Dream 568 – God’s Children will soon be Avenged

Received on Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Thank You for another day!  Thank You for Your love and affection.  Thank You for Your great care and protection over us.  We are so blessed to have You as our Father, our Savior, our Deliverer, our Creator and the Keeper of our hearts.

When I reflect on my journey before You were in my heart, my joy was incomplete.  While I searched for joy, I never found it.  In fact, most of my life has been in sorrow, pain and brokenness.  When I found joy, it was always brief.  Joy was quickly stricken down by tragedy after tragedy, crisis after crisis.  Even as a child, anything good would be gone just as quickly as it came.

Every time I experienced something fun, the enemy overshadowed my joy, bringing fear and worry in its place.  I conditioned myself to expect the unexpected, but not in a good way.  I learned to lower any hope that joy would be anything but fleeting.  While I remember bits and pieces of my carefree days, these were usually brief.  Overall, most of my carefree days were back when I was still in college.

There is nothing like a great day in the sun on a golf course.  It can be even more special when you are all alone.  When you are alone, you can do things you can’t do when you are playing competitively.  You can hit two shots from the same spot.  You can grant yourself a do-over on a missed putt.  There is also the smell of freshly mowed grass.  The sounds of birds fill the air with a glorious sound.

For four hours, you have no phones, no worries and no score.  You are simply out there playing in the beauty of the day.  I also loved riding my bike and I did so daily.  The bridge in Sandpoint ID was a stunning ride.  I would listen to headphones and I had no worries.  I was strong, lean and healthy.  I could breathe deeply.

However, when I look back to so many of those wonderful days, many of them still were accompanied by ‘oh oh’ days.  After a while, I started asking myself whether I had unfair expectations of ever having complete joy.  Even when I was a new Christian, I would talk the talk, but my heart wasn’t alive in Christ.  I was the walking dead.  I truly was an alien here.  I never quite fit in.

Forgive me, Father, as I have joy in my heart.  However, I do not have complete joy here in this life very often.  Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of reasons to have joy.  So many things truly delight me.  My children and my husband.  My music.  The little birds and animals.  Kind words and love from my Nest friends.  These are all wonderful events daily and, yes, they do give me joy.

However, it is not enough anymore.  This is because You, Father, have shown me the place You have prepared for us in Heaven.  This is where we will finally be free from this dying world.  We will be free to worship You there without masks and restrictions.  There is life there in abundance ALL of the time.  Knowing all of this, how could anyone’s joy be complete here on Earth?

I am joyful in my heart at the prospects of Heaven.  In Heaven, I already know that Your promises of my joy will finally be complete.  In the meantime, please strengthen me.  Help me to have joy.  Keep fear from us.  Protect us.  Even more, please Transform us.  I re-read Revelation 3:20 today and the part underlined below really stood out to me:

Revelation 3:20:  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me.”

Note:  This Scripture quote came from the English Standard Version (ESV).  The ESV is one of the 15 versions (60% of the total), including the King James Version (KJV), that use the wording ‘I will come in to him’.  The remaining 10 versions (40% of the total) only says ‘I will come in’, with the part saying ‘to him’ omitted.

Me:  “We are now as one, Lord, as You knocked at my door.  I heard You and welcomed You in.  I am complete in You, Lord.  As we are as one, my joy reflects Yours as You are reflected in the world.  You are God over all things.  You see the wicked and their deeds.  There is no justice.  There is no peace.  My heart is troubled.  Forgive me for being a troubled vessel.  Lord, I am so sorry.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “When did I say you must have joy and a perfect house before I enter and dine with you?  I did not say this.  It is written that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Do you know what this means?”

Me:  “Does it mean that we are strong when we have joy?”

Jesus:  “Well then, outwardly, you would be considered weak.  You are misunderstanding what is being said.  Do not rely on your own strength or understanding.  Instead, surrender all things to Me so that, through Me and My strength, your joy will be complete.  Do you understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I feel better.”

Jesus:  “When you read My Word and something stands out to you, then pray to Me for clarification on the matter.  This will help complete your knowledge.  Now, why do I say ‘I am nearest to the little children.  Let them come to Me.’?”

