Dream 869 – Check for chinks in the spiritual armor
Received on Thursday, December 12, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! Thank You for all You do to watch over Your children. Even in great storms, You are always here. I am so thankful You are here with us. Please continue to keep us close. My dreams lately have been interrupted. In the night before last, I had awakened suddenly by three powerful knocks on our door. It startled me out of my sleep. I went to the door and no one was there.
My heart was still pounding. It must have been because of my dream. Then last night I was awakened several times by sounds outside as an epic storm went through with winds that howled. I woke up at around 2:00am and heard a loud bang. It was outside. I prayed that none of the trees would fall.
There had been an unusual warm up overnight with rain. In two days, we had 27F temperatures and lots of snow change into 60F at midnight and the snow mostly gone. Culverts are filled with runoff from the extreme melt off. This looks like raging rivers of white foam and brown water. Many places around us have no power, so thank You, Father, for keeping our electricity flowing.
The second time I awoke last night was exactly 3:33am. I don’t recall ever seeing 3:33am on the clock before. I then heard Your unmistakable Voice, Father…
“Check for chinks in the spiritual armor!”
I fell asleep and had a dream…
Sub-dream 1 “An Epic Joust” begins…
I saw two men dressed in chainmail armor. One was riding a black horse and the other rode a white horse. They both had jousting poles or lances. They first rode past each other, back and forth, studying each other. Finally, they both paused to face each other. They were very far apart, about the length of a football field.
I then heard a shout and the two men came at each other riding their horses at full speed. The rider on the white horse was knocked off of his horse and onto his back. His horse rode away from the scene. The jouster on the black horse had a chink (a small tear, hole or seam) in the right side of his chainmail tunic that he was unaware of.
The rider on the black horse came up swiftly to bring the final blow to the fallen rider. The fallen rider looked like he was wounded and unable to move. There was no hope for the fallen rider until, suddenly, as the final joust was to be given to end the life of the grounded fighter, he erected his lance at the perfect point and it went through the chink in the rider’s armor.
This blow was instantly fatal. The rider on the black horse slumped and fell on his own lance as he fell to the ground. Since this was the backside of his lance, this jabbed him, but did not impale him. By using cunning and a well-executed move, the fallen jouster was able to find the perfect place to stop the rider… the small chink in his armor.
I woke up when I saw armies on the two sides run down some side hills in to fight each other in an epic man-to-man combat.
Sub-dream 1 over…
I was woken up by an incoming text. My son had notified me that outside conditions were like a hurricane aftermath on the road. There were many fallen trees, scared drivers and no power in many of the areas.
I got up to warn my daughter about her morning commute. She seldom worries. She was smiley and ready to go on another adventure… no fear! Thank You, Father, for these children You have made. They are now adults and I pray for good things for them here, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
I then went to my devotional chair to write a dream and I heard You say, ‘Beautiful are the feet whom brings Good News.’ I then went to Isaiah 52:7. When I found this verse in the Bible, the Lord prompted me to read the verse prior to this as well…
Isaiah 52:6: Therefore My people shall know My Name. Therefore in that day they shall know that it is I who speak: Here I Am!
Isaiah 52:7: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God Reigns!’
I see good things coming to the nation and God’s Grace in these four years with what is planned. However, I also see the enemy destroying so much and protecting the evil people that will be emboldened to continually try to destroy what You have raised up.
It still feels like the enemy and his camp are plotting to destroy America. There has been a drone swarm in New Jersey and the land surrounding New York City. Something is unsettling about this time frame and this season right now.
While I had a vivid dream / vision a few nights ago, You didn’t call me to write it down until today…
Sub-dream / vision 2 “When the Queen died, evil was ushered in” begins…
I saw the Earth from a type of NASA-like headquarters in Heaven. I saw angels dispatched to areas over the map. They had measuring lines. I saw European countries begin measured. The angel was calling out the width and length of each.
Another angel had a plumbline to measure the levelness of the land. I could see the UK. The measure was very small, maybe a few acres, and the plumbline was way off. I went over to an angel analyst in this great operational room in Heaven to ask questions.
Me: “What is happening here?”
Angel: “God is measuring righteousness.”
Me: “So, the UK.”
Angel: “This has been weighed and measured to see if God is established there.”
Me: “The mention of God, Jesus and prayer are no longer allowed there.”
Angel: “Yes. God is assessing the battlefields in order to implement His strategy for revival and to dispatch His Army.”
Me: “Army? Do you mean harvest workers?”
Note: Queen Elizabeth died on Thursday, September 8, 2022. Her funeral then took place on Monday, September 19, 2022. Prince (now King) Charles then ordered the mourning period to end a week later on Monday, September 26, 2022.
