Dream 855 – There will soon be no distractions

Received on Sunday, October 6, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for this day!  Thank You for another day!  I am grateful and reassured that You are over all things.  Whatever troubles and needs Your children have, You are there.  You hear our cries and answer our prayers.  You are our relief and our God over all things.  You send help and aid through angels and people, even animals.  You provide by unlikely means even in remote locations.  You are there and You never fail.

While governments may fail and invasions may ravage the landscape, You never fail.  Father, You never fail us.  All I know is this… more of You means less of the wicked.  If we are fooled by the wicked to show them more compassion – then little by little, bit by bit, we allow sin to enter God’s Holy Place.  This culture of evil is like yeast or mold.  It begins so small and, if left unchecked, it expands almost overnight to a point that everything it comes in contact with is then rendered unclean.

Once something is overcome with every type of vile unclean thing – then without stopping it and removing it – dismantling the entire thing – then nothing good of God has a place – no place is holy, clean or sin free.  The people then become so accustomed to the sins and filth associated with it, they then surrender to it and no longer fight it.  They forget the way things were before sin entered in.

I think of one of my sons who had to be on medication for anxiety and this was urgent.  I was concerned for his life and my prayers had not gone in the direction that I had hoped.  While his anxiety and depression then went away on this medication, the cost was his body.  He ballooned up in weight and was so exhausted all of the time.  It was difficult to get help because of the pandemic.

As a result, nothing was done until he was later diagnosed with liver disease.  While I then put him on medication and a healthy diet, the weight scale still wasn’t moving.  With so much to lose and the prospect of impossibility, the difficult journey, he then became unmovable.  The task was so immense that it was easier for him to do nothing than to begin small and lose little by little, step by step.

This is a problem in so many other areas.  Sin can become a pattern and removing it can be overwhelming because you can’t recall the times you had before it.  God is then removed from the process until, and unless, He is invited back in.  The only way that God comes back in is if we denounce the devil in our lives and boot him out of every part of our lives.

Once we do this, we then drop to our knees in repentance and ask for the blessing of God to enter in and flood the situation so we remember our sins no more and to turn to them and realize God is no longer hindered from working though us, around us and with us in everything we do.  While kicking out evil is not easy, start doing this now.

This is critical as we are now in the 10 Days of Awe.  We are in a crisis so huge, so big, that what we do will have an effect on everything here on Earth.  A massive coup of the enemy has overtaken the Christian people all over the Earth.  Every Christian nation has now been breeched and is in danger of being completely destroyed.

Nations once dedicated to God have had their governments overtaken by people who have lied and manipulated the citizens into believing they stand for God.  They even quote Scriptures so the people are deceived to believe they are good.  Meanwhile, the governments are dismantled and manipulated from within by evil schemes and backdoor deals.  Little by little and step by step and day by day this happens until the people’s rights and liberties are removed.

Once the people receive any wages or help from the government, even though the people’s taxes have paid into it, the slavery then begins.  The once free nation is no longer free.  All then become the slaves for those in power who dictate who they will worship, what ‘gods’ and what they will consume.  This includes food, medicine, water and news.  Those in power will have complete control.

By trying to remove God from the picture, the nations can be destroyed and dismantled by invaders and foreigners.  Once great nations will no longer be great.  To a large extent, this has already happened in our continent.  They proclaim what they will do to all those opposed to them and we should believe what they say.  Do not believe the lies spoken to you wherein they claim they care.  Well, they do care, just not for the people.

So, Father, here we are.  It is no longer just a spiritual war that we are fighting, it is a systematic long game war waged against those who believe in You.  In these 10 Days of Awe we are in now, please use these calamities to turn all of us back to You, Father.  In the meantime, we can pray for Your direction on what You want our role to be here.  For now, all I can do is pray.

My dream last night was a gift…

Sub-dream 1 “The Angel in the Flames of Fire” begins…

I was walking down a packed dirt path made of red clay.  The trees had turned such beautiful colors.  As I walked, the sun shined through the trees and lighted the path.  I could hear a river nearby.  It was the sound of rushing water.  While I could hear it, I could not see it.  Fog then came across the area in front of me.  It was so thick that it was like a wall that stopped me.

I prayed for direction as I could no longer see through the thickness of the fog.  I then saw a flame of fire ignite in front of me.  However, I somehow knew that this was not a consuming fire of destruction, but was meant to give me directions.  I walked towards the fire.  There in a clearing was an angel of the Lord.  He was bright and shining like metal.  Even though he was in the fire, he was not being consumed by it.

Angel:  “Erin, take off your shoes.  You are standing on Holy Ground.”

I dropped down and removed my shoes.  I fell to my knees with my face to the ground.  I began to weep as my heart pounded.

Angel:  “Why do you weep?”

Me:  “I am broken.  I am nothing.  I am sick.  I repent for everything.  I want to be right before God.”

