbled and grateful as I remembered just how quickly You can take our breath from us and in any second.  Each moment is precious, so please forgive me for not always giving You due praise in all things.

So far, this fall has been bittersweet.  We have had warning of looming troubles.  Even my younger son and daughter have had dream events.  Our household projects have been completed and now we wait.  My little groundhog waits for me at dinner time almost every day.  It has been so fun.  I have been grateful.  I was able to shoot a small four-minute film of my interactions.  It was a first for me.

Last night, there was a stunning sunset, so I took photos off of our deck.  As I stood there, I felt like something was watching me.  Sure enough, right there and to my left was a large Cooper’s Hawk.  He was in the trees watching our birdfeeders.  As I turned my attention to photograph him, I then realized that he had his sights set on a baby Downy woodpecker crying out to its mother on a nearby tree.

I decided to mimic the sound of the baby.  The hawk then turned to me with a look that read something like this, ‘You are too large for me to attack and carry you off.  Will you please shut up here as I am looking for my dinner.’  I then began to make loud sounds until the hawk finally flew away.  Thank You, Father, for removing the danger from this baby Downy woodpecker!

In our yard and around us, the leaves continue to change as time marches on.  My surgery is now only 33 days away.  If You don’t move us soon, we will need to hunker down for another winter here.  We had hoped to be moving so I could have my surgery out west.  I simply can’t cancel again.  Of course, I am still praying the most for a supernatural miracle healing from You and for this to all go away!

I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A Shelter from the Storm in Bend OR” begins…

In this dream, we were in a house that I had been watching and was now ours.  The stucco on this house was the exact color of the desert area surrounding it.  It was like a light sandy putty color.  There was sage brush, rocks and juniper pines surrounding us.

However, something had happened.  It was an event that affected every home in the community surrounding us.  The entire area had been burned by something.  I couldn’t tell if it was a wildfire or something worse.  All of the beautifully forested areas were smoldering.  The smoke covered the light of the sun, making everything hazy.

Even though it was around noon, the sun glowed an eerie red.  A few of our windows had been blown out.  We then tried to cover these as best we could.  My husband and I were there by ourselves and we prayed that our children would safely make it back home.  My husband then left to assist a neighbor at his home.

After he left, I went around the house to assess the damage.  I then saw ‘my’ little groundhog sitting in our living room.   Since she was shaking, I decided to prepare a bed and gave it water and food.  I then noticed that deer were running up the boulders outside.  They also wanted to come into our house.

In response, I went to our garage and prepared an area for them.  More and more distressed animals continued to come to our home.  Since we couldn’t have them come into our house, we set them up in the garage.  There was a trough style utility sink there so we left the fresh water running for them.

Little by little, each of our children then arrived back home.  Each brought friends who also needed help and shelter.  Thanks to God’s Amazing Provision, we had electricity, gas, pure water, clean air and food that would never run out.

Younger son:  “Mom, now I know why God wanted you to move back to Bend OR.  It is because our house could shelter all of these people and animals.”

I then looked up at the beam in our ceiling.  There were quails perched there.  My son then placed a wooden ramp to the beam and the quail were able to run down the ramp.  I then noticed that this house, which normally has only three bedrooms, had expanded to have many rooms.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I am struggling today, Father.  While my joy was yesterday, I am sad today.  All I can do is pray for all of the people suffering everywhere.  The storms in the south from Hurricane Helene have caused great damage and many deaths.  It is amazing how a storm name that means ‘Shining Light’ can be so damaging.

It is like a hurricane named Erin.  While Erin means peace, all hurricanes are not peaceful.  This latest hurricane took away light and plunged millions into darkness.  It has killed people and has destroyed the landscape.

Me:  “There is such polarization happening everywhere that it is alarming.  This is good vs evil and truth vs lies.  Father, please help us!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I have never left you!  My Word, including the Words of the prophets, never proclaimed victory would be easy nor the end light.”