Angel: “Yes. When the Queen died, evil was ushered in. God’s favor has been removed.”
I then saw the same in several other countries, including New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Ireland, Canada and Mexico. Some of the South American countries were still in God’s favor and found to be level.
I could see some countries receiving great provisions, protection and other things from Heaven. I then saw the USA. I saw that the area was shrinking. However, it was also in a holding pattern. The angels measuring were told to wait a little longer.
Me: “What is happening?”
Angel: “They are waiting for God as He listens to the prayers and petitions of His children. He has told man what is good. What does He require of you but to do justice and love, kindness and to walk humbly with God. Pray that these boundaries are extended.”
Me: “Micah! Wait, what? Is this because of corrupt leaders and governments?”
Angel: “Tell them to pray.”
I watched as the angels continued to measure. This vision then closed.
Sub-dream / vision 2 over…
Micah 6 and 7 seem so timely here. Father, please help me. This is troubling. I want to publish Good News now.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. My Voice is in you. Now, what have you learned in your low position?”
Me: “I was brought low and afflicted so You could be exalted and brought to the forefront of my life. When I was at my career best and had great self-achievement along with money , I looked to myself more and glorified my own works and forgot You. However, in reality, You determine a man’s position all along. Whether we are high or low, You measure us and weigh our heart to see if we are good.
“Some are not good when they are successful. They then ‘lord’ over others and forget God. They aren’t humble. They are boastful and give praise to their own works. A true gift from you comes In humility after humiliation, we are humbled. We are less and You are more. True success is given to those who praise You in good times and in bad.”
Jesus: “Why did I grant you the measuring at all?”
Me: “Because You saw something in me You could measure to appraise my potential for use by You for Your purposes, some redeeming quality for greater service.”
Jesus: “So too am I measuring these nations, both rulers and citizens. Some of these are shrinking and not level. Others are not being considered at all. There are even some that are expanding. Why?”
Me: “Because You see more souls You can harvest when revival comes.”
Jesus: “Then would I not be sending more angel armies to the areas that are shrinking?”
Me: “Yes, Lord. This is because the enemy is gaining territory. Stop him.”
Jesus: “Oh, now you understand! In your country, corrupt leaders are taking a stand and making foolish declarations to continue to fight after a great loss. They are full of hate and have no self-reflection, only evil assignments. These are the first to cry for help when disaster strikes.
“Darkness has fallen over large areas over the world. However, when My people pray, darkness retreats. The sound of praise and worship makes darkness retreat. My light of hope shines brighter with prayer, praise and worship.
“Now, an enemy has been provoking the people… the Beast and the Harlot who rides on the Beast. However, the wicked will not see what is coming against them because I am over them and I see. Here is the Good News, Erin… evil does not win. This is true even though they declare peace and then do the opposite. While evil is constrained by God, goodness is multiplied by God. Evil has no power over it.
“Now, you are seeing a great jousting of power right now. It is truly a battle of good vs evil. Behind closed doors and sessions are angry leaders. These are godless men who do vile works. You know them by their works.
“Then there is the hidden enemy. They cry out for help, but then make punishing demands when you then help them. They are there to take the power of the host nations away. They will even take the people’s houses by force.”
Me: “The immigrants in Europe, the USA and other host nations?”
Jesus: “Yes. It is their ‘god’ who demands no justice, no peace, no property unless you follow their customs, their ‘god’ and their lies. Make no mistake here… this false god has claimed many souls. However, I see it all. I see the destruction of the once beautiful lands that were dedicated to Me. I am jealous for what is Mine.”
Me: “Lord, I am unsettled in my heart.”
Jesus: “Do not be. I am God over all things. The measuring and weighing are better than the fiery furnace. Many of these nations have allowed evil to rise against the children of God and this will not go well. Continue to pray, Erin.
“If My people pray, I will then turn My hand from striking down an entire nation. If My people pray, I will do this for the sake of only a few righteous who are there. This is the Good News. I will care for My people. Do not be discouraged.”
Me: “It is a discouraging time, Lord. Hope is on the horizon. We just can’t feel it here yet. Could You help us in the meantime? Our sons and daughters are struggling and now even lack hope. We need some miracles here. If you would open the Heavens above us, we could use some of what you have given us in Eternity, even?
“It has been so hard to keep the house encouraged when we ourselves are struggling. December hasn’t been the best ‘good news month’ in recent years. Lord, we all need You more now than ever!”
Jesus: “I know. Give this to Me. I have you. It will all be okay. Remember that My recompense is here with Me. I will not revoke blessings from those who love Me and those whose hope is on Me.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-868/
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