Me:  “Is it because they come to You in wonder?”

Jesus:  “Yes, in part.  It is also because they are not yet leading unto their own understanding.  When you were a child, you studied those around you to formulate your belief system.  You were still open to learning and new ideas.  The world was a mysterious wonder.

“I was a great mystery that their hearts saw as good.  I could teach them as their hearts are pliable.  However, as they grow old, so too does the walls around their hearts.  The world is not kind to the young.  They often believe those who garner their respect.  Often these are not for their good.  Now, what are the wicked leaders doing to the children?  They bend the children’s ears to teach them…

  • That evil is good and good is evil.
  • That God is restrictive.
  • That God is punishing.
  • That God allows them to do evil with no consequences.

“They do this all behind the scenes, away from the parents.  Because of the lack of God and sound instruction, these little ones are raised to be children of rebellion, children who lack wisdom.  What does My Word say about those who abuse My children?”

Me:  “Lord, my heart is heavy for the little children.  This is Matthew 18:6.”

Matthew 18:6:  “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin, for they are Mine.  My Words are true.  Now, who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”

Me:  “Those with child-like wonder and faith?”

Jesus:  “Very good.  So read and ask for wisdom.  There is something deeper in My Words that you have missed.  When you were a child, you were forced to be like an adult.  You missed out on so many childhood experiences.  Your wonder in things of God and that which was lovely was dismissed because your parents were far from Me.  However, now as you have grown older, you have become more like a child again.”

Me:  “You’re right, Lord!  This is true.  I am more like a child than I ever have been in my heart.”

Jesus:  “Very good.  Now, My Words state that anyone who causes any of My children to fall will answer to God for this.  Remember that I see the wicked and know their plots.  They will be held accountable.”

Me:  “But, Lord, I am now an adult.  I have free will.  How can I be as a child?”

Jesus:  “You have died to yourself.  You occupy most of your days to please Me.  You ask Me about various items.  We have a dialogue.  Even more so, we have a relationship.  You discover more everyday as I reveal things to you.  Since you surrender all to Me, I therefore share more of the Kingdom of Heaven with you.  Erin, My Words are true that I am close to the children, both little and big, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  However, is this an addition to Your Words?”

Jesus:  “No.  This is another layer.  Read Matthew 18 again.”

I read Matthew 18 with fresh eyes.  I read it several times.  For the first time, thanks to His direction, I realized that He clearly wasn’t talking just about children, but also about grown adults who have given their hearts to Him.

Me:  “So, we are Your sheep, even older ones, as well as lambs.”

Jesus:  “Well, yes, but this is another parable.  I know you are discouraged about the events around you.  However, look at all you see through the lens of the Kingdom of Heaven.  You see the wicked ramping up his army in various orders of evil.  You see all that was foretold by the prophets.

“You see injustice of every kind against the children of God.  This is the cause of your joy not feeling complete as your heart is stirred up in disbelief and unrest.  You hear many say ‘where is God in all of this?’  You then hear the wicked say ‘God is not here.  What God?’  Now, this is what is occurring…

  • The Temple Vessels are complete.
  • The Angel Armies are prepared and their decrees and directions have been given.
  • The land has been weighed, measured and found wanting.
  • There are watchmen on the walls declaring that God’s Kingdom is coming.
  • The saints who have been slain are crying out for justice in the Courts of God in Heaven both day and night.
  • Heaven is preparing for the Great Celebration.
  • I am one with the Bride.
  • Your Vessels are ready.

Me:  “Well then, Lord, what are You still waiting for?  Please hurry!  Open my eyes like Elisha.”

Jesus:  “Do you understand what you are asking?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Jesus:  “Erin, Heaven will soon be visible on Earth.  There will be a flood of the Kingdom of Heaven upon Earth so great that evil will have no place.  Evil will have no place while God’s Glory, My Presence, is there.”

Me:  “The Holy Spirit?”

Jesus:  “Even greater things of Heaven will be displayed on Earth.  Millions will turn their face to God and receive the Kingdom of Heaven.  There has never been a time such as this.  Now rejoice in Me.  Erin, rejoice!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-569/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-567/

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