Dream 862 – Continued Recovery from Kidney Surgery

Received on Sunday, November 10, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for all You do for us.  You are such a Cover and love us more than we deserve.  As for nine days ago, the date of my surgery on Friday, November 1, 2024, I wasn’t sure if I would be back home or what physical state I would be in.  It has been difficult as nothing is easy, but I am happy to be home.

The enemy has fought to make me miserable.  My surgery was performed in the beautiful Malone Family Robotics area of the Portland Maine Hospital Campus.  The people were kind and the attention to details architecturally and organizationally was unlike any experience I had ever had.  I didn’t feel scared.

Maybe… well, 100% likely with You, Father… You cancelled my other two surgeries so I was experienced in all of this as a patient.  The care that the medical teams used to ensure sterilized conditions was the closest to what I can remember to my surgeries in Portland OR 20+ years ago.  All of it made me feel confident, Father, that Your hand was in all of this.  Thank You!

The enemy was pushing back at me though because I woke up in a very old wing of the hospital.  This was a surprise as I was originally scheduled to be in the new patient rooms in the Malone Wing.  I woke up to a roommate moaning next to me.  The nurses came in and were so kind to me.  If it hadn’t been for the excellent staff, I would have been so upset.

The story on my downgraded room turned out to be a dispute that Medicare had for the expense of the new room at the Malone Wing.  However, since I was out of consciousness most of the time, I had no long-lasting concerns other than I was so thankful to be waking up in any bed.  Praise You, Father.

I then made a joke to the night nurses about the promise I had been given by admitting that I was supposed to be in the Malone Tower.  I asked them what happened.  They were curious also because they could see that I was scheduled to stay there with the other Robotic Surgery Post Op Patients in the Tower.

Me:  “Well, I am still happy to be here too, so please don’t worry about it.  I believe that these types of things that happen ‘randomly’ are really not accidents at all.”

Nurse 1:  “I promise you that we are friendlier than that crew of attendants.  I work there a few nights a week and this is a friendlier group.  However, yes, the Malone Tower is beautiful.  I hope you are not too disappointed.”

Me:  “No, I am fine… and I like friendly!”

As the night went on, I quickly realized that my roommate had demons, and not just one, but several.  I prayed in my Spirit language in a loud whisper a few times.  I then chuckled when You, Father, sent me confirmation that I was correct.  A demon possessed person will talk in their sleep out loud and change their voices and pitch.  It literally sounded like she had visitors.

When I prayed, things would get knocked over behind the curtain.  Then her buzzer would sound about every two hours so she could ask for more drugs.  She would then argue with the staff when told she had to wait.  She refused to look my way when she would get up and then would make loud shouts in the hallway.  This cycle continued.

At one point, the nurse came to see me and I told her I needed to get up and walk around.  She and another nurse came over and helped me walk.  While I was so weak, I just had to get out of there.  As I walked a short distance, I could hear other shouts and night cries coming from the various patient rooms.

Me:  “This is a very rowdy floor at night.  I am ready to go back to bed.”

Nurse 2:  “Yeah, it is a difficult place here.  It is the psych ward, along with kidney transplant patients and miscellaneous others.”

Me:  “Wait, what?  Psych wards should be locked, shouldn’t they be?  I mean, you are handling narcotics out here, right?  I don’t know who thought those at death’s door and those at the gates of hell should be in bed together.  Seriously, who thought that this would be a good idea?”

The three of us then laughed together.  I knew I must have sounded sarcastic, but they did not disagree with me.

Nurse 1:  “You are funny.  I will use that one, if you don’t mind.”

Nurse 2:  “We agree.  All of the staff agrees.  However, the hospital is overcapacity.”

They helped me back to my room.  My roommate was quiet.

Nurse 1:  “Erin, I see you are ready for your next dose.  Do you want your full dose or would you like half of a dose?”

Me:  “Half, please.”

Roommate:  Yelling out in a demonic voice.  “I will take mine and hers.”  She then started to yell in agony to get more pain meds.

Nurse 2:  To my roommate.  “You will have to wait until we finish up over here.”

Anyway, Father, thank You for sending all of these witnesses and my husband to hear her behavior.  My husband had arrived in the morning after the shift change and things were still raucous on her side of the room.  At one point, she sprayed something very strong in my direction and I began to cough.  When the medical staff arrived, they could smell it and were very upset.  I was very nauseous after this.

The staff then rebuked her, but she acted dumb and as if it were an accident.  She would then get up and be loudly upset whenever the staff were tending to me.  The second shift crew then had my husband go get his breakfast because they needed a series of milestones or goals from me.