Angel:  “Bring your head up.”

I did as he said.  I was still crying.  I saw him and the fire which did not consume him.

Angel:  He smiled.  “I have a message from God, Erin…

“Thus says God who sits on the Throne surrounded by Heavenly Hosts and Holy Angels from on High… for I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for I will turn away My anger and I will be a refreshing dew to Israel and he will blossom like a lily.  It is time to turn back to God as the sins of My people has caused their fall.  I have not forgotten you even as a woman cannot forget her nursing child.  Even if she would, I will never forget you.  Turn back to God.  Turn back now!  Thus says the Lord who is Holy and it is He who will answer you in your days of distress.”

Me:  “Will He come?  Will He hear our prayers and stop the wicked?”

Angel:  “God’s anger is against the wicked.  They have waged a great war over the nations of the Earth.  The people perish for their lack of knowledge.  God is sending dreams and visions.  He is sending fresh fire to ignite those who are losing heart.  He is sending the oil greater and more pure than the balm of Gilead to restore your body and Living Water to replenish your dry bones.

“His recompense is with Him and through Him and Him through each of you.  Walls and lives will be rebuilt and restored.  Every head will confess and every knee will bow.  All those in the broken places will praise God, the God over Israel and His children.  These days you are in now are the days leading up to God’s Glory.

“Pray and seek His face.  He will stir up old battlefields and upend root systems.  Through this, hidden works will come to light.  All of this is so the children of God and His chosen lack no good thing.  His Greater Glory will consume you.  Surrender to Him!”

Then in an instant, the angel was gone.  I looked down at the place where he was and I could see ash from where the fire was.  There was an impression of his feet burnt into the ground.  I then heard some breaking branches behind me.  I could see a deer in the trees staring at me.  It suddenly jumped from the trees towards me and with supernatural speed.  I woke up immediately.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, I pray that I didn’t miswrite even one word from this dream.  This seems to me to be one of the most important I have ever had!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Now, you have many questions.”

Me:  “Lord, I am scared for the USA and Canada too.  The evil is controlling every part of our lives.  Please help us.”

Jesus:  “This is allowed for My Greater Glory.  Remember that God’s purposes are greater than man’s plans.  Wicked leaders have risen and have puffed up their images to make them appear as if not even God could stop them.  Money is given to shut down opposition.  Please tell Me what you believe to be true and I will grant you wisdom.”

Me:  “Okay, here it goes…

  • I believe You disrupted their plans eight years ago (with the election of Trump). Their anger then went on full display.
  • The leader before him (BO) rose to power with a name that proclaims who he is and what he stands for ‘under Heaven’. Those he had allegiances to were covered up.
  • When he was leaving his term, he knew the Bull might win or someone else he couldn’t control. In response, he began to dismantle systems and formed a shadow government.
  • I think he even changed the laws to protect the government from disclosing truth to the people (I believe the Freedom of Information Act was modified in 2016). His calendar then went blank.  I think he set up for a big fight against the people and the desires of the people.  He hates the people.
  • So corrupt became our government that the Bull was tied up in almost every aspect except for what You called him to such as defending Israel and recognizing Jerusalem.
  • Then such anger grew that the enemy of America, along with foreign enemies, gathered together to unleash the plague on the people to destroy lives, our strong economy and begin to divide. This was a test run to see if we would comply to the government who was acting against the Bull.
  • The enemy (BO) dined with those who controlled the media in 2011, 2013 and other years for mysterious reasons. He then controlled information and then met with even more world leaders.
  • He had lunch with the Canadian leader on June 7, 2017. Within a year of this meeting, small newspapers throughout Canada shut down or consolidated, making getting the news difficult, especially local news.  By 2019, money was paid to news outlets by the government to update equipment in return for control.
  • Then when the pandemic came, all media in America and Canada were in sync. Opposing voices were shutdown and questions were no longer allowed.  We were told to obey.  Churches were shut down.  Church choirs were stopped.  Schools closed.  Businesses went bankrupt.  People died… so many people.
  • We were then forced to mail in our ballots. Then the Bull lost and the fight to shame the Americans who voted for the Bull and supported Israel began.
  • Now fast forward! The evil government has let in millions of foreigners with no names or IDs to vote.  They have allowed gangs into our cities.  They have killed off our young fighting men.  Their vaccines have begun to kill so many of us with heart issues, lung issues and cancers.  They have given all of our monies to foreign wars in the billions.
  • They have disgraced our flag. They have disgraced You, Lord, and silenced all of us.  They have tried to raise up a woman (KH) who is a Marxist into power.
  • We have now seen events like the rise in voodoo, witchcraft and child sacrificing rituals. Countless children are missing.  Crimes are not reported on.
  • A good majority of Social Security numbers in the USA and Canada were recently hacked and our information stolen by either foreigners or a government contractor or some combination.
  • In Europe, foreigners have displaced the natives. In Canada, many of the foreigners are making unreasonable demands and overwhelming the cities and schools.  The same is true in the USA.  Our tax monies are going to enrich foreigners to rise against us and steal what we have.
  • The storms that have come are being called climate emergencies from fossil fuels even though it isn’t from this. However, even I am now questioning whether this last storm was manipulated and its strength enhanced to wipe out all those opposed to this rise in Marxism.  I don’t know this though.
  • Let’s not forget about the government endorsed mutilation of our children.
  • Let’s not forget about the calling for the genocide of Jews and Christians.
  • We can’t trust what our children are taught, what we consume with our mouths or see with our eyes or hear with our ears.

