Dream 854 – My Prayer for All of us here at His Nest!

Received on Friday, October 4, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for giving us life and a purpose under Heaven.  You are over all things and each calamity, each war, each storm and the loss of each life too has a purpose here.

I needed a breakdown day.  Yesterday was the day that everything converged.  It had been building.  Then finally and all at once, I broke down around 7:00pm and I didn’t stop crying.

Father, today I have been numb, quiet and neither angry nor joyful… somewhere in between.  I have a son suffering and I am unable to breakthrough and bring his focus off of the prayers You haven’t answered, to the blessings, the many blessings, You have already given.  I can’t even count them, Father.  There are thousands.  Thousands!

Fall is here.  The trees are brighter in reds and golds.  It is a stunning display, Father.  Thank You.  The sunsets recently have taken my breath away… each one hand painted by You for our enjoyment and praises to You.  Even so, I felt gutted this morning.  I had a dream…

Sub-dream 1 “Impending Troubles” begins…

I saw impending troubles coming to the USA & Israel, as well as Canada.  What I saw was so bad that I woke up feeling unsettled.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I went downstairs to greet Zoey.  Thank You that she has made it another day.  She waits for me some mornings.  On other days, she is so sleepy and deaf that she doesn’t know I am there.  I changed her water in her bowl and then caught some movement outside.  There in the lower grass of our yard was something I had never seen before.  I stood frozen for a moment and then started taking pictures with my camera.

There were two little fawns jumping up and down.  They were running and playing.  I saw their mother, a beautiful doe, walking behind them.  Then what I thought was another doe was actually a buck.  It was not a young one or an older one.  It was protecting its family.  It kept stopping to listen for danger.  I finally smiled when one of the little fawns ran around its father to play.

They all walked towards the creek into the birch trees.  While I think that the buck was a six-pointer, I wasn’t sure.  I wondered if it was ‘Kevin’, a young buck who would have rung our doorbell if we had one.  He would camp out at our home in the yard waiting for me to toss an apple his way.  He had been rejected by the rest of the group or he left.  I was not sure which.  Anyway, this was a sign from You, Father, and a rare gift, a rare sight, a blessing straight from you.

My tech has been faulty lately.  I have been having troubles and we even took my daughter’s computer in to have it checked.  It seemed supernatural.  I went to check it this morning and my tablet seemed to be back.  I read some news only to discover that the leader of Iran is calling on all the Muslim nations to stand against Israel in a rare address on their Islamic Sabbath of Friday.  This was huge prophetically.  Ezekiel’s prophecies are coming into full view now.

Then on social media, there are horrific reports of missing and dead infants and children because of this epic storm.

Me:  “Father, why are You doing this?  Forgive me for asking, but why are You allowing this?  While miracles glorify You, death and abandonment glorify no one and brings great despair.  You are My Friend and this is hard to see!”

I then heard the Voice of the Lord…

Jesus:  “Erin, no child is abandoned by Me, not one.  I am there in the midst of this.  My fury is building as I see and I know.  I have each one of these children.  They are loved by Me.  Now, do not think that I am idle.  I am not.  The wicked prey upon the innocent and those who are on the throne (the corrupt leaders) turn away from these.

“They then send out bad reports and evil scribes and reporters.  They make bold proclamations and foul lies.  What they have done to the least of these, they have done to Me (Matthew 25:40).  Understand this… prophecies are being fulfilled and I am sending great troubles upon these wicked people.”

I didn’t say much in reply.  I was still grief stricken about all the troubles that have fallen over all of God’s people.  I went to my devotional chair to pray and worship God and thank You for everything.  I then felt lead to pray for all of us…

My Prayer for All of us here at His Nest!

Dear Heavenly Father,

There is no God over You or besides You.  You are Great and Mighty and Holy.  I am your child, willing and flawed, but with a hopeful heart.  I love You.  Please hear my prayers, Father.  Please grant my requests.  Please let my prayers rise all the way up to Your Throne in Heaven.  May my words pull at Your heart and my love for You be in each stroke of my pen.

