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Contact: The Gate of the Guard


(Dated July 14, 2018)

“The Nest” is a closed-membership Forum wherein such membership is strictly limited to those approved by the Owners of this site both now and in the future. By you being accepted for membership on this Forum and by you accepting membership on this Forum, you implicitly and explicitly fully acknowledge and agree to strictly adhere to all of the Forum Rules as outlined without any exceptions and at all times.

If you have accepted membership based on a certain set of rules on a given date, you also agree to accept any future amendments to such rules as may be made from time to time and at the Owners’ sole discretion. While you may or not be notified of such future amendments to these rules, you implicitly and explicitly fully acknowledge and agree to adhere to such rules as amended from time to time by agreeing to accept membership.

Rule 1a: You must agree that Erin’s Dreams are from God or inform us otherwise: As a member of this Forum, you must agree that Erin’s Dreams are from the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus. You must also agree that Erin’s Dreams are specifically protected from the enemy by God Himself, as promised to Erin that they would be by Jesus. If at any time in the future you no longer believe that Erin’s Dreams are from God and/or are protected by God, you must agree to inform the Moderators of your change of heart immediately in order to be promptly removed from Forum membership.

Rule 1b: Even if you do not inform us as per Rule 1a, you may still be removed: Even in the absence of such notification as outlined in Rule 1a, should your posts be slanted negatively towards the validity of Erin’s dreams, you may be promptly removed from Forum membership with or without notice. In an increasingly hostile world, it is absolutely imperative that we maintain a completely safe website for Erin to visit. As such, this rule will be strictly enforced with zero tolerance.

Rule 2a: Only Member dreams, visions, prophecies or words allowed: Our mission is to provide a site free of things that will prevent Erin from being able to join in on discussions due to content. The Lord has instructed Erin to hear only from Him during this time of teaching and we are in full support of this. As such, you agree to uphold this instruction by not posting any dreams, visions, prophecies or words of ANY non-members of the Nest. Notwithstanding, the Owners and Moderators, by consensus, reserve the right to post dreams, visions, prophecies and/or words from non-members of the Nest at their sole discretion and as they see fit.

Rule 2b: Member dreams, visions, prophecies or words allowed only in the designated section: Any Member dreams, visions, prophecies or words must be restricted to the section reserved for this only. No quotes, links or likewise may be included, in whole or in part, in the other sections not reserved for this. Naturally, quotes from Scriptures from the Word of God, the Bible are always welcome. While we know the Body of Christ has many parts and there are others hearing from the Lord, we cannot ignore what God is requiring of Erin at this time. As such, you understand that this site was specifically created for Erin’s Dreams and agree to use other forums for discussions outside of what we have outlined as being allowed on this site as outlined in these Forum Rules.

Rule 2c: Member dreams, visions, prophecies or words must follow the Discernment Document of this website: As a Nest Forum Member posting any of your dreams, visions, prophecies or words to the Nest Forum section designated for “Member’s Dreams, Words and Visions”, you are required to read and understand the Discernment Document as posted on this website thoroughly and you must comply with the rules as outlined therein. If we find that any of your postings in this section are inconsistent with the rules as outlined in the Discernment Document, we will at first help you get back on the right track, but you must remember that the ongoing safety of our members is of paramount importance to the Moderators here and may result in dismissal from membership on the Nest Forum.

Rule 2d: Member dreams, visions, prophecies or words must be posted by the Member and NOT someone else: Any dreams, visions, prophecies or words must be posted by you and NOT someone else on your behalf. By requiring you to post this yourself, this ensures personal ownership of such dream, vision, prophecy or word. The only exception that will be allowed is if you are first pre-approved by both the Owners and the Moderators to designate a specific Member to perform this function on your behalf based on adequate reasoning for this being required.

Rule 3: Requests for financial help strictly forbidden unless authorized: This rule is here because we have an obligation for the safety of our members. Sadly, there are people on the internet who are not who they say they are and Christian forums such as this one are certainly not immune to this type of deception. As such, requests for financial help are strictly forbidden unless specifically pre-approved by the Owners and the Moderators of this website and wherein only the Owners or Moderators may post such request for financial help on your behalf. However, be aware that prior to allowing such posts to take place for requests for financial help, you agree that the Owners and/or Moderators have the right to fully investigate the nature of your request.

