Dream 877 – Zoey may be in her last days

Received on Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for all You have done for us.  Thank You for our family, friends and furry companions.

I have had a difficult time for the last few days.  Our little dog, Zoey, is reaching her Homegoing day.  She has followed me everywhere these last few days.  She has very little interest in her treats or food.  When she drinks water, she becomes sick.  I woke up last night and again early this morning to quite a mess.  We started her back on antibiotics hoping that she could ride out these infections that never seem to end.

This morning though, she looked at me as if to say, ‘Mom, I’m ready now.  My time is finished here.  I love you.  Jesus is calling me.’  She looked right at me and I knew her thoughts.  I just haven’t been ready.  While we have had a great last few weeks, it seems that we have seen a true downturn over the last few days.  I took her outside for a very short walk.

Zoey was excited despite a very cold windchill outside.  She would have stayed outside longer, but I had to go inside.  I couldn’t take the frigid temperatures.  Oh Lord, I have prayed for more time with her.  Father, You answered my prayers for her to stay for Christmas and to see the New Year.  But now…

While we speak life over her, my husband pointed out a Word You gave me a long time ago… while the blacksmith (the enemy) uses the fiery furnace to afflict us, the Potter (Jesus) also uses the fiery furnace to bring luster and strengthen us so we are of use.

I now know that it is time to say goodbye to my best furry friend here.  Of all the pets I have had over the years, this little dog was with me through it all…

  • She was there at my second NDE.
  • She was there during my illnesses.
  • She was there during my injuries.
  • She was there when I had my surgeries.
  • She was with me during my recoveries.
  • She lay next to me as I wrote down my dreams in my journal.
  • She was next to me when I was on my knees petitioning to You for my children.
  • She was next to me during my visions.
  • She kept me company all of the days I was alone.
  • She kept watch over our house.

My children grew up with her and we had fantastic adventures.  This morning, I cried and cried and cried.  I asked for healing again.  I asked for more time.  I pleaded.

Me:  “Father, I didn’t make it home to Bend OR with her.  She loves it there.  I thought You said…”

I couldn’t finish my sentence.  I reached down and hugged Zoey.  I then proceeded to go to my devotional chair.  As I walked to my chair, I heard You talk to me…

Jesus:  “My promises are true, Erin.  Just because her days here are ending, her days in eternity, beginning even on the New Earth, have only just begun.  There she will run free and not be harmed.  You will even be closer to her than you are now.  She will map out your property and inspect every area.  When you arrive there later, she will greet you and take you for a walk.

“I know this is a painful moment in your life.  You have prepared for this day.  When it arrives, you will know.  Remember… I love Zoey and created her for you specifically.  You and Amber had her when things were the darkest.  Zoey brought you laughter and joy.  She gave you some great stories too.  She will always be with you.”

Me:  “Lord, are these pets an order of Heavenly beings?  It seems like it.”

Jesus:  “This is a mystery.  However, you are wise to remember that, what you care about, so too do I.”

Just then, I looked over at a small photo canvas of Jesus walking with a child while holding their hand.  This image was taken from behind.  In an instant, I had a vision…

Sub-dream / vision 1 “Jesus walking with Zoey” begins…

I saw Zoey walking next to Jesus.  They appeared to be talking.  The vision then disappeared.

Sub-dream / vision 1 over…

Me:  Crying.  “Lord, strengthen me and help me to know when it is time so I can prepare my children.”

I sat for a while.  My thoughts raced as I recalled Zoey throughout the years.  She has been a happy, joyful dog.  Thank You, Father, for creating Zoey.  What an amazing gift You gave us.  In dog years, she is 112 (16 years old x 7).  She was born on a Sunday.  She is just now entering her 17th year of life.

I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 2 “Four Women wish to release the Kraken” begins…

I was hosting a dinner for four women.  They were all very wealthy.  They seemed to be hybrid composites of past clients or people I had come into contact with at some point in my life.  I was surprised as they showed up more than an hour early and I was still cooking.  They were more excited to see each other than to see me.  I felt more like the hired help than a hostess in my home.

Three of the women were polite and content with waiting for the hors d’oeuvres.  However, the fourth woman barely acknowledged my presence in my own home.  She was extremely wealthy and beyond anyone who would associate with me.  Before continuing to work on the dinner, I brought out a beautiful, silver platter with hors d’oeuvres on it.

