Dream 873 – Great Tickertape Parade Coming Soon

Received on Sunday, December 29, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for Your divine protection and provision.  We are blessed by Your answers to our prayers.

I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Great Tickertape Parade Coming Soon” begins…

In my dream, I awoke at dawn.  I woke up in my bed as the sun rose in the east and its light was too bright to sleep.  (Note:  In reality, my bed doesn’t face the east at all and the sun wouldn’t hit my window until the afternoon.)  This morning was different than any other morning.  I had been changed as if I was a whole different person.  I could see myself and my skin, face and hair looked better than it did when I was younger.

It was not a struggle to wake up or get out of bed.  I appeared to be in my 20s.  This was truly a ‘Me Version’ that I did not recognize.  My hair was long, wavy and white.  The room itself and the bedding were all white, with the exception of the shadows being blue and the light being a type of white and gold.  I walked over to a glass sliding door.  This door, in turn, opened up to a balcony overlook.

While I did not recognize where I was, it looked like a mountain region, perhaps the Rockies, the Cascades or the Selkirks.  I could not tell.  I was staying in a beautiful hotel or condominium complex and felt at home there at a place that I have never been.  I went to my closet and laughed.  At the base of my closet on a low shelf were bags with rolled up coats I had owned over the years.

Each bag had a date on it.  These dates went back to my high school years.  I shook my head and sighed.  I didn’t want to wear any of these, so I removed them to an empty box at my door to be donated.

Me:  Talking to myself out loud.  “What to wear then?”

Suddenly, there was a zippered bag hanging there.  The outside of the bag read…

“For Today”

I unzipped the bag.  I wondered if it was from a clothing store called ‘For Today’ or if it was literal.  There was a beautiful long white coat with large buttons.  There were also white pants matched with a white long-sleeved T-shirt.  These were not items of clothing I would normally wear.

I put on these clothes and they were as if they were tailormade to fit me.  The fabric was difficult to describe, sort of like a type of living breathing cotton knit.  There were also some boots for me to wear.  I didn’t need to comb my hair or put on any makeup.  I didn’t even wear or need jewelry.

I left the condo/apartment and found myself immediately in the lobby.  I was no longer viewing myself from outside, I was now me fully.  People waved to me like they knew me, so I waved back in return.  I walked outside and noticed that this little quaint town was now busy preparing for a big celebration.  I walked down the sidewalk and heard incredible music.  I approached a street vendor.

Me:  “Excuse me, but what is the celebration that is being prepared for?”

Vendor:  Smiling. “We are ushering in the harvesters!  You should know this.  This is a place to forget the former things from long ago.”

Me:  “I am not understanding.  Am I dead?”

Vendor:  “Do you feel dead?  From my view, you are more alive than you have ever been.”

Me:  “But just yesterday, I was in a very dark place.  It was a dark hellscape and I was giving CPR to an 11-year-old boy.  I was struggling with this.  Did the boy die?”

Vendor:  “No.  You saved him.  His family was also saved.”

Me:  “Oh good.  So, where am I?”

Vendor:  “The place of your rewards.  The King is coming soon in a Great Tickertape Parade.  He is bringing His recompense with Him.  You will put away the former things and He will put a new spirit in you.  You will spend some time with Him here and then you will go home to be over the region He has promised you.”

Me:  “Who are you?”

Vendor:  “I am a harvester too.  In the coming age, He will give me back all that was stolen from me and even more.  I can’t wait, but I can!”  He laughed.  “We… all of us… are the bright and shining ones!”

Just then, I heard music and loud shouts of joy.

Many singing:  “He comes!  He comes!  Usher in the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth!”

I could see what looked like a cloud over a small sun.  I then realized it was all of the tickertape.  We were all cheering.  Tears streamed down my cheeks.

Me:  Praying out loud.  “I am home!  I am home!  Praise You, Lord!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

Lord, when will this be?  Please let it be soon!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  My Voice is in you.  Erin, I know you have been discouraged as you don’t yet see the big changes you have hoped for.  I have already proclaimed that My people will be as builders and restorers of broken hearts, cities, homes, the roads to travel on and even bridges to crossover.  You will be a part of this, Erin.  I have shown you.  Cities will be blessed and prosperous.