Such investigation will include a request to receive personal financial documents as necessary in order to establish that you are who you say you are, such need exists and is not a scam. If you make such a request personally, either explicitly or implicitly, in either your post(s) or in any of your Personal Message(s), instead of exclusively by the Owners or the Moderators on your behalf after a satisfactory investigation has been conducted, this will result in the immediate removal of your membership as a Nest Forum Member. This process is absolutely imperative for us to protect our Members on this Forum as there have been many incidents of scammers posing as Christians on sites like this whose sole purpose is to extract money from unknowing Christians that they know are usually susceptible due to their desire to help based on their love for Jesus. As such, and due to the nature of the internet, these scammers will sometimes even pose as 'fellow believers' for months so that you would not be suspicious of them, so please do not be insulted when we follow a very thorough investigation prior to endorsing any such financial request on the Nest.

Rule 4: Any Messages sent between Members will only be ‘Semi-Personal’ Messages (Semi-PMs or SPMs): By agreeing to join this Forum, you agree and acknowledge that for any and all messages sent between members of this Forum that:

  • The Moderators have the ability and the right to view your messages;
  • Your messages must still obey all of the Forum Rules as outlined in this document in the same manner as if you had instead posted such message on the general Forum;
  • You will inform the Moderators if you see a Forum Rule being violated in any message you receive; and
  • You understand that, even though you delete messages, these deleted messages still remain visible to the Moderators.

This means you must make sure your messages, even those deleted after being sent, comply with these Forum Rules prior to sending your message(s) at all times. While we do not intend to abuse this privilege, this rule is here due to our past experiences in other websites that showed that fully private messages can easily be used in an abusive fashion against others and even against the very website hosting them. We wish to prevent this from happening here at the Nest for everyone’s protection.

Rule 5: No bullying: As one of the main reasons you agree to Rule 4 (Semi-Personal Messages), you also agree to help us prevent the forming of harmful cliques or bullying groups. If the Moderators suspect you are forming such a clique or group, you will first receive a warning to cease this activity. However, should you continue operating in such a fashion, the Moderators will remove you from this Forum with or without subsequent warning. In addition, should you be asked to join a clique or something similar, you also agree to immediately inform one of the Moderators immediately. This is of utmost importance to both the Owners and Moderators of this Forum and must be followed without exception. We want to keep this Forum fun and open.

Rule 6: You may date speculate, but don't "date set": Your speculations about possible dates for the Rapture are fun and permitted and, as such, we will have a special “Date Speculation” Section dedicated to this. However, you agree to not set a Rapture Date as a “Lord Sayeth” date. As a recommendation to each of you, we advise that you try not to focus on dates so much that you miss out on what God is doing in the here and now.

Rule 7: Keep it clean: Philippians 4:8 says it best: “Finally, my brothers (and sisters), whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are right, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think on these things.”

Rule 8: The Bible is God's Infallible Word: You agree to defend the faith and God's infallible Word, not the ways of the world. We believe in only one true Gospel of saving grace through faith in one Jesus Christ alone in His shed blood for our atonement. We believe that the Old Testament looked forward towards God's future provision of the sacrifice of Jesus and that the New Testament looked backwards at God's actual provision of the sacrifice of Jesus.

Rule 9: Be kind to each other: You agree to treat others with dignity and respect as you would want to be treated. We will not tolerate any name calling, teasing, wisecracks, talking down to or belittling of other members, the Moderators and/or the Owners. No sowing discord in a joking or argumentative behavior in the spirit of dissension or the guise of 'just kidding' is allowed. No off-hand comments of how you have been treated by others unfairly are permitted other than those sent in a Message solely to the Member you have an issue with, but still must be done in a respectful manner. You agree to rationally discuss the arguments and to not attack other members, the Moderators and/or the Owners. Luke 6:31!

