Dream 489 – Three Sub-Dreams

Received on Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for such a mild winter and now a beautiful blossoming spring.  My allergies came back suddenly last week.  I haven’t experienced allergy symptoms like these since we lived in Portland OR in the year 2001.  I was pregnant with Amber and it was a difficult spring.  My symptoms of asthma were the worst.  It has been 20 years now and I have never experienced this kind of misery.

I am lethargic and my eyes hurt from scratching.  I normally forget to pray for self-healing, but this has been so bad that I have been repenting and asking the Lord for divine deliverance from the effects of all the pollen in the air.  I had a difficult sleep a few days ago.  I awoke early and was unable to focus.  Our carbon monoxide alarm kept sputtering.  I think it needs a battery change.

To make matters worse, my thumb on my right hand had a long cut that made writing extremely painful.  I shook my head and prayed to the Lord: ‘I love You, Father.  Clearly, I am in trouble here.  I am so tired, but my symptoms keep me awake.’  I then took a big sigh.  As I did this, I heard an amazing song bird outside my window on our massive tree.  While I could hear the bird, I could not see it.

I looked up at this beautiful tree.  The new leaves were a vibrant green against the clear deep blue sky.  I could see thousands of tiny pollen seeds dropping from the branches.  This was clearly one of the main culprits for my allergies.  I rested my head down on a pillow and looked at the tree.  I soon drifted off to sleep and napped for four hours straight.  This was so unusual for me.  I had a dream during this time.

Sub-dream 1 “Taking the Stage at a Drive-in Theater” begins…

I arrived early at what was once a drive-in theater.  The ground was brown dirt and there was a platform stage with a massive screen behind it.  Where there were once speaker poles for the cars, there were now gaping 5-to-6-inch holes.  There were bird feeder poles next to each of these holes.  There were at least 75 to a 100 of these bird feeder poles.  Each bird feeder pole held two bird feeders.  Each feeder had eight holes.  This means each pole could accommodate sixteen birds.

I then heard voices coming from distant loud speakers.  I tried to see where the voices were coming from, but my eyesight was unclear.  No matter how hard I tried to focus my eyes, I could not see clearly.  My vision was so unusually cloudy that I knew my vision was being supernaturally clouded.  I decided to find my way up to the stage.  Once I arrived, I sat to wait.  I was clearly early.  I prayed to God to bring my eyes into focus.  Just as I began to have clarity on all that I was trying to see, I woke up.

Sub-dream 1 over…

When I woke up from this dream, my neck was in a horrible position.  I was sore for the rest of the day because of this.  Our entire household has been under attack for the last seven days.  However, I am only just seeing this now, but in hindsight.  I didn’t realize the magnitude of these attacks until summarizing them earlier today.  Nonetheless, I still had another prophetic dream.  It was very interesting.

Sub-dream 2 “Redeemed of the dead” begins…

I was in an area that consisted of mountains, caves and meadows.  At one area, I was standing looking toward the opening of a very large cave.  The ground was all brown dirt.  I then heard the voice of the Lord.

Lord:  “Erin, say to this dirt, ‘Redeemed of the dead rise first.’”

Me:  “But, Lord, I see nothing.”

Lord:  “Erin, speak to the area of the caves with authority.  Speak with authority.”

Me:  I said the following words loudly, slowly and with clarity.  “Redeemed of the dead… rise up!”

I then saw the dirt roll up in an unusual way… impossible to describe.  As I was standing quite faraway, I could not see anything in detail.  I then saw cloth figures rising from the dirt.  Their cloths were covered in dirt.  The entire area then shook and the dirt fell of the cloths.  I was in amazement as I stood there.

Lord:  “Now command the dead to wake up.”

Me:  With a loud and commanding voice.  “Wake up, you who sleep.  It is time to wake up.”

While there were many who had risen, I was now directed to focus on just one of them.  I saw what looked like a skeleton wrapped up in a cloth like a mummy.  It then began to have skin and color.  It was like blood was now running through his skin.  I then saw the cloth wraps fall away.  The man now had on his burial clothes.  All of his clothes then became brand new and a brilliant white.  His skin was tanned and his eyes were blue.