Me:  “Light?”

Jesus:  “Burden free.”

Me:  “I feel You have been quiet, Lord.  My heart breaks.  I know what is coming as You have prepared me for this for years now.  Still, I can’t endure this as I am now.  I also had another disturbing dream last night…

Sub-dream 2 “A Nuclear Attack on the USA” begins…

I saw nuclear bombs devastating cities in the USA.  A ground invasion then came.  It seemed like these events would happen very soon.  I could not tell if this had happened before election day or right after.  Perhaps it was closer to Thanksgiving?  Overall, it seemed like the country was at a point of transition prior to the transfer of power.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “While I don’t know the timing of this, I just know it is coming UNLESS You step in.  Isn’t there a way to have revival soon before this and to expose the evil first so the land can rest and make up for all of the missed Shabbats.  Perhaps this will be the missed Shabbats for the last fifty years or maybe since the ‘Blue Laws’ ended.

“As a child, and due to these Blue Laws, I remembered that everything was closed on Sundays.  It seemed like only the parks remained open.  We enjoyed family picnics and scenic drives.  Sports were played on Saturdays, leaving Sundays open for church.  We would put on our Sunday best when we were at my grandma’s home.  We then went off to attend Sunday School.

“After church, we ate deserts and potluck lunch at the after-church reception hall.  We then drove home and rested and played outside while grandma made Sunday supper.  We would then play card games or board games.  Now everything is open on Sunday except for banks and professional businesses.  Are You angry about this, Lord?”

Jesus:  “The majority of the Earth has now mostly tossed God out.  However, there are some places who still reserve a day a week to honor Me.  However, most do not.  Many of those who do rest now do so with a device before them, not Me.  So, yes, this is difficult.  The falling away is difficult.  Remember… in praise and worship is your joy and peace.

“Now, you often ask Me, ‘What comes next, Lord?’  Well, you have only to look at how My Word goes.  Ask this, ‘What is left undone in My Word?’  You can then ask, ‘Does repentance come before or after destruction?’”

Me:  “Sadly, repentance usually only comes after destruction.”

Jesus:  “As it was for many of those whose hearts are on Me, how did you come to the conclusion you needed to be saved?”

Me:  “Most people had to first hit rock bottom.  I certainly did.  Lord, when all is at a low point and you have no strength on your own to do anything to save yourself or those around you, that is when you realize you are in need of a Savior.  We then realize that we need You, Lord!”

Jesus:  “Erin, I know that you continue to pray for a different outcome, one that doesn’t involve destruction.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  Please have mercy on us.  At the very least, please don’t allow these vile evil people who hate God to have any success over the Earth.  They have delight and glee over their evil plans.  Please don’t allow their plans to expand.  Maybe You could lessen the blows, but still have them be strong enough so that millions still turn to You.  Could You then put the wicked into hiding as You then use us for the restoration?”

Jesus:  “Is this your prayer?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  There are millions suffering all over the world now.  They need a Savior… You!  They need a Miracle… You!  Please don’t allow the enemy to succeed against Your people.  These invaders are so wicked.  It would be better for us to endure Your wrath by Your hand of rebuke then to be handed over to these wicked invaders and their plans to destroy us all.”

Jesus:  “This is true.  Erin, continue to pray and remember that I love you.  Good wins!  Evil loses!  Be encouraged!  I have not left you.  I will not leave you.  Now, I am sorry that you have been disheartened.  I am sorry that your discouragement then leaves you to question what I have told you.  I am sorry that you then doubt the way you have interpreted My Word and these dreams.”

Me:  “I just thought… no, I hoped… well, Lord, I have hoped for a different outcome.  I had high hopes, Lord.  My hope is in You… always!  You know what is best for us.  Please keep us safe.  Please hold us and not let one of us fall.”

Jesus:  “Do not worry.  I love you.  Not one will be lost.  I am with you in this.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-853/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-851/

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