Dream 871 – A Giant Bible highlights the Psalms

Received on Saturday, December 21, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all we have in You.  Thank You and bless You for my family and friends.  We are grateful.

I was up early this morning.  It had snowed through the night and my daughter had to leave for work in 45 minutes.  It was light snow and I felt she was running a tad late for the weather conditions, so I decided to start up the car to warm it up and sweep the snow off of her car.  She is like I was at her age… leaving in time to arrive a few minutes before… never too early, never too late.

When I walked outside, I could tell that rain fell before the snow since there was a sheet of ice under several inches of fresh powder.  As I brushed off her car, I prayed…

Me:  “Lord, please protect her way there and cover her in all she does.”

Jesus:  Replying to my prayer.  “Erin, I let you borrow her all of these years from Me.  I have a plan for her and I am not finished with her here.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  You reign and are above all things.  There is no one above You.  Thank You for carrying me and those I love.”

Jesus:  “You are welcome.”

As I continued to move snow around, an old song by MercyMe came to me and it hasn’t left.  It is their hit, ‘You Reign!’.  It was so quiet outside as the early darkness turned to dawn.  It was beautiful and the reminder I needed, Father.  Thank You.

As I began to sprinkle sand and salt behind her tires and up to the road, I began to have excruciating pain in my left kidney area.  It seems to be getting worse, so I will phone my doctor on Monday.  Father, please remove any cancer left in my body, if any, and keep my remaining kidney healthy.  Just as I prayed, the pain subsided.

My daughter then came out in a hurry to her car.  I warned her to take precautions because of ice under the snow and that the plows hadn’t been out yet.  She nodded, hugged me and jumped into her car.  With ease, her tiny car zipped out of the driveway onto the unplowed road with no problem.  I shook my head and laughed to myself.

Me:  “Thank You, Father, for keeping us safe.”

I went to my devotional chair.  I have been feeling scared lately.  This is the lowest that I have felt in many years.  I have been in a quiet place.  The news is not good in the world and my heart breaks for those hurting.  Ever since this cancer diagnosis and surgery, I have been unplugged a bit from life.

The churches around us are not recognizing the times we are in, although I am convinced some who are in attendance know the times.  With me, I have been broken.  I am praying for a divine infilling of fresh Living Water from You, Father, for my thirsty soul.  We have been inundated with bad news and I want so much, Father, to experience more of You.  All we have is Yours.  I am coming to You to renew me.

Please do not let me languish here.  You are so good in all things.  Miracle prayers are answered.  We have seen these be answered.  My husband’s cancer on his nose was healed thanks to You and help from our precious friends that You sent into our lives.

Today is Zoey’s 16th birthday and You have revived her many times and kept her sustained.  This morning, she was acting like a puppy.  For my sake and for the sake of our home, I asked for more time and You granted this.  Thank You, Father.

This morning was the first time in a while that I sat there and wept.  I had to hunt for some papers yesterday.  I placed them in an organized box of folders.  However, I could not recall where I had placed them.  Enroute to opening various boxes, I stumbled upon some photographs.

My heart hurt so badly when I came across a folder with letters and notes of encouragement from my mom, dad, grandpa, grandma and even my great grandma Jeans.  I found other notes from my children when they were very little, along with photos.  I then closed the lid and cried even more.

I was already on my knees and I started to pray.  Father, I had so much promise then.  I had big dreams that I believed would come true.  I had simple worries and prayers for my children.  However, in all of this, I believed for more always.  In all of my troubles, I know in my heart that this too would pass.  Bills overwhelmed us many times, but You always made a way for us.

While sickness and injuries crippled my dreams, they also gave my life a greater sense of purpose because I learned to lean on You and not on my own ability.  I then stumbled on a large manilla envelope.  It contained obituaries and eulogies of my parents, grandparents, my great grandma and my friends that I had lost over the years.

It was a bittersweet envelope of the end of the lives of those I miss talking to.  I miss the option of phoning my mom or my friend.  I closed the envelope and placed it back in the box.  They have all crossed the bridge into eternity.  I prayed on all of this.

Me:  “Lord, what is wrong with me?  I have already accepted all of this.  Why now?”

Jesus:  “I reign.  I number a man’s days.”

