Dream 866 – Battles take place in the Valleys
Received on Sunday, December 1, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! Thank You for all we have here, Father, especially our little dog, Zoey. She has been bleeding from this cancerous growth. I am now cleaning up after her a few times a day. She is not well and it seems her days are coming to a close here unless a reversal from Your Throne happens and You allow us more time with her.
This battle over the last few months has increased and some days are good and some days are bad. I was up several times last night to check on her. She was still breathing and I am thankful. Apparently, I had quite the dream last night as I was speaking loudly in my prayer language, loudly enough to wake my husband.
Our power then went out this morning and Zoey was bleeding everywhere. My daughter and husband helped me so I could clean up everything without hot water since we had no power. Finally, after praying, Zoey’s bleeding stopped just as the power came on at the same time. We were so thankful to have an answer to our prayers.
I had quite the epic dream about Zoey last night…
Sub-dream 1 “Zoey running in a Heavenly Path” begins…
Zoey was with me. We were in some beautiful fields with scenic rolling hills. The wind was gently blowing. It seemed like summertime. The air was warm and fragrant and the light of the sun was pure, bright and shined like a diamond.
I put my hand out to feel the wheatgrass to my right. I watched Zoey break free from walking beside me. She began to run faster than I knew she was able. As she ran, it became clear to me that I wouldn’t see her until one day she meets me here again.
Me: Yelling out to Zoey… pleading. “Zoey, no, no! God… no, please… not yet…”
I then saw her come to a stop in the path. She turned back to look at me. She then turned to look ahead again. She seemed to be deciding on what direction to go. She turned back towards me and ran back to me.
Me: Crying as I shouted loudly. “Zoey, please don’t leave me yet.”
She ran back into my arms. I woke up suddenly and went downstairs to check on her.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Father, I love You. It has been an emotional last few months for all of us. We had hoped to be in Bend OR by now… with Zoey too. I remember how she would just lay in the grass, close her eyes and soak in the sun there. The smells were of pine and juniper. I had prayed that Transformation would come sooner so I wouldn’t have needed this kidney removal and we would have all as a household be healed.
However, time continues on its cruel course. Maybe when I write these dreams down, I need to trust You in greater capacity for how You will do this or that. I am grateful that the nation seems more hopeful now as evil seems to be retreating for a season or two. As time continues, I now understand what it feels like when children grow up and go out on their own right now. There is a lonely empty feeling I have that I cannot shake.
Soon my younger son and my daughter will move on and my husband and I will remain. It is difficult when each room holds memories of laughter, sorrow and so much activity. Then, just like that, only echoes of memories remain. We live in a remote area, so future visits will be difficult and expensive for our children. We are not easily accessible to visit. This year, I decorated for Christmas for just the four of us who will be here.
I had hoped we would be in Bend OR by now. Father, I pray that You keep Zoey here and in good health. My heart breaks at the thought of her not at the window waiting for us and greeting us at the front door. This house is officially the longest I have ever lived in one place. This is a gift from You, Father. This is a place near Your Altar where I could raise my young in Your Presence. Bless You, Father, in all things.
This week, the news will be hard. I have a few medical appointments. Now so too will Zoey. I have blood work. The medical bills will be coming around December 3rd. The unknown cost of what will be covered vs what we must cover is expected to come on Tuesday. We are praying for mercy, Father.
We will also know the results of the clinical findings of my condition and my forecast for the future (which, of course, is fully in Your hands). My stomach has been turning and turning. I don’t seem to have peace. The bile in my stomach and throat is nauseating. The bitterness in my mouth makes even freshwater taste bitter.
As for the snow on the ground, it is beautiful, especially with the bright blue sky. However, it is cold… beautiful, but cold. I love You, Father. I cling to Your promises. I just know You love us. You love Zoey and Snigglet. You created them to be our furry companions. We have been so blessed by You.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you! I love you. Do not be anxious and afraid. I know you are. When your (younger) son spoke to you a few days ago, do you remember what you said to him?”
Me: “Yes. He had been contemplating if anyone would really miss him if he moved away or died. While this devastated me, I understood as he really has no friends here. They have moved away and many are married or engaged now. Each one of them has someone. He was angry that You hadn’t fulfilled Your promises to him. He asked me if he had made mistakes or sinned so badly that You changed Your mind.
