Dream 358 – Jesus and the World Stage is almost set
Received Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Dear Father,
Thank You for providing a safe journey home! Thank You for protecting our children while we were away. Thank You for Your continued provision as this is a miracle. I cannot thank You enough for all that You do. So much seems up in the air right now.
My husband has not heard from this prospective employer yet as it is still too soon given their protocols. We still drove around the area though and it was beautiful. Father, if it be Your Will, please grant my husband this position. Better yet, make it so that we are changed and do not need to do anything apart from You.
Father, the first day of fall was yesterday. It was also the fourth-year anniversary of mom’s homegoing. It has been lonely without her. I still miss her laugh. Father, it looks like my favorite time of the year has come. It is beautiful, so thank You. Lord, please make an easy and direct path for all that we are soon having to do.
Jesus: “Erin, come up.”
Jesus was right in front of me smiling and standing next to His horse. He held up the reins in His hand. I reached over and hugged Him.
Me: “Lord, I can’t wait until the world sees You. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You are God.”
Jesus: Laughing. “While not everyone will fully appreciate Me at the time, there will still be many who will. Now, there are many balls up in the air as you mentally juggle different scenarios. However, you need not worry as I am the One Who holds these…” He held the reins up towards me. “…and I have a plan. Erin, the world is like a stage, a stage with both good actors and bad ones.
“Even though the former ruler of the land seems to set the stage for ‘his show’, he does not. He can only set the stage according to God on the Throne and it is I Who writes the outcome, the story, and I do not veer off of My plan. Now, there is a global stage with various acts and, again, some with good actors and some with bad. However, yet again, who holds these?” He held the reins up.
Me: “You do, Lord.”
Jesus: “Erin, since all that you have requested is good, I will therefore grant the desires of your heart. Your prayers, Erin, are about to be answered and prophecy fulfilled. Your name will be remembered as a ‘storm’, but this storm (a supernatural ‘Hurricane Erin’ that begins with our Transformation) will be different than what the world expects. Now, all of your hearts are turning towards Me because…” He held up the reins to His horse again. “…well, what am I holding?”
Me: “The reins.”
Jesus: “Yes, so do not worry here. All of you must have confidence and patience and not let the enemy gain a foothold even for a moment. This is because…” He smiled as He held up the reins for a fifth time, obviously for added emphasis. “…I have these. I will take care of you and your children. I will fulfill all of My promises. I will even grant the desires that some of you reserve as silly as no request you could make is too much for Me.
“Soon there will be much to do as your time of rest is coming to a close. Your vessels are ready and My quiver is full. Joy will come in the morning as the storm at night is short lived. You must press into Me and I will still your hearts. Many want to know Me more, but their fear is that I am too far away to hear them or that I do not care. I do care. I am with them.
“While they will soon no longer be disqualified, to Me, they are already qualified. Now, the stage is set and you will soon be fully dressed for the first scene of My final show. So far, this has only been done by a script on paper. You will soon be as stars on My stage. You will be fully dressed and beautiful in My ‘God’-produced show.”
Me: Smiling. “God’s Production Company!”
Jesus: “Yes, but much more. You won’t believe how I will use you. Now, enjoy this rainy fall day. I am working with angels on the massive set design.” He smiled. “Oh yes…and, Erin…everyone who works on My set is paid a King’s Wage, so do not worry. I love you. I am with you.” He hugged me.
Me: “I can’t wait. For the sake of my husband, our kids and our friends on the Nest, I really can’t wait.”
Jesus: “Then do not worry as I have you.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-357/
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