When I then sat up in a chair to try to eat oatmeal, a woman came to see my roommate.  This visitor reeked so heavily of marijuana and other things that I vomited all over myself, my food and the floor.  I pushed the button and the staff came.  They too could smell it.  Even though it had now been a few minutes, all of us could still smell it.

A hospital administrator came and my roommate, who had been in great agony for the last 12 hours, suddenly rushed out of the room with her friend to hangout without any effort or strain.  The staff confronted them and they apologized.  The visitor left her coat and the nurses removed it.  I had to be cleaned up and the staff felt so bad.

Nurse:  “Would you like to checkout soon?”

I prayed about this and felt You allowed me to hit all of their goals that would in turn allow me to leave.

Me:  “Sure, please.”

Nurse:  “What else do you need?”

Me:  “Well, I need you to know that the woman next to me is drug addicted.  She became abusive when the night nurse removed her liquid pain drip in her IV.  Also, when you aren’t looking, she walks normally to the bathroom.”

Nurse:  “”Yes, she is on our radar.  She has already been here for more than a week.”

Me:  “If she is able to act one way when you aren’t looking then tell you her pain level is 8 out of 10, but she can go out with her drug friend and get high, laughing and playing card games in the lobby… well you are getting scammed.”

Nurse:  “Yes, it is bad now.  There are a lot of addicts here too.”

Me:  “Can I leave?  I don’t want to sleep here another night.  If I am free to go, I would like to go.  I don’t feel safe.”

Nurse:  “Okay, sure… let’s send in the doctor and her staff to finalize this.”

We were checked out shortly after at around 4:00pm on Saturday, November 2, 2024.

Thank You, Father, for Your Grace to remove me from this!

There was something else I had noticed about my stay when reflecting on this.  There were so many foreigners and immigrants who could barely speak any English managing our medicines, meals, laundry and cleaning… basically all of the functioning support jobs.  I waited a long time for my lunch on the Saturday of my release.  I had to wait three hours and it was just soup and mashed potatoes.

The nurse told me that they basically speak mostly French and there were huge cultural and language gaps.  The trouble is that they were the only ones who wanted to do this work for $17 to $20 per hour.  The staff gave them a lot of grace as no one else would be doing this without them.  In turn, these workers looked upon the staff with a noticeable type of loathing.  It was even quite uncomfortable at times.

Father, please reveal the plans of the wicked.  I feel I had checked out too early.  If it had been normal conditions, I could have used another night in the hospital.  I am thankful that the cancer had not spread more and I pray we got this early enough.

We made it home safely and I am grateful.  I know You have a purpose for everything I endured, so thank You.  I thank You even though I don’t understand everything fully yet.

This last week has been both difficult and gratifying.  We are thankful that Trump had such a great victory.  We pray that Your Will be done in all things.  Father, please keep me healthy as I have had some setbacks this week.  I am grateful that my daughter and my younger son have new jobs that they are both happy in.  It makes life easier.

Father, while there have been a few physical setbacks this week, I know You are near.  You are with me in the setbacks and the disappointments.  You are with me in the pain and uncertainty.  Please have mercy on us.

I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A Red Teardrop in a Grey Landscape” begins…

I was wearing grey boots.  They seemed like snow boots.  I was wearing a long wool skirt, a sweater and a scarf, all in the exact same grey color and material.  I noticed that I had long white curly hair under my scarf.  It was supernatural because I had no idea what I would dress like this for while carrying a tray of seeds.  The ground was frozen and covered with about an inch of snow.

The entire area, the ground under the snow, the trees and even the sky, were all grey.  With what I was wearing, I must have looked like a grey dust bunny against the landscape.  I walked out to the yard and recalled that I no longer had a bird feeding station in which to place the seeds.  I was sad.  I began to shed tears.  A teardrop fell to the snow and I noticed that it was the color of blood.

Then in an accelerated motion, I watched a sprout of green grow into a tree full of leaves from where the teardrop landed.  Grass then began to grow and went throughout our yard.  Blossoms then came from the branches of the bushes and other trees.  The frozen creek changed into moving spring water.  As I wiped my tears, I noticed that there was no blood red color to it anymore.  I am not sure what this meant.

The tree in front of me where my bird feeders once stood began to be filled with so many varieties of songbirds.  I could hear them singing.  I thanked God for Spring.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up and quickly went into my next dream…

Sub-dream 2 “Release from a Panic Room” begins…

I was in a panic room, but in the open air.  There were so many of us.  In order for God to open the door to release us, we had to complete the course and work together.  There was laughter, celebration and a sense of urgency with all of this and this pushed us to complete the series of tasks the Lord had put before us.  When the final step was completed, a door was presented to us on the course.  We all cheered and ran towards the open door.  We were so happy!