“Since I don’t believe that any of our evil leaders are actually stupid, this is all done on purpose.  Since Satan is not stupid, I believe we are being attacked by him and his horde intentionally and methodically.  None of us can stand against this terrifying machine, Lord, only You can.  How can we survive any of this?  Lord, please help!”

Jesus:  “Erin, I purposely didn’t stop you from writing what you just wrote.  However, it is even worse… much, much worse.  Their plans are now for mass destruction.”

Me:  “Why are they so angry at us?”

Jesus:  “It is because of Me.  It is because of the heavenly angels and the children birthed of the woman.  Now, take your focus on the things in which the enemy seems to be advancing on and instead remember God.  Everyone who has come against God’s people have paid a great price.

“As for those who have murdered, tortured, stolen, raped, pillaged, destroyed, lied, starved, scattered, enslaved and humiliated… well, you have only to read the promises of God to destroy each one.  Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, just to name a few, have recorded the judgments rendered to those who come against the children of God.

“In the day of calamity for the wicked, who will they cry out to to save them?  Who hears?  The mountains?  The clouds?  Who?  But those who cry out to Me, those whose hope is in Me, I will turn and save them from their afflictions.  Remember, surrender all you are to Me.  I promise to carry you.  I promise to deliver you into My fullness of days, into My presence, and to enter into My Holy Land.

“Erin, I walk beside you.  I listen and I take hold of your hand with My right hand.  For those who have little strength, I will carry you.  The days coming are perilous.  Remember that I am the Light in the storm.  No one can change Me.  I am the same yesterday and today, right now and forever, understand?  I am unshakeable so that those who cling to My Rock will be saved.”

Me:  “Lord, is trouble coming before the election, right after or later?”

Jesus:  “Erin, troubles are here now.  The time for prayers is now.  The time for Communion with Me is now.  I am right here.  I love you and I send signs that My favor is upon you.  Those you bless, I will bless.  Those who bless you, I will bless.  Now, I am exposing hidden things, many too numerous to count.  Very little is reported on because the information… the truth… is inconvenient for their common goal.  Use these next seven days to pray!  Now is the time more than any other.

Me:  “Yes, Lord, I will.”

Jesus:  “Erin, very soon, nothing here will matter except what I call you to do.  There will soon be no distractions.  You will be healed, your debts removed and your needs will be provided by Me.  My Recompense is with Me.  You will be a very inconvenient truth to so many who will know I am with you as I am the same God who welled up in the sons of Jacob.

“Enoch spoke of a change that will occur for the Holy and the Chosen of God.  The light of days will rest upon them and glory and honor will return.  The wicked will be unable to stand against it because I am working through My Holy Vessels to administer judgment.  Be ready and encouraged.  I am with you and I will not leave you.”

After this, I then went over and looked at the Cepher Bible website and the devotional word for October 6th.  This fit in so perfectly.  It was referencing Enoch 104:1-3…

1I swear to you, righteous, that in Heaven the angels record your goodness before the glory of El Elohiym (the Mighty One).  2Wait with patient hope; for formerly you have been disgraced with evil and with affliction; but now shall you shine like the luminaries of Heaven.  You shall be seen, and the Gates of Heaven shall be opened to you.  Your cries have cried for judgment; and it has appeared to you; for an account of all your sufferings shall be required from the princes, and from everyone who has assisted your plunderers.  3Wait with patient hope; nor relinquish your confidence; for great joy shall be yours, like that of the angels in Heaven.  Conduct yourselves as you may, still you shall not be concealed in the day of Great Judgment.  You shall not be found like sinners; and eternal condemnation shall be far from you, so long as the world exists.

After I finished writing this and was about to get up, I heard the Lord…

Voice of the Lord:  “HAVAH HAVAH ERIN DO NOT WORRY!”

I went to look up the Hebrew word Havah and it means ‘to live’ or ‘to breathe’.  Strong’s meaning ‘to be’ is ‘1934’.  WOW, thank You, Lord!  As I again began to get up, I heard the Lord say something from Psalm 46…

Voice of the Lord:  “Be still and know that I am God!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-856/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-854/

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