He quickly got up, but then looked as if he had become dizzy.  He stumbled over to the cave wall and tried to support himself.  He then slowly collapsed and was now resting his head in his hands.  He was trying to orientate himself.  After a short while, he looked at me.

Man:  In a groggy voice.  “Who are you?”

Me:  “You speak so I can understand you.  What period of time are you from?”

Man:  “1710.  Yes, 1710.”

Me:  “Is this when you were born?”

Man:  “No.  This is when I died.  I was born in 1644.”

Me:  “Does this mean that you are 66 years old right now?”

Man:  Still dazed.  “What?  Oh, I don’t know.  Where am I?  Who are you?”

Me:  “I am a friend.  The year is 2021.”

Man:  “I came here to hide and die.  God spoke to me to go to sleep, so I fell asleep.”

Me:  “Did the Lord send angels to wrap you in cloth?”

Man:  “No.  My enemies found me here.  I was killed.”

Me:  “Hmm, you are awake now.”

Man:  Yawning.  “What comes next?”

Me:  “I do not know.  However, what I do know is that we will wait on the Lord.”

Man:  “There are more of us.  Look!”

I looked around.  There were many caves.  Many others were waking.  I was in shock.  I addressed the Lord again.

Me:  “Lord, what do we do with all of these people?”

Lord:  “Do not worry.  I have them.”

Sub-dream 2 over…

I then had another dream.  I didn’t like this one.

Sub-dream 3 “Check stops can’t stop the Lord” begins…

While this felt post-Rapture, I wasn’t 100% sure.  I was definitely Transformed though.  I saw food suppliers from major distributors being stopped at various check stops:

  • Check stop 1: Seized all beef products
  • Check stop 2: Seized all chicken products
  • Check stop 3: Allowed pork products, but increased the price by tagging on tariffs
  • Check stop 4: Not only seized half of the cheese, milk and eggs, but tripled the price by tagging on tariffs
  • Check stop 5: Using tariffs, butter went from $4 to $16, oil went from $4 to $20 and wine for cooking went from $4 to $30
  • Check stop 6: Using tariffs, a bag of flour went from $5 to $30, a loaf of bread went from $4 to $70 and a box of cereal went from $4 to $40

After the truck had gone through these six check stops, I followed it to the grocery store (a well-known national chain).  They were lines of people waiting for the truck to arrive.  As the truck approached, there were fights and so much unrest.  The doors of the grocery store were soon opened and the people rushed in.  After only a few short minutes, people were walking out in silence.  Most either had no groceries or very little groceries.  I walked up to a woman.  She had a single bag full of groceries.

Me:  “Were you able to find food?”

Woman:  “Yes, but no meat.  There is nothing good for us.  I basically purchased hotdogs and buns, some candy and some ‘suspect’ potatoes and it cost me over $65.  I don’t know how, but I will need to squeeze three or four meals out of this.  I have a husband and one child.  If it gets much worse, we will starve.”

I nodded with empathy for her situation.  I then prayed to the Lord for her.  I immediately felt Him answer and knew He had done something great for this woman.

Me:  “Well, look in your bag now.”

She was in absolute amazement as she looked in her bag.  Instead of hotdogs, candy and rotten potatoes, there were beef, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk and cereal.

Woman:  Her legs were buckling.  “Who are you?  You prayed for less than 30 seconds and now we have enough for a week or more.  This is a miracle.  Thank you!”

Me:  “Don’t thank me, thank Jesus!  I will now walk you to your car.  Act like nothing happened.”

She started her car.  I prayed for a full gas tank for her.  It was immediately full of gas.  She noticed this and shook her head in amazement.

Woman:  “Thank Jesus for me!”

Me:  “Thank Him yourself.”  She did.

While we smiled at each other as she drove off, I became really angry about the check stops once she was gone.  They were purposely taking the food and causing shortages.  An elderly man soon came out with nothing but an empty bag.  He looked distraught and for good reason.

Me:  “What?  No food?”

Elderly man:  “I can afford nothing.  I am old.  My life is not worth much.  Oh, to just have some bread and butter, a little piece of meat or an egg, some strawberries and cream…”

Me:  “The Lord will provide for you the desires of your heart.”

Just then, his empty grocery bag became full of all the food he had asked for.  There was enough to last him at least a week.