Father, for 12 years, You have been gracious to me and my family and all the Sparrows.  You have called us together, gathering us at Your Altar and into Your Presence.  You have created a place to Nest in while we watch all of this unfold.  We sing praises and pray for each other.

We have seen signs, miracles and wonders together.  We have worshipped You in all things together.  What You have done for all of us has been a great testimony for the love You have for all of us Sparrows, as we are the least in the sights of others.  We are grateful to You, Father, and we chase after You in all things.

So, Father, I ask this of You as each day becomes more difficult and each calamity brings more questions at times as we watch for Your Glory to be here on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Many of us lose hope when we see evil rising and then have people asking us, ‘Where is your God?’  Yes, even our own family members and close friends send discouraging words.  I understand why and the common theme is ‘When?’, Father!

All I can speak about is Your Greatness and I remember Your miracles and I know Your justice and recompense is with You.  Let it be today or tomorrow, Father, that You rise up with Living Water in Your people.  We wish to be one of the thousands to be welled up in the Spirit of God and, through us, restore broken hearts, broken lives and broken dreams throughout the nations so all will say, ‘These are God’s and through them His Glory shall shine like the noonday sun!

Comfort Your people, Father!  Isaiah 40!  Lift the heads of all those who mourn.  Let the whole Earth know that there is only one God over all things and, by His stripes, we have been healed and redeemed.  In the coming days, Father, let Your Light shine upon us.  There is so much left to do here.  We ask that Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

You have instructed me through dreams and visions.  You called me from the muck and mire and You put my feet on Firm Foundation.  There I was scared and unsure, but day by day You provided for me.  You instructed me in the way I should go and You spoke tenderly to me.  You fed me Your Word and gave me Living Water to refresh my thirsty soul.  You surround me like a dove and showed me Your love.

You then promised to carry me all of the days of my life, so I surrendered to You.  You then showed me mysteries and Heavenly places.  You showed me what You have prepared for all of those who love You.  It is such a special place.  It is beyond words, beyond songs and beyond anything here.  All of this is so we keep our attention on You and how much You long to have a relationship with us as a Groom to His Bride.

I can never go back to the former way.  I am now forever Yours, Father.  But then You shared more mysteries of what must occur first.  So, I wrote and prayed and did not worry as I clung to You and all that You showed me.  Now, Father, it is not just me, it is other Sparrows too.  It is difficult to witness evil telling lies about us.  It is hard to watch the destruction that the evil brings.

Please help us.  Oh Father, please help us!  Please let not my anger be displaced and be a barrier to Your blessings.  I despise evil and, for the first time in all my life, You have made me like a warrior longing for justice.  However, as I am now, I am unable.  I am willing, but unable.  Many of us here on the Nest feel this same way.  We wait and watch for You.  Please don’t wait long…

Lord, my prayer for us is to be still and know You are God.  We want to see and be here for Your Big Reveal of Your Glorious Flame to be ignited in all of us.  We want to see the Greatest Harvest the world has ever known and for all of Your miracles, signs and wonders to be on full display.  We want to see all the liars be forced to truth and for all to see their evil plots hatched in secret against all the people.

Father, turn hearts of children to their fathers and fathers turn and be a blessing to their children.  Let Your Goodness and Mercy and Love Reign!  Father, rise up in the land of Israel and bless the Jewish people.  Please let Your Glory change their hearts as their salvation comes from Jesus Himself appearing before them.

Finally, continue to bless all of us!  Continue to keep us.  Heal all of us who are sick and let us all testify to Your Goodness.  We have been refined in the furnace of affliction and You have found us with Hearts of Gold for Your Glory.  We love You, Father.  I pray all of this in Your Will here for us…

I pray for all of this in Jesus’ Mighty Name, AMEN!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Your prayer is good.  Allow Me to carry you.  I have you.”

Me:  “I can’t see where I am going, Lord.  Somedays it is foggy.”

Jesus:  “Then allow Me to be your eyes, Erin.  Let go.  Surrender your worries and troubles.  I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if I told you!  Rejoice!  Rejoice!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-855/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-853/

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