Me:  “Dinner should be served in about ten minutes.  In the meantime, here are some hors d’oeuvres for you to enjoy while you are waiting.”

Each of the first three women took some hors d’oeuvres.  When I went over to serve the fourth woman, she turned away from me.  Just a few minutes later, I caught her eating directly from my refrigerator.

Me:  “Uh, excuse me, but why are you eating from my refrigerator when I have made food for you.  It will be ready in just a few minutes.”

Fourth woman:  “Well, dear, you have kept us waiting here for dinner and I am now famished.”

Me:  “My apologies, but you were early.”

Fourth woman:  “Do you not even know that guests always arrive at the proper time?  Quite simply, it is not our fault.  It is the proper hostess’s job to anticipate and adjust accordingly.”

I could hear the other three women murmuring in hushed whispers to each other.

One of the three other women:  “I, for one, had scheduled to come at the appointed time…”  She was now addressing the fourth woman.  “…but she told us to come early because she thought it would be amusing to see you flustered as a result.”

The fourth woman did not deny it.  She even looked pleased with herself.

Me:  “Well, I put out my best China and prepared my table, but clearly you are not interested in what I have to serve you and the length and expense it took to make a dinner fit for royalty.  You clearly have no interest in me except to say horrible things about me.  Either way, if I turn you away or you are seated at my table as an honored guest, you will still mock me.  Please leave my house immediately.  I will instead serve the food I have prepared for the hungry or those who are thankful and might enjoy what I have to offer.”

I then proceeded to pick up and hand over the coats of the four women.  I then opened the front door and directed them to leave.  They got up and were in complete shock.  As I ushered them out the door, they were all murmuring and cursing me.

Fourth woman:  “You have no idea what you have just done!”

One of the three other women:  “You…”  There was a dramatic pause.  “…have released the Kraken.”  She then pointed to the fourth woman.

Me:  “I don’t care for Krakens in my house.”

I shoved them all out the door and slammed it.  When the door slammed, I woke up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, this was a humiliating dream.  I am deeply troubled by so many things right now.  Please give me peace.  This dream seemed so real.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.”

Me:  “Lord, my heart hurts.  This world has so much suffering in it.  Life is painful here.  Lord, could You please help me?  I am in need of comfort.  I know pets go Home every moment in the world, some tragically just like people.  It is a difficult thing.  If I am doing something wrong, maybe I lack faith, I don’t know, please help me, Lord.  Let Zoey crossover in complete peace and joy with freedom from her suffering.”

Jesus:  “Erin, do you remember when your heart stopped.  When I called you, you felt peace when you returned.  You felt pain.  I love you.  What breaks your heart also breaks Mine.  You have an important chapter coming into your lives.  I am gathering those I plan to carry with Me to the place I have prepared.  You will help me, Erin.  All those I have prepared, along with the angels, will be gathering.  Do you remember what you said to your (younger) son recently?”

Me:  “Yes.  I told him that a new home isn’t as shocking to transition to when you bring some of your furnishings and memories with you.”

Jesus:  “Well, Erin, where you are has memories from years ago.  Some things you will carry with you again.  Some things you will leave behind.  However, the best things in this life will go with you to the place I have prepared for you.”

Me:  “But, Lord, we take nothing with us when we go Home.  No suitcases.  Not even any clothing.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but what have I shown you in My Home?  I showed you things that were made from the hands of those who love Me.  These were special to their story and were their Gifts for the King.  Erin, remember that, if I am the Builder and Architect who builds your Home, then isn’t it My job to design and build it for the one who dwells there?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Then trust Me to complete a Good Work.  Your dogs and other animals will be there to greet you.  Do not worry.”

Me:  “I love You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I love you too, Erin.  I am with you in all things.  I will take your burdens and give you rest.  I have Zoey.  She is Mine.  I have you, your husband, your children, your family, your friends and their children and animals.  Those whose hope is in Me I will save, understand?  Rejoice, Erin, as I am here and I am with you.”

Note:  I ask that the Nest please pray for me now.  While I know Jesus has my little Zoey no matter how this plays out, I am still having a really difficult time preparing myself for a possibly soon goodbye.  I just love her so much.  I thank you all in advance for your prayers!  These always help so very much!

Dream over…

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