Elderly man:  “Hallelujah!  Who are you?”

Me:  “I am a friend sent by the Lord.”

After thanking the Lord, he turned and walked away.  He now had a skip in his step.  I then noticed that a bad man was watching.  He wanted to steal this elderly man’s groceries.  I was not happy.  I decided to address the bad man before he could do anything to rob the elderly man.

Me:  “Hey you, come here.”

The bad man came over.  I realized that he was actually quite young, in his early 20s.

Young man:  “What the f*** is your problem? Why don’t you mind your…”

Before he could finish his second curse, I prayed to have his lips sealed and they instantly were.  I then heard the Lord tell me what to say next.

Me:  “You are going to help this elderly gentleman arrive safely to his car.”

Without control of his own body, he helped the elderly man safely to his car.  The elderly man gave the young man some of his bread.  The young man was in shock.

Elderly man:  “This is from God.”

The young man was humbled and wolfed down the bread.  He was starving too.  He then went to his friend, who was also young.  I went up to the two young men.

Me:  “Do you want more bread?”  They both nodded.  “How about some meat?  Or even milk and honey?”  They both nodded again.  “Then look at your grocery bags.”

Both of them instantly had full bags of groceries.

Young man:  “But why?  We are not good men.”

Me:  “Well, can you be?”

Young man:  “Yes.  However, I have stolen from the poor to give to the wealthy so that my children receive food.”

I instantly became angry that the wealthy were doing this to him and his family.

Me:  “Okay, we are going to give them a bag of bad food.  They will not do this to you again.  Do not eat from the bag meant for them.  Even though it looks good, it is dangerous.  As for you both and your families, I will bring groceries for a few weeks to your families.”

Both young men became excited.  They instantly had two full bags of the most expensive of items.  However, this was full of the dangerous food now destined for the bullying rich people.  I followed them to a fancy home.  A mean man opened the door, grabbed the grocery bags and slammed the door in their faces.

Me:  “Don’t worry, they won’t be bothering you again.  Here is a gift for both of you and for both of your families.”

More grocery bags appeared.  Inside there were meats, cheeses, bread, flour, fruits and oil.  There were other items too.  They almost had more than they could carry.

Me:  “This is from the Lord to you.  He is the God of Miracles.”

They nodded in agreement.  They were thankful.

Sub-dream 3 over…

These dreams raised more questions than there were answers.  There was so much detail that I don’t believe I captured all of it.

Father, my body and spirit are not at peace.  My two sons are also now experiencing allergies.  This seems to be all the results of a mild winter and a warmer spring.  Everything is blooming.  Please heal our house.  Not being able to breathe or even see well with my swollen eyes is awful.  Forgive me for not remembering how thankful I am for the delivery from these symptoms 20 years ago.  I forgot what a blessing and miracle You granted us years ago.

My husband and I have recently experienced unexpected attacks from people we trusted (this did not involve any Nest members).  I am never sure why this happens to me.  People have great experiences with someone, but then they are awful when they do work for me.  All I am asking for is equal treatment.  We must have a hidden sign that says ‘kick us’ and ‘take advantage of us’.  It just never ceases to amaze us.  We are just shaking our heads over the events of these last few weeks.

Thankfully, we have now given all things to God as we can clearly do nothing on our own.  When I later had some free time, I went into a thrift store.  I picked up a framed poem that had no way of saying who wrote it.  I looked on the internet, but could find no identifier.  This poem, whether by someone famous or not, really touched me…

What shall it be?

Out of this life I shall never take, things of silver and gold I make.  All that I cherish and hoard away, after I leave on this Earth must stay.  Though I have toiled for a painting rare, I hang it on the wall and must leave it there.  Though I call it mine and boast its worth, I must give it up when I leave this Earth.  All that I gather and all that I keep, I must leave behind when I fall asleep.

I often wonder what I shall own, in that other life when I pass alone.  What shall they find and what shall they see, in the soul that answers the call for me?  Shall the great Judge learn when my task is through, that my Spirit has gathered some riches too.  Or shall at last it be mine to find, that all I’d worked for I’d left behind.

Shortly after writing this out, God gave me some great advice straight from His Word.  Matthew 6:19-21:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, or where thieves break in and steal.  But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-490/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-488/

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