I had a fun dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “A Giant Bible highlights the Psalms” begins…

I saw a beautiful, massive Bible.  It was open and was about 7’ wide x 4’ long (yes, feet, not inches!).  It was made of something like stone or even a flexible metal.  As I began to walk towards the Bible, I could see it rising and falling from within as if it were alive and breathing.  As I tried to read what pages it was opened to, I was amazed…

  • There was Psalm 45 on the left page and Psalm 46 on the right page.
  • It then turned and Psalm 47 was then highlighted.
  • Going back to Psalm 45, I saw verses 6 and 7 highlighted.
  • Then a title in Psalm 45: “Your Throne, O God, is Forever!”
  • Then a title in Psalm 46: “God is your Fortress!”
  • Psalm 46:5: “God is in the midst of her.  She will not fall.  God will help her at the break of day.”
  • Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God!”
  • Then Psalm 47: “God is King over all the Earth!”
  • The verses 1 to 9 in Psalm 47 were then all illuminated.
  • However, Psalm 47:9 was the only one illuminated in a bright blue color: “For the shields of the Earth belong to God; He is Highly Exalted.”
  • As my hand went to touch the Book, the page turned again.
  • A title in Psalm 51: “Create in me a clean heart, O God!”
  • Although these chapter verses were not highlighted, the massive page turned.
  • It was Psalm 52: “The steadfast love of God endures!”
  • Then Psalm 54 on the other page: “The Lord upholds my life!”
  • I then began to weep over this massive book. When my tears hit a page, it lit up.
  • Psalm 55 highlighted: “Cast your burden on the Lord!”
  • I then saw Psalm 55:16-18, 22 on the right page.
  • The page turned again and there was Psalm 56: “In God I trust!”
  • Psalm 56:8a was highlighted: “You have kept count of my tossings, put my tears in Your Bottle!”
  • The Voice of the Lord (now speaking to me about Psalm 56:8b): “Are your tears not in My Book?”

I knew they were.  My tears continued to stream down onto the pages.  Suddenly, a small spring of water sprang up from the middle of the Bible.  The pages then began to turn more rapidly as the fountain sprang higher.  My head was down as I cried.  I cried as I thought about all that I was lacking in order to be truly pleasing to the Lord.

Me:  “I am so sorry, Father.  I have dishonored You by being so afraid.  We are in trouble if You don’t take this from me.  My burden is too great for me.”

I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I looked and there was an angel of the Lord.

Angel:  “Read what these chapters are titled. This is God’s Word and His promises.  His Testimony is here.  His promises for you are in these pages.  Give Him your burdens.  Lay these down.  He will not abandon you.  He has ransomed you and redeemed you.

“He knows what you need before you ask.  Do not focus on your troubles.  Instead, remember that He loves you and He is King over all of the Earth.  Now, be still, Erin, as His fountains are in you.  All of His promises are true.  Be strong and take courage.”

In a flash of light, the angel was gone.  I woke up at 6:15am.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Me:  “Father, I would love one of these giant Bibles!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  You have no place to put this.”

Me:  “Lord, this Bible is amazing.  I would clear everything out for it.  That would revive my spirit and refresh my soul.”

Jesus:  “Well, how about you pick up your portable version and meditate on this day and night.  I know you are tired and weary.  I know you are scared.  I told you to give Me your burdens.  I did not tell you to lay down your burdens only to take them back up again.  I love you.  Your sacrifice to Me is good, Erin.  Your spirit is broken.  Erin, a broken and contrite heart is a willing one.”

Me:  “I don’t understand.”

Jesus:  “You are in a low position.  In this low place, you have great sorrow there.  You look to Me with this heavy burden you can no longer carry and I take this from you.  I am your Healer.  I don’t leave those I call in a state of worry and anguish.  You cry out to Me and I deliver you.  Erin, you inspect your fruits regularly.”

Me:  “Lord, I am so down.  Do I have cancer in my other kidney too, Lord?  Please just heal me.  Please don’t allow me to be sick.”

Jesus:  “Then give all of this to Me.  I am able to do all you have prayed for.  I know your husband would like to work and that this would help put you at ease, but this door will remain closed to him for just a bit longer.  Take this time to find joy and peace.

“Erin, be still and know that I am God.  I will take your burdens and cover the cost, understand?  You need not worry.  I take the muddy, mirky and dead things of this world and cover them with fresh, white snow.  As I am over all of this, it is I who orders it.”

Me:  “It is beautiful, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but I am telling you that I cover all of your stains and these disappear and become as white as snow.  Rejoice, Erin, as there is beautiful white snow outside.”

Me:  “It is beautiful, Lord.  Thank You!”

Jesus:  “Rejoice today, Erin.  I am with you.  My fountains are in you.  You are loved by the King!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-872/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-870/

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