Dream 819 – Names written in a Book of Healing

Received on Thursday, June 13, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  You are the most wonderful Dad.  You always hear me even when I grow tired of speaking.

It is 42 days or 6 weeks from my rescheduled kidney surgery on Thursday, July 25, 2024.  I am scared.  I love the body You gave me, Father.  I don’t speak life over myself or thank You enough for what You have given me.  Thank You!  I have been very tired lately.  Everything seems to be in slow motion.

Once I thought in my heart that I was healthy, strong and resilient.  I would then catch myself in the mirror… not a ‘lying mirror’, but a real one.  I would then say to myself, ‘What happened, Lord?  When did I become who I am now?’  Father, when will the inside of us, the heart of us, show on the outside?  I have been systematically under attack in the natural all around me.  It is as if the enemy unleashed all hell upon me.

Father, I am tired now and want to give up.  My fight is leaving me.  I no longer find joy in even the little things anymore.  This life is filled with nothing without You, Lord.  Have mercy on me.  I am sorry for being so dismal.  I know that people rely on my faith to keep up their faith.  However, I have been battling non-stop.  The pain I feel in this body has made it impossible for me to do so many things.  I used to love to work hard, play hard and pray even harder.

However, due to my health issues, I feel like I have been failing in all of this lately.  It has been years since I have had a great night’s sleep.  It has been years since I have gone for a hike or even played golf.  I thought I would live and then die of old age.  I know Your plans for me were different and greater than my plans for myself.  I am just sorry.  I am sorry if I didn’t thank You enough for my body even though it is broken.

Other than You in me, this body has been my vessel.  While I was careful and healthy with my body at times, I would then over push it at other times.  When my body would then not do what my heart and my brain wanted, I would then curse it.  When it would breakdown, I cursed it.  I thought this was tough love.  I treated my body like I was god.  However, I truly have no control over what I can’t see developing within me.

I can only change my heart towards it.  Well, body, I am sorry for letting you down.  I didn’t always do what is best for you in the long-term.  I did what I felt needed to be done in that moment to satisfy myself.  Please forgive me, Father.  I love the vessel You gave me.  Is there anything I can do to heal?  While I can’t heal myself, You can.  I don’t want to miss anything.  I am thankful that You sustain me.  Thank You for keeping me!

I had a dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Names written in a Book of Healing” begins…

I was looking at a very large home, but really a mansion with many rooms.  Many people dwelled there in this home.  While the Owner of the home rarely made appearances, all the people that stayed there expected something from Him.  Many years then went by.

Even though close relationships had formed, the Owner didn’t give those who dwelt there what they had expected.  As a result, the tenants began to pack up and leave little by little.  While a few remained, there were very few of us.  It was a massive home with so many now vacant rooms.

One day, the Owner came to the remaining tenants and called us into a large community room.

Owner:  “Why are all of you still here?”

The Owner was being very direct with us.

Person 1:  “I have no other place to go.”

Person 2:  “You might still do something.  We are waiting on that something.”

The Owner then looked over at me with a look that prompted me to speak.

Me:  “I have no greater place that I would rather be.  There is nothing for me out there.  I want to know You more.”

The Owner looked surprised.

Owner:  “Okay.  All of you are now ready for more.”

There was a large table there with a large book.  I was given a calligraphy pen, a bottle of ink and a quill with a massive feather on the end of it.  The Owner called for me to write several names in this book.  As I did, these people were healed by God.  While I recognized many names as being my sparrow friends, my memory of these names was then mostly erased.  The book then became bright.

Owner:  “Erin, did you remember to put your name on those pages?”

Me:  “No.  Since I have lived all of these years in Your dwelling place, I was hoping that You would write my name in that book on behalf of my prayers.”

Owner:  “How can you be sure that I would do that?”

Me:  “I am not.  However, based on all that I have seen in Your house, I would hope.”

The Owner walked over to the large book and opened it to the first page.

Owner:  Pointing to the book.  “Look here.”

I walked over and there in the dedications / acknowledgements was my name.

Owner:  “While this is My story, it is also your story.”

I was speechless.  I stood looking at this for a while.  I reached over and hugged Him.

Me:  “Thank You.  I am glad that I stayed in Your house!”

Owner:  “Me too!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

Lord, my children are all under attack here.  It has been more and more uncomfortable to remain.  My neighbors are angry at my feeding of the birds and the little animals.  You are preparing my heart for changes.  My doctor has ordered more tests to rule out more cancer.  Please don’t leave me like this.  Please remove this from me!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  My Voice is in you.  The moment you ask, I answer you.  When you haven’t even asked, I send you what you need in advance.  Now, I know you are growing tired and weary.  I know the enemy has surrounded you.  However, the enemy attacks from far out and does not reach within your house.  The enemy likes to hold captives.  I am the One who sets captives free.  Erin, you are free.  However, your story is not finished.  There is more.  I heard your petitions.  I heard your confessions.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord, as I have cursed my own body, the one You gave me.”

Jesus:  “The body has many parts.  When something fails, the others must strengthen and take over for the failing parts.  Time is not a friend to the bones.”

Me:  “Lord, You have promised to heal me.  I am dwelling in Your house.  I am here to have a relationship with You and to take part in whatever Your Will is.  However, I am tired now.  I am sad and I burst out in tears with great sorrow at random moments.  Why?  Because I love You and You love me.  However, You have not sent my miracles yet.  I then think, ‘What if You changed Your mind?  What if I have worn You out.’  Lord, I have waited all these years.  Please don’t forget me.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I could never forget you.  Can you forget your children?  Erin, I love you.  Your name is written on the palms of My hands.  I could never forget you.

“Now, you say that your body is failing you.  I then say that I named you when you were in your mother’s womb.  I have made your mouth as a sharp sword.  I have hidden you and covered you in the shadows of My wings.  You are an arrow in My quiver.  Do you think I will never use you?  Did I just bring you to the land of the trees to let you die there?

“Erin, I promised that I will bring you out from this wilderness place and you will be displayed for My Glory.  I will be with you.  As for all of those who harmed you, those the enemy used to attack you, they will all say, ‘Who is this?  This one is surely God’s.’  They will then have no defense as nothing will stand against you.

“Now, are you ready to continue with Me?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I just…”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin, I know.  You dwell in My House and you are never forgotten.  You, your family, your friends and their families are never forgotten.  All over the world, I am about to call each of you.  Do not worry.  Last I checked, I am who I say I am.  If I am who I say I am and I am with you, then who has any success against you?  They will come to nothing as they flee at the sight of just one of you.  Now, give Me your day.  Give Me that broken body of yours.  Give Me your tired bones.  Give me your worries and discouragement.  Give Me your burdens.  I am here.  I love you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-820/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-818/

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