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, I have been crying a lot this week.  I have been praising You for what You have been doing and allowing Your Chosen Vessel (Trump) to win.  Please let us all hold fast together in prayer for this victory is all Yours!  The enemy has been battling back against all of Your children.  Please keep each of us healthy and strong during this time.  Please keep all of us, but also Trump and his family and friends, safe from the enemy.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you!  Do not worry!”

Me:  “Lord, thank You for answering the prayers of all of us to strike down the evil that was coming and still trying to come.  Could You now revive us with fresh oil and make our Vessels ready for Your Spirit to flow through us in greater power?  Could You grant us revival for Thanksgiving, Hannukah and Christmas?  Can this, as in right now, please be the moment we have all been waiting for?”

Jesus:  “I know that I have not given you confirmation on the questions you seek.  I know that the timing of all that I do give to you remains a mystery.  I showed you a Red Tide overcoming the nation years ago.  However, the thing you had prayed for at that time did not come at that time as you had thought.  This is because this was for a later time and not for then.

“However, there are other times where I give you something and then this comes to pass the next morning.  You then have no pattern for My answers.  However, when you later look back at this from the beginning, you will see it.

“Now, I know you don’t understand why things occur the way I have set them, but this too is a mystery and it is good.  Erin, I promise you that you will spend an eternity uncovering the way God has woven all lives together with each event.  You will uncover how each of you were even destined for this time right now.

“Understand that, if My Voice is in you, and you know it is, then when you need an answer or prayers fulfilled, I am here to complete this good request.  However, I am quiet in doing good right now because My time of Great Revelation is soon to come… if not already here at the door.

“Now, for those waiting on medical care and procedures or other major decisions, continue to pray.  With you there was a wait and on the third time, I turned and opened that door and it was a better way.  Either way, unless I have called you into a divine delay, continue to move forward with what I have called you to do.

“Erin, you are learning to hear My Voice in the midst of many battlefronts.  Find a place alone and in quiet and there I will meet you.  There is great excitement and dread over all of the Earth right now as all who are God’s children see the hand of My Father over all things.  Because of this, the enemy fights.

“However, the enemy knew he was just defeated and he then went into retreat first to battle from a distance.  Well, his plans will fail as long as the children of God pray.  Then no scheme of man or plans of hell will prevail prior to My Words being accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven.

“Erin, what seems like a delay is actually not.  However, your prayers will fortify the plans of God upon the Earth.”

Me:  “Lord, our Vessels were filled by You so long ago!  Did some of that Living Water evaporate?”

Jesus:  “It might seem like it, but no.  My Living Water does not dry up.  You are filled with Living Water in your Vessels by My own hands in the River of Life then given to angels to return it to you.  My Living Water is in you.  Now, how would you like to proceed?”

Me:  “To be used by You in greater service as a heavenly outpouring of Your miracles to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  As for right now, I feel parched and thirsty, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Did not even your doctors just a few days ago remind you to increase your water intake?  Then drink this water for it is good and brings life.  Erin, where you walk with Me, you step into your destiny and what promises I have made.  I haven’t brought you this far to withhold you from the place I have prepared for you.  I haven’t brought you this far to be forced into poverty and lack.  I walk with you and I have filled you with good things.”

As I sat writing in my chair, the room became brighter.  The sun felt supernaturally bright on my face.  I closed my eyes.  On my right side, I felt warmth at my wound site.  I felt the tear in the wall of my abdomen not hurt anymore.  My body felt lighter and at peace as wave after wave of God’s healing touch seemed to come.

I started to weep as I have been struggling about losing my right kidney.  I pray the Lord grows it back supernaturally.  I praised Him and worshipped.  I am so thankful I am still here.  It then occurred to me… why do I need to worry about things out of my ability to do anything about?

Jesus:  “Soak in this, the Light of My Presence, Erin.  Let My Living Water flow through you.  I am here and I am with you on Earth as it is in Heaven.  I love you!”

I could feel peace.  This was a welcome reprieve as I had such great pain.  My organs had been feeling literally as if gravity would take them.  Coughing, breathing and sneezing all hurt. Now though, I felt better even in my neck.  I don’t know all of what He just did.  I didn’t get my timeline answers either.  However, I received the honor of His touch and of His presence.

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-863/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-861/

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