Dream 853 – The Deadly Plans of the Red Dragon

Received on Monday, September 30, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You do.  I am grateful for Your Voice.  Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  Bless You in all of Your Works.

I woke up from my first dream early this morning…

Sub-dream 1 “The Deadly Plans of the Red Dragon” begins…

An angel of the Lord was knocking at our front door.  I opened the door.

Angel:  “I have been sent by God to show you the war that has been waged against the people on many new fronts.  Come.”

He stretched out his hand.  We were instantly on the overlook in Heaven.  The Earth was before us in a night view with lights over all we could see.  I saw North America.  He then drew my attention to the Pacific Ocean.  I could see red lights there.  One of the USA’s enemies had shot off a missile with a blank warhead.

Angel:  “This was a signal that the attack was going to begin, but in a different way.  When you wake up this morning, you will hear that the shipping ports are threatening to be closed on the east side.”  The angel pointed to the East Coast and then to the northeast into Canada.  “Now look again.”

I saw several large container ships turning away from the East Coast to go through the Panama Canal.  However, the Red Dragon was there to stall the shipments of the harvested goods and oil.  I then saw another grouping of ports on the west coast that appeared to be completely closed.  It looked like the ports at Seattle WA, Vancouver BC, Los Angeles CA and Oakland CA were all closed.

Me:  “What does this all mean?”

Angel:  “Erin, this is the time of harvest.  This includes the grains, the rice and the wheat.  This also includes the oil and other harvested goods.  The government currently over these whole areas have worked with the enemy (the Red Dragon).  They have purchased the farmlands and burned down processing plants.”

I thought about this for a moment.  The angel then pointed to all of the different shipping lanes.  It was so hard for me to see all of this happening to the USA.

Angel:  “The Red Dragon has decided to dismember the body of America and weaken it severely before destruction.  This leader and the nation owe a tremendous financial debt, one that the Bull has promised to collect one day.  In turn, the Red Dragon has decided to cripple America through starvation and stagnation.  Their plan is to destroy commerce and ruin the value of the dollar.

“The government is in agreement with this and there is already an army inside the borders ready to strike against the citizens.  One of their plans is to poison the water and ‘kill the people like rats’.  This is their year of the dragon and it proceeds the rise of their year of the snake.  This is evil beyond anything the world has ever known.”

Me:  “This is horrible.  Since this is already here, it seems there is nothing we can do now.  The globalists will win unless God stops this unholy war.”

Angel:  “God sees, Erin.  The timing has changed as the war over you has intensified.  I have come so that you will pray.  You must understand that, when leaders are corrupt, they do whatever they must do to stay in power.  Most of them have been given over to their demonic strongholds.

“You can recognize this by their speech as it will be confused and their actions irregular.  When the stronghold is in full force, they will order the deaths of all those opposed to them.  Their plan is to cripple the election and finally destroy the Bull.  They want to destroy the Bull as they know he is like Jehu historically.

“As for Israel, this nation is in a physical war and surrounded by enemies.  Michael and the other angels are over Israel as there are plots in place to destroy Jerusalem.  They want to destroy Jerusalem even though this is a crown jewel to both God and the enemies of God.  The destruction of Israel would destroy hope and faith in God.  However, God is in full control.

“While they plot to destroy and tear down, ultimately God builds up, so be encouraged.  There are reports of hope as the people of the nations are rising against the globalists and the Black Dragon.  However, here…”  He pointed back to the USA.  “…you are in trouble.  What is planned against the Americas will make the Great Depression look like a test run.  The woes would be great. This is their plot against the nations here.

“The Red Dragon is after those resources they don’t already own.  They want to control the world’s commerce and all commodities, including food.  They have used the profits from the Americas and have purchased the ports all over the world so that they will be the leaders.  Those who control the means to life control everything.  However, this is from the view of man, not God.

“God is about to send down His wrath upon them.  The very plans they have against the people of God will come back upon them tenfold more.  This war is a war of the rise in a One World Order of things.  You have experienced the lies.  However, the groundwork of evil had begun many years ago.  All has been done in secret, little by little, until now.  It is now upon you.”

Me:  “What can be done?  Anything?  God is in control, so we can pray and fast.  We can stock up on goods.  How long will this last?”

Angel:  “I was sent by God to reveal the plots done in secret in a war most cannot see.  However, this feels unlike traditional wars where your enemy is both seen and heard and you are able to duck and cover.  There were and are territorial disputes, but now these are both spiritual and material with the goals of souls.  The enemy of God and his angels wants to destroy the people.”