“My cities will be fruitful (Zechariah 1:17).  You shall have good land in which to plant vineyards and drink wine from them.  You shall plant gardens and eat the fruits there (Amos 9:14).  The land will be free from evil and you will have a perfect property and a peaceful home (Micah 4:4, Zechariah 3:10).  I will build a Highway that is Holy.  There shall be no beasts or hidden dangers.

“The redeemed shall walk there and the ransomed of the Lord shall return to Zion with singing (Isaiah 35:10).  You will have great joy and easy passage wherever you go as I will make a Good Way.  See, not every promise for the people of Israel shall be fulfilled here as things are now.  Now, since My promises are true, where is the fulfillment?”

Me:  “The New Earth and the New Heaven?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  All of the injustices will be made right and all the tears will be dried.  What was lost will be found and all will be made brand new.  The righteous will dwell there (Isaiah 66:22).  You worry so much about time and how I can do this or that within the perimeters I have placed, yet I am confined to that of the 3.5 years (The time, times and half a time = 1260 days) of Great Tribulation that surely comes as it is written.

“You see the signs and know that evil men are reshaping the Earth to act on behalf of God as they do believe they were sent to destroy it.  They are fools and do not even realize that they are ushering in the Millennial Kingdom where I will walk amongst My people and they will praise Me in truth.

“Erin, there will be no evil dwelling there since it shall be then as it was in the beginning at the Garden when sin was not there.  It was beautiful and perfect.  This though will be over the whole Earth and evil will not dwell there and great will be your joy.”

Me:  “Lord, I cannot wait!”

Jesus:  “I know.  However, a few things must occur first.  I know you become confused at times as you have been shown your place in Heaven and upon Earth and you see yourself as you are and think this to be impossible without a miracle of God.  While this is all true, one thing also remains true… My Promises!

“Now, I am not the destroyer.  However, I am often called this and it is true that I will allow a lofty tower to crumble or a structure to burn to its foundation… even full cities to be destroyed.  However, when it is the ‘true destroyer’ who does this, he rebuilds in corruption and his foundations are crumbling.

“Sometimes, and as you know in excavation, a crew must come to remove all that is in the way of building streets, homes and parks.  To make way, the former things must be torn down and the area levelled.

“Good soil is then brought in for backfilling and areas too high for travel must be made low.  Valleys are brought up and mountains and hills are brought low.  Crooked areas are made straight and rocky areas are made smooth.”

Me:  “This is from one of my favorite Scriptures, Lord (Isaiah 40:4-5).  There is also Luke 3:5.”

Jesus:  “Why would I do such things to the nations if I didn’t have a plan in place for restoration?”

Me:  “Lord, I can only imagine how terrifying an earthquake or nuclear war would be to change the landscape like this.  I read that, if nuclear war were to break out, man would have approximately 72 minutes to make things right with You.”

Jesus:  “Interesting.  Well, I would say that 72 minutes would become 72 seconds as I believe even a strongman would drop to his knees and beg God for mercy.

“Look, I know you have been discouraged.  You cry randomly and you are unsettled and scared.  However, don’t be as I am here.  I will send you more dreams and visions so you begin to set your sights on things I have planned for those who love Me.

“The wicked plot. They hate the status of their plans as they try to keep them on life support.  Man plans, but it is I who fashions a good man’s plans and heart.  There are several plots against My appointed leader of your nation (DJT) so that he doesn’t rise to power or, if he does, the plan is to fortify the position of evil.

“So far, I have removed all of their plots and they have not succeeded.  Even if I were to allow evil to succeed, it would be so My Glory would be revealed.  Remember… a Trumpet sounds the announcement of the King who is coming.  The Trumpet doesn’t save… the King saves.  Rejoice, Erin, that I am the King.  Now, I am coming soon!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-874/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-872/

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