The House of God
Mysteries unveiled in The House of God
The House of God – Mysteries…
Dreams from the Lord from October, 2013 to February, 2014
Many mysteries are revealed in this book titled, ‘The House of God’. The following is just a short list of the mysteries discussed in ‘The House of God’, but there are so many more not listed here!
- Was Jesus really born on Christmas day?
- What does Jesus think of us celebrating Christmas?
- How does Jesus feel about the Santa as portrayed in ‘Twas the night before Christmas’?
- What does Jesus say on how our society’s portrayal of Santa affects our children?
- Why doesn’t God simply perform such a huge miracle that everyone believes?
- What earthly portrayal of Jesus’ appearance and personality has come the closest to matching His Heavenly appearance and personality?
- What is more valuable; a beautiful fish swimming in a pool in Heaven or the jeweled replica of this fish given to Erin by the King?
- What are the four different types of people that will receive this jeweled replica of this fish? How does each reaction fit in with entering into Heaven?
- Why does Jesus prefer us to talk to Him as if we were children, not adults?
- When Jesus was a teenager, did He have any teenaged friends?
- Why did Jesus go to the Temple before He reached the age of accountability?
- Is wisdom God-breathed and is knowledge ‘man-breathed’?
- What is the divine temperature of the River of Life in Heaven and how does it instantly change depending on the circumstance?
- What age will adults be in Heaven?
- What will our faces, hands and bodies be like in Heaven?
- What came first; the chicken or the egg?
- Were the dry bones from Ezekiel meant to be about Israel forming from the bones of those dying in the Holocaust?
- Why was Eve created from Adam’s rib instead of some other body part?
- What does the courtyard of Jesus’ House look like?
- What does the interior of Jesus’ Mansion look like?
- Why does Jesus have lamps on His table when He doesn’t need a light source?
- Why does Jesus not know the day and hour we will be rescued before the Tribulation, but God does, even though They are One and the Same?
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