Me:  “How can we as God’s children do anything?  We are specks like ants.  We are nothing.  How can we plan?  All of these people had their properties washed away in this last storm (Hurricane Helene).  All they saved and stored for emergencies is all gone.  It is a chasing.  For them, there is no service, no food, no water, no power, no gas and even no house for some.  What can be done besides praying?”

Angel: “Do not worry as God is over this.  He sees and knows.  He allows calamity so people see God in the midst of each storm.  Do not panic.  Stop, drop and pray.  Now, while I was sent to make you aware of what is planned against the nations, you are not to worry.  Be strong and know that God is with you.  I must go.”

I was instantly back at my front door.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up from my sleep and soon had a second dream…

Sub-dream 2 “A Home with Blacked Out Windows” begins…

We had moved into a home that we needed to remodel.  All of the windows were blacked out.  We were busy furnishing it.  When we finished, we celebrated.  I woke up to the sound of a woodpecker tapping on the side of our house.

Sub-dream 2 over…

I then went back and had a continuation of Sub-dream 1…

Sub-dream 3 “God to the Vote Rescue!!” begins…

The angel came back to show me more of what the enemy has planned.  While I am not sure of the timing of this, it seemed to be around this November’s election…

  • I saw Marshal Law.
  • I saw looting as people panicked.
  • I saw the government planning to kill any lawmakers who were against them.
  • For ‘safety purposes’, the government was calling for ballot harvesting by going door to door to collect votes.
  • I saw the ballots being counted, but only for one side.

While I was now very distraught, I then saw a miraculous thing.  I saw angels of the Lord switching the votes back to the will of the people and changing the counts.

Sub-dream 3 over…

Father, these are scary times.  Please well up in Your people.  Rise in us!  Bless Israel and the nations and the people who pray, not on those who prey.  Please bless North America and South America, but especially the USA.  Father, let all of these nations remain under You in all things.  Please bless Your people and keep us.

Father, please carry us.  We need You.  Day and night, we need You.  We have fallen away from Your Laws and Statutes.  Our governors and lawmakers have turned away from You.  We are an example of what the prophets have warned about in history and we know the results of these great sins against You.

Me:  “Oh Lord, there are still some of us that continue to look to You.  Please forgive us for our unwholesome talk and our unfruitful actions.  We are still hopeful.  Please don’t forget about us.  We love You!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Now, take heart today.  Fortify your heart in all things.  Pray as I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if I told you.”

Me:  “You could try to tell me, Lord.  I would believe anything coming from You.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but this would not be beneficial to you.  While you already know or have guessed some of this, what is to happen is even greater than whatever it is that you imagined.  Now, there is a reason for the Great Battle.  Do you know what that is?”

Me:  “Because of You, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Why does any enemy fight back with fury?  It is because it lost something great.  Their plans weren’t fully put in place.  These are armies who have stolen great wealth from the innocent, the elderly, the infirm, the widows, the widowers and the little ones.  They have devised schemes and tricked people out of their inheritance and have no remorse in doing so.  They have no sense of right or wrong.

“They lie and employ liars.  They have invested great time and stolen wealth to take over and win.  Battles occur when they lose ground, resources and/or power.  They fight because something they had planned didn’t work out like they believed it already had been won, understand?  They lose.  They fight.  They still lose.  For some, they submit to God after extensive losses.  They then make reparations to all they stole from with great interest.”

Me:  “Like race reparations?”

Jesus:  “No, not at all,  That was a divisive tactic used in war to cause division and infighting against brothers.  It is wicked.  There is a reason that, when I come, I come with the Sword of Truth.  This is to cut down the lies.  I then also come with recompense.  I come to restore hope and all that was crushed down and stolen.

“I come to rebuild the ruins and restore lives in shambles.  You are worried as each dawn brings worse news.  Erin, do not worry.  Understand that I carry with Me the scales of justice and My judgment is fair and righteous, done in truth.  The gold is Mine, the silver is Mine and every mineral on this Earth is Mine.

“I do not bargain with liars nor do I advance the wicked unless it is so My judgment is made perfect in their actions against the innocent.  I see each leader and all of their deeds done in secret places.  The days of those who plot evil are numbered.  I strike down the breath of the wicked who curse Israel and the children of God.

“Now, you are to be cautious when you hear rumors about various things as all of these rumors are meant to instill great fear.  Do not be afraid.  Pray instead.  Continue on your course and be not disheartened at bad news.  Remember that these are the same source of lies already told.  How then can they now be trusted with telling the truth?

“Well, they can’t be trusted in telling the truth.  You are therefore to pray in all things.  Pray for knowledge and wisdom.  I love you.  I will not leave you.  My promises are true and My provision is with Me.  Look to Me in all things.  Do not take your focus off of Me.  Erin, I have all of you.  I love you.”

Dream over…

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