“After I told him ‘no’, he asked me why anyone would even want to be a Christian. From his perspective, the minute someone does, they are under attack, treated poorly and hated for no reason, their stuff is broken, their money taken and they become sick. He named other things and I had little ability to refute this since this is exactly what had happened to me.”
Jesus: “What did you then say to him?”
Me: “That following the Lord is easy in the heart because there is a change for the better. However, the enemy then knows he has lost one ‘hopeful’, so he strikes out against us. This is allowed so the Lord can test our faith. We literally walk in the valley. Battles are always fought in the valleys. The enemy meets us there to cause pain. You are above us, so we cry out to You to come and save us.
“Valleys are where You see what we are made of. I then talked to him about the valleys I went through when he was little. I had made some major mistakes, but, in Psalm 23, the Lord reminds us that He is there with us. His rod and staff comfort us. The way we behave in these valleys reveal our hearts to God during our most difficult trials…
- Will we be bitter against Him?
- Will we flee?
- Will we give up and run and hide?
- What will we do?
“My son then asked me what I did in response to these trials. Well, I did a lot of running and hiding because I didn’t realize the battle was the Lord’s for His purposes. I instead gave too much credit to the enemy and gave him power in the valley. I then walked around licking my wounds in defeat and feeling sorry for myself because God had deserted me.
“However, this was a lie. Looking back, God was right there with me. It took many ‘battle in valley moments’ to finally remember that God is our strength, not just physically, but in a deeper way He makes our feet like those of a deer and allows us to go on the heights of the mountain and climb out of that valley. God is on the heights.”
Jesus: “How did this go over with your son?”
Me: “It is difficult to explain the concept of ‘no pain, no gain’ when giving our lives to You. It is a process, Lord, such a painful, yet deeply enriching, process. My son has had a very difficult life, Lord. Could You bless him for me and begin to grant him joy and a hope and a future?”
Jesus: “I have promised I would. Now, why does the enemy fight you in the valleys?”
Me: “Valleys are surrounded by hills. The enemy can wait and watch you from there and then attack you in a low position in the valley place.”
Jesus: “Yes.”
Me: “There are several valleys that I know of…
- There is the Valley of Achor that means peace (Hosea 2:15).
- There is the Valley of Baca that means weeping (Psalm 84:6).
- There is the Valley of Jehosaphat that means judgment (Joel 3:12).
- In Heaven, I live in the Valley of Beracah that means blessing (2 Chronicles 20:26).
- There is the valley where David fought Goliath.
- There is the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel.
“Each has a Divine Purpose under You.”
Jesus: “Every child of God walks through a valley and battles from a low position at some point. Some like you have spent the majority of your walk with Me in valleys. However, Erin, I am here with you and the valley can be beautiful.”
Me: “I don’t like the valley I am walking through right now, Lord. Please bring us out. I had hoped by now that I might have completed the furnace of affliction and the resulting tests, trials and endless wars.”
Jesus: “Yes, I know. You are almost finished. I love you, Erin. My promises are true.”
Me: “Lord, we are losing hope here. Please strengthen my children and my husband. We were so excited and confident. However, with how things have unfolded lately, we are not as much excited or confident.”
Jesus: “I know, but don’t. I will send miracles, signs and wonders. Doors once previously shut will begin to open. Remember that I have built a house for you, not just the one in which you raised your family, but the one I have built for you in Bend OR. Take courage and do not be afraid as I am with you, Erin. I have given you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven (Matthew 16:19, 18:18).”
Me: “What does this mean, Lord?”
Jesus: “Authority on Earth as it is in Heaven. You are My Bride and you will wear My Signet Ring. All will know you are Mine and that these ones are with Me.”
Me: “The Transformed?”
Jesus: “I have not removed My promises, Erin. You are growing weary while waiting and facing the walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. You are sad. I am here. I will dry your tears and I will lift your head. I love you.
“Now, do not worry about your troubles. I will send help for each one from My Sanctuary. Rejoice, Erin, as I am with you. I love Zoey too. Trust Me to be God over you!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-865/
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