Rule 10: Be Kind to this Forum: You agree to not, either in private (other than privately to the Forum’s Moderators) or in public, complain about this Forum, the Owners, the Moderators and/or any of the other members. If you are offended, you agree to inform one of the Moderators in private for assistance instead. You agree that, if you don’t like this Forum or the Forum Rules, you will promptly ask the Moderators to be removed from this Forum.

Rule 11: This Forum is for this Forum only: You will not post or link other message boards, forums or blogs to outside sites that are not pre-approved by the Moderators by consensus. Also, please do not post messages from this Forum on other message boards, forums or blogs unless pre-approved by the Moderators by consensus. The primary goal of this rule is to make sure this Forum remains relevant to discussions on Erin’s Dreams and not detrimental.

Rule 12: Pre-Tribulation Rapture: By being part of this Forum, you agree that you believe in the traditional Pre-Tribulation Rapture. However, we note that the order and events leading up to it as outlined in Erin’s Dreams may not be as many have been taught to expect. For example, there is some indication that we could see Israel experience massive attacks prior to the Rapture, perhaps soon, with perhaps even some coastline cities of the U.S.A. being decimated just prior to the Rapture. Regardless, you are not to promote fear as you agree that God is with us in all of this and that He is NOT the Author of fear and will protect His Bride.

Rule 13: No hijacking: You agree to not hijack or derail threads with your personal agenda. We sometimes must simply agree to disagree to avoid division. It goes too far when you make it a personal issue by derailing a thread. This is a place of fellowship and forgiveness, not one of private agendas, divisions, alliances or cliques. You agree to use your best judgment on this and, if you have any questions, you agree to send a personal message to one of the Moderators to ask for assistance.

Rule 14: Moderators have the final say: You agree to not post threads about your personal infractions, deleted threads or "why was my thread moved?" threads. You agree that all issues pertaining to the Forum Rules and clarifications will be discussed and handled between you and the Moderators in private. Quite simply, order is important on this Forum and this is why we mandate that the Moderators have the final say. Leadership and hierarchy in organizations, such as this Forum, are supported by God in Scripture. As such, you understand and agree that you don’t have to like all of these Forum Rules, but you are expected to respect and obey the rules and the Moderators that enforce them so that we can maintain order in the Nest.

Rule 15: Don’t hog space with your posts: You agree to keep your avatar, user title, and signature rule as small as possible. In general, your signature should be no more than 6 lines, but hopefully smaller. In general, you agree to use “regular sized font”, unless absolutely necessary and for a specific reason, in your posts and avatar. Also, please avoid the use of flashy movements in posted graphics, especially in your tag lines and avatars. Many find it very difficult to read posts when something is moving on one part of the page. Also, because this is too hard to monitor, please do not include any links in your signature.

Rule 16: The right to moderate: You understand that the Moderators have the right to edit or remove posts that violate the rules of the Nest or are not beneficial to the fellowship and witness of this Forum. You agree to privately contact the Moderators should you question any of the Forum Rules or decisions made rather than create threads or posts of protest of any kind.

Rule 17: Rules subject to future amendment: You acknowledge that these rules are subject to change at any time should the Owners and/or Moderators realize issues affecting our goals and mission purpose are being compromised. You acknowledge that we reserve the right to run this Forum as we believe is best for the purposes of furthering the Lord’s cause.

Rule 18: Agreement to part company peacefully: In the future, should you decide that you can no longer abide by these Forum Rules or by the Moderators’ / Owners’ sole discretion to part company, you agree to simply part ways in a non-confrontational and friendly manner. By agreeing to these Forum Rules and joining this Forum as a result, you also agree with us, and with the Lord as your Witness, that you will leave this Forum without disruption and will not attempt to sow discontent on or about this Forum while leaving or after your departure.

Rule 19: Please pray for the Nest: We have asked God and His Son Jesus to divinely and fully cover the Nest and protect this Forum. In all things, we seek His guidance in governing this Forum. Your prayers are appreciated as we try to maintain a safe, peaceful and fun place for us to fellowship, learn and grow together until our Lord’s return for us in the Rapture. Please pray for the leadership of this Forum, as well as for all those who reside in the Nest with us.

Copyright© 2012-2023 SparrowCloud9; Erin Aleshire (All rights reserved, copies only allowed as per written permission)